75 resultados para Nd: YAG


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Laser produced plasma from silver is generated using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time of flight (TOF) analysis of atomic particles. An anomalous double peak profile in the TOF distribution is observed at low pressure. A collection of slower species emerge at reduced pressure below 4 X lO-3 mbar and this species has a greater velocity spread. At high pressure the plasma expansion follows the shockwave model with cylindrical symmetry whereas at reduced pressure it shows unsteady adiabatic expansion (UAE). During UAE the species show a parabolic increases in the expansion time with radial distance whereas during shock wave expansion the exponent is less than one. The angular distribution of the ablated species in the plume is obtained from the measurement of optical density of thin films deposited on to glass substrates kept perpendicular to the plume. There is a sharp variation in the film thickness away from the film centre due to asymmetries in the plume.


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The effect of ambient gas on the dynamics of the plasma generated by laser ablation of a carbon target using 1.06 μm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been investigated using a spectroscopic technique. The emission characteristics of the carbon plasma produced in argon, helium and air atmospheres are found to depend strongly on the nature and pressure of the surrounding gas. It has been observed that hotter and denser plasmas are formed in an argon atmosphere rather than in helium or air as an ambient.


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A silver target kept under partial vacuum conditions was irradiated with focused nanosecond pulses at 1:06 mm from a Nd:YAG laser. The electron emission monitored with a Langmuir probe shows a clear twin-peak distribution. The first peak which is very sharp has only a small delay and it indicates prompt electron emission with energy as much as 60 5 eV. Also the prompt electron emission shows a temporal profile with a width that is same as that for the laser pulse whereas the second peak is broader, covers several microseconds, and represents the low-energy electrons (2 0:5 eV) associated with the laser-induced silver plasma as revealed by time-of-flight measurements. It has been found that prompt electrons ejected from the target collisionally excite and ionize ambient gas molecules. Clearly resolved rotational structure is observed in the emission spectra of ambient nitrogen molecules. Combined with time-resolved spectroscopy, the prompt electrons can be used as excitation sources for various collisional excitation–relaxation experiments. The electron density corresponding to the first peak is estimated to be of the order of 1017 cm?--3 and it is found that the density increases as a function of distance away from the target. Dependence of probe current on laser intensity shows plasma shielding at high laser intensities.


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Thermal diffusivity measurements are carried out in certain organic liquids using the pulsed dual beam thermal lens technique. The 532 nm pulses from a frequency doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser are used as the heating source and an intensity stabilized He-Ne laser serves as the probe beam. Experimental determination of the characteristic time constant of the transient thermal lens signal is verified theoretically. Measured thermal diffusivity values are in excellent agreement with literature values.


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The dynamics of diffusion of electrons and ions from the laser-produced plasma from a multielement superconducting material, namely YBa2Cu3O7, using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is investigated by time-resolved emission-spectroscopic techniques at various laser irradiances. It is observed that beyond a laser irradiance of 2.6 \xC3\x97 1011 W cm-2, the ejected plume collectively drifts away from the target with a sharp increase in velocity to 1.25 \xC3\x97 106 cm s-1, which is twice its velocity observed at lower laser irradiances. This sudden drift apparently occurs as a result of the formation of a charged double layer at the external plume boundary. This diffusion is collective, that is, the electrons and ions inside the plume diffuse together simultaneously and hence it is similar to the ambipolar diffusion of charged particles in a discharge plasma


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Laser radiation at 1.06 µm from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a multielement YBa2Cu3O7 target in vacuum and the plasma thus generated was studied using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. Line broadening of the Ba I emission line at 553.5 nm was monitored as a function of time elapsed after the incidence of a laser pulse on the target. Measured line profiles of barium species were used to infer the electron density and temperature, and the time evolution of these important plasma parameters has been worked out.


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Thermal lensing effect was studied in aqueous solutions of rhodamine B using 532 nm, 9 ns pulses from a Nd:YAG laser. A low intensity He-Ne laser beam was used for probing the thermal lens. Results obtained show that it is appropriate to use this technique for studying nonlinear absorption processes like two photon absorption or excited state absorption and for analyzing dimerization equilibria.


