56 resultados para YEAST BIOCHEMICAL CARD


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Biotechnology is currently considered as a useful altemative to conventional process technology in industrial and catalytic fields. The increasing awareness of the need to create green and sustainable production processes in all fields of chemistry has stimulated materials scientists to search for innovative catalysts supports. lmmobilization of enzymes in inorganic matrices is very useful in practical applications due to the preserved stability and catalytic activity of the immobilized enzymes under extreme conditions. Nanostructured inorganic, organic or hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites present paramount advantages to facilitate integration and miniaturization of the devices (nanotechnologies), thus affording a direct connection between the inorganic, organic and biological worlds. These properties, combined with good chemical stability, make them competent candidates for designed biocatalysts, protein-separation devices, drug delivery systems, and biosensors Aluininosilicate clays and layered double hydroxides, displaying, respectively, cation and anion exchange properties, were found to be attractive materials for immobilization because of their hydrophilic, swelling and porosity properties, as well as their mechanical and thermal stability.The aim of this study is the replacement of inorganic catalysts by immobilized lipases to obtain purer and healthier products.Mesocellular silica foams were synthesized by oil-in-water microemulsion templating route and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. " The experimental results from IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis demonstrated the presence of immobilized lipase and also functionalisation with silane and glutaraldehyde on the supports.The present work is a comprehensive study on enzymatic synthesis of butyl isobutyrate through esterification reaction using lipase immobilized onto mesocellular siliceous foams and montmorillonite K-10 via adsorption and covalent binding. Moreover, the irnrnobil-ization does not modify the nature of the kinetic mechanism proposed which is of the Bi-Bi Ping—Pong type with inhibition by n-butanol. The immobilized biocatalyst can be commercially exploited for the synthesis of other short chain flavor esters. Mesocellular silica foams (MCF) were synthesized by microemusion templating method via two different routes (hydrothermal and room temperature). and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. Candida rugosa lipase was adsorbed onto MCF silica and clay using heptane as the coupling medium for reactions in non-aqueous media. I From XRD results, a slight broadening and lowering of d spacing values after immobilization and modification was observed in the case of MCF 160 and MCF35 but there was no change in the d-spacing in the case of K-10 which showed that the enzymes are adsorbed only on the external surface. This was further confirmed from the nitrogen adsorption measurements


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The present study dealt with the haematological, biochemical and istopathological impacts of different sub lethal concentrations of ethanol on a euryhaline teleost Oreochromis In05.s‘ambicu.5' (Peters).Studies carried out using GC indicated an increase in blood ethanol oncentration of the fish which mainly arose due to fishes entering into a state of hypoxia which explains ethanol production as an ubiquitous “anaerobic” end product, which gets accumulated whenever metabolic demand exceeds the mitochondrial oxidative potential. The very low amount of ethanol detected in the control group ofO mossambicns was mainly due to the activity of microorganisms in the gut ofO. Nzossambicus.Oedcma observed in the present study, is a defense mechanism that reduces the branchial superficial area of the fish which comes in contact with the external milieu. These mechanisms also increase the diffusion barrier to the pollutant. Dilation of the blood vessels is due to increased permeability helping in the free passage of ethanol into the blood stream. Telangiectasis observed explains the state of asphyxia of the fish when subjected to ethanol toxicity indicating acute respiratory distress. Gill aneurysm observed indicates impaired respiratory function. This is related to the rupture of the pillar cells which results in an increased blood flow inside the lamellae, causing dilation of the blood vessel or even aneurysm of gill.The present findings warrant future studies to explore A'T'Pases as possible biomarkers of pollutant exposure in ecotoxicology. This study indicated that O. mossambicus when exposed for 7 and 21 days to ethanol was under tremendous stress and parameters employed in this study can be adapted for future investigations as biomarkers of damage caused by ethanol to aquatic organisms. The present study revealed that O. mossambicus is sensitive to sub lethal concentrations of ethanol.


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The thesis deals with the results of an investigation on the "BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS OF MUGIL CEPHALUS" from Cochin, Madras and Orissa. It is presented under the following major headings: Introduction, Review of Literature, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Recommendations, Summary and References.The introduction gives a brief account of historical and modern back ground on the stock concept in fisheries research and management, followed by the importance and potential role of biochemical genetics in the identification of natural units of fisheries management. In the review of literature published reports relevant to biochemical genetics with special reference to that of general proteins and enzyme systems of fish populations were considered. A detailed account of the source of experimental specimens, mode of collection, transportation, sample extraction, gel preparation/gel electrophoresis, buffer systems, staining procedures of proteins/enzymes, standardization of experiments, interpretation of electrophoretic data using basic formulae etc. are given in the materials and methods section. Four important conclusions were drawn on the basis of the results of the present investigation. Three recommendations were also made on the basis of evaluation of the results.


