35 resultados para sleep problems


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This article reports a new in vitro bile analysis based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. The measurements were made using rectangular cavity perturbation technique at the S-band of microwave frequency with the different samples of bile obtained from healthy persons as well as from patients. It is observed that an appreciable change in the dielectric properties of patient’s samples with the normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement with clinical analysis. These results prove an alternative in-vitro method of detecting bile abnormalities based on the measurement of the dielectric properties of bile samples using microwaves without surgical procedure.


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Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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This thesis deals with the use of simulation as a problem-solving tool to solve a few logistic system related problems. More specifically it relates to studies on transport terminals. Transport terminals are key elements in the supply chains of industrial systems. One of the problems related to use of simulation is that of the multiplicity of models needed to study different problems. There is a need for development of methodologies related to conceptual modelling which will help reduce the number of models needed. Three different logistic terminal systems Viz. a railway yard, container terminal of apart and airport terminal were selected as cases for this study. The standard methodology for simulation development consisting of system study and data collection, conceptual model design, detailed model design and development, model verification and validation, experimentation, and analysis of results, reporting of finding were carried out. We found that models could be classified into tightly pre-scheduled, moderately pre-scheduled and unscheduled systems. Three types simulation models( called TYPE 1, TYPE 2 and TYPE 3) of various terminal operations were developed in the simulation package Extend. All models were of the type discrete-event simulation. Simulation models were successfully used to help solve strategic, tactical and operational problems related to three important logistic terminals as set in our objectives. From the point of contribution to conceptual modelling we have demonstrated that clubbing problems into operational, tactical and strategic and matching them with tightly pre-scheduled, moderately pre-scheduled and unscheduled systems is a good workable approach which reduces the number of models needed to study different terminal related problems.


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Dept.of Instrumentation,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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In 1931 Dirac studied the motion of an electron in the field of a magnetic monopole and found that the quantization of electric charge can be explained by postulating the mere existence of a magnetic monopole. Since 1974 there has been a resurgence of interest in magnetic monopole due to the work of ‘t’ Hooft and Polyakov who independently observed that monopoles can exist as finite energy topologically stable solutions to certain spontaneously broken gauge theories. The thesis, “Studies on Magnetic Monopole Solutions of Non-abelian Gauge Theories and Related Problems”, reports a systematic investigation of classical solutions of non-abelian gauge theories with special emphasis on magnetic monopoles and dyons which possess both electric and magnetic charges. The formation of bound states of a dyon with fermions and bosons is also studied in detail. The thesis opens with an account of a new derivation of a relationship between the magnetic charge of a dyon and the topology of the gauge fields associated with it. Although this formula has been reported earlier in the literature, the present method has two distinct advantages. In the first place, it does not depend either on the mechanism of symmetry breaking or on the nature of the residual symmetry group. Secondly, the results can be generalized to finite temperature monopoles.


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An immense variety of problems in theoretical physics are of the non-linear type. Non~linear partial differential equations (NPDE) have almost become the rule rather than an exception in diverse branches of physics such as fluid mechanics, field theory, particle physics, statistical physics and optics, and the construction of exact solutions of these equations constitutes one of the most vigorous activities in theoretical physics today. The thesis entitled ‘Some Non-linear Problems in Theoretical Physics’ addresses various aspects of this problem at the classical level. For obtaining exact solutions we have used mathematical tools like the bilinear operator method, base equation technique and similarity method with emphasis on its group theoretical aspects. The thesis deals with certain methods of finding exact solutions of a number of non-linear partial differential equations of importance to theoretical physics. Some of these new solutions are of relevance from the applications point of view in diverse branches such as elementary particle physics, field theory, solid state physics and non-linear optics and give some insight into the stable or unstable behavior of dynamical Systems The thesis consists of six chapters.


