59 resultados para Southwest


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The metals present in the surface sediments have high demand on a global perspective, and the main reservoir of these elements is believed to be the ocean floor. A lot of studies on metals are going on throughout the world for its quantification and exploitation. Even though, some preliminary attempts have been made in selected areas for the quantitative study of metals in the western continental shelf of India, no comprehensive work has been reported so far. The importance of this study also lies on the fact that there has not been a proper evaluation of the impact of the Great Tsunami of 2004 on the coastal areas of the south India. In View of this, an attempt has been made to address the seasonal distribution, behavior and mechanisms which control the deposition of metals in the sediments of the western continental shelf and Cochin Estuary, an annex to this coastal marine region.Surface sediment samples were collected seasonally from two subenvironemnts of southwest coast of India, (continental shelf of Kerala and Cochin estuarine system), to estimate the seasonal distribution and geochemical behavior of non-transition, transition, rare-earth elements, Th and U. Bottom water samples were also taken from each station, and analysed for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, hence the response of redox sensitive elements to oxygen minimum zone can be addressed. In addition, other sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay fractions, CaCO3 and organic carbon content were also estimated to evaluate the control factors on level of metals present in the sediment. The study used different environmental data analysis techniques to evaluate the distribution and behavior of elements during different seasons. This includes environmental parameters such as elemental normalisation, enrichment factor, element excess, cerium and europium anomalies and authigenic uranium.


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The study revealed that southwest monsoon rainfall in Kerala has been declining while increasing in post monsoon season. The annual rainfall exhibits a cyclic trend of 40-60 years, with a significant decline in recent decades. The intensity of climatological droughts was increasing across the State of Kerala through it falls under heavy rainfall zone due to unimodal rainfall pattern. The moisture index across the State of Kerala was moving from B4 to B3 humid, indicating that the State was moving from wetness to dryness within the humid climate.The study confirms that a warming Kerala is real as maximum, minimum and mean temperatures and temperature ranges are increasing. The rate of increase in maximum temperature was high (1.46°C) across the high ranges, followed by the coastal belt (1.09°C) of Kerala while the rate of increase was relatively marginal (0.25°C) across the midlands. The rate of increase in temperature across the high ranges is probably high because of deforestation. It indicates that the highranges and coastal belts in Kerala are vulnerable to global warming and climate change when compared to midlands.Interestingly, the trend in annual rainfall is increasing at Pampadumpara (Idukki), while declining at Ambalavayal across the highranges. In the case of maximum temperature, it was showing increasing trend at Pampadumpara while declining trend at Ambalavayal. In the case of minimum temperature it is declining at Pampadumpara while increasing in Ambalavalal.The paddy productivity in Kerala during kharif / virippu is unlikely to decline due to increasing temperature on the basis of long term climate change, but likely to decline to a considerable extent due to prolonged monsoon season, followed by unusual summer rains as noticed in 2007-08 and 2010-11.All the plantation crops under study are vulnerable to climate variability such as floods and droughts rather than long term changes in temperature and rainfall.


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The thesis attempts to study the changes in oceanographic parameters associated with extreme climatic events,the influence of oceanographic as well as meteorological parameters on fishes.The characteristics of major pelagic fishes of southwest coast of India(Oil sardine and Indian mackerel) have been described here.A description on study area and period of study is also described .The impact of extreme climatic events on the oceanographic variability of Eastern Arabian Sea.The extreme climatic event,the Indian Ocean Dipole associated with EI Nino Southern Oscillation is taken into consideration.The variability in oil sardine and mackerel landings of southwest coast of India during the study period.The trend analysis of the landings has been done and also a prediction model is applied for the landings.The influence of environmental parameters on oil sardine as well as mackerel fishery has been explained .With regression analysis ,the significant relation between environmental parameters and fish landings are also been recognized.The prediction of landings is done with these environmental parameters.