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The present work is focussed mainly on the utilization of this weed-biomass on a biochemical and biotechnological basis. Before designing scientific and systematic utilization of any given biomass, the detailed analysis of its chemical componets is essential. Hence, as the preliminary part of the experimental works, samples of Salvinia were analysed for its chemical constituents.Before designing scientific and systematic utilization of any given biomass, the detailed analysis of its chemical componets is essential .The composition of the substrate contributes much to the nutritive value of mushrooms. Hence, alterations in the nutritive value of mushrooms (in terms of total carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and minerals) in response to Salvinia as substrate were analyzed.Substrate after mushroom harvest (spent substrate) can be utilized for various purposes such as cattle feed, as a source of degradative enzymes, as a substrate for other mushrooms and as garden manure. But studies are limited with regard to the utilization of Pleurotus spent substrate as garden manure. So the value of spent substrate as an organic supplement and its multidimensional impacts on soil chemical status, soil microbial population dynamics and plant growth (Amhurium andreanum) were carried out.Major findings of this work have got much relevance in designing measures to utilize different types of plant biomass, especially aquatic weeds, with the aid of a powerful biological tool, the lignocellulolytic fungus, Pleurorus


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Man's concern with environmental deterioration is one of the major reasons for the increased interest in marine and estuarine microbes. Microbes form an important link in the biogeochemical cycling and their cyclinq activites often determine to a large measure the potential productivity of an ecosystem In the recycling of the nutrients in the estuary, bacteria and fungi therefore play a particularly significant role.The allochthonous plant materials contain biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, humus etc., that are difficult to degrade into simpler substances. The fungi have the ability to degrade _substances, thereby making them available for cycling within the system. The present study is devoted to find the composition and the activity of myco populations of Cochin backwater. For convenience the thesis is divided into eight chapters. The opening chapter briefly reviews the literature and projects the importance of work and the main objectives. Second chapter discusses the materials and methods. In the third chapter the systematic and taxonomy of estuarine yeasts are examined in detail since this information is scarcely available for our waters. The general ecological aspects of the yeasts and filamentous fungi in the area of study are examined in the fourth chapter using appropriate statistical techniques. A special reference to the fungi in a small mangrove ecosystem is attempted in the fifth chapter. The biochemical studies are discussed in the sixth chapter and the penultimate chapter provides an overall discussion. In the last chapter the summary of the work is presented.


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In the present thesis , observations on the ecology of seaweed flora of Kerala, their distribution and zonation pattern, monthly/seasonal density of seaweeds at each station, frequency of occurrence, standing crop, monthly/seasonal/place-wise data on physico—chemical characters of ambient waters at the stations and their influence on seaweed density have been made. This data will help us in the farming of economically important seaweeds, by providing information on the ideal conditions of seaweed biomass production. Biochemical observations on protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents of different species of nutritive value. Seaweeds with high content of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids can be recommended for food and feed formulations after subjecting them to toxicological studies. The study on monthly/seasonal/placewise variation in biochemical composition of seaweeds will provide necessary information on the appropriate time and place of harvesting the algal species for exploiting its constituents .


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The present study has helped in finding out an efficient growth promoting substance for the fry of Liza garsia. 1Zfimethyltestosterone at the dosages of 2 mg/kg diet is the most effective anabolic agent for Liza parsia. The study also shows that by incorporating 8 mg MT/kg of diet the protein level in the diet could be reduced from 35 to 30%. thereby a significant saving in the cost of feed could be obtained. Further, the anabolic effect of MT helps to reduce the rearing period during the production of fingerlings from the fry stage.


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The present work is a base—|ine attempt to investigate and assess the toxicity of water-accommodated fractions (WAF) of Bombay High crude oil. The experimental animal selected for the present study is a euryhaline teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), adapted to fresh water. The fish has been selected on account of its economic valve, abundant availability, experimental feasibility, ease of rearing and maintenance and also because it is one of the commonly cultured species in the South-East Asian countries.


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The group cyanobacteria includes a large number of organisms characterised by a low state of cellular organization. Their cells lack a well defined nucleus. Cell division is by division of the protoplast by an ingrowth of the septum. These organisms are characterised generally by a blue green colouration of the cell, the chief pigments being chlorophyll-a, carotenes, xanthophylls, C phycocyanin and C phycoerythrin. The product of photosynthesis is glycogen. These organisms lack flagellate reproductive bodies and there is a total lack of sexual reproduction. They are also unique because of the presence of murein in the place of cellulose (cell wall) and the absence of chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Just like bacteria some of them possess Plasmids and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the present study growth kinetics, heavy metal tolerance, tolerance mechanisms, heavy metal intake, and antibacterial activity of §ynechocystics salina Wislouch - a nanoplanktonic, euryhaline, Cyanobacterium present in Cochin back waters has been carried out for the potential biotechnological application of this organism. _§; salina occur as small spherical cells of 3n diameter (sometimes in pairs) with bluish green colour. The species is characterised by jerky movement of the cells and is structrually similar to other cyanobacteria


