41 resultados para Modified Vicat


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Surface acidity of phosphate modified La2O3,CeO2 and SnO2 has been estimated by titrimetric Method using Hammett Indicators.Mixed Oxides of tin and lanthanum have also been prepared and subjected to phosphate modification.Surface characterizartion of the samples has been carried out using XRD, surface area,thermal analysis and IR spectroscopy. Phosphate content in the samples has been chemically estimated. The catalytic activity for benzylation and esterification reaction has also been investigated.


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Lanthana modified sol-gel titania is prepared through particulate sol-gel route and the physico-chemical characterizations of the prepared systems were done using X-Ray diffration, EDX, BET surface area-pore volume measurements and TG-DTG analysis. Benzophenone was observed to be the sole product in the TiO2 photocatalyzed oxidation of benzhydrol in oxygen purged acetonitrile. The influence of various parameters, like irradiation time, amount of catalyst, concentration of the catalyst and other factors on the photocatalytic oxidation has been investigated. The proposed mechanism envisages the involvement of a superoxide radical anion.


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Preparation and physico-chemical characterization or phosphate modified zirconia systems and their application to Friedel-Crafts benzylation and benzoylation of toluene have been reported. The influence of transition metals on the surface properties and catalytic activity has also been discussed.


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Catalysis is a mature field with extensive practical applications in today's society.indeed,the catalysis of petroleum refining,fine chemical synthesis and emission control demands the production of catalysts in bulk quantities.Future improvement of these well established processes is likely to be incremental.On the other hand,the continuous demand for new products will require additional novel and innovative processes.The need for pollution abatement and prevention also imposes new demands on catalysis, and new processes are periodically advanced for the control of emission of gases as well as for remediation processes such as the cleaning of underground waters. The number of problems where catalysis can have a big impact is constantly growing.In general,science stimulated by the technology has enriched the field of catalysis in a way that has had broad and lasting value.The thesis"Transition metal and rare earth metal modified sol-gel titania: a versatile catalyst for organic transformations" accounts the preparation and characterization studies of both transition metals and rare earth metals modified sol-gel titania and its applications in industrially useful organic reactions.


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A high power Nz laser of the double-Blumlein type having a modified gas flow system, electrode configuration, and discharge geometry with minimum inductance is described. By incorporating a triggere’d-pressurized spark gap switch, arc-free operation was achieved for a wide E/P range. The device gives a peak power in excess of 700 kW with a FWHM of 3 ns and an efficiency of 0.51%, which is remarkably high for a pulsed nitrogen laser system. The dependence of output power on parameters such as operating pressure, voltage, and repetition rate are discussed.


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A major challenge in the transmission of narrow pulses is the radiation characteristics of the antenna. Designing the front ends for UWB systems pose challenges compared to their narrow and wide band counterparts because in addition to having electrically small size, high efficiency and band width, the antenna has to have excellent transient response. The present work deals with the design of four novel antenna designs- Square Monopole, Semi-Elliptic Slot, Step and Linear Tapered slot - and an assay on their suitability in UWB Systems. Multiple resonances in the geometry are matched to UWB by redesigning the ground-patch interfaces. Techniques to avoid narrow band interference is proposed in the antenna level and their effect on a nano second pulse have also been investigated. The thesis proposes design guidelines to design the antenna on laminates of any permittivity and the analyzes are complete with results in the frequency and time domains.


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A compact, dual band coplanar waveguide fed modified T-shaped uniplanar antenna is presented. The antenna has resonances at 1.77 and 5.54 GHz with a wide band from 1.47–1.97 GHz and from 5.13–6.48 GHz with an impedance bandwidth of 34% and 26%, respectively. Also the antenna has an average gain of 3 dBi in lower band and 3.5 dBi in higher band with an average efficiency of 90%.


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The aim of catalysis research is to apply the catalyst successfully in economically important reactions in an environmentally friendly way. The present work focuses on the modification of structural and surface properties of ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts by the incorporation of transition metals. The applications of these catalysts in industrially important reactions like ethylbenzene oxidation, alkylation of aromatics are also investigated.Sol-gel method is effective for the preparation of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia mixed oxide since it produces catalyst with highly dispersed incorporated metal. Unlike that of impregnation method plugging of pores is not prominent for sol-gel derived catalyst materials. This prevents loss of surface area on metal modification as evident for BET surface area measurements.The powder X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the cubic structure of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts. The thermal stability is evident from TGA/DTA analysis. DR UV-vis spectra provide information on the coordination environment of the incorporated metal. EPR analysis ofCr, Mn and Cu modified ceria and a ceria-zirconia catalyst reveals the presence of different oxidation states of incorporated metal.Temperature programmed desorption of ammonia and thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethyl pyridine confirms the enhancement of acidity on metal incorporation. High a-methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction implies the presence of comparatively more number of Lewis acid sites with some amount of Bronsted acid sites. The formation of cyclohexanone during cyclohexanol decomposition confirms the presence of basic sites on the catalyst surface.Mn and Cr modified catalysts show better activity towards ethylbenzene oxidation. A redox mechanism through oxometal pathway is suggested.All the catalysts were found to be active towards benzylation of toluene and a-xylene. The selectivity towards monoalkylated products remains almost 100%. The catalytic activity is correlated with the Lewis acidity of the prepared systems.The activity of the catalysts towards methylation of phenols depends on the strength acid sites as well as the redox properties of the catalysts. A strong dependence of methylation activity on the total acidity is illustrated.


