39 resultados para Conduction Aphasia


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DC and AC electrical conductivity measurements in single crystals of diammonium hydrogen phosphate along the c axis show anomalous variations at 174, 246 and 416 K. The low-frequency dielectric constant also exhibits peaks exactly at these temperatures with a thermal hysteresis of 13 degrees C for the peak at 416 K. These specific features of the electrical properties are in agreement with earlier NMR second-moment data and can be identified with three distinct phase transitions that occur in the crystal. The electrical conductivity values have been found to increase linearly with impurity concentration in specimens doped with a specific amount of SO42- ions. The mechanisms of the phase transition and of the electrical conduction process are discussed in detail.


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Anomalous variations of d.c. electrical conductivity with temperature are observed in ammonium sulphate single crystals, suggesting a possible phase transition at 150°C. Measurements of thermally stimulated current also support these results. The mechanism of electrical conduction is explained on the basis of studies made on doped and quenched crystals.


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Results of axiswise measurements of the electrical conductivity (dc and ac) and dielectric constant of NH4H2PO4 confirm the occurrence of the recently suggested high‐temperature phase transition in this crystal (at 133 °C). The corresponding transition in ND4D2PO4 observed here for the first time takes place at 141.5 °C. The mechanism involved in these transitions and those associated with the electrical conduction and dielectric anomalies are explained on the basis of the motional effects of the ammonium ions in these crystals. Conductivity values for deuterated crystals give direct evidence for the predominance of protonic conduction throughout the entire range of temperatures studied (30–260 °C).


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dc and ac electrical conductivities, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in single crystals of ethylenediammonium dinitrate (EDN) have been measured axiswise as a function of temperature. All the above properties exhibit anomalous variations at 404 K thereby confirming the occurence of a phase transition in EDN at this temperature. Electrical conductivity parameters have been evaluated and possible conduction mechanisms are discussed. The role of protons in electrical trasport phenomenon is established by chemical analysis.


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In the present study, radio frequency plasma polymerization technique is used to prepare thin films of polyaniline, polypyrrole, poly N-methyl pyrrole and polythiophene. The thermal characterization of these films is carried out using transverse probe beam deflection method. Electrical conductivity and band gaps are also determined. The effect of iodine doping on electrical conductivity and the rate of heat diffusion is explored.Bulk samples of poyaniline and polypyrrole in powder form are synthesized by chemical route. Open photoacoustic cell configuration is employed for the thermal characterization of these samples. The effect of acid doping on heat diffusion in these bulk samples of polyaniline is also investigated. The variation of electrical conductivity of doped polyaniline and polypyrrole with temperature is also studied for drawing conclusion on the nature of conduction in these samples. In order to improve the processability of polyaniline and polypyrrole, these polymers are incorporated into a host matrix of poly vinyl chloride. Measurements of thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity of these samples are carried out to investigate the variation of these quantities as a function of the content of polyvinyl chloride.


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In this article we present size dependent spectroscopic observations of nanocolloids of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet (UV) emission band and another in the green region. Apart from the known band gap 380 nm and impurity 530 nm emissions, we have found some peculiar features in the fluorescence spectra that are consistent with the nanoparticle size distribution. Results show that additional emissions at 420 and 490 nm are developed with particle size. The origin of the visible band emission is discussed. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO colloid is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and visible luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies and by the transition from conduction band to deep acceptor level due to impurities and defect states. A correlation analysis between the particle size and spectroscopic observations is also discussed.


