42 resultados para Sediments lacustres


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The present study provides an account of the occurrence and diversity of marine yeasts in the slope sediments of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It also gives a clear idea about the role of yeasts in the benthic realm of marine ecosystem. The lipolytic potential of the organisms indicate the presence of rich lipid moieties in the study area. The isolates, Candida sp. SD 302 and Pichia guilliermondii SD 337 were proved to have potential oil degrading property and can be employed as bioremediators of oil spill after further characterization. The black yeasts isolated during the study area were found to have high commercial value by virtue of the by-products obtained from them. The melanin and the melanin degrading enzyme extracted from these organisms are potential bioactive materials for application in cosmetology.


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Humic substances are complex polymeric structures.No other polymers with such a wide range of properties are so widely distributed in nature.But still their moleculer structures are unknown. A structural knowledge is essential in determining their reactivity with metals.In the present work structural elucidation of humic acids from three different mangrove ecosystems of Cochin area is done with the available data from functional group analysis and various spectroscopic methods.13C NMR spectra of the solid samples with CPMAS,IR and SEM are very promising in revealing the complex structures of these polymeric substances.Sorptional studies on the sediment and humic acid of mangrove ecosystem reveals that the major portion of the organic matter is not extractable with Sodium hydroxide and humic acid only a small portion of the total organic matter. Humic acid is a good complexing agent and scavenger. Due to the nonextractable nature of the organic matter present with the sediment left after alkali extraction it is a better scavenger.


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Mangrove swamps are unique inter-tidal wetland ecosystems found in sheltered tropical and subtropical shores.Mangrove sediments can be considered as large reservoirs of amino acids,which exist in several different forms,like free amino acids in the sediment micropores,as amino acids,peptides or proteins bound to clay minerals or as amino acids,peptides or proteins bound to humic colloids.Inorder to assess survival conditions of organisms of mangroves,it is important to understand stability of amino acids in the sediments.The amounts of amino acids present in sediment represent a balance between its synthesis and destruction by microorganisms.Thus amino acid analysis offers more insight into the processes of diagenesis,which changes the nature and characteristics of organic matter deposition and decomposition.


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The biogeochemistry of mangroves are the least understood ecological properties because of their sediment complexicity due to the tidal influx of allochthonous organic matter and the autochthonous inputs.In order to understand the relative importance of biogeochemical processes,it is necessary not only to characterise and qualify the organic matter but also to identify its major sources .The present study is a preliminary investigation to identify the sources of organic matter in three mangrove systems of Cochin Estuary using fatty acid biomarkers,δ13 C of total organic matter,elemental composition and biochemical composition.


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The metals present in the surface sediments have high demand on a global perspective, and the main reservoir of these elements is believed to be the ocean floor. A lot of studies on metals are going on throughout the world for its quantification and exploitation. Even though, some preliminary attempts have been made in selected areas for the quantitative study of metals in the western continental shelf of India, no comprehensive work has been reported so far. The importance of this study also lies on the fact that there has not been a proper evaluation of the impact of the Great Tsunami of 2004 on the coastal areas of the south India. In View of this, an attempt has been made to address the seasonal distribution, behavior and mechanisms which control the deposition of metals in the sediments of the western continental shelf and Cochin Estuary, an annex to this coastal marine region.Surface sediment samples were collected seasonally from two subenvironemnts of southwest coast of India, (continental shelf of Kerala and Cochin estuarine system), to estimate the seasonal distribution and geochemical behavior of non-transition, transition, rare-earth elements, Th and U. Bottom water samples were also taken from each station, and analysed for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, hence the response of redox sensitive elements to oxygen minimum zone can be addressed. In addition, other sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay fractions, CaCO3 and organic carbon content were also estimated to evaluate the control factors on level of metals present in the sediment. The study used different environmental data analysis techniques to evaluate the distribution and behavior of elements during different seasons. This includes environmental parameters such as elemental normalisation, enrichment factor, element excess, cerium and europium anomalies and authigenic uranium.


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This thesis entitled spatial and temporal variarion of microbial community structure in surficial sediments of cochin estuary.In the estuarine and coastal systems, organic matter (OM) is derived not only from autochthonous primary production, but also from allochthonous (terrestrial) organic matter (OM) delivered by river discharge and runoff. A significant portion of the OM sinks through the water column and is ultimately stored in carbon pool in the sediments.Analysis of spatial and temporal variation in benthic microbial community of a tropical estuary was conducted for the first time using non selective measures that affirms that PLFA approach is a sensitive and reliable method in determining microbial community structures of surficial sediments of estuary.The close relationship between the concentrations of the microbial fatty acids and total biomass indicates that bacteria could account for the largest proportion of the biomass in the sediments.This is first study that has documented the changes in microbial community composition linkage to biotic and abiotic variables in benthic estuarine ecosystem. This contemporaneous community will be the backdrop for understanding the response of autochthonous community to increasing anthropogenic stress.


