53 resultados para Laboratory of Education of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
This thesis Entitled Bayesian inference in Exponential and pareto populations in the presence of outliers. The main theme of the present thesis is focussed on various estimation problems using the Bayesian appraoch, falling under the general category of accommodation procedures for analysing Pareto data containing outlier. In Chapter II. the problem of estimation of parameters in the classical Pareto distribution specified by the density function. In Chapter IV. we discuss the estimation of (1.19) when the sample contain a known number of outliers under three different data generating mechanisms, viz. the exchangeable model. Chapter V the prediction of a future observation based on a random sample that contains one contaminant. Chapter VI is devoted to the study of estimation problems concerning the exponential parameters under a k-outlier model.
This thesis Entitled Stochastic modelling and analysis.This thesis is divided into six chapters including this introductory chapter. In second chapter, we consider an (s,S) inventory model with service, reneging of customers and finite shortage of items.In the third chapter, we consider an (s,S) inventoiy system with retrial of customers. Arrival of customers forms a Poisson process with rate. When the inventory level depletes to s due to demands, an order for replenishment is placed.In Chapter 4, we analyze and compare three (s,S) inventory systems with positive service time and retrial of customers. In all these systems, arrivals of customers form a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed. In chapter 5, we analyze and compare three production inventory systems with positive service time and retrial of customers. In all these systems, arrivals of customers form a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed.In chapter 6, we consider a PH /PH /l inventory model with reneging of customers and finite shortage of items.
This thesis Entitled Spectral theory of bounded self-adjoint operators -A linear algebraic approach.The main results of the thesis can be classified as three different approaches to the spectral approximation problems. The truncation method and its perturbed versions are part of the classical linear algebraic approach to the subject. The usage of block Toeplitz-Laurent operators and the matrix valued symbols is considered as a particular example where the linear algebraic techniques are effective in simplifying problems in inverse spectral theory. The abstract approach to the spectral approximation problems via pre-conditioners and Korovkin-type theorems is an attempt to make the computations involved, well conditioned. However, in all these approaches, linear algebra comes as the central object. The objective of this study is to discuss the linear algebraic techniques in the spectral theory of bounded self-adjoint operators on a separable Hilbert space. The usage of truncation method in approximating the bounds of essential spectrum and the discrete spectral values outside these bounds is well known. The spectral gap prediction and related results was proved in the second chapter. The discrete versions of Borg-type theorems, proved in the third chapter, partly overlap with some known results in operator theory. The pure linear algebraic approach is the main novelty of the results proved here.
In this thesis we have developed a few inventory models in which items are served to the customers after a processing time. This leads to a queue of demand even when items are available. In chapter two we have discussed a problem involving search of orbital customers for providing inventory. Retrial of orbital customers was also considered in that chapter; in chapter 5 also we discussed retrial inventory model which is sans orbital search of customers. In the remaining chapters (3, 4 and 6) we did not consider retrial of customers, rather we assumed the waiting room capacity of the system to be arbitrarily large. Though the models in chapters 3 and 4 differ only in that in the former we consider positive lead time for replenishment of inventory and in the latter the same is assumed to be negligible, we arrived at sharper results in chapter 4. In chapter 6 we considered a production inventory model with production time distribution for a single item and that of service time of a customer following distinct Erlang distributions. We also introduced protection of production and service stages and investigated the optimal values of the number of stages to be protected.
The study of stability problems is relevant to the study of structure of a physical system. It 1S particularly important when it is not possible to probe into its interior and obtain information on its structure by a direct method. The thesis states about stability theory that has become of dominant importance in the study of dynamical systems. and has many applications in basic fields like meteorology, oceanography, astrophysics and geophysics- to mention few of them. The definition of stability was found useful 1n many situations, but inadequate in many others so that a host of other important concepts have been introduced in past many years which are more or less related to the first definition and to the common sense meaning of stability. In recent years the theoretical developments in the studies of instabilities and turbulence have been as profound as the developments in experimental methods. The study here Points to a new direction for stability studies based on Lagrangian formulation instead of the Hamiltonian formulation used by other authors.
The thesis entitled Analysis of Some Stochastic Models in Inventories and Queues. This thesis is devoted to the study of some stochastic models in Inventories and Queues which are physically realizable, though complex. It contains a detailed analysis of the basic stochastic processes underlying these models. In this thesis, (s,S) inventory systems with nonidentically distributed interarrival demand times and random lead times, state dependent demands, varying ordering levels and perishable commodities with exponential life times have been studied. The queueing system of the type Ek/Ga,b/l with server vacations, service systems with single and batch services, queueing system with phase type arrival and service processes and finite capacity M/G/l queue when server going for vacation after serving a random number of customers are also analysed. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models. In vacation models, one important result is the stochastic decomposition property of the system size or waiting time. One can think of extending this to the transient case. In inventory theory, one can extend the present study to the case of multi-item, multi-echelon problems. The study of perishable inventory problem when the commodities have a general life time distribution would be a quite interesting problem. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models.