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The present investigation on “Coconut Phenology and Yield Response to Climate Variability and Change” was undertaken at the experimental site, at the Regional Station, Coconut Development Board, KAU Campus, Vellanikkara. Ten palms each of eight-year-old coconut cultivars viz., Tiptur Tall, Kuttiadi (WCT), Kasaragod (WCT) and Komadan (WCT) were randomly selected.The study therefore, reinforces our traditional knowledge that the coconut palm is sensitive to changing weather conditions during the period from primordium initiation to harvest of nuts (about 44 months). Absence of rainfall from December to May due to early withdrawal of northeast monsoon, lack of pre monsoon showers and late onset of southwest monsoon adversely affect the coconut productivity to a considerable extent in the following year under rainfed conditions. The productivity can be increased by irrigating the coconut palm during the dry periods.Increase in temperature, aridity index, number of severe summer droughts and decline in rainfall and moisture index were the major factors for a marginal decline or stagnation in coconut productivity over a period of time, though various developmental schemes were in operation for sustenance of coconut production in the State of Kerala. It can be attributed to global warming and climate change. Therefore, there is a threat to coconut productivity in the ensuing decades due to climate variability and change. In view of the above, there is an urgent need for proactive measures as a part of climate change adaptation to sustain coconut productivity in the State of Kerala.The coconut productivity is more vulnerable to climate variability such as summer droughts rather than climate change in terms of increase in temperature and decline in rainfall, though there was a marginal decrease (1.6%) in the decade of 1981-2009 when compared to that of 1951-80. This aspect needs to be examined in detail by coconut development agencies such as Coconut Development Board and State Agriculture Department for remedial measures. Otherwise, the premier position of Kerala in terms of coconut production is likely to be lost in the ensuing years under the projected climate change scenario. Among the four cultivars studied, Tiptur Tall appears to be superior in terms of reproduction phase and nut yield. This needs to be examined by the coconut breeders in their crop improvement programme as a part of stress tolerant under rainfed conditions. Crop mix and integrated farming are supposed to be the best combination to sustain development in the long run under the projected climate change scenarios. Increase in coconut area under irrigation during summer with better crop management and protection measures also are necessary measures to increase coconut productivity since the frequency of intensity of summer droughts is likely to increase under projected global warming scenario.


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The continental shelf of southwest coast of India (Kerala) is broader and . flatter compared to that of the east coast. The unique characteristic feature of the study area (innershelf between Narakkal and Purakkad) is the intermittent appearance of 'mud banks' at certain locations during southwest monsoon. The strong seasonality manifests significant changes in the wind, waves, currents, rainfall, drainage etc., along this area. Peculiar geomorphological variation with high, mid and lowlands in the narrow strip of the hinterland, the geological formations mainly consisting of rocks of metamorphic origin and the humid tropical weathering conditions play significant role in regulating the shelf sedimentation. A complementary pattern of distri bution is observed for clay that shows an abundance in the nearshore. Silt, to a major extent, depicts semblance with clay distribution . Summation of the total asymmetry of grain size distribution are inferred from the variation of skewness and kurtosis.Factor I implies a low energy regime where the transportation and deposition phases are controlled mostly by pelagic suspension process as the factor loadings are dominant on finer phi sizes. The second Factor is inferred to be the result of a high energy regime which gives higher loadings on coarser size fractions. The third Factor which might be a transition phase (medium energy regime) representing the resultant flux of coastal circulation of the re-suspension/deposition and an onshoreoffshore advection by reworking and co-deposition of relict and modern sediments. The spatial variations of the energy regime based on the three end-member factor model exhibits high energy zone in the seaward portion transcending to a low energy one towards the coast.From the combined analysis of granulometry and SEM studies, it is concluded that the sandy patches beyond 20 m depth are of relict nature. They are the resultant responses of beach activity during the lower stand of sea level in the Holocene. Re-crystallisation features on the quartz grains indicate that they were exposed to subaerial weathering process subsequent to thei r deposition


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This thesis entitled triterpenoids as biomarkers of mangrove organic matter in cochin estuarine system.Mangrove forests, known as rainforests of the sea are one of the most important coastal ecosystems in the world in terms of primary production and coastal protection.Estuaries, the important areas of world’s coastal zones link the carbon cycle of the oceans to the continents.Three mangrove ecosystems and three estuarine stations around Cochin region, southwest coast of India were selected for the present study. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the Introduction and it deals with the aim and scope of the present study. Chapter 2 is Materials and Methods. This chapter deals with the nature and general geographical features of the study area. It also contains the details of the sampling and analytical methodology.the present study. Chapter 3 is Geochemistry and it includes the seasonal and spatial variations of the geochemical parameters in the surface sediments.Chapter 4 is Biochemical Composition. It covers the biochemical composition of organic matter in the surface sediments to examine the quality and quantity of organic matter.Chapter 5, Triterpenoid Biomarkers in Sediments, characterize the organic matter in the sediments of the mangrove and estuarine ecosystems under study, to assess the possible sources with the help of triterpenoid biomarkers along with other lipid biomarkers.