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Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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To meet the challenges related to the chemical industry,development of efficient catalysts is necessary.The mesoporous materials like SBA-15 are considered as good catalyst candidates of 21st century.SBA-15 mesoporous materials are catalytically inactive,but allow the dispersion of catalytically active phases into the framework.So these materials can be considered as an interesting alternative for preparing catalytically active metal nanoparticles in-situ into it.In the present work various transition metals are incorporated to improve the catalytic activity of SBA-15 material.The fundamental aspects of the preparation,characterization and the activity studies are briefly viewed in this thesis. Systematic investigation of the physico-chemical properties and catalytic activity studies of the prepared materials were carried out and presented in this Study.


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The present work aims to prepare visible light responsive anion doped titania via sol-gel precipitation method.The prepared catalysts were characterized by various techniques.The photocatalytic abilities of the prepared catalysts were measured by the degradation of dyes,pesticides,hydrogen production through water splitting reaction and antibacterial study.We also compared the activities of prepared catalysts with pure titania prepared in the laboratory and one of the commercial anatase titania samples.


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Semiconductor photocatalysis has received much attention during last three decades as a promising solution for both energy generation and environmental problems. Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation allows the degradation of organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of a semiconductor catalyst and UV light source. The •OH radicals formed during the photocatalytic processes are powerful oxidizing agents and can mineralise a number of organic contaminants. Titanium dioxide (TiO2), due to its chemical stability, non-toxicity and low cost represents one of the most efficient photocatalyst. However, only the ultraviolet fraction of the solar radiation is active in the photoexcitation processes using pure TiO2 and although, TiO2 can treat a wide range of organic pollutants the effectiveness of the process for pollution abatement is still low. A more effective and efficient catalyst therefore must be formulated. Doping of TiO2 was considered with the aim of improving photocatalytic properties. In this study TiO2 catalyst was prepared using the sol-gel method. Metal and nonmetal doped TiO2 catalysts were prepared. The photoactivity of the catalyst was evaluated by the photodegradation of different dyes and pesticides in aqueous solution. High photocatalytic degradation of all the pollutants was observed with doped TiO2. Structural and optical properties of the catalysts were characterized using XRD, BET surface area, UV-Vis. DRS, CHNS analysis, SEM, EDX, TEM, XPS, FTIR and TG. All the catalysts showed the anatase phase. The presence of dopants shifts the absorption of TiO2 into the visible region indicating the possibility of using visible light for photocatalytic processes.


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This thesis investigated the potential use of Linear Predictive Coding in speech communication applications. A Modified Block Adaptive Predictive Coder is developed, which reduces the computational burden and complexity without sacrificing the speech quality, as compared to the conventional adaptive predictive coding (APC) system. For this, changes in the evaluation methods have been evolved. This method is as different from the usual APC system in that the difference between the true and the predicted value is not transmitted. This allows the replacement of the high order predictor in the transmitter section of a predictive coding system, by a simple delay unit, which makes the transmitter quite simple. Also, the block length used in the processing of the speech signal is adjusted relative to the pitch period of the signal being processed rather than choosing a constant length as hitherto done by other researchers. The efficiency of the newly proposed coder has been supported with results of computer simulation using real speech data. Three methods for voiced/unvoiced/silent/transition classification have been presented. The first one is based on energy, zerocrossing rate and the periodicity of the waveform. The second method uses normalised correlation coefficient as the main parameter, while the third method utilizes a pitch-dependent correlation factor. The third algorithm which gives the minimum error probability has been chosen in a later chapter to design the modified coder The thesis also presents a comparazive study beh-cm the autocorrelation and the covariance methods used in the evaluaiicn of the predictor parameters. It has been proved that the azztocorrelation method is superior to the covariance method with respect to the filter stabf-it)‘ and also in an SNR sense, though the increase in gain is only small. The Modified Block Adaptive Coder applies a switching from pitch precitzion to spectrum prediction when the speech segment changes from a voiced or transition region to an unvoiced region. The experiments cont;-:ted in coding, transmission and simulation, used speech samples from .\£=_‘ajr2_1a:r1 and English phrases. Proposal for a speaker reecgnifion syste: and a phoneme identification system has also been outlized towards the end of the thesis.


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The objective of the present work is to improve the textural and structural properties of cerium oxide by the incorporation of transition metals as well as sulphate ions. We have incorporated tungsten, molybdenum and chromium oxide into pure as well as sulphated cerium oxide and the catalytic systems thus prepared were characterised using various techniques. lndustrially important reactions such as acetalization and deacetalization, oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene, MTBE synthesis and Beckmann rearrangement of cinnamaldoxime and salicylaldoxime have been selected for the measurement of the catalytic activity of the systems. The work is presented in eight chapters