46 resultados para Coastal And Marine Environment
The present work is a base line attempt to investigate and assess the toxicities of three surfactants viz. anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), non ionic Triton X-1OO (TX-IOO) and cationic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). These compounds represent simple members of the often neglected group of aquatic pollutants i.e. the anionic alkyl sulfates, non ionics and the cationics. These compounds are widely used In plastic industry, pesticide/herbicide formulations, detergents, oil spill dispersants, molluscicides etc. The test organisms selected for the present study are the cyanobacterium Synechocystis salina Wislouch representing a primary producer in the marine environment and a fresh water adapted euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (peters) at the consumer level of the ecological pyramid. The fish species, though not indigenous to our country, is now found ubiquitously in fresh water systems and estuaries. Also it is highly resistant to pollutants and has been suggested as an indicator of pollution in tropical region .
This thesis entitled “Contribution of size fractions of planktonic algae to primary organic productivity in the coastal waters of cochin,south west coast of india”. Marine ecosystems planktonic algae are the most important primary producers on wliich considerable attention is being given on account of their supreme status in the marine food chain.The study of primary production in the Indian Ocean started With DANA (I928-30),, John Murray t I933-34). Discovery ( I934) and Albatross (I947-48) expeditions which tried to evaluate productivity from nutrients and standing crop of phytoplankton .The bioproductivity of the marine environment is dependent on various primary producers. ranging in size from picoplankton to larger macro phytoplankton. The quantity and quality of various size fractions of planktonic algae at any locality depend mainly on the hydrographic conditions of the area .In the coastal waters of Cochin- south west coast of lndia. Planktonic algal community is composed mainly of the diatoms, the dinoflagellates, the blue-green algae and the silicoflagellates, the former two contributing the major flora and found distributed in the all size fractions. The maximum number of species of diatoms at station 1 and station 2 was found in the pre-monsoon season.. The size groups of planktonic algae greater than 53 um are dominated by filamentous- chain forming and colonial diatoms. The coastal waters of Cochin. planktonic algae less than 53 um in size contribute significantly to primary productivity and the biodiversity of the microflora, indicating the presence of rich fishery resources in the south west coast of india.The study of different size fractions of planktonic algae and their relative contribution to the primary organic production is a useful tool for the estimation of the quantity and quality of fisheries.A deeper investigation on the occurrence of these microalgae and proper identification of their species would be of immense help for the assessment of the specificity and magnitude of fishery resources.
This thesis Entitled Marine actinomycetes as source of antimicrobial compounds and as probiotics and single cell protein for application in penaeid peawn culture systems. Ocean harbours more than 80% of all life on earth and remains our greatest untapped natural resource. The study revealed the potential of marine actinomycetes as a source of antimicrobial compounds. The selected streptomycetes were found to be capable of inhibiting most of the pathogenic vibrios, whichis a major problem both in hatcheries and grow out systems. The bioactive principle can be incorporated with commercial feeds and applied as medicated diet for the control of vibrios in culture systems.The hydrolytic potential inhibitory property against pathogens and non—pathogenicity to penaeid prawns make the selected Streptomycesspp.an effective probioic in aquaculture. Since there is considerably less inhibition to the natural in pond ecosystem the microbial diversityis being maintained and thereby the water quality. Actinomycetes was found to be a good source of single cell protein as an ingredient inaquaculture feed formulations. Large amount of mycelial waste (actinomycete biomassO is produced from antibiotic industries and this nutrient rich waste can be effectively used as a protein source in aquaculture feeds.This study reveals the importance of marine actinomycetes as a source of antimicrobial compounds and as a probiotic and single cell protein for aquaculture applications.