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Biochemical genetics of selected commercially important penaeid prawns‘ dloted was carried out by collecting samples from different important fishing ceatres of India and the practical work was carried out in the Research Centre of CMFRI laboratories attached with those places. On the whole, in crustacea little importance has been given so far in finding out tin genetic characteristics of different species, genetic variation within and between species and ontogenetic variations in lobsters, prawns and other crustaceans. Prawn is caunercially important group where very little attention had been given so far to find out the racial divergence which may exist in cufferent species. with the increased foreign exchange earning and consequent indiscriminate over exploitation of existing resources of prawns resulting in depletion of the marine rescurces, alternative ways and augmenting production has become essential. In this connection genetic manipulation of the broodstock will surely bring about the heterogenous characters to multiply production. In order to understand racial fragmentation of sane of the coumercially important prawns such as Pengeus ggdicus and Parggenagsis sgliferg the isozyme studies were carried out. Qatogenetic variation of g. indicus showed stage specific electrophoretic variation. Inter species variation studies was carried out for the closely aligned Penaeus species


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Several studies on the biology and fisheries of mullets, particularly of M cephalus are now available. Different aspects of breeding, larval rearing, seed production, field culture and ecophysiology have also been investigated. However, information on the spermatogenesis in M cephalus as well as L parsia is scanty. Since an understanding of the reproductive strategies is an essential pre-requisite for evolving successful breeding programmes through artificial fertilization and gametic preservation, investigations on spermatogenesis in these species were taken up and the results are presented in this thesis. The thesis is presented in 9 chapters


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Cochin, commercial capital of Kerala, located on the west-coast of South India has a large number of chemical and sea food industries. Earlier studies in the past indicated that these industries contribute to heavy metal pollution, particularly mercury, copper, and cadmium, in Cochin backwater. Hence, in the present study, it was desired to isolate cadmium resistant bacteria from effluent discharged by chemical industry with a view to develop an ideal bioremediation process for safe discharge of industrial effluent in to the nearby aquatic environment. Effluent from three industries, located in the industrial belt of Cochin, were collected from the discharge point and cadmium resistant bacteria were screened using standard microbiological techniques


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The main objective of the present work is to acquire information regarding the growth responses of P. monodon larvae (from PZ1 upto PL1) to various mono specific and mixed diets. Evaluate the nutritional quality of selected species of micro algae viz. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Dunaliella salina, Isochrysis galbana and Nannochloropsis salina, larvae at three cell concentrations 10x104 cells/ml, 25x104 cells/ml and 50x104 cells/ml. The P. monodon larvae were transported, at the Nauplius stage, to the laboratory. The larvae were stocked at density of 150 larvae per litre in 5 litre FRP tanks with 3 litres of sea water. The algal cell density given to the larvae varied. The larval stages were fed with increasing densities of algae to evaluate the relationship between the food densities, ingestion rates, development and growth of the larvae. The water quality parameters, the percentage of survival rate, the growth estimation and the algal cell count were done. Each experiment was carried out in triplicate with a control group of larvae fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans. For the estimation standard procedures were used.to P. monodon


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The present work is focused on the organelle and biochemical responses to heavy metal exposure in the fish Oreochromis mossambicus giving particular importance to the metal detoxifying machinery of the organism. The thesis is an outcome of the effort aimed at developing practicable monitoring techniques to deliver guidelines for biological effect monitoring and the need for specific biochemical methods to detect biological effects of heavy metals that can be interpreted in terms of the health status of the individual organism and eventually alterations in vital processes as growth and reproduction. The efficiency of the metal detoxifying metallothioneins which is an attractive tool for biological monitoring, their role as scavengers of trace metal ions and thus in relieving the biological machinery from their toxicity effects are important themes of this study. Efforts have also been made to test the reliability of the spill over hypothesis of the action of metallothioneins (Winge et a1.,1973) and their use as a biological barometer of heavy metal stress.


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With the stabilization of world finfish catches in general, and the depletion of a number of fish stocks that used to support industrial-scale fisheries, increasing attention is now being paid, to the so-called unconventional marine resources, which include many species of cephalopods. One of such important cephalopod resource is the tropical Indo-Pacific pelagic oceanic squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. It is the most abundant large sized squid in the Indo- Pacific region with an estimated biomass of 8-11 metric tons. However, its distribution, biology, life cycle and nutrient value in the south west coast of India are still poorly known. So any new information of this species in the waters off the south west coast of India has important scientific significance for effective and rational utilization of this Oceanic fishery resources, especially during the time of depletion of shallow water resources. In view of that this study investigated different aspects of the Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, such as morphometry, growth, mortality, maturation, spawning, food, feeding and biochemical composition in the south west coast of India to understand its possible prospective importance for commercial fishing and management of its fishery