31 resultados para Laser energy


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Laser induced photoacoustic (PA) technique is used in the study of photostability of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) films doped with Rhodamine 6G -Rhodamine B dye system. Energy transfer from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule in a dye mixture affects the output of the dye system. Details of investigations on the role of laser power, modulation frequency and the irradiation wavelength on the photosensitivity of the dye mixture doped PMMA films are presented.


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Transparent conducting oxides (TCO’s) have been known and used for technologically important applications for more than 50 years. The oxide materials such as In2O3, SnO2 and impurity doped SnO2: Sb, SnO2: F and In2O3: Sn (indium tin oxide) were primarily used as TCO’s. Indium based oxides had been widely used as TCO’s for the past few decades. But the current increase in the cost of indium and scarcity of this material created the difficulty in obtaining low cost TCO’s. Hence the search for alternative TCO material has been a topic of active research for the last few decades. This resulted in the development of various binary and ternary compounds. But the advantages of using binary oxides are the easiness to control the composition and deposition parameters. ZnO has been identified as the one of the promising candidate for transparent electronic applications owing to its exciting optoelectronic properties. Some optoelectronics applications of ZnO overlap with that of GaN, another wide band gap semiconductor which is widely used for the production of green, blue-violet and white light emitting devices. However ZnO has some advantages over GaN among which are the availability of fairly high quality ZnO bulk single crystals and large excitonic binding energy. ZnO also has much simpler crystal-growth technology, resulting in a potentially lower cost for ZnO based devices. Most of the TCO’s are n-type semiconductors and are utilized as transparent electrodes in variety of commercial applications such as photovoltaics, electrochromic windows, flat panel displays. TCO’s provide a great potential for realizing diverse range of active functions, novel functions can be integrated into the materials according to the requirement. However the application of TCO’s has been restricted to transparent electrodes, ii notwithstanding the fact that TCO’s are n-type semiconductors. The basic reason is the lack of p-type TCO, many of the active functions in semiconductor originate from the nature of pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al reported the CuAlO2 as the first p-type TCO along with the chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCO’s. This has led to the fabrication of all transparent diode and transistors. Fabrication of nanostructures of TCO has been a focus of an ever-increasing number of researchers world wide, mainly due to their unique optical and electronic properties which makes them ideal for a wide spectrum of applications ranging from flexible displays, quantum well lasers to in vivo biological imaging and therapeutic agents. ZnO is a highly multifunctional material system with highly promising application potential for UV light emitting diodes, diode lasers, sensors, etc. ZnO nanocrystals and nanorods doped with transition metal impurities have also attracted great interest, recently, for their spin-electronic applications This thesis summarizes the results on the growth and characterization of ZnO based diodes and nanostructures by pulsed laser ablation. Various ZnO based heterojunction diodes have been fabricated using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and their electrical characteristics were interpreted using existing models. Pulsed laser ablation has been employed to fabricate ZnO quantum dots, ZnO nanorods and ZnMgO/ZnO multiple quantum well structures with the aim of studying the luminescent properties.


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We present a compact solid-state laser based on leaky mode propagation from a dye-doped polymer free-standing film waveguide. The edge emitted spectrum clearly indicated the existence of periodic resonant modes. The reflections from the lateral faces of the free-standing film provided the optical feedback thus giving rise to a Fabry–Perot like optical cavity. This together with the guidance through the gain medium gave rise to intense narrow emission lines. For a pump energy of 1.82 mJ/pulse, an intense line with FWHM ∼0.4 nmwas observed at 576.5 nm.


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We present a compact solid-state laser based on leaky mode propagation from a dye-doped polymer free-standing film waveguide. The edge emitted spectrum clearly indicated the existence of periodic resonant modes. The reflections from the lateral faces of the free-standing film provided the optical feedback thus giving rise to a Fabry–Perot like optical cavity. This together with the guidance through the gain medium gave rise to intense narrow emission lines. For a pump energy of 1.82 mJ/pulse, an intense line with FWHM ∼0.4 nmwas observed at 576.5 nm.


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We present a compact solid-state laser based on leaky mode propagation from a dye-doped polymer free-standing film waveguide. The edge emitted spectrum clearly indicated the existence of periodic resonant modes. The reflections from the lateral faces of the free-standing film provided the optical feedback thus giving rise to a Fabry–Perot like optical cavity. This together with the guidance through the gain medium gave rise to intense narrow emission lines. For a pump energy of 1.82 mJ/pulse, an intense line with FWHM ∼0.4 nmwas observed at 576.5 nm.


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A silver target kept under partial vacuum conditions was irradiated with focused nanosecond pulses at 1:06 mm from a Nd:YAG laser. The electron emission monitored with a Langmuir probe shows a clear twin-peak distribution. The first peak which is very sharp has only a small delay and it indicates prompt electron emission with energy as much as 60 5 eV. Also the prompt electron emission shows a temporal profile with a width that is same as that for the laser pulse whereas the second peak is broader, covers several microseconds, and represents the low-energy electrons (2 0:5 eV) associated with the laser-induced silver plasma as revealed by time-of-flight measurements. It has been found that prompt electrons ejected from the target collisionally excite and ionize ambient gas molecules. Clearly resolved rotational structure is observed in the emission spectra of ambient nitrogen molecules. Combined with time-resolved spectroscopy, the prompt electrons can be used as excitation sources for various collisional excitation–relaxation experiments. The electron density corresponding to the first peak is estimated to be of the order of 1017 cm?--3 and it is found that the density increases as a function of distance away from the target. Dependence of probe current on laser intensity shows plasma shielding at high laser intensities.