The present work deals with the characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulating vibrios from marine benthic environments and production studies of polyhydroxyalkanoates by vibrio sp.BTKB33. Vibrios are a group of (iram negative, curved or straight motile rods that normally inhabit the aquatic environments.The present study therefore aimed at evaluating the occurrence of PHA accumulating vibrios inhabiting marine benthic environments; characterizing the potential PHA accumulators employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches and molecular characterization of the PHA synthase gene. The study also evaluated the PHA production in V:'hri0 sp. strain BTKB33, through submerged fennentation using statistical optimization and characterized the purified biopolymer. Screening for PHA producing vibrios from marine benthic environments. Characterization of PHA producers employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches.The incidence of PHA accumulation in Vibrio sp. isolated from marine sediments was observed to be high, indicating that the natural habitat of these bacteria are stressful. Considering their ubiquitous nature, the ecological role played by vibrios in maintaining the delicate balance of the benthic ecosystem besides returning potential strains, with the ability to elaborate a plethora of extracellular enzymes for industrial application, is significant. The elaboration of several hydrolytic enzymes by individuals also emphasize the crucial role of vibrios in the mineralization process in the marine environment. This study throws light on the extracellular hydrolytic enzyme profile exhibited by vibrios. It was concluded that apart from the PHA accumulation, presence of exoenzyme production and higher MAR index also aids in their survival in the highly challenging benthic enviromnents. The phylogenetic analysis of the strains and studies on intra species variation within PHA accumulating strains reveal their diversity. The isolate selected for production in this study was Vibrio sp. strain BTKB33, identified as V.azureus by 16S rDNA sequencing and phenotypic characterization. The bioprocess variables for PHA production utilising submerged fermentation was optimized employing one-factor-at-a-time-method, PB design and RSM studies. The statistical optimization of bioprocess variables revealed that NaCl concentration, temperature and incubation period are the major bioprocess variables influencing PHA production and PHA content. The presence of Class I PHA synthase genes in BTKB33 was also unveiled. The characterization of phaC genes by PCR and of the extracted polymer employing FTIR and NMR analysis revealed the presence of polyhydroxybutyrate, smallest known PI-IAs, having wider domestic, industrial and medical application. The strain BTKB33 bearing a significant exoenzyme profile, can thus be manipulatedin future for utilization of diverse substrates as C- source for PHA production. In addition to BTKB33, several fast growing Vibrio sp. having PHA accumulating ability were also isolated, revealing the prospects of this environment as a mine for novel PHA accumulating microbes. The findings of this study will provide a reference for further research in industrial production of PHAs from marine microorganisms .
The nearshore marine ecosystem is a dynamic environment impacted by many activities, especially the coastal waters and sediments contiguous to major urban areas. Although heavy metals are natural constituents of the marine environment, inputs are considered to be conservative pollutants and are potentially toxic, accumulate in the sediment, are bioconcentrated by organisms and may cause health problems to humans via the food chain. A variety of metals in trace amounts are essential for biological processes in all organisms, but excessive levels can be detrimental by acting as enzyme inhibitors. Discharge of industrial wastewater, agriculture runoff and untreated sewage pose a particularly serious threat to the coastal environment of Kerala, but there is a dearth of studies in documenting the contaminant metals. This study aimed principally to assess such contamination by examining the results of heavy metal (Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd and Hg) analysis in seawater, sediment and benthic biota from a survey of five transects along the central and northern coast of Kerala in 2008 covering a 10.0 km stretch of near shore environment in each transect. Trophic transfer of metal contaminants from aquatic invertebrates to its predators was also assessed, by employing a suitable benthic food chain model in order to understand which all metals are undergoing biotransference (transfer of metals from a food source to consumer).The study of present contamination levels will be useful for potential environmental remediation and ecosystem restoration at contaminated sites and provides a scientific basis for standards and protective measures for the coastal waters and sediments. The usefulness of biomonitor proposed in this study would allow identification of different bioavailable metals as well as provide an assessment of the magnitude of metal contamination in the coastal marine milieu. The increments in concentration of certain metals between the predator and prey discerned through benthic food chain can be interpreted as evidence of biotransference.
