199 resultados para South African School of Mines and Technology
Variations of the infaunal polychates populations due to bottom trawling were studied during December 2000 to November 2002 at depth ranging from 0-50 m along Cochin-Munambam area (Kerala, long. 76degree10'94" to 75degree 56' and lat.9degree58' to 10degree10'), in the southwest coast of India.Infaunal polychaetes from the sediment samples were collected both before and after experimental trawling in order to assess the variations on their abundance (no.m-2),biomass(g.m-2) and diversity due to bottom trawling .Highest variations in polychaetes were recorded at station 9 in May 2002 where polychaete abundance increased to 20710 no.m-2 after trawling from 2787 no.m-2 before trawling.Biomass showed highest variations at station 3 in December 2000 where biomass increased from 7.16g.m-2 recorded before trawling to 34.53 g.m-2 in the samples collected after trawling .Multivariate community analysis carried out based on both species abundance and biomass of plychaetes also confirm the wide variations in the similarities of the stations comparing both before and after trawling
Division of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The shift from print to digital information has a high impact on all components of the academic library system in India especially the users, services and the staff. Though information is considered as an important resource, the use of ICT tools to collect and disseminate information has been in a slow pace in majority of the University libraries This may be due to various factors like insufficient funds, inadequate staff trained in handling computers and software packages, administrative concerns etc. In Kerala, automation has been initiated in almost all University libraries using library automation software and is under different stages of completion. There are not much studies conducted about the effects of information communication technologies on the professional activities of library professionals in the universities in Kerala. It is important to evaluate whether progress in ICT has had any impact on the library profession in these highest educational institutions. The aim of the study is to assess whether the developments in information communication technologies have any influence on the library professionals’ professional development, and the need for further education and training in the profession and evaluate their skills in handling developments in ICT. The total population of the study is 252 including the permanently employed professional library staff in central libraries and departmental libraries in the main campuses of the universities under study. This is almost a census study of the defined population of users. The questionnaire method was adopted for collection of data for this study, supplemented by interviews of Librarians to gather additional information. Library Professionals have a positive approach towards ICT applications and services in Libraries, but majority do not have the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies in their work environment. To develop competitive personnel in a technologically advanced world, high priority must be given to develop competence in ICT applications, library management and soft skills in library professionals, by the University administrators and Library associations. Library science schools and teaching departments across the country have to take significant steps to revise library science curriculum, and incorporate significant changes to achieve the demands and challenges of library science profession.
The present study is aimed at the isolation and characterization of glycosaminoglycans from selected tissues of two commercially important species of cephalopods;squid,Loligo duvauceli and cuttlefish,Sepia pharaonis,keeping in view of the aforementioned benefits on the utilization of waste generated during processing.The cephalopod GAGs may also be expected to have an effect on various physiological functions based on the results obtained from GAGs from other sources.In addition,knowledge of the chemical structure of macromolecules that constitute major components of extracellular matrix(ECM) will be helpful in understanding their interactions with other matrix components.
Shrimp Aquaculture has provided tremendous opportunity for the economic and social upliftment of rural communities in the coastal areas of our country Over a hundred thousand farmers, of whom about 90% belong to the small and marginal category, are engaged in shrimp farming. Penaeus monodon is the most predominant cultured species in India which is mainly exported to highly sophisticated, quality and safety conscious world markets. Food safety has been of concem to humankind since the dawn of history and the concern about food safety resulted in the evolution of a cost effective, food safety assurance method, the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Considering the major contribution of cultured Penaeus monodon to the total shrimp production and the economic losses encountered due to disease outbreak and also because traditional methods of quality control and end point inspection cannot guarantee the safety of our cultured seafood products, it is essential that science based preventive approaches like HACCP and Pre requisite Programmes (PRP) be implemented in our shrimp farming operations. PRP is considered as a support system which provides a solid foundation for HACCP. The safety of postlarvae (PL) supplied for brackish water shrimp farming has also become an issue of concern over the past few years. The quality and safety of hatchery produced seeds have been deteriorating and disease outbreaks have become very common in hatcheries. It is in this context that the necessity for following strict quarantine measures with standards and code of practices becomes significant. Though there were a lot of hue and cry on the need for extending the focus of seafood safety assurance from processing and exporting to the pre-harvest and hatchery rearing phases, an experimental move in this direction has been rare or nil. An integrated management system only can assure the effective control of the quality, hygiene and safety related issues. This study therefore aims at designing a safety and quality management system model for implementation in shrimp farming and hatchery operations by linking the concepts of HACCP and PRP.