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The continental shelf of southwest coast of India (Kerala) is broader and . flatter compared to that of the east coast. The unique characteristic feature of the study area (innershelf between Narakkal and Purakkad) is the intermittent appearance of 'mud banks' at certain locations during southwest monsoon. The strong seasonality manifests significant changes in the wind, waves, currents, rainfall, drainage etc., along this area. Peculiar geomorphological variation with high, mid and lowlands in the narrow strip of the hinterland, the geological formations mainly consisting of rocks of metamorphic origin and the humid tropical weathering conditions play significant role in regulating the shelf sedimentation. A complementary pattern of distri bution is observed for clay that shows an abundance in the nearshore. Silt, to a major extent, depicts semblance with clay distribution . Summation of the total asymmetry of grain size distribution are inferred from the variation of skewness and kurtosis.Factor I implies a low energy regime where the transportation and deposition phases are controlled mostly by pelagic suspension process as the factor loadings are dominant on finer phi sizes. The second Factor is inferred to be the result of a high energy regime which gives higher loadings on coarser size fractions. The third Factor which might be a transition phase (medium energy regime) representing the resultant flux of coastal circulation of the re-suspension/deposition and an onshoreoffshore advection by reworking and co-deposition of relict and modern sediments. The spatial variations of the energy regime based on the three end-member factor model exhibits high energy zone in the seaward portion transcending to a low energy one towards the coast.From the combined analysis of granulometry and SEM studies, it is concluded that the sandy patches beyond 20 m depth are of relict nature. They are the resultant responses of beach activity during the lower stand of sea level in the Holocene. Re-crystallisation features on the quartz grains indicate that they were exposed to subaerial weathering process subsequent to thei r deposition


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This thesis is an attempt to Provenence, Sedimentetion and Geochemistry of the Modern Sediments of the Mud Banks off the Central Kerela Coast, India. In the present doctoral work, an attempt has been made to study in detail the mud banks of central Kerala, i.e. of Narakkal, Saudi and Purakkad areas which are reported as permanent mud banks, since olden days. The studies have been conducted during the years 1985 and 1986. The important findings of the study is stated as clay mineralogical studies of the rivers, lake and mud bank sediments reveal that the dominant clay mineral is kaolinite followed by montmorillonite, illite and gibbsite. Geochemical analysis of the Vembanad lake and mud bank sediments show that the iron and manganese are widely distributed both in the lake and mud bank sediments


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The thesis entitled “Sterols in Mangrove Sediments of the Cochin Estuary” is an attempt to characterize the sterol content of the mangrove sediments, their dietary status with respect to the natural flora and fauna present, their transfonnations in the sediment and assess contributions, if any to the nursery character of the mangrove eco system. Samplings were done from two sites at Mangalavanam and Vypin. Mangalavanam is a patchy mangrove area in the heart of the city of Cochin and serves as a small bird sanctuary. This is an almost closed system with a single narrow canal linking to the estuary. Vypin, the largest single stretch of mangroves in Kerala, is regularly inundated by a semi diurnal rhythm of Cochin bar mouth. Perhaps, this is the only site in Kerala where one can see mangroves right along the accreting seacoast. However a lot of developmental pressure is threatening the very existence of these mangroves. Post monsoon sediment samples from these areas were used for the present study, as it is the period of maximum faunal growth and activity


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Quaternary stratigraphy of the Kerala coast and the genetic aspects of the sediments are discussed. The age of limeshells, and peaty sediments determined by radio carbon dating have been used for reconstruction of sea level changes. Evolution of red sands occurring in some parts of the coastal tract of Kerala is also discussed, based on textural parameters and quartz grain morphology.


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This study enfolds the environment of deposition and the lateral variation in texture, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Ashtamudy lake sediments. While the heavy mineral and clay mineral investigations enable us to decipher the nature, texture and source of sediments; organic matter and carbonate contents and the geochemical analysis of major and minor elements help establish the distribution and concentration of the same in regard to the various physico-chemical processes operating in the lake. Study of trace elements holds prime importance in this work, since their concentrations can be used to outline the extent of contaminated bottom area, as well as the source and dispersal paths of discharged_pollutants. In short, this study brings out a vivid picture of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the lake sediments in different environments, viz., the freshwater, brackish water and marine environments that are confined to the eastern, central and western parts of the lake respectively. For the better understanding and expression of the results of the analysis, the lake has been divided into 3 zones namely: eastern part, central part and western part.