Emergence of antibiotic resistance among aquaculture pathogens has made it necessary to look into environment friendly, effective and sustainable methods such as probiotic and immunostimulants among others.. In the present study, LAB were isolated from the gut of fish species namely Rastrelliger kanagurta and analyzed for their antibacterial activity against various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Different LAB species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis and L. viridiscens were encountered in the gut of R. kanagurta. Several strains showed good activity against fish, shrimp and human pathogens. LAB from the gut of such marine species may be developed as possible probiont for environment friendly health management of fresh water, estuarine and marine species currently exploited in aquaculture
Information on the distribution of dissolved Folin phenol active substances (FPAS) such as tannin and lignin in the seawater along the west coast of India is provided. Notable amounts of FPAS (surface concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 147 f.1gll and bottom concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 116 f.1gll) were detected in the seawater along the coast. The distribution pattern brings about a general depth-wise decrease. A seaward decrease was observed in the southern stations whereas reverse was the case in northern stations. A significant negative correlation was observed between FPAS concentration and dissolved oxygen in sub-surface samples. The appreciable amounts of FPAS detected in the coastal waters indicate the presence of organic matter principally originating from terrestrial (upland and coastal marsh) ecosystems in the marine environment. In this context, they may be used as tracers to determine the fate of coastalborn dissolved organic matter in the ocean and to determine directly the relationship between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter
This is an attempt to understand the important factors that control the occurrence, development and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in sedimentary multi aquifer systems. The primary objective of this work is an integrated study of the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry with a view to elucidate the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in the aquifer systems. The study is taken up in a typical coastal sedimentary aquifer system evolved under fluvio-marine environment in the coastal area of Kerala, known as the Kuttanad. The present study has been carried out to understand the aquifer systems, their inter relationships and evolution in the Kuttanad area of Kerala. The multi aquifer systems in the Kuttanad basin were formed from the sediments deposited under fluvio-marine and fluvial depositional environments and the marine transgressions and regressions in the geological past and palaeo climatic conditions influenced the hydrochemical environment in these aquifers. The evolution of groundwater and the hydrochemical processes involved in the formation of the present day water quality are elucidated from hydrochemical studies and the information derived from the aquifer geometry and hydraulic properties. Kuttanad area comprises of three types of aquifer systems namely phreatic aquifer underlain by Recent confined aquifer followed by Tertiary confined aquifers. These systems were formed by the deposition of sediments under fluvio-marine and fluvial environment. The study of the hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the three aquifer systems proved that these three systems are separate entities. The phreatic aquifers in the area have low hydraulic gradients and high rejected recharge. The Recent confined aquifer has very poor hydraulic characteristics and recharge to this aquifer is very low. The Tertiary aquifer system is the most potential fresh water aquifer system in the area and the groundwater flow in the aquifer is converging towards the central part of the study area (Alleppey town) due to large scale pumping of water for water supply from this aquifer system. Mixing of waters and anthropogenic interferences are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry in phreatic aquifers. Whereas, leaching of salts and cation exchange are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the confined aquifer system of Recent alluvium. Two significant chemical reactions modifying the hydrochemistry in the Recent aquifers are oxidation of iron in ferruginous clays which contributes hydrogen ions and the decomposition of organic matter in the aquifer system which consumes hydrogen ions. The hydrochemical environment is entirely different in the Tertiary aquifers as the groundwater in this aquifer system are palaeo waters evolved during various marine transgressions and regressions and these waters are being modified by processes of leaching of salts, cation exchange and chemical reactions under strong reducing environment. It is proved that the salinity observed in the groundwaters of Tertiary aquifers are not due to seawater mixing or intrusion, but due to dissolution of salts from the clay formations and ion exchange processes. Fluoride contamination in this aquifer system lacks a regional pattern and is more or less site specific in natureThe lowering of piezometric heads in the Tertiary aquifer system has developed as consequence of large scale pumping over a long period. Hence, puping from this aquifer system is to be regulated as a groundwater management strategy. Pumping from the Tertiary aquifers with high capacity pumps leads to well failures and mixing of saline water from the brackish zones. Such mixing zones are noticed from the hydrochemical studies. This is the major aquifer contamination in the Tertiary aquifer system which requires immediate attention. Usage of pumps above 10 HP capacities in wells taping Tertiary aquifers should be discouraged for sustainable development of these aquifers. The recharge areas need to be identified precisely for recharging the aquifer systems throughartificial means.
