27 resultados para External magnetic field
Magnetic nanowires (NWs) are ideal materials for the fabrication of various multifunctional nanostructures which can be manipulated by an external magnetic fi eld. Highly crystalline and textured nanowires of nickel (Ni NWs) and cobalt (Co NWs) with high aspect ratio (~330) and high coercivity have been synthesized by electrodeposition using nickel sulphate hexahydrate (NiSO4·6H2O) and cobalt sulphate heptahydrate (CoSO4·7H2O) respectively on nanoporous alumina membranes. They exhibit a preferential growth along〈110〉. A general mobility assisted growth mechanism for the formation of Ni and Co NWs is proposed. The role of the hydration layer on the resulting one-dimensional geometry in the case of potentiostatic electrodeposition is verified. A very high interwire interaction resulting from magnetostatic dipolar interactions between the nanowires is observed. An unusual low-temperature magnetisation switching for fi eld parallel to the wire axis is evident from the peculiar high fi eld M(T) curve
Nearly half of lanthanum sites in lanthanum manganites were substituted with monovalent ion-sodium and the compound possessed distorted orthorhombic structure. Ferromagnetic ordering at 300K and the magnetic isotherms at different temperature ranges were analyzed for estimating magnetic entropy variation. Magnetic entropy change of 1.5 J kg 1 K 1 was observed near 300 K. An appreciable magnetocaloric effect was also observed for a wide range of temperatures near 300K for small magnetic field variation. Heat capacity was measured for temperatures lower than 300K and the adiabatic temperature change increases with increase in temperature with a maximum of 0.62K at 280 K
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications. In the past, metals like Fe, Ni and Co were sought after for various applications though iron was in the forefront because of its cost effectiveness and abundance. Later, alloys based on Fe and Ni were increasingly employed. They were used in magnetic heads and in inductors. Ferrites entered the arena and subsequently most of the newer applications were based on ferrites, a ferrimagnetic material, whose composition can be tuned to tailor the magnetic properties. In the late 1950s a new class of magnetic material emerged on the magnetic horizon and they were fondly known as metallic glasses. They are well known for their soft magnetic properties. They were synthesized in the form of melt spun ribbons and are amorphous in nature and they are projected to replace the crystalline counterparts.
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in the day to day life of human beings. The human kind owes its gratitude to the ‘lodestone’ meaning ‘leading stone’ which lead to the discovery of nations and the onset of modern civilizations. If it was William Gilbert, who first stated that ‘earth was a giant magnet’, then it was the turn of Faraday who correlated electricity and magnetism. Magnetic materials find innumerable applications in the form of inductors, read and write heads, motors, storage devices, magnetic resonance imaging and fusion reactors. Now the industry of magnetic materials has almost surpassed the semiconductor industry and this speaks volumes about its importance. Extensive research is being carried out by scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and invent new devices. Though magnetism can be categorized based on the response of an applied magnetic field in to diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic; it is ferrimagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials which have potential applications. The present thesis focusses on these materials, their composite structures and different ways and means to modify their properties for useful applications.
The thesis deals with detailed theoretical analysis of fluxon dynamics in single and in coupled Josephson junctions of different geometries under various internal and external conditions. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the properties of narrow Long Josephson junctions (LJJs) and to discuss the intriguing physics. In this thesis, Josephson junctions of three types of geometries, viz, rectangular, semiannular and quarter annular geometries in single and coupled format are studied to implement various fluxon based devices. Studies presented in this thesis reveal that mulistacked junctions are extremely useful in the fabrication of various super conducting electronic devices. The stability of the dynamical mode and therefore the operational stability of the proposed devices depend on parameters such as coupling strength, external magnetic fields, damping parameters etc. Stacked junctions offer a promising way to construct high-TC superconducting electronic components. Exploring the complex dynamics of fluxons in coupled junctions is a challenging and important task for the future experimental and theoretical investigations
Metallic glass alloy Metglas 2826 MB based amorphous magnetic thin films were fabricated by the thermal evaporation technique. Transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction pattern showed the amorphous nature of the films. Composition of the films was analyzed employing x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy techniques. The film was integrated to a long period fibre grating. It was observed that the resonance wavelength of the fibre grating decreased with an increase in the magnetic field. Change in the resonance wavelength was minimal at higher magnetic fields. Field dependent magnetostriction values revealed the potential application of these films in magnetostrictive sensor devices
Laser induced plasma (LIP) emissions from some metal oxide targets were studied with corresponding metal targets of pure quality as a reference. Atomic emissions in the visible region were used in the spectroscopic procedures of LIP characterization. The studies were meant to throw light into LIP dynamics and they provided many experimental results which improved the general awareness of plasma state.When target materials were photo-ablated with an energetically suitable laser pulse, they developed electric charges in them.An electrical signal which was delivered from the target served as an alternative probe signal for the diagnostics of LIP and to track different charged states in the plasma. The signal showed a double peak distribution with positive polarity and a modified time of flight with various voltage levels of a given polarity.The expansion dynamics of LIP in magnetic field were also investigated by monitoring the voltage transients generated at the target.