The metals present in the surface sediments have high demand on a global perspective, and the main reservoir of these elements is believed to be the ocean floor. A lot of studies on metals are going on throughout the world for its quantification and exploitation. Even though, some preliminary attempts have been made in selected areas for the quantitative study of metals in the western continental shelf of India, no comprehensive work has been reported so far. The importance of this study also lies on the fact that there has not been a proper evaluation of the impact of the Great Tsunami of 2004 on the coastal areas of the south India. In View of this, an attempt has been made to address the seasonal distribution, behavior and mechanisms which control the deposition of metals in the sediments of the western continental shelf and Cochin Estuary, an annex to this coastal marine region.Surface sediment samples were collected seasonally from two subenvironemnts of southwest coast of India, (continental shelf of Kerala and Cochin estuarine system), to estimate the seasonal distribution and geochemical behavior of non-transition, transition, rare-earth elements, Th and U. Bottom water samples were also taken from each station, and analysed for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, hence the response of redox sensitive elements to oxygen minimum zone can be addressed. In addition, other sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay fractions, CaCO3 and organic carbon content were also estimated to evaluate the control factors on level of metals present in the sediment. The study used different environmental data analysis techniques to evaluate the distribution and behavior of elements during different seasons. This includes environmental parameters such as elemental normalisation, enrichment factor, element excess, cerium and europium anomalies and authigenic uranium.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a dramatic impact on the tourism industry because they force this sector as a whole to rethink the way in which it organises its business . In the light of such rethinking within the tourism industry, this study has focussed on the Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in two island destinations, namely Mauritius and Andaman Islands, India.Suggestions. The findings conceming SMTEs in Mauritius and Andaman Islands have been compared to make some destination-specific inferences. The relevance of the findings has been discussed with reference to the SMTEs in the two destinations as well as the possible acceptability in other comparable settings. Suggestions have been made for further research in SMTEs’ use of the Internet for marketing function.
Asha M. R This thesis Entitled Toxicological effects of copper and mercury on the fish macerones gulio (hamiloton – buchanan).Chapter 1. In this chapter, a broad outline of heavy metal uptake, requirement of a suitable bio — monitoring organism, criteria for a standard test fish, and suitability of Macrones gulig for the toxicological study are given. Chapter 2. This chapter deals with the lethal toxicity bioassays to find the 96 hr LC 50 of copper and mercury for the fish Macrones gglig. The experimental results indicated that of the two metals tested, copper was more toxic than mercury.Chapter 3. The effect of copper and mercury on the haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte count, MCV, MCH and MCHC was studied.Chapter 4. The glycogen and protein contents of liver and muscle after exposure to copper and mercury were studied. There was a significant decrease of glycogen in the liver and muscle of metal treated fishes.Chapter 5. The histopathological changes of the tissues like liver, kidney and gill after exposure to copper and mercury were studied.
This thesis entitled Development of nitrifying ans photosynthetic sulfur bacteria based bioaugmentation systems for the bioremediation of ammonia and hydregen sulphide in shrimp culture. the thesis is to propose a sustainable, low cost option for the mitigation of toxic ammonia and hydrogen sulphide in shrimp culture systems. Use of ‘bioaugmentors’ as pond additives is an emerging field in aquaculture. Understanding the role of organisms involved in the ‘bioaugmentor’ will obviously help to optimize conditions for their activity.The thesis describes the use of wood powder immobilization of nitrifying consortia.Shrimp grow out systems are specialized and highly dynamic aquaculture production units which when operated under zero exchange mode require bioremediation of ammonia, nitrite nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide to protect the crop. The research conducted here is to develop an economically viable and user friendly technology for addressing the above problem. The nitrifying bacterial consortia (NBC) generated earlier (Achuthan et al., 2006) were used for developing the technology.Clear demonstration of better quality of immobilized nitrifiers generated in this study for field application.
This thesis entitled Fish habitats and species assemblage in the selected rivers of kerala and investigation on life history traits of puntius carnaticus (JERDON,1849). Ecology is a new and exceedingly complex field of study, even though its concept was recognized by the Apostles in their use of the phrase ‘all flesh is grass.central role to play both in order to understand better the biodiversity phenomenon and to be able to draw up clear guidelines for careful resource management. In a review by WWF, IUCN and UNEP on the ways of conserving genetic diversity of freshwater fish it was recommended that the best way to conserve species diversity is to conserve habitat.The habitat studies in freshwater ecosystems are very essential for the proper understanding and management of human impact on fish diversity, to study the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure, quantification of ecosystem degradation, habitat quality and biotic integrity of the ecosystems, development of habitat suitability index (I-ISI) models and classification of river reaches based on their physico-chemical properties. Therefore in the present study an attempt was made to assess the biodiversity potential and the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure in six major river systems of Kerala which would be very useful in impressing upon the seriousness of habitat degradIn the present study, in Kabbini river system 15 locations encompassing between 721 946m above MSL were surveyed.ation and biotic devastation undergone in the major river systems of Kerala.During the present study the Habitat Quality Score (HQ) developed by the Ohio EPA was applied for the first time in India.The result of the present study revealed that, among various variables analysed, altitude has a very significant influence in deciding the fish diversity in six major river systems of Kerala. The fish diversity studied on the basis of Shanon-Weiner and Simpson diversity indices revealed that even though some minor variations occur with the suitability and complexity of habitats, the altitude showed inverse relationship with fish diversity.The present study revealed that the National Policy on the interlinking of rivers would permanently alter the HSI indices of the above mentioned fish species, which are now solely protected by the individuality of the rivers where their limited occurrence was notice.