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The primary aim of these investigations was to probe the elecnuchemical and material science aspects of some selected metal phthalocyanines(MPcs).Metal phthalocyanines are characterised by a unique planar molecular structure. As a single class of compounds they have been the subject of ever increasing number of physicochemical and technological investigations. During the last two decades the literature on these compounds was flooded by an outpour of original publications and patents. Almost every branch of materials science has benefited by their application-swface coating, printing, electrophotography, photoelectrochemistry, electronics and medicine to name a few.The present study was confined to the electrical and electrochemical properties of cobalt, nickel, zinc. iron and copper phthalocyanines. The use of soluble Pes as corrosion inhibitor for aluminium was also investigated.In the introductory section of the thesis, the work done so far on MPcs is reviewed. In this review emphasis is given to their general methods of synthesis and the physicochemical properties.In phthalocyanine chemistry one of the formidable tasks is the isolation of singular species. In the second chapter the methods of synthesis and purification are presented with necessary experimental details.The studies on plasma modified films of CoPe, FePc, ZnPc. NiPc and CuPc are also presented.Modification of electron transfer process by such films for reversible redox systems is taken as the criterion to establish enhanced electrocatalytic activity.Metal phthalocyanines are p- type semiconductors and the conductivity is enhanced by doping with iodine. The effect of doping on the activation energy of the conduction process is evaluated by measuring the temperature dependent variation of conductivity. Effect of thennal treatment on iodine doped CoPc is investigated by DSC,magnetic susceptibility, IR, ESR and electronic spectra. The elecnucatalytic activity of such doped materials was probed by cyclic voltammetry.The electron transfer mediation characteristics of MPc films depend on the film thickness. The influence of reducing the effective thickness of the MPc film by dispersing it into a conductive polymeric matrix was investigated. Tetrasulphonated cobalt phthalocyanine (CoTSP) was electrostatically immobilised into polyaniline and poly(o-toluidine) under varied conditions.The studies on corrosion inhibition of aluminium by CoTSP and CuTSP and By virtue of their anionic character they are soluble in water and are strongly adsorbed on aluminium. Hence they can act as corrosion inhibitors. CoTSP is also known to catalyze the reduction of dioxygen.This reaction can accelerate the anodic dissolution of metal as a complementary reaction. The influence of these conflicting properties of CoTSP on the corrosion of aluminium was studied and compared with those of CuTSP.In the course of these investigations a number of gadgets like cell for measuring the electrical conductivity of solids under non-isothermal conditions, low power rf oscillator and a rotating disc electrode were fabricated.


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The dielectric properties of vacuum-deposited europium oxide films have been investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz at various temperatures (300-543 K). The dielectric constant is found to depend on film thickness and it attains a constant value beyond 1000 Å. Films deposited at higher substrate temperatures (above 423 K) exhibit improved dielectric properties owing to the recovery of stoichiometry. The frequency variation of the loss factor exhibits a minimum which increases with rise in temperature. The breakdown field strength (about 106V cm-1) is found to be thickness dependent and it varies in accordance with the Forlani-Minnaja relation. The films exhibit ohmic conduction with an activation energy of 0.86 eV at low electric fields but at higher fields the conductivity becomes space charge limited. X-ray studies show that the films are amorphous in nature. The a.c. conductivity is proportional to ω at low frequency, whereas a square law dependence is observed at higher frequencies. The optical constants n, α and k and optical band gap are calculated from the UV-visible-near-IR spectra.


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D.C. and a.c. electrical conductivities, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in single crystals of ethylenediammonium sulphate, (H3NCH2CH2NH3)(SO4), have been measured axiswise as a function of temperature. Anomalous variations in all the above properties at 480 K indicate the occurrence of a phase transition in the above material at this temperature. The existence of such a phase transition is also confirmed by DSC measurements. Electrical conductivity results are analysed and the activation energies of conduction at different temperature regions have been evaluated from the logσ vs 103T−1 plot. Possible mechanisms for the electrical conduction process are discussed, the available results being in favour of a proton transport model.