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The marine environment is indubitably the largest contiguous habitat on Earth. Because of its vast volume and area, the influence of the world ocean on global climate is profound and plays an important role in human welfare and destiny. The marine environment encompasses several habitats, from the sea surface layer down through the bulk water column, which extends >10,000 meters depth, and further down to the habitats on and under the sea floor. Compared to surface habitats, which have relatively high kinetic energy, deep-ocean circulation is very sluggish. By comparison, life in the deep sea is characterized by a relatively constant physical and chemical environment. Deep water occupying the world ocean basin is a potential natural resource based on its properties such as low temperature, high pressure and relatively unexplored properties. So, a judicious assessment of the marine resources and its management are essential to ensure sustainable development of the country’s ocean resources. Marine sediments are complex environments that are affected by both physiological and biological factors, water movements and burrowing animals. They encompass a large extent of aggregates falling from the surface waters. In aquatic ecosystems, the flux of organic matter to the bottom sediments depend on primary productivity at the ocean surface and water depth. Over 50% of the earth’s surface is covered by deep-sea sediments that are primarily formed through the continual deposition of particles from the productive pelagic waters (Vetriani et al., 1999). These aggregates are regarded as ‘hot spots’ of microbial activity in the ocean (Simon et al., 2002). This represents a good nutritional substrate for heterotrophic bacteria and favours bacterial growth


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All over the world, several Quaternary proxy data have been used to reconstruct past sea levels, mainly radiocarbon or OSL dating of exposures of marine facies or shore line indicators (e.g. Carr et al., 2010) as well as paleoenvironmental indicators in lagoon or estuary sediments (e.g. Baxter and Meadows, 1999). Estuaries and deltas develop at river mouths during transgressive and regressive phases, respectively (Boyd et al., 1992). In particular, the postglacial Holocene sea-level rise has contributed importantly to the estuary-to-delta transition (Hori et al. 2004). By analyzing radiocarbon ages of the basal or near-basal sediments of the world’s deltas, Stanley and Warne (1994) showed that delta initiation occurred on a worldwide scale after about 8500–6500 years BP and concluded that the initiation was controlled principally by the declining rate of the Holocene sea-level rise. Worldwide there were different regional sea-level changes since the last glacial maximum (LGM) (Irion et al., 2012). Along the northern Canadian coast, for example, sea level has been falling throughout the Holocene due to the glacial rebound of the crust after the last glaciation (Peltier, 1988). This is comparable to the development in Scandinavia (Steffen and Kaufmann, 2005) where sea level drops today. From about Virginia/USA to Mexico there is a constant sea-level rise similar to the Holocene sea-level development of the southern North Sea (e.g. Vink et al., 2007). From the border of Ceará/Rio Grande do Norte down to Patagonia, indicators of Holocene sea level point to a level that was up to 5 m higher than today's mean sea level (Angulo et al., 1999; Martin et al., 2003; Caldas et al., 2006a, b)


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Continental shelf is of particular significance in marine geology , because it links the two basically different structural zones in the earth's crust; the continents and ocean basins. The shelf area has much wider importance in many fields of activity such as scientific, economic, social, political and strategic. The pace of development has ultimately put pressure on mankind to look for exploitable resources and accessibility to the continental shelf area and beyond. Added to the above, the developmental activities in the coastal area would readily and directly influence the innershelf sediments. This situation demands a thorough geological knowledge of the continental shelf area. Moreover, a successful management of the continental shelf zone requires an optimum data base on the physico-chemical nature of the shelf sediments. Although sedimentological studies were carried out along the western continental shelf of India, a well documented systematic study of the inner shelf off Trivandrum coast is still found to be lacking. Considering the physiographic settings and the vicinity of two renowned placer deposits at Chavara and Manavalakurichi, such a sedimetological inventory has become all the more vital. In view of the above, a research programme has been drawn up to account the salient sedimentological and mineralogical aspects of the innershelf and beach sediments between Paravur and Kovalam, Trivandrum district, Kerala (latitudes 8° 7'00" to 8° 47'45" and longitudes 76°43'00" to 77° 40'45"). The findings are presented in six chapters formatted to address the aim of this research.