In recent years, pollution in general and sea water pollution in particular, has become an important topic for national and international considerations. Because of its impact on society, marine pollution has attracted great attention from politicians, administrators, natural scientists and technologists all over the world. To save our environment from further deterioration, it is essential to have an assessment of this problem This thesis involves investigation of the lethal and sub lethal effects of four pesticides and two petroleum oil, individually and in combinations on two commercially important bivalves. Among the four pesticides used two are organophosphates and the other two are organochlorines. Synthetic Pesticides, especially organophosphates and organochlorines have become increasingly important additions to chemical wastes polluting natural aquatic Communities special attention is given in the present investigation to delineate the combined toxic effect of oil and pesticides. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful.
The thesis is a study undertaken to understand the distribution pattern of Q nega in Cochin waters for better exploitation of the resource and to learn the biological aspects of the animal which has a direct bearing on its utilization for producing different products .The study also presents a thorough knowledge on the size groups available during different seasons for judicious exploitation and utilization of the resource and the changes in the biochemical composition of Q nega during different seasons so as to utilize it properly for producing suitable products throughout the year. The thesis also tests the suitability of the material for producing different products and to test the acceptability of the same for human consumption. The study also aims to show that Squilla can be utilized for the production of industrial products like chitin and chitosan.
In the present thesis entitled” Implications of Hydrobiology and Nutrient dynamics on Trophic structure and Interactions in Cochin backwaters”, an attempt has been made to assess the influence of general hydrography, nutrients and other environmental factors on the abundance, distribution and trophic interactions in Cochin backwater system. The study was based on five seasonal sampling campaigns carried out at 15 stations spread along the Cochin backwater system. The thesis is presented in the following 5 chapters. Salient features of each chapter are summarized below: Chapter 1- General Introduction: Provides information on the topic of study, environmental factors, back ground information, the significance, review of literature, aim and scope of the present study and its objectives.Chapter 2- Materials and Methods: This chapter deals with the description of the study area and the methodology adopted for sample collection and analysis. Chapter 3- General Hydrograhy and Sediment Characteristics: Describes the environmental setting of the study area explaining seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters of water column and sediment characteristics. Data on hydrographical parameters, nitrogen fractionation, phosphorus fractionation and biochemical composition of the sediment samples were assessed to evaluate the trophic status. Chapter 4- Nutrient Dynamics on Trophic Structure and Interactions: Describes primary, secondary and tertiary production in Cochin backwater system. Primary production related to cell abundance, diversity of phytoplankton that varies seasonally, concentration of various pigments and primary productivitySecondary production refers to the seasonal abundance of zooplankton especially copepod abundance and tertiary production deals with seasonal fish landings, gut content analysis and proximate composition of dominant fish species. The spatiotemporal variation, interrelationships and trophic interactions were evaluated by statistical methods. Chapter 5- Summary: The results and findings of the study are summarized in the fifth chapter of the thesis.
The importance of marine algae, often referred to as seaweeds, has been felt over a long time and is appreciated more and more in modern times. The economic value of marine algae is understood both indirectly and directly. The indirect benefit is due to the role of marine phytoplankton as well as the benthic macrophyte biomass along the shore and in the continental shelf, in primary production of the sea. Direct benefit includes the use of marine algae as food, feed, fertilizer and as source of various products of commercial importance such as agar and alginic acid. Hence to understand the potential resources of seaweeds, their distribution, density, standing crop and interrelated environmental parameters, a detailed study (survey and ecological work) was carried out for a period of 20 months from August 1988 to March 1990 in South Andaman, North Andaman, Middle Andaman, Havelock, Neil, Car Nicobar, Terassa, Chowra and Bumpoka islands. However in South Andaman, data were collected from five fixed stations fortnightly during this period for the purpose of modelling and system analysis.