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Plasma polymerization is found to be an excellent technique for the preparation of good quality, pinhole-free, polymer thin films from different monomer precursors. The present work describes the preparation and characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films by ac plasma polymerization technique in their pristine and in situ iodine doped forms. The electrical conductivity studies of the aluminiumpolymeraluminium (AlpolymerAl) structures have been carried out and a space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism is identified as the most probable mechanism of carrier transport in these polymer films. The electrical conductivity shows an enhanced value in the iodine doped sample. The reduction of optical band gap by iodine doping is correlated with the observed conductivity results.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on transport and magnetic properties of nano particle doped mgb2 superconductor for technological applications.The thesis ahead focuses on the establishment of enhanced superconducting properties in bulk MgB2 via nano particle doping and its conversion into mono/multifilamentary wires. Further, an attempt has also been made to develop prototypes of MgB2 coil and conduction cooled current lead for technological applications. The thesis is configured into 6 chapters. The opening chapter gives an idea on the phenomenon of superconductivity, the various types of superconductors and its applications in different fields. The second chapter is an introduction on MgB2 superconductor and its relevance which includes crystal and electronic structure, superconducting mechanism, basic superconducting properties along with its present international status. The third chapter provides details on the preparation and characterization techniques followed through out the study on MgB2. Fourth chapter discusses the effect of processing temperature and chemical doping using nano sized dopants on the superconducting properties of MgB2• Fifth chapter deals with the optimization of processing parameters and novel preparation techniques for wire fabrication. Sixth chapter furnishes the preparation of multifilamentary wires with various filament configurations, their electromechanical properties and it also incorporates the development of an MgB2 coil and a general purpose conduction cooled current lead.


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The electrical properties of polymers make up an inherently interdisciplinary topic, being closely associated, on the one hand, with the mechanical properties of polymers polarization and relaxation) and, on the other hand, with the semi conductive properties (conduction and break down). In addition, unlike conventional technologies, which use these properties in its various applications like antistatic coatings, rechargeable batteries, sensors, electrochromic devices, electrochemical devices etc, microwave technology extract the microwave absorbing ability of electrically conducting polymers. The conducting polymers are widely used in its potential applications like electro magnetic interference shielding, satellite communication links, beam steering radars, frequency selective surfaces etc. Considering the relevance of microwave applications of conducting polymers, the study of microwave properties of conducting polymers stands poised to become a compelling choice for synthetic chemists and condensed - matter physicists, physical chemists and material scientists, electrochemists and polymer scientists. The main aim of the present work is to study the microwave and low frequency properties of various conducting polymers, conducting semi-interpenetrating networks, conducting copolymers and to characterise it. Also this thesis collated the microwave properties of these conducting systems and exposes the various technologically important applications in the industrial, scientific, communication and defence applications.


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This thesis consists of a study of the effect of electrode films and overlayer films on the electrical properties of certain metal films. The films have been prepared on glass substrates by thermal evapouration in a vaccum 10 terr. The properties of Al films on Ag, Al,Au and Cu films on In electrodes ,and Bi/Ag bilayer films have been studied. The influence of annealing electrodes at higher temperature on the electrical properties of metal films has also been investigated. Further the effect of varying layer thickness in the bilayer films ,both annealed at higher temperature and annealed at room temperature have been examined.


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The thesis aims to present the results of the experimental investigations on the electrical properties like electrical conductivity, dielectric constant and ionic thermo~ currents in certain ammonium containing ferroelectric crystals viz. LiNH4SO4, (NH4)2SO4 and (NH4)5H(SO4)2. Special attention has been paid in revealing the mechanisms of electrical conduction in the various phases of these crystals and those asso~ ciated with the different phase transitions occurring in them, by making studies on doped, quenched and deuterated crystals. The report on the observation of two new phase transitions in (NH4) S O2 and of a similar one in ( NH4 ) H (2SO4 ) are included. The relaxation mechanisms of the impurity-vacancy complexes and the space charge phenomena in pure and doped crystals of LiNH4SO4 and (NH4)2SO4 and the observation of a new type of ionic thermo-current viz. Protonic Thermo-Current (PTC) in these crystals are also presented here.


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In the present thesis a series of exhaustive investigations have been carried out on a number of crystalline samples with special reference tx> the jphase transitions exhibited by them. These include single crystals of pure, doped or deuterated specimens of certain ammonium containing crystals viz., (NH )34H(SO4)2, (NH4)2HPO4, (NH4)2Cr2O7 znui NH4H2PO4. ac/dc electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, ionic thermocurrent as wwifil as photoacoustic measurements have been carried out on most of them over a wide range of temperature. In addition investigations have been carried out in pure and doped single crystals of NaClO3 and NaNO3 using ionic thermocurrent measurements and these are presented here. Special attention has been paid to reveal the mechanism of electrical conduction in various phases of "these crystals and to evaluate the different parameters involved in the conduction as well as phase transition process. The thesis contains ten chapters ‘