The resurgence of the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae, the causative organism of epidemic cholera, remains a major health problem in many developing countries like India. The southern Indian state of Kerala is endemic to cholera. The outbreaks of cholera follow a seasonal pattern in regions of endemicity. Marine aquaculture settings and mangrove environments of Kerala serve as reservoirs for V. cholerae. The non-O1/non-O139 environmental isolates of V. cholerae with incomplete ‘virulence casette’ are to be dealt with caution as they constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes in the marine environment and play a crucial role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer. The genes coding cholera toxin are borne on, and can be infectiously transmitted by CTXΦ, a filamentous lysogenic vibriophages. Temperate phages can provide crucial virulence and fitness factors affecting cell metabolism, bacterial adhesion, colonization, immunity, antibiotic resistance and serum resistance. The present study was an attempt to screen the marine environments like aquafarms and mangroves of coastal areas of Alappuzha and Cochin, Kerala for the presence of lysogenic V. cholerae, to study their pathogenicity and also gene transfer potential. Phenotypic and molecular methods were used for identification of isolates as V. cholerae. The thirty one isolates which were Gram negative, oxidase positive, fermentative, with or without gas production on MOF media and which showed yellow coloured colonies on TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose) agar were segregated as vibrios. Twenty two environmental V. cholerae strains of both O1 and non- O1/non-O139 serogroups on induction with mitomycin C showed the presence of lysogenic phages. They produced characteristic turbid plaques in double agar overlay assay using the indicator strain V. cholerae El Tor MAK 757. PCR based molecular typing with primers targeting specific conserved sequences in the bacterial genome, demonstrated genetic diversity among these lysogen containing non-O1 V. cholerae . Polymerase chain reaction was also employed as a rapid screening method to verify the presence of 9 virulence genes namely, ctxA, ctxB, ace, hlyA, toxR, zot,tcpA, ninT and nanH, using gene specific primers. The presence of tcpA gene in ALPVC3 was alarming, as it indicates the possibility of an epidemic by accepting the cholera. Differential induction studies used ΦALPVC3, ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14, underlining the possibility of prophage induction in natural ecosystems, due to abiotic factors like antibiotics, pollutants, temperature and UV. The efficiency of induction of prophages varied considerably in response to the different induction agents. The growth curve of lysogenic V. cholerae used in the study drastically varied in the presence of strong prophage inducers like antibiotics and UV. Bacterial cell lysis was directly proportional to increase in phage number due to induction. Morphological characterization of vibriophages by Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed hexagonal heads for all the four phages. Vibriophage ΦALPVC3 exhibited isometric and contractile tails characteristic of family Myoviridae, while phages ΦALPVC11 and ΦALPVC12 demonstrated the typical hexagonal head and non-contractile tail of family Siphoviridae. ΦEKM14, the podophage was distinguished by short non-contractile tail and icosahedral head. This work demonstrated that environmental parameters can influence the viability and cell adsorption rates of V. cholerae phages. Adsorption studies showed 100% adsorption of ΦALPVC3 ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14 after 25, 30, 40 and 35 minutes respectively. Exposure to high temperatures ranging from 50ºC to 100ºC drastically reduced phage viability. The optimum concentration of NaCl required for survival of vibriophages except ΦEKM14 was 0.5 M and that for ΦEKM14 was 1M NaCl. Survival of phage particles was maximum at pH 7-8. V. cholerae is assumed to have existed long before their human host and so the pathogenic clones may have evolved from aquatic forms which later colonized the human intestine by progressive acquisition of genes. This is supported by the fact that the vast majority of V. cholerae strains are still part of the natural aquatic environment. CTXΦ has played a critical role in the evolution of the pathogenicity of V. cholerae as it can transmit the ctxAB gene. The unusual transformation of V. cholerae strains associated with epidemics and the emergence of V. cholera O139 demonstrates the evolutionary success of the organism in attaining greater fitness. Genetic changes in pathogenic V. cholerae constitute a natural process for developing immunity within an endemically infected population. The alternative hosts and lysogenic environmental V. cholerae strains may potentially act as cofactors in promoting cholera phage ‘‘blooms’’ within aquatic environments, thereby influencing transmission of phage sensitive, pathogenic V. cholerae strains by aquatic vehicles. Differential induction of the phages is a clear indication of the impact of environmental pollution and global changes on phage induction. The development of molecular biology techniques offered an accessible gateway for investigating the molecular events leading to genetic diversity in the marine environment. Using nucleic acids as targets, the methods of fingerprinting like ERIC PCR and BOX PCR, revealed that the marine environment harbours potentially pathogenic group of bacteria with genetic diversity. The distribution of virulence associated genes in the environmental isolates of V. cholerae provides tangible material for further investigation. Nucleotide and protein sequence analysis alongwith protein structure prediction aids in better understanding of the variation inalleles of same gene in different ecological niche and its impact on the protein structure for attaining greater fitness of pathogens. The evidences of the co-evolution of virulence genes in toxigenic V. cholerae O1 from different lineages of environmental non-O1 strains is alarming. Transduction studies would indicate that the phenomenon of acquisition of these virulence genes by lateral gene transfer, although rare, is not quite uncommon amongst non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae and it has a key role in diversification. All these considerations justify the need for an integrated approach towards the development of an effective surveillance system to monitor evolution of V. cholerae strains with epidemic potential. Results presented in this study, if considered together with the mechanism proposed as above, would strongly suggest that the bacteriophage also intervenes as a variable in shaping the cholera bacterium, which cannot be ignored and hinting at imminent future epidemics.