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This thesis Entitled Environmental impact of Sand Mining :A case Study in the river catchments of vembanad lake southwest india.The entire study is addressed in nine chapters. Chapter l deals with the general introduction about rivers, problems of river sand mining, objectives, location of the study area and scope of the study. A detailed review on river classification, classic concepts in riverine studies, geological work of rivers and channel processes, importance of river ecosystems and its need for management are dealt in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 gives a comprehensive account of the study area - its location, administrative divisions, physiography, soil, geology, land use and living and non-living resources. The various methods adopted in the study are dealt in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 contains river characteristics like drainage, environmental and geologic setting, channel characteristics, river discharge and water quality of the study area. Chapter 6 gives an account of river sand mining (instream and floodplain mining) from the study area. The various environmental problems of river sand mining on the land adjoining the river banks, river channel, water, biotic and social / human environments of the area and data interpretation are presented in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 deals with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of sand mining from the river catchments of Vembanad lake.


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The thesis embodies the results of the studies carried out on certain diseases affecting the commercially important penaeid prawns in the capture and culture fisheries of the southwest and southeast coasts of india during october, 1981 to april 1985.initially a survey is conducted to obtain information and to understand the commom diseases and abnormalities occurring in the penaeid prawms in nature and those farmed. A result of the survey then cases of diseases and abnormalities are reported. These include tumour like growth soft prawm syndrome, tail necrosis brown spot disease, red rostrum, ciliate infestation ,helminth parasitisation,metacercarial infestation and bopyrid infestation in the penaeid prawns such as penaeus indicus p. monodon , p. semisulcatus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and m.affinis.The symptoms ,occurrence and incidence of each of the above cases are provided along with the information on environmental factors such as salinity,dissolved oxygen,temperature and ph of the water from the collection sites. The nature of the disease,the tissuse of the host that are affected by the infection or infestation or by the pathogen ,and the actors influencing the infection in each of the ten cases are studied histopathologically and discussed. In the light of the available published information, the control measures for the different diseases of penaeid prawns are presented and discussed.


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Trawling, despite being heavily energy expensive, still continues to be the most energy expensive fishing method particularly so in View of the export oriented nature of the Indian seafood industry. This study therefore aims at analyzing the efficiency of trawls operation from Cochin, an important fishing center along the southwest coast of India. The analysis is made along two perspectives - economic and technological. Even though technological efficiency complement economic efficiency, in the fishing parlance, parameters like the size composition of the catch, selectivity factors, etc., will have a direct bearing on the technological qualities of the trawl, and which parameters will have a significant impact on the effective exploitation of a fishery stock. Whereas the technological analysis aims at improving the efficiency with regard to the effective utilization of fuel and fishery stocks, economic analysis ascertains the present status of the trawling operations from the commercial angle.


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The thesis focused Studies on Energy Exchange and Upper Ocean Thermal Structure in Arabian Sea and Heat Transport in Northern Indian Ocean. The present thesis is an attempt to understand the upper ocean thermal characteristics at selected areas in the western and eastern Arabian Sea in relation to surface energy exchange and dynamics, on a climatological basis. It is also aimed to examine, the relative importance of different processes in the evolution of SST at the western and eastern Arabian Sea. Short-term variations of energy exchange and upper ocean thermal structure are also investigated. Climatological studies of upper ocean thermal structure and surface energy exchange in the western and eastern parts of Arabian Sea bring out the similarities/differences and the causative factors for the observed features. Annual variation of zonally averaged heat advection in north Indian Ocean shows that maximum export of about 100 W/m2 occurs around 15ON during southwest monsoon season. This is due to large negative heat storage caused by intense upwelling in several parts of northern Indian Ocean. By and large, northern Indian Ocean is an area of heat export


