45 resultados para Thermolabile Phenol Sulfotransferase
This research project aims at developing new applications for CNSL in the polymer field. Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a cheap agro-byproduct and renewable resource which consists mainly of substituted phenols. By using CNSL in place of phenol, phenol derived from petrochemicals can be conserved and a cheap agro-byproduct utilized.In this study CNSL based resin is prepared by condensing a mixture of phenol and CNSL with hexamethylenetetramine and the effect of P: F ratio and CNSL: P ratio on the properties of synthesized resin is studied. The adhesive properties of CNSL based resin in combination with neoprene rubber are investigated. The effect of varying the stoichiometric ratios between total phenol and formaldehyde and CNSL and phenol of the resin, resin content, choice and extent of fillers and adhesion promoters in the adhesive formulation are studied. The effect of resin on the ageing properties of various elastomers is also studied by following changes in tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus, tear strength, swelling index and acetone soluble matter. Crude CNSL and resins with different P: F ratios and CNSL: P ratios are incorporated into elastomers. Lastly, utility of CNSL based resin as binder for making particleboard is investigated.The results show that CNSL based resin is an effective ingredient in adhesives for bonding aluminium to aluminium. The resin used for adhesive fonnulation gives the best performance at 45 to 55 phr resin and a total phenol: formaldehyde of l:2.9. The resin when added at a rate of l5 phr improves ageing characteristics of elastomers with respect to mechanical properties. The reaction mixture of CNSL and hexa and the resin resulting from the condensation of CN SL, phenol and hexa can be used as effective binders for moulding particleboard.
The work presented in this thesis is mainly centered on the synthesis and characterization of some encapsulated transition metal complexes and the catalytic activity of the synthesized complexes in certain organic reactions.thesis deals with the catalytic activity of ruthenium-exchanged zeolite and the zeolite encapsulated complexes of SSC, SOD, SPD, AA, ABA, DMG, PCO, PCP, CPO and CPP in the hydroxylation of phenol using hydrogen peroxide. The products were analyzed with a GC to determine the percentage conversion and the chromatograms indicate the presence of different products like hydroquinone, catechol,benzoquinone, benzophenone etc. The major product formed is hydroquinone. From the screening studies, RuYSSC was found to be the most effective catalyst for phenol hydroxylation with 94.4% conversion and 76% hydroquinone selectivity. The influence of different factors like reaction time, temperature, amount of catalyst, effect of various solvents and oxidant to substrate ratio in the catalytic activity were studied in order to find out the optimum conditions for the hydroxylation reaction. The influence of time on the percentage conversion of phenol was studied by conducting the reactions for different durations varying from one hour to four hours. There is an induction period for all the complexes and the length of the induction period depends on the nature of the active components. Though the conversion of phenol and selectivity for hydroquinone. increases with time, the amount of benzoquinone formed decreases with time. This is probably due to the decomposition of benzoquinone formed during the initial stages of the reaction into other degradation products like benzophenones. The effect of temperature was studied by carrying out the reaction at three different temperatures, 30°C, 50°C and 70°C. Reactions carried at temperatures higher than 70°C result either in the decomposition of the products or in the formation of tarry products. Activity increased with increase in the amount of the catalyst up to a certain level. However further increase in the weight of the catalyst did not have any noticeable effect on the percentage conversion. The catalytic studies indicate that the oxidation reaction increases with increase in the volume of hydrogen peroxide till a certain volume. But further increase in the volume of H202 is detrimental as some dark mass is obtained after four hours of reaction. The catalytic activity is largely dependent on the nature of the solvent and maximum percentage conversion occurred when the solvent used is water. The intactness of the complexes within the zeolite cages enhances their possibility of recycling and the activities of the recycled catalysts show only a slight decrease when compared to the fresh samples .
The thesis mainly discussed the isolation and identification of a probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum, fermentative production of exopolysaccharide by the strain, its purification, structural characterisation and possible applications in food industry and therapeutics. The studies on the probiotic characterization explored the tolerance of the isolated LAB cultures to acid, bile, phenol, salt and mucin binding. These are some of the key factors that could satisfy the criteria for probiotic strains . The important factors required for a high EPS production in submerged fermentation was investigated with a collection of statistical and mathematical approach. Chapter 5 of the thesis explains the structural elucidation of EPS employing spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. The studies helped in the exploration of the hetero-polysaccharide sequence from L. plantarum MTCC 9510. The thesis also explored the bioactivities of EPS from L. plantarum. As majority of chemical compounds identified as anti-cancerous are toxic to normal cells, the discovery and identification of new safe drugs has become an important goal of research in the biomedical sciences. The thesis has explored the anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties of EPS purified from Lactobacillus plantarum. The presence of (1, 3) linkages and its molecular weight presented the EPS with anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties under in vitro conditions.
