45 resultados para West Brookfield


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An attempt is made to study the possible relationship between the process of upwelling and zooplankton biomass in the shelf weters along the south west coast of India between Cape comorin and Ratnagiri based on oceanographic and Zooplankton data collected by the erstwhile FAO/UNDP Pelagic Fishery Project,Cochin between 1973 and 1978. Different factors such as the depth from which the bottom waters are induced upwards during the process of upwelling,the depth to which the bottom waters are drawn, vertical velocity of upwelling and the resultant zooplankton productivity were considered while arriving at the deductions. Except for nutrients and phytoplankton productivity, for which simultaneous data is lacking, all the major factors were taken into consideration before cocluding- xon positive/negative correlation.


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Variations of the infaunal polychates populations due to bottom trawling were studied during December 2000 to November 2002 at depth ranging from 0-50 m along Cochin-Munambam area (Kerala, long. 76degree10'94" to 75degree 56' and lat.9degree58' to 10degree10'), in the southwest coast of India.Infaunal polychaetes from the sediment samples were collected both before and after experimental trawling in order to assess the variations on their abundance (no.m-2),biomass(g.m-2) and diversity due to bottom trawling .Highest variations in polychaetes were recorded at station 9 in May 2002 where polychaete abundance increased to 20710 no.m-2 after trawling from 2787 no.m-2 before trawling.Biomass showed highest variations at station 3 in December 2000 where biomass increased from 7.16g.m-2 recorded before trawling to 34.53 g.m-2 in the samples collected after trawling .Multivariate community analysis carried out based on both species abundance and biomass of plychaetes also confirm the wide variations in the similarities of the stations comparing both before and after trawling


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The main objective of the present investigation was to study the biochemical genetic variability within the species and genetic structure of its regional populations from west coast. Realising the recent report of occurrence of oil sardine fishery in east coast of India, population samples from Mandapam and Madras were also included in the present investigation. The original data gathered on the population genetics of the species have helped to interpret and evaluate the results objectively. The important conclusions drawn from a detailed discussions on the subject would throw some light on the probable process of problematic fluctuations in the abundance of oil sardine fishery of India. The academic and applied values of present discoveries need not be emphasised. The data used for the doctoral thesis were generated during the ICAR ad-hoc project on the "Population genetic studies on oil sardine, sardinella longiceps to identity distinct genetic stocks", carried out at CMFRI, Cochin during the years, 1988-1991


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Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present study entitled "Investigations on the Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Squid (Loligo spp.) in Relation to Levels in Food Fishes from the West Coast of India with a Perspective on Seafood Safety"attempts to establish the base line data on metal levels in squids along the west coast of India. The study is of great relevance in the present context when utmost importance is being given for producing wholesome seafoods especially in the export market with a perspective on seafood safety.The thesis presents a comprehensive account of the base line data on important heavy metals, viz., Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn Cr and Ni in the edible and non-edible body components of the most abundant Loligo species, viz., L. duvauceli caught along the west coast of India.


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This thesis entitled “Contribution of size fractions of planktonic algae to primary organic productivity in the coastal waters of cochin,south west coast of india”. Marine ecosystems planktonic algae are the most important primary producers on wliich considerable attention is being given on account of their supreme status in the marine food chain.The study of primary production in the Indian Ocean started With DANA (I928-30),, John Murray t I933-34). Discovery ( I934) and Albatross (I947-48) expeditions which tried to evaluate productivity from nutrients and standing crop of phytoplankton .The bioproductivity of the marine environment is dependent on various primary producers. ranging in size from picoplankton to larger macro phytoplankton. The quantity and quality of various size fractions of planktonic algae at any locality depend mainly on the hydrographic conditions of the area .In the coastal waters of Cochin- south west coast of lndia. Planktonic algal community is composed mainly of the diatoms, the dinoflagellates, the blue-green algae and the silicoflagellates, the former two contributing the major flora and found distributed in the all size fractions. The maximum number of species of diatoms at station 1 and station 2 was found in the pre-monsoon season.. The size groups of planktonic algae greater than 53 um are dominated by filamentous- chain forming and colonial diatoms. The coastal waters of Cochin. planktonic algae less than 53 um in size contribute significantly to primary productivity and the biodiversity of the microflora, indicating the presence of rich fishery resources in the south west coast of india.The study of different size fractions of planktonic algae and their relative contribution to the primary organic production is a useful tool for the estimation of the quantity and quality of fisheries.A deeper investigation on the occurrence of these microalgae and proper identification of their species would be of immense help for the assessment of the specificity and magnitude of fishery resources.


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This thesis entitled Systematics,life history traits ,abundance and stock assessment of cobia rachycentron canadum (linnaeus ,1766) occurring in indian waters with special reference to the northwest coast of india.Cobia, Rachycentron canadum is a fast growing pelagic fish belonging to the monotypic family Rachycentridae. They show worldwide distribution in tropical and sub tropical waters. Cobia is exploited commercially in various countries like Taiwan, Pakistan, India, United State of America, Australia, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Recreational fishery of Cobia exists in different parts of the world. In India Cobia is caught as bycatch of trawlers, gillnet and hook and line fishery.This study also focuses on to bring out the distribution pattern and also to assess the biomass and estimate sustainable yield of Cobia inhabiting in Indian EEZ. In addition to above, present study standardised live collection methods and also reviewed culture prospects.Results of osteological study and morphological studies indicate its close resemblance to Remora and support the view that Cobia was evolved from Dolphin fishes and remoras followed it. Study also confirmed that Cobia does not have any relative or similar species and is a monotypic species belonging to the family Rachycentridae. Re description of the species was done based on the characters identified. In this study, feeding intensity was also assessed following methods like Gastrosomatic index, Mean index of feeding intensity and Index of fullness. Sex wise, month wise and length group wise fluctuations in the feeding intensity also were studied. Cobia actively fed during post monsoon period. In general, adult fed actively than the juveniles. Trophic level value estimated (4.36) indicates that Cobia occupy top level position in the food chain.


