53 resultados para TROPICAL SCREECH OWL


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Department of Physical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present work is a base line attempt to investigate and assess the toxicities of three surfactants viz. anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), non ionic Triton X-1OO (TX-IOO) and cationic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). These compounds represent simple members of the often neglected group of aquatic pollutants i.e. the anionic alkyl sulfates, non ionics and the cationics. These compounds are widely used In plastic industry, pesticide/herbicide formulations, detergents, oil spill dispersants, molluscicides etc. The test organisms selected for the present study are the cyanobacterium Synechocystis salina Wislouch representing a primary producer in the marine environment and a fresh water adapted euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (peters) at the consumer level of the ecological pyramid. The fish species, though not indigenous to our country, is now found ubiquitously in fresh water systems and estuaries. Also it is highly resistant to pollutants and has been suggested as an indicator of pollution in tropical region .


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In the present study the availability of satellite altimeter sea level data with good spatial and temporal resolution is explored to describe and understand circulation of the tropical Indian Ocean. The derived geostrophic circulations showed large variability in all scales. The seasonal cycle described using monthly climatology generated using 12 years SSH data from 1993 to 2004 revealed several new aspects of tropical Indian Ocean circulation. The interannual variability presented in this study using monthly means of SSH data for 12 years have shown large year-to-year variability. The EOF analysis has shown the influence of several periodic signals in the annual and interannual scales where the relative strengths of the signals also varied from year to year. Since one of the reasons for this kind of variability in circulation is the presence of planetary waves. This study discussed the influence of such waves on circulation by presenting two cases one in the Arabian Sea and other in the Bay of Bengal.


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The SST convection relation over tropical ocean and its impact on the South Asian monsoon is the first part of this thesis. Understanding the complicated relation between SST and convection is important for better prediction of the variability of the Indian monsoon in subseasonal, seasonal, interannual, and longer time scales. Improved global data sets from satellite scatterometer observations of SST, precipitation and refined reanalysis of global wind fields have made it possible to do a comprehensive study of the SST convection relation. Interaction of the monsoon and Indian ocean has been discussed. A coupled feedback process between SST and the Active-Break cycle of the Asian summer monsoon is a central theme of the thesis. The relation between SST and convection is very important in the field of numerical modeling of tropical rainfall. It is well known that models generally do very well simulating rainfall in areas of tropical convergence zones but are found unable to do satisfactory simulation in the monsoon areas. Thus in this study we critically examined the different mechanisms of generation of deep convection over these two distinct regions.The study reported in chapter 3 has shown that SST - convection relation over the warm pool regions of Indian and west Pacific oceans (monsoon areas) is in such a way that convection increases with SST in the SST range 26-29 C and for SST higher than 29-30 C convection decreases with increase of SST (it is called Waliser type). It is found that convection is induced in areas with SST gradients in the warm pool areas of Indian and west Pacific oceans. Once deep convection is initiated in the south of the warmest region of warm pool, the deep tropospheric heating by the latent heat released in the convective clouds produces strong low level wind fields (Low level Jet - LLJ) on the equatorward side of the warm pool and both the convection and wind are found to grow through a positive feedback process. Thus SST through its gradient acts only as an initiator of convection. The central region of the warm pool has very small SST gradients and large values of convection are associated with the cyclonic vorticity of the LLJ in the atmospheric boundary layer. The conditionally unstable atmosphere in the tropics is favorable for the production of deep convective clouds.


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This thesis attempts to gain insight on the mathematical approach to estuarine oceanographic systems; also to closely understand the governing processes in the estuarine environment as well as in the adjoining river reaches. The main aim was to conduct pollution routing for tropical estuarine environment namely, for the Cochin estuary. In this context, attempts have been made to apply, verify and validate the application of models, pre- prepared with necessary modifications to suit the area of interest by use of RIVMIX and WASP tools. Finally the thesis concludes by highlighting the advantages and limitations in modelling water bodies and concurrentlysimulates most of the possible scenarios within the purview of this work.