Scientists throughout the world are in search of a better methodology to reduce the use of environmentally hazardous chemicals common in industries .A significant contribution in this field is given by different redox catalysts in oxidation reactions. The oxidation of organic substrates represents one of the most important industrial chemical reactions, explaining the significant efforts invested in the research and development of new heterogeneous catalysts with increased activities and selectivities in these type reactions[l-4|. Hence liquid phase reactions like epoxidation of cylcohexene and hydroxylation of phenol were carried out with a new outlook in the challenge using CeO2/TiO;; and CuO/TiO2 catalysts denoted as TiO2-Ce as TiO2-Cu respectively in this work. Also different wt% of metals incorporated titania catalysts like 3, 6, 9 wt% CeO2/TiO; and CuO/TiO;were subjected to the present study .The interaction between metal oxides and the oxide supports have attracted much attention because of the wide applications of supported metal oxide systems[7,8]. It is well known that supported oxides of transition metals are widely used as catalysts for various reactions. Titania as well its metal modified catalysts systems afford high activity and selectivity in the liquid phase epoxidation of cyclohexene[9]. Cyclohexene epoxide is obtained as the major product during the reaction with small amounts of allylic substitution products.This chapter gives an idea about the liquid phase oxidation reactions like epoxidation of cylcohexene and hydroxylation of phenol in which many industrially important products are formed. Here discusses about the redox properties of the ceria and copper incorporated titania catalysts.The epoxidation of cyclohcxene is carried out efficiently over the prepared systems with the selective formation of cyclohexane epoxide. This reaction hints that it might be possible to create cleaner nylon chemistry. The total acidity of the prepared systems plays an important role in determining the catalytic activity in the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane and cyclohexene. The total acidity of the prepared systems plays an important role in determining the catalytic activity in the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane and cyclohexene.
The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of specifically adapted bacteria to degrade phenol and to quantify the rate of biodegradation at. Different concentrations by mixed as well as individual isolates. Regular quantitative analysis of phenolics and aerobic phenololytic heterotrophs from five different ecosystems were done during 1990-1991, and the ability of microorganisms isolated from those areas, to utilize phenol, o-cresol and orcinol was also studied. In addition, data on environmental parameters like temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, organic carbon and nutrients were also collected during the period of study The present study is one of its first kind in natural aquatic environment and has aimed to bring out some idea about the potential phenol biodegrades in such environments where the phenol concentration is beyond permitted level.
The present research is based on two broader aspects of pollution assessment ,and treatability of petroleum and petrochemical effluents by algae. The objectives of the investigation are to study the algal ecology and trophic status of an oil refinery effluent holding pond , isolate and identify pure cultures of algae, study the role of algae in petroleum and petrochemical effluent treatment, develop strains of algae tolerant to toxic effluents, study the biotreatment potential of the tolerant algal strains developed The thesis comprises of six chapters. The first chapter gives the significance and objectives of the present study. The second chapter describes the methodology, and results of studies on the algal ecology, and trophic status of the effluent holding pond of Cochin Refineries Ltd., Ambalamugal, Kochi. The third chapter deals with the isolation, and development of pure cultures of algae, the algal bioassay of the refinery effluent, and the analyses of Chitrapuzha river water. The analysis, and assessment of the algal growth potential of the petrochemical effluent of Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal, Kochi. are summarised in the fourth chapter The fifth chapter deals with the algal growth potential in phenol and phenolic effluent, and subsequent absorption of phenol and total dissolved solids. The summary and conclusion of the present study are given in the sixth chapter.
A comparative study of acid-base properties and catalytic activity of Sn-La and Sn-Sm mixed oxides and their corresponding sulfate modified analogues are reported in this thesis. The catalytic activity and product selectivity in the decomposition of alcohols are correlated with the acid-base and redox properties of the catalyst systems under study The effect of catalyst preparation, pretreatment and various reaction parameters on the catalytic activity of sulfate modified oxides is investigated in the oxidative dehydrogenation reactions The experimental conditions are optimised to synthesise industrially important organic chemicals viz. 2,6 xylenol, o-cresol, N-methylanilne and N,N-dimethylaniline employing the mixed oxide systems. The effect of sulfate treatment on the catalytic activity of these systems in the alkylation reactions of phenol, anisole and aniline is also investigated and the merits and demerits of sulfate treatment are highlighted.
