26 resultados para Vulcanization.
A carbon black filled 50/50 Natural Rubber (NR)/Polybutadiene Rubber (BR) blend is vulcanized using several conventional systems designed by varying the amounts of sulphur and accelerator . The cure characteristics and the vulcanizate properties are compared. The quality and quantity of crosslinks in each case are deciphered by chemical probes to correlate them with the vulcanizate properties.
Tribasic lead sulphate is tried as a practical curing agent for polychloroprene. The cure characteristics of the compounds as well as the technical properties of the vulcanizates show that it can act as a potential curative.
Compounding of styrene-butadiene copolymer/polybutadiene , natural rubber/ ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer and natural rubber/butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer blends was done in three different ways and their curing behaviour and the tensile properties of the es are compared.
This thesis presents the findings of a study on incorporating vanous thermoset resins into natural rubber for property improvement. Natural rubber is an important elastomer with the unique attribute of being a renewable agricultural product. The study was undertaken to investigate the extent to which the drawbacks of natural rubber, especially its poor thermal and oil resistance propel1ies could be nullified by blending with common thermoset resins. A thorough and comparative understanding of the perfonnance of different resins from this viewpoint will be beneficial for both natural IUbber processors and consumers. In this study the thennoset resins used were epoxy resin, phenolics, epoxidised phenolics and unsaturated polyester resin.The resins were incorporated into NR during compounding and their effects on the properties of NR were studied after vulcanization. Properties were studied for both gum and filled N R compounds. The important properties studied are cure characteristics, mechanical properties, ageing propel1ies, thermal propel1ies, crosslink density and extractability. Characterization studies were also conducted using FTIR, TGA and DSC.Improvement in mechanical properties was noticed in many cases. The results show that most resins lead to a reduction in the cure time of NR. The perfonnance of epoxy resin is most noticeable in this respect. Mechanical properties of the modified IUbber show maximum improvement in the case of epoxidised novolacs. Most resins are seen to improve the thermal and oil resistance propel1ies of NR. Epoxy novolacs show maximum effect in this respect also. However the presence of tillers is found to moderate the positive effects of the thermoset resins considerably.
Latex protein allergy is a serious problem faced by users of natural rubber latex products. This is severe in health care workers, who are constantly using latex products like examination gloves, surgical gloves etc. Out of the total proteins only a small fraction is extractable and only these proteins cause allergic reactions in sensitized people. Enzymic deproteinisation of latex and leaching and chlorination of latex products are the common methods used to reduce the severity of the problem.Enzyme deproteinisation is a cubersome process involving high cost and process loss.Physical properties of such films are poor. Leaching is a lengthy process and in leached latex products presence of extractable proteins is observed on further storing. Chlorination causes yellowing of latex products and reduction in tensile properties.In this context a more simple process of removal of extractable proteins from latex itself was investigated. This thesis reports the application of poly propylene glycol (PPG) to displace extractable proteins from natural latex. PPG is added to 60 % centrifuged natural latex to the extent of 0.2 % m/rn, subssequently diluted to 30 % dry rubber content and again concentrated to obtain a low protein latex.Dilution of concentrated latex and subsequent concentration lead to a total reduction in non - rubber solids in the concentrate, especially proteins and reduction in the ionic concentration in the aqueous phase of the latex. It has been reported that proteins in natural rubber / latex affect its behaviour in the vulcanisation process. Ionic concentration in the aqueous phase of latex influence the stability, viscosity and flow behaviour of natural latex. Hence, a detailed technological evaluation was carried out on this low protein latex. In this study, low protein latex was compared with single centrifuged latex ( the raw material to almost every latex product), double centrifuged latex ( because dilution and second concentration of latex is accompanied by protein removal to some extent and reduction in the ionic concentration of the aqueous phase of latex.). Studies were conducted on Sulphur cure in conventional and EV systems under conditions of post ~ cure and prevulcanisation of latex. Studies were conducted on radiation cure in latex stage. Extractable protein content in vulcanised low protein latex films are observed to be very low. lt is observed that this low protein latex is some what slower curing than single centrifuged latex, but faster than double centrifuged latex. Modulus of low protein latex films were slightly low. In general physical properties of vulcanised low protein latex films are only siightly lower than single centrifuged latex. Ageing properties of the low protein latex films were satisfactory. Viscosity and flow behaviour of low protein latex is much better than double centrifuged latex and almost comparable to single centrifuged latex. On observing that the physical properties and flow behaviour of low protein latex was satisfactory, it was used for the preparation of examination gloves and the gloves were evaluated. It is observed that the properties are conforming to the Indian Standard Specifications. It is thus observed that PPG treatment of natural latex is a simple process of preparing low protein latex. Extractable protein content in these films are very low.The physical properties of the films are comparable to ordinary centrifuged latex and better than conventionally deprotenized latex films. This latex can be used for the production of examination gloves.