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Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to study the expansion dynamics of C2 species in a graphite plasma produced during the Nd : YAG ablation. At low laser fluences a single peak distribution with low kinetic energy is observed. At higher fluences a twin peak distribution is found. It has been noted that these double peak time of flight distribution splits into a triple peak structure at distances >_ 17mm from the target surface. The reason for the occurrence of multiple peak is due to different formation mechanisms of C2 species


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Multimode laser emission is observed in a polymer optical fiber doped with a mixture of Rhodamine 6G (Rh 6G) and Rhodamine B (Rh B) dyes. Tuning of laser emission is achieved by using the mixture of dyes due to the energy transfer occurring from donor molecule (Rh 6G) to acceptor molecule (Rh B). The dye doped poly(methyl methacrylate)-based polymer optical fiber is pumped axially at one end of the fiber using a 532 nm pulsed laser beam from a Nd:YAG laser and the fluorescence emission is collected from the other end. At low pump energy levels, fluorescence emission is observed. When the energy is increased beyond a threshold value, laser emission occurs with a multimode structure. The optical feedback for the gain medium is provided by the cylindrical surface of the optical fiber, which acts as a cavity. This fact is confirmed by the mode spacing dependence on the diameter of the fiber.


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Dynamics of Nd:YAG laser with intracavity KTP crystal operating in two parallel polarized modes is investigated analytically and numerically. System equilibrium points were found out and the stability of each of them was checked using Routh–Hurwitz criteria and also by calculating the eigen values of the Jacobian. It is found that the system possesses three equilibrium points for (Ij, Gj), where j = 1, 2. One of these equilibrium points undergoes Hopf bifurcation in output dynamics as the control parameter is increased. The other two remain unstable throughout the entire region of the parameter space. Our numerical analysis of the Hopf bifurcation phenomena is found to be in good agreement with the analytical results. Nature of energy transfer between the two modes is also studied numerically.


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A method of preparation of strontium sulphide phosphors doped with europium is given. Nitrogen laser excited fluorescence emission spectra of these phosphors in the visible region are recorded. A band with line structure in the region 350-430 nm and a new broad band at 460 nm are observed. The splitting pattern for the 6p levels of Eu 2+ are given.


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We have performed thermal diffusion measurements of nanofluid containing gold and rhodamine 6G dye in various ratios. At certain concentrations, gold is nearly four times more efficient than water in dissipating small temperature fluctuations in a medium, and therefore it will find applications as heat transfer fluids. We have employed dual-beam mode-matched thermal lens technique for the present investigation. It is a sensitive technique in measuring photothermal parameters because of the use of a lowpower, stabilized laser source as the probe. We also present the results of fluorescence measurements of the dye in the nanogold environment.


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Observing the wide possibilities of fluorescent dyes, an exhaustive investigation is done in laser dyes mainly focusing on Coumarin 540 which has a very strong emission in the green region. The photophysics of the dye is studied in detail in a good number of solvent environments. The results of the amplified spontaneous emission and lasing behaviour in both dye solution and different polymer solid state matrices and the ptotostability of the these matrices are investigated using the photoacoustic technique and the same are also included in this thesis. The energy transfer behaviour in dye mixtures which could be utilized for laser studies and bio-analysis are also presented. The nonlinear characterization of Coumarin540 forms the last part of the experimental investigations presented in the thesis.


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Laser-induced damage is the principal limiting constraint in the design and operation of high-power laser systems used in fusion and other high-energy laser applications. Therefore, an understanding of the mechanisms which cause the radiation damage to the components employed in building a laser and a knowledge of the damage threshold of these materials are of great importance in designing a laser system and to operate it without appreciable degradation in performance. This thesis, even though covers three distinct problems for investigations using a dye Q-switched multimode Nd:glass laser operating at 1062 nm and emitting 25 ns (FWHM) pulses, lays its main thrust on damage threshold studies on thin films. Using the same glass laser two-photon excited fluorescence in rhodamine 6G and generation and characterisation of a carbon plasma have also been carried out. The thesis is presented in seven chapters.


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Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules containing X-H oscillators (X = C, N, O...) has become an effective tool for the study of molecular structure, dynamics, inter and intramolecular interactions, conformational aspects and substituent effects in aliphatic and aromatic compounds. In the present work, the author studied the NIR overtone spectra of some liquid phase organic compounds. The analysis of the CH, NH and OH overtones yielded important structural information about these systems. In an attempt to get information on electronic energy levels, we studied the pulsed Nd:YAG laser induced fluorescence spectra of certain organic compounds. The pulsed laser Raman spectra of some organic compounds are also studied. The novel high resolution technique of near infrared tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is used to record the rotational structure of the second OH overtone spectrum of 2-propanol. The spectral features corresponding to the different molecular conformations could be identified from the high resolution spectrum. The whole work described in this thesis is divided into five chapters.


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Laser-induced damage is the principal limiting constraint in the design and operation of high-power laser systems used in fusion and other high-energy laser applications. Therefore, an understanding of the mechanisms which cause the radiation damage to the components employed in building a laser and a knowledge of the damage threshold of these materials are of great importance in designing a laser system and to operate it without appreciable degradation in performance. This thesis, even though covers three distinct problems for investigations using a dye Q-switched multimode Nd:glass laser operating at 1062 nm and emitting 25 ns (FWHM) pulses, lays its main thrust on damage threshold studies on thin films. Using the same glass laser two-photon excited fluorescence in rhodamine 6G and generation and characterisation of a carbon plasma have also been carried out.