In this thesis, we present the results of our investigations on the photoconducting and electrical switching properties of selected chalcogenide glass systems. We have used XRD and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis for confinuing the amorphous nature of these materials and for confirming their constituents respectively.Photoconductivity is the enhancement in electrical conductivity of materials brought about by the motion of charge carriers excited by absorbed radiation. The phenomenon involves absorption, photogeneration, recombination and transport processes and it gives good insight into the density of states in the energy gap of solids due to the presence of impurities and lattice defects. Photoconductivity measurements lead to the determination of such important parameters as quantum efficiency, photosensiti\'ity, spectral sensitivity and carrier lifetime. Extensive research work on photoconducting properties of amorphous semiconductors has resulted in the development of a variety of very sensitive photodetectors. Photoconductors are finding newer and newer uses eyery day. CdS, CdSe. Sb2S3, Se, ZnO etc, are typical photoconducting materials which are used in devices like vidicons, light amplifiers, xerography equipment etc.Electrical switching is another interesting and important property possessed by several Te based chalcogenides. Switching is the rapid and reversible transition between a highly resistive OFF state, driven by an external electric field and characterized by a threshold voltage, and a low resistivity ON state, Switching can be either threshold type or memory type. The phenomenon of switching could find applications in areas like infonnation storage, electrical power control etc. Investigations on electrical switching in chalcogenide glasses help in understanding the mechanism of switching which is necessary to select and modify materials for specific switching applications.Analysis of XRD pattern gives no further infonuation about amorphous materials than revealing their disordered structure whereas x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS) provides information about the different constituents present in the material. Also it gives binding energies (b.e.) of an element in different compounds and hence b.e. shift from the elemental form.Our investigations have been concentrated on the bulk glasses, Ge-In-Se, Ge-Bi-Se and As-Sb-Se for photoconductivity measurements and In-Te for electrical switching. The photoconducting properties of Ge-Sb-Se thin films prepared by sputtering technique have also been studied. The bulk glasses for the present investigations are prepared by the melt quenching technique and are annealed for half an hour at temperatures just below their respective glass transition temperatures. The dependence of photoconducting propenies on composition and temperature are investigated in each system. The electrical switching characteristics of In-Te system are also studied with different compositions and by varying the temperature.
Metallic glass alloy Metglas 2826 MB based amorphous magnetic thin films were fabricated by the thermal evaporation technique. Transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction pattern showed the amorphous nature of the films. Composition of the films was analyzed employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques. The film was integrated to a long period fibre grating. It was observed that the resonance wavelength of the fibre grating decreased with an increase in the magnetic field. Change in the resonance wavelength was minimal at higher magnetic fields. Field dependent magnetostriction values revealed the potential application of these films in magnetostrictive sensor devices.
Co–Fe–Si based films exhibit high magnetic moments and are highly sought after for applications like soft under layer sinper pendicular recording mediatomagneto-electro-mechanical sensor applications.In this workt he effect of annealing on s tructural,morphologicaland magnetic propertiesofco–Fe–Si thin films wasinvestigated.compositional analysis using x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion massspectroscopyrevealedanativeoxidesurfacelayerconsistingofoxidesofco,feandsionthe surface. The morphology of theas deposited films shows mound like structures conformingtothe Volmer–Webergrowthmodel.Nanocrystallisationofamorphous films upon annealing was observed by glancing anglex-raydiffraction and transmission electron microscopy.Theevolutionofmagnetic properties with annealing is explained using the Herzermodel.Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements carried out at various angles from01 to 901 to the applied magnetic field were employed to study the angula rvariation of coercivity.The angular variation fits the modified Kondorsky model. Interestingly,the coercivity evolution with annealing deduced frommagneto-opticalKerreffectstudies indicates areversetrendcomparedtomagetisationobservedinthebulk.Thiscanbeattributedtoa domain wallpinningatnativeoxidelayeronthesurfaceofthin films. Theevolutionofsurfacemagnetic properties iscorrelatedwithmorphologyevolutionprobedusingatomicforcemicroscopy.The morphology aswellasthepresenceofthenativeoxidelayerdictatesthesurfacemagneticproperties and this is corroborated by the apparent difference in the bulk and surface magnetic properties
The magnetic properties of amorphous Fe–Ni–B based metallic glass nanostructures were investigated. The nanostructures underwent a spin-glass transition at temperatures below 100 K and revealed an irreversible temperature following the linear de Almeida–Thouless dependence. When the nanostructures were cooled below 25 K in a magnetic field, they exhibited an exchange bias effect with enhanced coercivity. The observed onset of exchange bias is associated with the coexistence of the spin-glass phase along with the appearance of another spin-glass phase formed by oxidation of the structurally disordered surface layer, displaying a distinct training effect and cooling field dependence. The latter showed a maximum in exchange bias field and coercivity, which is probably due to competing multiple equivalent spin configurations at the boundary between the two spin-glass phases
Lead free magneto electrics with a strong sub resonant (broad frequency range) magneto electric coupling coefficient (MECC) is the goal of the day which can revolutionise the microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) industry. We report giant resonant MECC in lead free nanograined Barium Titanate–CoFe (Alloy)-Barium Titanate [BTO-CoFe-BTO] sandwiched thin films. The resonant MECC values obtained here are the highest values recorded in thin films/ multilayers. Sub-resonant MECC values are quite comparable to the highest MECC reported in 2-2 layered structures. MECC got enhanced by two orders at a low frequency resonance. The results show the potential of these thin films for transducer, magnetic field assisted energy harvesters, switching devices, and storage applications. Some possible device integration techniques are also discussed