53 resultados para Electrical-resistivity


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Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Department of Instrumentation, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present thesis is centered around the study of electrical and thermal properties of certain selected photonic materials.We have studied the electrical conduction mechanism in various phases of certain selected photonic materials and those associated with different phase transitions occurring in them. A phase transition leaves its own impressions on the key parameters like electrical conductivity and dielectric constant. However, the activation energy calculation reveals the dominant factor responsible for conduction process.PA measurements of thermal diffusivity in certain other important photonic materials are included in the remaining part of the research work presented in this thesis. PA technique is a promising tool for studying thermal diffusivities of solid samples in any form. Because of its crucial role and common occurrence in heat flow problems, the thermal diffusivity determination is often necessary and knowledge of thermal diffusivity can intum be used to calculate the thermal conductivity. Especially,knowledge of the thermal diffusivity of semiconductors is important due to its relation to the power dissipation problem in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices which limits their performances. More than that, the thermal properties, especially those of thin films are of growing interest in microelectronics and microsystems because of the heat removal problem involved in highly integrated devices. The prescribed chapter of the present theis demonstrates how direct measurement of thermal diffusivity can be carried out in thin films of interest in a simple and elegant manner using PA techniques. Although results of only representative measurements viz; thermal diffusivity values in Indium, Aluminium, Silver and CdS thin films are given here, evaluation of this quantity for any photonic and / electronic material can be carried out using this technique in a very simple and straight forward manner.


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The electrical conductivity and thermal diffusivity of pristine and iodine doped vanadyl naphthalocyanine (VONc) were studied. In the pristine sample, the temperature dependence was very weak below 300 K. The increase in conductivity at higher temperature must be due to an enhancement in carrier density with increase in thermal energy. The electrical conductivity of VONc increased when doped with iodine. The behavior of VONcI indicated that considerable changes have occurred in the electronic environment of the molecule as a result of doping. Iodine doping enhanced the thermal diffusivity of VONc. The increase in thermal diffusivity of the iodine doped sample may be due to the disorder of iodine atoms occupying the channels in one dimensional lattices.


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Four distinct peaks are observed at 140, -26, -132 and -140°C in the sigma x* against T-1 plot between 200 and - 196°C for (NH4)3H(SO4)2, corresponding to four different phase transitions of which the one at -26°C is reported here for the first time. Data on doped samples reveal the charge transport mechanism in the crystal.


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DC and AC electrical conductivity measurements in single crystals of diammonium hydrogen phosphate along the c axis show anomalous variations at 174, 246 and 416 K. The low-frequency dielectric constant also exhibits peaks exactly at these temperatures with a thermal hysteresis of 13 degrees C for the peak at 416 K. These specific features of the electrical properties are in agreement with earlier NMR second-moment data and can be identified with three distinct phase transitions that occur in the crystal. The electrical conductivity values have been found to increase linearly with impurity concentration in specimens doped with a specific amount of SO42- ions. The mechanisms of the phase transition and of the electrical conduction process are discussed in detail.


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This thesis presents in detail. the theoretical developments and calculations which are used for the simultaneous determination of thermal parameters, namely thermal diffusivity (a). thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat capacity (cr ) employing photopyroelectric technique. In our calculations. we have assumed that the pyroelectric detector is supported on a copper backing. so that there will be sufficient heat exchange between the heated pyroelectric detector and the backing so that the signal fluctuations are reduced to a minimum. Since the PPE signal depends on the properties of the detector that are also temperature dependent. a careful temperature calibration of the system need to be carried out. APPE cell has been fabricated for the measurements that can be used to measure the thermal properties of solid samples from ~ 90 K to ~ 350 K. The cell has been calibrated using standard samples and the accuracy of the technique is found to be of the order of± 1%.In this thesis, we have taken up work n photopyroelectric investigation of thermal parameters of ferroelectric crystals such as Glycine phosphite (NH3CH2COOH3P03), Triglycine sulfate and Thiourea as well as mixed valence perovskites samples such as Lead doped Lanthanum Manganate (Lal_xPb~Mn03) Calcium doped (Lal_xCaxMnOJ) and Nickel doped Lanthanum Stroncium Cobaltate (Lao~Sro5Ni,Col_x03).The three ferroelectric crystals are prepared by the slow evaporation technique and the mixed valence perovskites by solid state reaction technique.Mixed valence perovskites, with the general formula RI_xA~Mn03 (R = La. Nd or Pr and A = Ba, Ca, Sr or Pb) have been materials of intense experimental and theoretical studies over the past few years. These materials show . colossal magneloresis/ance' (CMR) in samples with 0.2 < x < 0.5 in such a doping region, resistivity exhibits a peak at T = T p' the metal - insulator transition temperature. The system exhibits metallic characteristics with d %T > Oabove Tp (wherep is the resistivity) and insulating characteristics with d % T < 0 above T p. Despite intensive investigations on the CMR phenomena and associated electrical properties. not much work has been done on the variation of thermal properties of these samples. We have been quite successful in finding out the nature of anomaly associated with thermal properties when the sample undergoes M-I transition.The ferroelectric crystal showing para-ferroelectric phase transitions - Glycine phosphite. Thiourea and Triglycine sulfate - are studied in detail in order to see how well the PPE technique enables one to measure the thermal parameters during phase transitions. It is seen that the phase transition gets clearly reflected in the variation of thermal parameters. The anisotropy in thermal transport along different crystallographic directions are explained in terms of the elastic anisotropy and lattice contribution to the thermal conductivity. Interesting new results have been obtained on the above samples and are presented in three different chapters of the thesis.In summary. we have carried investigations of the variations of the thermal parameters during phase transitions employing photopyroelectric technique. The results obtained on different systems are important not only in understanding the physics behind the transitions but also in establishing the potentiality of the PPE tool. The full potential of PPE technique for the investigation of optical and thermal properties of materials still remains to be taken advantage of by workers in this field.


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Anomalous variations of d.c. electrical conductivity with temperature are observed in ammonium sulphate single crystals, suggesting a possible phase transition at 150°C. Measurements of thermally stimulated current also support these results. The mechanism of electrical conduction is explained on the basis of studies made on doped and quenched crystals.


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dc and ac electrical conductivities, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in single crystals of ethylenediammonium dinitrate (EDN) have been measured axiswise as a function of temperature. All the above properties exhibit anomalous variations at 404 K thereby confirming the occurence of a phase transition in EDN at this temperature. Electrical conductivity parameters have been evaluated and possible conduction mechanisms are discussed. The role of protons in electrical trasport phenomenon is established by chemical analysis.


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Measurements of dc conductivity and dielectric constant show that deuteration causes an upward shift of the high temperature phase transition point from 186.5 to 191°C and a downward shift of the low temperature transition point from 10 to -1.5°C in LiNH4SO4. Mechanisms of phase transitions and of electrical transport in the crystal are discussed.