Commercially, Pleurotus spp. of mushroom are cultivated in bags. After mushroom cultivation, spent substrate remains as residual material. Proper recycling of spent substrate is beneficial for our economy. Spent substrate can be utilized for various other value added purposes through the proper knowledge of its components. Composition of various components depends on the activity of extracellular enzymes in the spent substrate. The present study was conducted to know the enzyme profile of some major extracellular enzymes - cellulase, hemicellulase (xylanase), pectinase and ligninase (lignin peroxidase and laccase) and to estimate cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin in the substrate. The use of spent substrate as a source of fibre and ethanol, and in the biodegradation of phenol by Pleurotus spp. was also investigated
The scope of the work was to synthesis few biologically active derivatives of curcumin. The derivatives were prepared by altering the keto-enol centre of curcumin by various reagents. This particular reaction centre for preparing derivative was selected keeping in mind the controversy regarding the major site responsible for antioxidant mechanism of curcumin. Most of the mechanistic study done earlier was by varying the constituents in one or both of the phenol ring present in the curcumin. The alterations at the keto-enol moiety may throw an insight into the role of the diketo moiety towards the antioxidant mechanism. Since recently curcumin has been suggested as a chemotherapeutic agent for various ailments, we also decided to check the DNA intercalating property of the derivatives synthesised.
The present work is oriented to obtain a comparative evaluation of the physicochemical properties and catalytic activities of iron, aluminium and iron aluminium mixed pillared montmorillonites and their transition metal exchanged analogues. Reactions of industrial importance like Friedel Crafts alkylations, catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol and MTBE synthesis have been selected for the present study. The thesis is structured into seven chapters. First chapter deals with a brief introduction and literature survey on pillared clays. Second chapter explains the materials and methods employed in the work. Results and discussions on the characterisation techniques are described in the third chapter. The subsequent three chapters describe the catalytic activities of pillared clays in the industrially important reactions. Last chapter comprises the summary of the investigations and the conclusions drawn from the earlier chapters
in the present study, we have prepared and evaluated the physical and chemical properties and catalytic activities of transition metal loaded sulfated titania via the sol-gel route. Sol-gel method is widely used for preparing porous materials having controlled properties and leads to the formation of oxide particles in nano range, which are spherical or interconnected to each other. Characterization using various physico-chemical techniques and a detailed study of acidic properties are also carried out. Some reactions of industrial importance such as Friedel-Crafts reaction, fen-butylation of phenol,Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime, nitration of phenol and photochemical degradation of methylene blue have been selected for catalytic activity study in the present venture. The work is organized into eight chapters
Lack of a valid shrimp cell line has been hampering the progress of research on shrimp viruses. One of the reasons identified was the absence of an appropriate medium which would satisfy the requirements of the cells in vitro. We report the first attempt to formulate an exclusive shrimp cell culture medium (SCCM) based on the haemolymph components of Penaeus monodon prepared in isosmotic seawater having 27 % salinity. The SCCM is composed of 22 amino acids, 4 sugars, 6 vitamins, cholesterol, FBS, phenol red, three antibiotics, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate at pH 6.8–7.2. Osmolality was adjusted to 720 ± 10 mOsm kg-1 and temperature of incubation was 25 8C. The most appropriate composition was finally selected based on the extent of attachment of cells and their proliferation by visual observation. Metabolic activity of cultured cells was measured by MTT assay and compared with that in L-15 (29), modified L-15 and Grace’s insect medium, and found better performance in SCCM especially for lymphoid cells with 107 % increase in activity and 85 ± 9 days of longevity. The cells from ovary and lymphoid organs were passaged twice using the newly designed shrimp cell dissociation ‘‘cocktail’’.