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During recent years, the theory of differential inequalities has been extensively used to discuss singular perturbation problems and method of lines to partial differential equations. The present thesis deals with some differential inequality theorems and their applications to singularly perturbed initial value problems, boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations in Banach space and initial boundary value problems for parabolic differential equations. The method of lines to parabolic and elliptic differential equations are also dealt The thesis is organised into nine chapters


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In this thesis we investigate some problems in set theoretical topology related to the concepts of the group of homeomorphisms and order. Many problems considered are directly or indirectly related to the concept of the group of homeomorphisms of a topological space onto itself. Order theoretic methods are used extensively. Chapter-l deals with the group of homeomorphisms. This concept has been investigated by several authors for many years from different angles. It was observed that nonhomeomorphic topological spaces can have isomorphic groups of homeomorphisms. Many problems relating the topological properties of a space and the algebraic properties of its group of homeomorphisms were investigated. The group of isomorphisms of several algebraic, geometric, order theoretic and topological structures had also been investigated. A related concept of the semigroup of continuous functions of a topological space also received attention


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This study is directed to examine how far price fluctuations in pepper can be controlled in the Indian context so as to have a reasonable and stable income for the primary producers which will ensure an adequate ‘encouragement for higher production and better export earnings. In a study of the methods of controlling violent price fluctuations a important question is that whether the present system of management of supply is satisfactory or not. It is more so when the demand is likely to be sanimlatsd by the importers and wholesalers of the foreign countries. Though pepper is the most important of all the spices gross in India, little work has been done so far to study the problems and prospects of this commodity.


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An attempt is made by the researcher to establish a theory of discrete functions in the complex plane. Classical analysis q-basic theory, monodiffric theory, preholomorphic theory and q-analytic theory have been utilised to develop concepts like differentiation, integration and special functions.


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India is the largest producer and processor of cashew in the world. The export value of cashew is about Rupees 2600 crore during 2004-05. Kerala is the main processing and exporting center of cashew. In Kerala most of the cashew processing factories are located in Kollam district. The industry provides livelihood for about 6-7 lakhs of employees and farmers, the cashew industry has national importance. In Kollam district alone there are more than 2.5 lakhs employees directly involved in the industry, which comes about 10 per cent of the population of the district, out of which 95 per cent are women workers. It is a fact that any amount received by a woman worker will be utilized directly for the benefit of the family and hence the link relating to family welfare is quite clear. Even though the Government of Kerala has incorporated the Kerala State Cashew Development Corporation (KSCDC) and Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Co—operative Society (CAPEX) to develop the Cashew industry, the cashew industry and ancillary industries did not grow as per the expectation. In this context, an attempt has been made to analyze the problems and potential of the industry so as to make the industry viable and sustainable for the perpetual employment and income generation as well as the overall development of the Kollam district.


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It is believed that every fuzzy generalization should be formulated in such a way that it contain the ordinary set theoretic notion as a special case. Therefore the definition of fuzzy topology in the line of C.L.CHANG E9] with an arbitrary complete and distributive lattice as the membership set is taken. Almost all the results proved and presented in this thesis can, in a sense, be called generalizations of corresponding results in ordinary set theory and set topology. However the tools and the methods have to be in many of the cases, new. Here an attempt is made to solve the problem of complementation in the lattice of fuzzy topologies on a set. It is proved that in general, the lattice of fuzzy topologies is not complemented. Complements of some fuzzy topologies are found out. It is observed that (L,X) is not uniquely complemented. However, a complete analysis of the problem of complementation in the lattice of fuzzy topologies is yet to be found out


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This thesis analyses certain problems in Inventories and Queues. There are many situations in real-life where we encounter models as described in this thesis. It analyses in depth various models which can be applied to production, storag¢, telephone traffic, road traffic, economics, business administration, serving of customers, operations of particle counters and others. Certain models described here is not a complete representation of the true situation in all its complexity, but a simplified version amenable to analysis. While discussing the models, we show how a dependence structure can be suitably introduced in some problems of Inventories and Queues. Continuous review, single commodity inventory systems with Markov dependence structure introduced in the demand quantities, replenishment quantities and reordering levels are considered separately. Lead time is assumed to be zero in these models. An inventory model involving random lead time is also considered (Chapter-4). Further finite capacity single server queueing systems with single/bulk arrival, single/bulk services are also discussed. In some models the server is assumed to go on vacation (Chapters 7 and 8). In chapters 5 and 6 a sort of dependence is introduced in the service pattern in some queuing models.


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The main objective of the study has been to analyse the marketing problems of Indian cardamom at home and abroad and examine possible courses of action which would lead to increased consumption of cardamom, both within India and abroad. This has been done in the context of the anticipated increases in the Indian and world supply of cardamom. Field studies were undertaken to understand the cost of production of cardamom and cost of export. This study was also directed at examining how far price fluctuations in cardamom can be controlled in the Indian context, so as to have a reasonable and stable income for primary producers which will ensure adequate encouragement for higher production and better export earnings.