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The main purpose of the thesis is to improve the state of knowledge and understanding of the physical structure of the TMCS and its short range prediction. The present study principally addresses the fine structure, dynamics and microphysics of severe convective storms.The structure and dynamics of the Tropical cloud clusters over Indian region is not well understood. The observational cases discussed in the thesis are limited to the temperature and humidity observations. We propose a mesoscale observational network along with all the available Doppler radars and other conventional and non—conventional observations. Simultaneous observations with DWR, VHF and UHF radars of the same cloud system will provide new insight into the dynamics and microphysics of the clouds. More cases have to be studied in detail to obtain climatology of the storm type passing over tropical Indian region. These observational data sets provide wide variety of information to be assimilated to the mesoscale data assimilation system and can be used to force CSRM.The gravity wave generation and stratosphere troposphere exchange (STE) processes associated with convection gained a great deal of attention to modem science and meteorologist. Round the clock observations using VHF and UHF radars along with supplementary data sets like DWR, satellite, GPS/Radiosondes, meteorological rockets and aircrafl observations is needed to explore the role of convection and associated energetics in detail.


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The amplified human role in shaping natural processes makes it imperative to understand the interactions between abiotic and biotic processes, whcih pertain particularly to the most dyanamic aboitic factor,water. The assessment of environmental parameters is indispensable for the sustainable management of the aqutic system .The conscious harnessing and pampering to protect the characteristics of the ecosystems is the of the day.This thesis attempts to characterize the chemical dynamacity of a tropical estury in relation to the bio, geo and physical processes and thereby to propose a management scheme for its sustainability. Micro speciation is used as a tool for this.


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Industrial pollutants, consisting of heavy metals, petroleum residues, petrochemicals, and a wide spectrum of pesticides, enter the marine environment on a massive scale and pose a very serious threat to all forms of aquatic life. Although, earlier, efforts were directed towards the identification of pollutants and their major sources, because of a growing apprehension about the potential harm that pesticides can inflict upon various aquatic fauna and flora, research on fundamental and applied aspects of pesticides in the aquatic environment has mushroomed to a point where it has become difficult to even keep track of the current advances and developments. The Cochin Estuarine System (CES), adjoining the Greater Cochin area, receives considerable amounts of domestic sewage, urban wastes, agricultural runoff as well as effluent from the industrial units spread all along its shores. Since preliminary investigations revealed that the most prominent of organic pollutants discharged to these estuarine waters were the pesticides, the present study was designed to analyse the temporal and spatial distribution profile of some of the more toxic, persistent pesticides ——— organochlorines such as DDT and their metabolites; HCH-isomers; a cyclodiene compound," Endosulfan and a widely distributed, easily degradable, organophosphorus compound, Malathion, besides investigating their sorptional and toxicological characteristics. Although, there were indications of widespread contamination of various regions of the CBS with DDT, HCH-isomers etc., due to inadequacies of the monitoring programmes and due to a glaring void of baseline data the causative factors could not identified authentically. Therefore, seasonal and spatial distributions of some of the more commonly used pesticides in the CES were monitored systematically, (employing Gas Chromatographic techniques) and the results are analysed.


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The study focuses attention on the nutrient chemistry of a tropical estuary namely the cochin estuary.The investigation was planned with the objective of studying the estuarine nutrient behaviour and to assess the role of biogeochemical cycling. The distribution of parameters of interest are better explained in the light of the hydrography of the region . Largely associated with the pollution problems of Cochin estuary receiving industrial and domestic wastes, this thesis projects the role of environmental parameters modifying the nutrient content of the water body coupled with studies on their minute variability subjected to physical, chemical and biological processes. The study has incorporated parameters like temperature, salinity, pH and D0; nutrients were investigated by the study of nitrite, nitrate. ammonia, inorganic reactive phosphorus, dissolved organic phosphorus, particulate reactive phosphorus, total reactive phosphorus and inorganic reactive silicate-silicon at surface and bottom layers of the estuary. Sediment associated interstitial and adsorbed phosphorus for a period of one year (1985-1986] were also incorporated