Influence of acute salinity stress on the immunological and physiological response of Penaeus monodon to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection was analysed. P. monodon maintained at 15‰ were subjected to acute salinity changes to 0‰ and 35‰ in 7 h and then challenged orally with WSSV. Immune variables viz., total haemocyte count, phenol oxidase activity (PO), nitroblue tetrazolium salt (NBT) reduction, alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP), acid phosphatase activity (ACP) and metabolic variables viz., total protein, total carbohydrates, total free amino acids (TFAA), total lipids, glucose and cholesterol were determined soon after salinity change and on post challenge days 2 (PCD2) and 5 (PCD5). Acute salinity change induced an increase in metabolic variables in shrimps at 35‰ except TFAA. Immune variables reduced significantly (Pb0.05) in shrimps subjected to salinity stress with the exception of ALP and PO at 35‰ and the reduction was found to be more at 0‰. Better performance of metabolic and immune variables in general could be observed in shrimps maintained at 15‰ that showed significantly higher post challenge survival following infection compared to those under salinity stress. Stress was found to be higher in shrimps subjected to salinity change to lower level (0‰) than to higher level (35‰) as being evidenced by the better immune response and survival at 35‰. THC (Pb0.001), ALP (Pb0.01) and PO (Pb0.05) that together explained a greater percentage of variability in survival rate, could be proposed as the most potential health indicators in shrimp haemolymph. It can be concluded from the study that acute salinity stress induces alterations in the haemolymph metabolic and immune variables of P. monodon affecting the immunocompetence and increasing susceptibility to WSSV, particularly at low salinity stress conditions
Unsaturated polyester resins (UPRs) are used widely in the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs) industry. These resins have the disadvantages of brittleness and poor resistance to crack propagation. In this study, hybrid polymer networks (HPNs) based on UPR and epoxidized phenolic novolacs (EPNs) were prepared by reactive blending. A HPN is composed of a backbone polymer containing two types of reactive groups that can take part in crosslinking reactions via different mechanisms. EPNs were prepared by glycidylation of novolacs using epichlorohydrin. The novolacs had varying phenol: formaldehyde ratios. Blends of unsaturated polyester with EPN were then prepared. The physical properties of the cured blends were compared with those of the control resin. EPN shows good miscibility and compatibility with the resin and improves the toughness and impact resistance substantially. Considerable enhancement of tensile strength is also noticed at about 5% by weight of epoxidized novolac resin. TGA, DMA, and DSC were used to study the thermal properties of the toughened resin and the fracture behavior was studied using SEM. The blends are also found to have better thermal stability. Blending with EPN can be a useful and cost-effective technique for modification of UPR
In this venture three distinct class of catalysts such as, pillared clays and transition metal loaded pillared clays , porous clay heterostructures and their transition metal loaded analogues and DTP supported on porous clay heterostructures etc. were prepared and characterized by various physico chemical methods. The catalytic activities of prepared catalysts were comparatively evaluated for the industrially important alkylation, acetalization and oxidation reactions.The general conclusions drawn from the present investigation are Zirconium, iron - aluminium pillared clays were synthesized by ion exchange method and zirconium-silicon porous heterostructures were Summary and conclusions 259 prepared by intergallery template method. Transition metals were loaded in PILCs and PCHs by wet impregnation method. Textural and acidic properties of the clays were modified by pillaring and post pillaring modifications. The shift in 2θ value to lower range and increase in d (001) spacing indicate the success of pillaring process. Surface area, pore volume, average pore size etc. increased dramatically as a result of pillaring process. Porous clay heterostructures have higher surface area, pore volume, average pore diameter and narrow pore size distribution than that of pillared clays. The IR spectrum of PILCs and PCHs are in accordance with literature without much variation compared to parent montmorillonite which indicate that basic clay structure is retained even after modification. The silicon NMR of PCHs materials have intense peaks corresponding to Q4 environment which indicate that mesoporous silica is incorporated between clay layers. Thermo gravimetric analysis showed that thermal stability is improved after the pillaring process. PCH materials have higher thermal stability than PILCs. In metal loaded pillared clays, up to 5% metal species were uniformly dispersed (with the exception of Ni) as evident from XRD and TPR analysis. Chapter 9 260 Impregnation of transition metals in PILCs and PCHs enhanced acidity of catalysts as evident from TPD of ammonia and cumene cracking reactions. For porous clay heterostructures the acidic sites have major contribution from weak and medium acid sites which can be related to the Bronsted sites as evident from TPD of ammonia. Pillared clays got more Lewis acidity than PCHs as inferred from α- methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction. SEM images show that layer structure is preserved even after modification. Worm hole like morphology is observed in TEM image of PCHs materials In ZrSiPCHS, Zr exists as Zr 4+ and is incorporated to silica pillars in the intergallary of clay layers as evident from XPS analysis. In copper loaded zirconium pillared clays, copper exists as isolated species with +2 oxidation state at lower loading. At higher loading, Cu exists as clusters as evident from reduction peak at higher temperatures in TPR. In vanadium incorporated PILCs and PCHs, vanadium exist as isolated V5+ in tetrahedral coordination which is confirmed from TPR and UVVis DRS analysis. In cobalt loaded PCHs, cobalt exists as CoO with 2+ oxidation state as confirmed from XPS. Cerium incorporated iron aluminium pillared clay was found to be the best catalyst for the hydroxylation of phenol in aqueous media due to the additional surface area provided by ceria mesopores and its redox properties. Summary and conclusions 261 Cobalt loaded zirconium porous clay heterostructures were found to be promising catalyst for the tertiary butylation of phenol due to higher surface area and acidic properties. Copper loaded pillared clays were found to be good catalyst for the direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol. Vanadium loaded PCHs catalysts were found to be efficient catalysts for oxidation of benzyl alcohol. DTP was firmly fixed on the mesoporous channels of PCHs by Direct method and functionalization method. DTP supported PCHs catalyst were found to be good catalyst for acetalization of cyclohexanone with more than 90% conversion.