In situ methods used for water quality assessment have both physical and time constraints. Just a limited number of sampling points can be performed due to this, making it difficult to capture the range and variability of coastal processes and constituents. In addition, the mixing between fresh and oceanic water creates complex physical, chemical and biological environment that are difficult to understand, causing the existing measurement methodologies to have significant logistical, technical, and economic challenges and constraints. Remote sensing of ocean colour makes it possible to acquire information on the distribution of chlorophyll and other constituents over large areas of the oceans in short periods. There are many potential applications of ocean colour data. Satellite-derived products are a key data source to study the distribution pattern of organisms and nutrients (Guillaud et al. 2008) and fishery research (Pillai and Nair 2010; Solanki et al. 2001. Also, the study of spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton blooms, red tide identification or harmful algal blooms monitoring (Sarangi et al. 2001; Sarangi et al. 2004; Sarangi et al. 2005; Bhagirathan et al., 2014), river plume or upwelling assessments (Doxaran et al. 2002; Sravanthi et al. 2013), global productivity analyses (Platt et al. 1988; Sathyendranath et al. 1995; IOCCG2006) and oil spill detection (Maianti et al. 2014). For remote sensing to be accurate in the complex coastal waters, it has to be validated with the in situ measured values. In this thesis an attempt to study, measure and validate the complex waters with the help of satellite data has been done. Monitoring of coastal ecosystem health of Arabian Sea in a synoptic way requires an intense, extensive and continuous monitoring of the water quality indicators. Phytoplankton determined from chl-a concentration, is considered as an indicator of the state of the coastal ecosystems. Currently, satellite sensors provide the most effective means for frequent, synoptic, water-quality observations over large areas and represent a potential tool to effectively assess chl-a concentration over coastal and oceanic waters; however, algorithms designed to estimate chl-a at global scales have been shown to be less accurate in Case 2 waters, due to the presence of water constituents other than phytoplankton which do not co-vary with the phytoplankton. The constituents of Arabian Sea coastal waters are region-specific because of the inherent variability of these optically-active substances affected by factors such as riverine input (e.g. suspended matter type and grain size, CDOM) and phytoplankton composition associated with seasonal changes.
In this thesis, the production and characterization of ligninolytic enzymes using the fungi isolated from mangrove area are studied. The objective of the present work are isolation and screening of dye decolorizing micro-organisms from mangrove area, screening of the selected microorganisms for the production of lignin degrading enzymes, identification of the potent micro-organisms, characterization of the crude enzyme, lignin peroxidase, of the selected fungi—Aspergillus sp. SIP 11 and Penicillium sp. SIP 10 etc. This included the determination of the optimum pH, temperature, veratryl alcohol and H2O2 concentration. Besides the stability of crude LiP at different pHs and temperatures were studied. The immense applications, particularly in bioremediation, to which the lignin degrading micro-organisms could be used make this study important, the ascomycetes and deuteromycetes fungi, especially form the marine environment were studied with respect to their ligninolytic enzyme system making this study an initial step in unraveling the vast hidden potential of these microbes in bioremediation, the marine microbes are halophilic in nature which make them better suited to cope with the high salinity of industrial effluents thereby giving them added advantage in the filed of bioremediation. The thesis deals with the isolation and screening of lignin degrading enzyme-producing microbes from mangrove area. The identification of the most potent fungal isolates and characterization of LiP from these are also done.