The primary aim of this work has been to prepare efficient and cost effective polymer bound antioxidants by direct’ attachment of conventional antioxidants to a modified polymer. Due to the importance and easy availability of natural rubber in Kerala, it is proposed to make use of low molecular weight natural rubber as the polymer substrate for binding the antioxidant in most cases. The molecular weight of such low molecular weight natural rubber can be easily manipulated by varying the time of mastication, UV—irradiation etc. Further, the bound antioxidant may also get vulcanized during the vulcanization of the elastomer to which it is added, making the antioxidant non—volatile and non extractable. Several methods are proposed to be investigated for attaching the antioxidant to the low molecular weight natural rubber such as modified Friedel-Craft's alkylation reaction, binding during UV—irradiation, binding during aggressive mastication etc. The efficiency of such rubber bound antioxidants is proposed to be compared with that of conventional antioxidants in terms of volatility, extractability in solvents, ageing resistance etc. Naturally occuring antioxidants such as cardanol, are also proposed to be modified by binding them to low molecular weight natural rubber. The study is undertaken with the intention of generating a class of bound antioxidants which can be used in elastomers for aggressive and long term application.
Systematic investigations on prevulcanization of NR latex with special reference to the influence of storage of latex and after-treatments of films, have been carried out. The other aspects studied include the effect of temperature on sulphur prevulcanization, the extent of crosslinking, tensile properties, stress relaxation characteristics, water absorption and leaching characteristics of prevulcanizcd latex films
Petroleum, a mixture of organic compounds, comes from underground rock formations ranging in age from ten to several hundred million years. The process by which it is formed and developed is not yet completely known. Studies indicate that petroleum is formed mainly from microscopic-sized marine animals and plants. When these organisms died in water of low oxygen content, they did not decompose. Thus their remains sank to the bottom to be buried under accumulations of sediment. Their conversion to petroleum remains a subject of research even today.
The primary objective of this work is to develop an efficient accelerator system for low temperature vulcanization of rubbers. Although xanthates are known to act as accelerators for low temperature vulcanization, a systematic study on the mechanism of vulcanization, the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates at varying temperatures of vulcanization, cure characteristics etc are not reported. Further. xanthate based curing systems are not commonly used because of their chance for premature vulcanization during processing. The proposed study is to develop a novel accelerator system for the low temperature vulcanization of rubbers having enough processing safely. lt is also proposed to develop a method for the prevulcanisation of natural rubber latex at room temperature. As already mentioned the manufacture of rubber products at low temperature will improve its quality and appearance. Also, energy consumption can be reduced by low temperature vulcanization. in addition, low temperature vulcanization will be extremely useful in the area of repair of defective products, since subjecting finished products to high temperatures during the process of repair will adversely affect the quality of the product. Further. room temperature curing accelerator systems will find extensive applications in surface coating industries.
Natural rubber latex, an aqueous colloidal dispersion of polyisoprene is widely used in production of gloves, catherers, rubber bands etc. The natural rubber latex content present in products such as gloves causes allergic problems. Of the different types of allergies reported, latex is known to produce Type I and Type IV allergies. Type I is called immediate hypersensitivity and type IV is called delayed hypersensitivity. It has been reported that some of the proteins present in the latex are mainly responsible for the allergic reactions type I. Significant reduction in the allergic response (type I) of natural rubber latex can be achieved by the reduction in its protein content, however out of the total proteins present in the latex or latex film only a fraction is extractable. The major techniques employed to reduce protein content of latex include leaching, autoclaving, chlorination, use of proteolytic enzymes and use of non ionic surfactants. Sulphur vulcanization of dipped products is responsible for Type IV allergy. N-nitrosamine, a carcinogenic substance is produced as a result of sulphur vulcanization. Radiation vulcanization can be used as an alternative for sulphur vulcanization. The current research deals with techniques to reduce the allergy associated with latex products. To reduce the type I allergy, low protein latex is developed using polyethylene glycol, a non- ionic surfactant. The present study employs radiation vulcanization to eliminate type IV allergy. The effect of different cure systems and fillers on the properties of low protein latex is also investigated as a part of the study.