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In this thesis a detailed sampling is conducted using grabs and dredges to access the qualitative and quantitative nature of the macrobenthos. A11 the animal contributing to the fauna are identified and their pattern of distribution and seasonal abundance are discussed. Affinity and diversity of polychaete fauna have also been studied. Importance of different benthic forms and their contribution to the standing crop are studied in detail. Trophic relationship between macrofauna and botton feeding commercially important fishes and prawns are also given attention. The physico-chemical aspects or the environment have been studied and their relation to the distribution and abundance of bottom fauna has been discussed. Environmental parameters such as temperature. salinity and dissolved oxygen. both in bottom and in the overlying waters. and rainfall were studied along with the benthos investigations. The physico-chemical nature of the sediments was also subjected to investigation. Influence of all those ecological parameters on the bottom fauna is discussed. A detailed quantitative faunal list of maorobenthio species and a brief systematic account of the polychaeta are also given.


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The dynamics and associated stability analysis of tidal inlets situated on the southwest coast of India, namely Andhakaranazhi (90 45 J OO JJN and 760 17 J 29 JJ E) and the other at Cochin harbour inlet (90 58 1 04 J1N and 760 14 1 50 1J E) have beenconducted. A detailed study on the inlet regime of Cochin barmouth (permanent in nature) was attempted so as to elucidate information on: (a) channel characteristics (b) tidal hydraulics and (c) stability of the inlet. In this connection, a naturally occurring seasonal sandbar formation at Andhakaranazhi, near Sherthallay, about 20 km south of Cochin inlet, was also chosen as a site ofstudy brought out conclusively the dynamical study. The aspects of ( 1) tidal influx/out flux (2) channel morphology (3) sedimentation regime and (4) stability and factors related to stability of these locations. The above aspects are supported by suitable mathematical formulations to describe the associated coastal processes, wherever applicable


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Ecology is the study of systems at a level in which individuals or whole organisms may be considered elements of interaction, either among themselves, or with a loosely organised environmental matrix. Systems at this level are named ecosystems, and ecology, of course, is the biology of ecosystems" (Hargalef, 1968). This thesis includes principally, a study on the ecology of zooplankton of the Cochin backwaters conducted during the years 1971-72. This monsoonal estuarine system is particularly interesting, since it exhibits a wide range of variations in its environmental conditions which is naturally reflected in the fauna also. Several publications on various aspects of its hydrobiology have come out in the recent past. But studies on the zooplankton of the estuary have mostly been discontinuous either in space or time or restricted to its groups


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The present work is a base—|ine attempt to investigate and assess the toxicity of water-accommodated fractions (WAF) of Bombay High crude oil. The experimental animal selected for the present study is a euryhaline teleost, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), adapted to fresh water. The fish has been selected on account of its economic valve, abundant availability, experimental feasibility, ease of rearing and maintenance and also because it is one of the commonly cultured species in the South-East Asian countries.


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This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.


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Cochin backwaters, a tropical barbuilt estuary is well known for its prawn, molluscan and demersal fisheries. Also it formed the dumping area for sewage,235 retting of husks and discharge of effluents from industries located on either side of it. As a result the fishery is being gradually dwindled year after year due to the lowering of the water quality. The effect of industrial polution on the benthic community of this tropical estuary was worked out. An area extending over 21 km from the mouth of the estuary to upstream of industrial belt was selected. Temporal and spatial variations of 16 environmental parameters at 9 stations along the area were monitored monthly during 1981. Benthic fauna of these 9 stations consisted of amphipods , polychaetes, isopods, tanaidaceans, molluscs and other crustaceans (Decapods, Acetes, Alpheids, Balanus, insect larvae, chironomid larvae, cumacea and some fresh water forms ). Apart from these, sea anemone, flat worms, nematodes, sipunculoids, echinoderms and fishes were also encountered. 75 species belonging to 31 faunal groups were identified. Of these 31 groups, amphipods, polychaedes, isopods, tanaidaceans and molluscs were numerically abundant. Rest of the 26 groups (including 13 riverine forms) were found less significant due to their rare occurrence/low numerical abundance. Polychaetes and molluscs were the only major groups present at all the stations.