Phosphate (Pi) is one among the most important essential residues in maintenance and inheritance of life, with far diverse physiological role as structural, functional and energy transduction. Phosphate accumulation in wastewaters containing run off of fertilizers and industrial discharges is a global problem that results in algal blooms in bays, lakes and waterways. Currently available methods for removing phosphates from wastewater are based primarily on polyP accumulation by the activated sludge bacteria. PolyP plays a critical role in several environmental and biotechnological problems. Possible relation of interaction between polyP accumulation phenomenon, the low biomass, low Pi uptake, and varying results obtained in response to the impact of sodium chloride, pH, temperature, various inorganic salts and additional carbon sources studied, are all intriguing observations in the present investigation. The results of the present study have evidenced very clearly the scope for potential strains of bacteria from both sea water and marine sediments which could be exploited both for Pi removal in wastewater released by industries and intensive aquaculture practices in to the aquatic environment as well as to harness the potential strains for industrial production of polyP which was wide range of applications.
In the present investigation, an attempt is made to document various episodes of transgression and regression during the late Quaternary period from the study of coastal and shelf sequences extending from the inland across the beach to the shelf domain. Shore parallel beach ridges with alternating swales and occurrence of strand line deposits on the shelf make the northern Kerala coast an ideal natural laboratory for documenting the morpho-dynamic response of the coast to the changing sea level. The objectives of the study are lithographic reconstruction of environments of deposition from the coastal plain and shelf sequences; documentation of episodes of transgression and regression by studying different coastal plain sequences and shelf deposits and evolve a comprehensive picture of late Quaternary coastal evolution and sea level changes along the northern Kerala coast by collating morphological, lithological and geochronological evidences from the coastal plain and shelf sequences. The present study is confined to two shore-normal east-west trending transects, Viz. Punjavi and Onakkunnu, in the northern Kerala coast.
The study of bryozoans, an important group of coelomates in the marine environment is an integral part of faunistic investigations. Bryozones are an ancient, aberrant phylum of microscopic but fascinating and often beautiful animals that build intricate colonies sometimes resembling minicolonies. In this study taxonomy, bionomics and biofouling of bryozoans from the coasts of India and the Antarctic waters. The marine biofouling is found to be hazardous. Bryozoans are microscopic , sessile,colonical coelomates that are permanently fastened in exoskeletal cases or gelatinous material of their own secretion.It is hoped that this work would help the future researchers to devote attention on microbenthos of the continental shelf of India when samples are made available through collections conducted by any ocean going vessel. In the present work an extensive study on the bryozoan foulers that occur at five selected sites of the cochin estury had to be examined and since the hydrographic parameters such as salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen in the estury,vary greatly from that in the open ocean, a frequent monitoring of these parameters was essential.
Atmospheric Boundary layer (ABL) is the layer just above the earth surface and is influenced by the surface forcing within a short period of an hour or less. In this thesis, characteristics of the boundary layer over ocean, coastal and inland areas of the atmosphere, especially over the monsoon regime are thoroughly studied. The study of the coastal zone is important due to its high vulnerability mainly due to sea breeze circulation and associated changes in the atmospheric boundary layer. The major scientific problems addressed in this thesis are diurnal and seasonal variation of coastal meteorological properties, the characteristic difference in the ABL during active and weak monsoons, features of ABL over marine environment and the variation of the boundary layer structure over an inland station. The thesis describes the various features in the ABL associated with the active and weak monsoons and, the surface boundary layer properties associated with the active and weak epochs. The study provides knowledge on MABL and can be used as the estimated values of boundary layer parameters over the marine atmosphere and to know the values and variabilities of the ABL parameters such as surface wind, surface friction, drag coefficient, wind stress and wind stress curl.