The nonlinear dynamics of certain important reaction systems are discussed and analysed in this thesis. The interest in the theoretical and the experimental studies of chemical reactions showing oscillatory dynamics and associated properties is increasing very rapidly. An attempt is made to study some nonlinear phenomena exhibited by the well known chemical oscillator, the BelousovZhabotinskii reaction whose mathematical properties are much in common with the properties of biological oscillators. While extremely complex, this reaction is still much simpler than biological systems at least from the modelling point of view. A suitable model [19] for the system is analysed and the researcher has studied the limit cycle behaviour of the system, for different values of the stoichiometric parameter f, by keeping the value of the reaction rate (k6) fixed at k6 = l. The more complicated three-variable model is stiff in nature.
During recent years, the theory of differential inequalities has been extensively used to discuss singular perturbation problems and method of lines to partial differential equations. The present thesis deals with some differential inequality theorems and their applications to singularly perturbed initial value problems, boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations in Banach space and initial boundary value problems for parabolic differential equations. The method of lines to parabolic and elliptic differential equations are also dealt The thesis is organised into nine chapters
In this thesis we investigate some problems in set theoretical topology related to the concepts of the group of homeomorphisms and order. Many problems considered are directly or indirectly related to the concept of the group of homeomorphisms of a topological space onto itself. Order theoretic methods are used extensively. Chapter-l deals with the group of homeomorphisms. This concept has been investigated by several authors for many years from different angles. It was observed that nonhomeomorphic topological spaces can have isomorphic groups of homeomorphisms. Many problems relating the topological properties of a space and the algebraic properties of its group of homeomorphisms were investigated. The group of isomorphisms of several algebraic, geometric, order theoretic and topological structures had also been investigated. A related concept of the semigroup of continuous functions of a topological space also received attention
This study is concerned with Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) models of time series. ARMA models form a subclass of the class of general linear models which represents stationary time series, a phenomenon encountered most often in practice by engineers, scientists and economists. It is always desirable to employ models which use parameters parsimoniously. Parsimony will be achieved by ARMA models because it has only finite number of parameters. Even though the discussion is primarily concerned with stationary time series, later we will take up the case of homogeneous non stationary time series which can be transformed to stationary time series. Time series models, obtained with the help of the present and past data is used for forecasting future values. Physical science as well as social science take benefits of forecasting models. The role of forecasting cuts across all fields of management-—finance, marketing, production, business economics, as also in signal process, communication engineering, chemical processes, electronics etc. This high applicability of time series is the motivation to this study.
An attempt is made by the researcher to establish a theory of discrete functions in the complex plane. Classical analysis q-basic theory, monodiffric theory, preholomorphic theory and q-analytic theory have been utilised to develop concepts like differentiation, integration and special functions.
This thesis is an attempt to initiate the development of a discrete geometry of the discrete plane H = {(qmxo,qnyo); m,n e Z - the set of integers}, where q s (0,1) is fixed and (xO,yO) is a fixed point in the first quadrant of the complex plane, xo,y0 ¢ 0. The discrete plane was first considered by Harman in 1972, to evolve a discrete analytic function theory for geometric difference functions. We shall mention briefly, through various sections, the principle of discretization, an outline of discrete a alytic function theory, the concept of geometry of space and also summary of work done in this thesis
This thesis analyses certain problems in Inventories and Queues. There are many situations in real-life where we encounter models as described in this thesis. It analyses in depth various models which can be applied to production, storag¢, telephone traffic, road traffic, economics, business administration, serving of customers, operations of particle counters and others. Certain models described here is not a complete representation of the true situation in all its complexity, but a simplified version amenable to analysis. While discussing the models, we show how a dependence structure can be suitably introduced in some problems of Inventories and Queues. Continuous review, single commodity inventory systems with Markov dependence structure introduced in the demand quantities, replenishment quantities and reordering levels are considered separately. Lead time is assumed to be zero in these models. An inventory model involving random lead time is also considered (Chapter-4). Further finite capacity single server queueing systems with single/bulk arrival, single/bulk services are also discussed. In some models the server is assumed to go on vacation (Chapters 7 and 8). In chapters 5 and 6 a sort of dependence is introduced in the service pattern in some queuing models.
In this thesis we study the effect of rest periods in queueing systems without exhaustive service and inventory systems with rest to the server. Most of the works in the vacation models deal with exhaustive service. Recently some results have appeared for the systems without exhaustive service.