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The dynamics and associated stability analysis of tidal inlets situated on the southwest coast of India, namely Andhakaranazhi (90 45 J OO JJN and 760 17 J 29 JJ E) and the other at Cochin harbour inlet (90 58 1 04 J1N and 760 14 1 50 1J E) have beenconducted. A detailed study on the inlet regime of Cochin barmouth (permanent in nature) was attempted so as to elucidate information on: (a) channel characteristics (b) tidal hydraulics and (c) stability of the inlet. In this connection, a naturally occurring seasonal sandbar formation at Andhakaranazhi, near Sherthallay, about 20 km south of Cochin inlet, was also chosen as a site ofstudy brought out conclusively the dynamical study. The aspects of ( 1) tidal influx/out flux (2) channel morphology (3) sedimentation regime and (4) stability and factors related to stability of these locations. The above aspects are supported by suitable mathematical formulations to describe the associated coastal processes, wherever applicable


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The thesis is divided into six chapters, with Further subdivisions.’ Chapter one has two sections. Section one deals with a general introduction, and section two,with the material and treatment of data For the present investigation. The second chapter concerns with the distribution of oxyty in the oxygen minimum layer and its topography during the southwest and northeast monsoons. The distribution of oxyty at various isanosteric surfaces within which the oxygen minimum layer lies during southwest and northeast monsoons and their topographies Form chapter three. In the fourth chapter the Flow pattern and its influence on the oxygen minimum layer are discussed. The fifth chapter presents the scatter diagrams of oxyty against temperature at the various isanosteric surfaces. The sixth chapter summarises the results of the investigation and presents the conclusions drawn therefrom


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This thesis is the result of an elaborate study on the mixed layer depth (MLD) and the various oceanic environmental factors controlling it in the Arabian Sea examining its predictability on annual and short term basis. To accomplish this, the study area between 100 — 250 N latitudes and 600 — 750 E longitudes in the Arabian Sea is divided into 8 subareas of 50 quadrangles. The distribution of monthly means of the surface wind field, net heat exchange mKi868€%WTmN¥tWMWF3UH9 (SST) over each subarea in the annual cycle is examined. The corresponding wind (mechanical) and convective mixing values are computed and presented along with the observed mean MLD for the subareas in the annual cycle. Effects of advection due to surface currents and surface divergence (convergence and divergence) for these subareas are examined for correlating the MLD variations. A representative time series data from typical deep water station under southwest monsoonal forcing is analysed for the spectral components to estimate the amplitude perturbations on the mean MLD variation


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Some investigations on the spectral and statistical characteristics of deep water waves are available for Indian waters. But practically no systematic investigation on the shallow water wave spectral and probabilistic characteristics is made for any part of the Indian coast except for a few restricted studies. Hence a comprehensive study of the shallow water wave climate and their spectral and statistical characteristics for a location (Alleppey) along the southwest coast of India is undertaken based on recorded data. The results of the investigation are presented in this thesis.The thesis comprises of seven chapters


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Reducing fishing pressure in coastal waters is the need of the day in the Indian marine fisheries sector of the country which is fast changing from a mere vocational activity to a capital intensive industry. It requires continuous monitoring of the resource exploitation through a scientifically acceptable methodology, data on production of each species stock, the number and characteristics of the fishing gears of the fleet, various biological characteristics of each stock, the impact of fishing on the environment and the role of fishery—independent on availability and abundance. Besides this, there are issues relating to capabilities in stock assessment, taxonomy research, biodiversity, conservation and fisheries management. Generation of reliable data base over a fixed time frame, their analysis and interpretation are necessary before drawing conclusions on the stock size, maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and to further implement various fishing regulatory measures. India being a signatory to several treaties and conventions, is obliged to carry out assessments of the exploited stocks and manage them at sustainable levels. Besides, the nation is bound by its obligation of protein food security to people and livelihood security to those engaged in marine fishing related activities. Also, there are regional variabilities in fishing technology and fishery resources. All these make it mandatory for India to continue and strengthen its marine capture fisheries research in general and deep sea fisheries in particular. Against this background, an attempt is made to strengthen the deep sea fish biodiversity and also to generate data on the distribution, abundance, catch per unit effort of fishery resources available beyond 200 m in the EEZ of southwest coast ofIndia and also unravel some of the aspects of life history traits of potentially important non conventional fish species inhabiting in the depth beyond 200 m. This study was carried out as part of the Project on Stock Assessment and Biology of Deep Sea Fishes of Indian EEZ (MoES, Govt. of India).