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Dual-beam transient thermal lens studies were carried out in aqueous solutions of rhodamine 6G using 532 nm pulses from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. The analysis of the observed data showed that the thermal lens method can effectively be utilized to study the nonlinear absorption and aggregation which are taking place in a dye medium.


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Optical limiting and thermal lensing studies are carried out in C70–toluene solutions. The measurements are performed using 9-ns pulses generated from a frequencydoubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. Optical limiting studies in fullerene molecules lead to the conclusion that reverse saturable absorption is the major mechanism for limiting. Analysis of thermal lensing measurements showed a quadratic dependence of thermal lens signal on incident laser energy, which also supports the view that optical limiting in C70 arises due to sequential two-photon absorption via excited triplet state (reverse saturable absorption).


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This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and the relative intensities in which a dye mixture doped polymer optical fibre can operate. A comparative study of the radiative and Forster type energy transfer processes in Coumarin 540:Rhodamine 6G, Coumarin 540:Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G:Rhodamine B in methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was done by fabricating a series of dye mixture doped polymer rods which have two emission peaks with varying relative intensities. These rods can be used as preforms for the fabrication of polymer optical fibre amplifiers operating in the multi-wavelength regime. The 445 nm line from an Nd:YAG pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was used as the excitation source for the first two dye pairs and a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser emitting at 532 nm was used to excite the Rh 6G:Rh B pair. The fluorescence lifetimes of the donor molecule in pure form as well as in the mixtures were experimentally measured in both monomer and polymer matrices by time-correlated single photon counting technique. The energy transfer rate constants and transfer efficiencies were calculated and their dependence on the acceptor concentration was analysed. It was found that radiative energy transfer mechanisms are more efficient in all the three dye pairs in liquid and solid matrices.


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Two-photon absorption in methanol solutions of Rhodamine 6G is investigated by photoacoustics using the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Competition between one-photon and two-photon processes is observed, depending critically on the sample concentration and input light flux.


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A pulsed Nd-YAG laser beam is used to produce a transient refractive index gradient in air adjoining the plane surface of the sample material. This refractive index gradient is probed by a continuous He-Ne laser beam propagating parallel to the sample surface. The observed deflection signals produced by the probe beam exhibit drastic variations when the pump laser energy density crosses the damage threshold for the sample. The measurements are used to estimate the damage threshold for a few polymer samples. The present values are found to be in good agreement with those determined by other methods.


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Spatial and temporal analyses of the spectra of the laser induced plasma from a polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) target obtained with the 1.06 mu m radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser have been carried out. The spatially resolved spectra of the plasma emission show that molecular bands of C2 (Swan bands) and CN are very intense in the outer regions of the plasma, whereas higher ionized states of carbon are predominant in the core region of the plasma emission. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels have been studied as a function of laser energy. From the time resolved studies, it has been observed that there exist fairly large time delays for the onset of emission from all the species in the outer region of the plasma. The molecular bands in each region exhibit much larger time delays in comparison to the ionic lines in the plasma.


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Pulsed photoacoustic measurements have been carried out in toluene at 532 nm wavelength using a Q-switched frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. The variation of photoacoustic signal amplitude with incident laser power indicates that at lower laser powers one photon absorption takes place at this wavelength while a clear two photon absorption occurs in this liquid at higher laser powers. The studies made here demonstrate that pulsed photoacoustic technique is simple and effective for the investigation of multiphoton processes in liquids.


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Photoemission optogalvanaic (POG) effect has been observed by irradiating copper target electrode, in a nitrogen discharge cell using 1.06 μm and frequency doubled 532 nm Nd:YAG laser pulse. Measurement of the nature of the variation of POG signal strength with 532 nm laser fluence confirms the two photon induced photoelectric emission from copper. However, using 1.06 μm laser pulses thermally assisted photoemission is observed.