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The present work deals with the An integrated study on the hydrogeology of Bharathapuzha river basin ,south west coast of india. To study the spatial and temporal behaviour of the groundwater system of the Bharathapuzha river basin.To discover the sub-surface parameter by ground resistivity surveys.T o determine the groundwater quality of the Bharathapuzha river basin for the different seasons {pre monsoon and post monsoon with reference to the domestic and irrigational water quality standards.Present study will provide a good database on the hydrogeological aspects within the river basin.The study area covers l7 block Panchayats. Of these, Chitoor block is ‘over exploited’, Kollengode, Trithala, and Palakkad are ‘critical’ in category and Kuttippuram and Sreekrishnapuram blocks are ‘semi critical’ in terms of groundwater development.Comparison of Geomorphology map with drainage map shows that the geomorphology has a clear control on the drainage net work of the basin. The structural hill area shows a highest drainage network, where as pediment shows lowest drainage network.There are many discontinuous lineament in the Bharathapuzha river basin which can be connected by a straight line.Ground water flow directions are generally towards the western portions of the study area. From the northern region Water flows towards the central and also water from the eastern and southern side confluences at the centre and move towards western side of the basin.The positive correlation of transmissivity and storativity values show good aquifer conditions exists in the present study area .


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The objective of the present study is to elucidate the hydrological conditions of the shelf waters along the southern half or the west coast of India and their relation to the sooplankton bionase and pelagic fish resources. Data from six hydrography-plankton sections worked during the 1972-75 period of cape camerin. Quilon. cochin. Kasaragod. Karwar and kotnagiri formed the basis of the present study.Stations were fixed along the transects 10 nautical miles apart. Starting with the first station at around 15 metre depth and were usually occupied 5 to 8 times in an year at an interval of about 6 weeks. Data relating to oil sardines and macherel fisheries were availed from published information relating to the period mainly of the Central Marine fisheries Research Institute. The range of different parameters namely temperature. salinity. density and dissolved oxygen at different depths and their sloping features against the coast are discussed. Three seasons. namely south-west monsoon (summer monsoon). north-east monsoon (winter monsoon) and hot weather season are designated and data of the core months of each of these seasons considered in the study.


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The present investigations confine to a study of the distribution of foraminifera in the estuarine environment and the interstial area of the sandy beaches of the south west coast of India with a view to correlate the distribution and the intensity of occurrence of the various species with hydrographic conditions and the substrate characteristics of the area. Studies on the foraminifera of the estuarine environment were carried out in the vembanad lake ,a major estuary in the south west coast of india extending for about 60km from cochin barmouth in the north to Alleppey in the south.Fortnightly collections of hydrographical data and grab samples of bottom deposit were made for a period of 2 years (july 1973 to june 1975) from fifteen stations chosen along the length of the lake.


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The present study was undertaken with a view to understanding some aspects of the morphology, bionomics and physiology of the sea anemone A.nigrescens. This species was selected for the study since it is abundantly available along the coast throughout the year and can successfully reared in the laboratory without much effort. The present study deals with the following aspects of A.nigrescens. description of the species, habitat, food and feeding, digestion, studies on salinity tolerance, studies on oxygen consumption, studies on tolerance to desiccation, asexual reproduction and regeneration.


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The main objectives of the present study has been the collection of the larvae of some of the important and less studied demersal fishes of the South, West Coast of India, preparation of their life history series, statistical analysis of the morphometric characters, spatial as well as temporal distribution of the larvae in relation to the chief hydrographic parameters such as temperature, salinity and oxygen, so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasons of these fish populations. The informations regarding the kind and amount of bottom fish resources along the Indian Coast are scanty. Even though the flat fish resources of Indian waters contributes a singificant share in the total marine fish landings the detailed studies on biology and fishery have been conducted only for ‘Malabar Sole‘ (Cynoglossus macrostomus) while the reminder species of this group are inadequately known. Lizard fishes (order Myctophiphormes) are always present in the miscellaneous catch in all seasons but an adequate knowledge of the potential resources of this group is wanting. The Bombay duck, coming under the same order, is one of the most heavily fished species particularly along the Maharashtra Gujarat coasts but its early developmental stages are not studied. Hence the present study will contribute to a better understanding of the demersal fishery resources of the South West Coast of India


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For improving agricultural marketing, which has been discussed in the previous chapter, the Government has intervened in different ways. The direct regulatory role through the regulation of markets and market practices is one of the ways in which governmental intervention can improve agricultural marketing. This study is an enquiry of the direct regulatory role of the government through regulation of markets and market practices. By restructuring the operational methods and redesigning the existing physical markets, this system gives direct benefit to the cultivating class and protects them from the market manipulations of organised and powerful private traders. If traders do not continue their trade for the time being they will not be affected financially, because they are resourceful or financially solvent. On the other hand, Cultivators must sell their produce immediately after harvesting for the lack of additional facilities or to satisfy other needs for which finance is required. Another important reason is that Cultivators/farmers are not organised and because of lack of their organisation, they sell their produces individually. In this situation, a farmer is helpless when astute traders indulge in manipulations at the time of purchase of the produces. So it is the government's obligation to protect the interest of the farmers. Protection of the farmer/cultivator is necessary not only from the point of social justice but also from that of economic growth. If the farmers are assured of a remunerative or incentive price for their produce, they will get the inspiration to produce more and through more production, economy will be developed and the nation as a whole will be benefitted. This study will examine the management system of the markets through the direct regulatory role played by the governments to control markets and market practices in West Bengal and Bangladesh.