26 resultados para Co Hydrogenation


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Preparation of simple and mixed ferrospinels of nickel, cobalt and copper and their sulphated analogues by the room temperature coprecipitation method yielded fine particles with high surface areas. Study of the vapour phase decomposition of cyclohexanol at 300 °C over all the ferrospinel systems showed very good conversions yielding cyclohexene by dehydration and/or cyclohexanone by dehydrogenation, as the major products. Sulphation very much enhanced the dehydration activity over all the samples. A good correlation was obtained between the dehydration activities of the simple ferrites and their weak plus medium strength acidities (usually of the Brφnsted type) determined independently by the n-butylamine adsorption and ammonia-TPD methods. Mixed ferrites containing copper showed a general decrease in acidities and a drastic decrease in dehydration activities. There was no general correlation between the basicity parameters obtained by electron donor studies and the ratio of dehydrogenation to dehydration activities. There was a leap in the dehydrogenation activities in the case of all the ferrospinel samples containing copper. Along with the basic properties, the redox properties of copper ion have been invoked to account for this added activity.


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The nanosecond optical limiting characteristics of sandwich-type neodymium diphthalocyanine in a co-polymer matrix of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and methyl-2-cyanoacrylate have been studied for the first time. The measurements were performed using 9 ns laser pulses generated from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm wavelength. The optical limiting performance of neodymium diphthalocyanine in co-polymer host was studied at different linear transmission. Laser damage threshold was also measured for the doped and undoped co-polymer samples. The optical limiting response is attributed to reverse saturable absorption which is due to excited-state absorption.


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Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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A brief account of the several methods used for the production of thin films is presented in this Chapter. The discussions stress on the important methods used for the fabrication of a-si:H thin films. This review' also reveals ‘that almost all the general methods, like vacuum evaporation, sputtering, glow discharge and even chemical methods are currently employed for the production of a-Si:H thin films. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, certain methods are generally preferred. Subsequently a detailed account of the method used here for the preparation of amorphous silicon thin films and their hydrogenation is presented. The metal chamber used for the electrical and dielectric measurements is also described. A brief mention is made-on the electrode structure, film area and film geometry.


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A study on the personnel management practices in the co+operative sector in the Kerala State is carried out during the years 1989-91, with the overall objective of assessing the extent of application of modern personnel management concepts in the cooperative organizations in the Kerala State. The specific objectives of the study are to assess the effectiveness of the various personnel management practices followed in the cooperative sector, to analyse the nature and extent of compensating the employees in co—operatives, to measure the level of job satisfaction derived by the employees, to evaluate the industrial relations existing in the co-operative organizations and to suggest, if found necessary, ways and means of toning up the personnel management practices followed in the co-operative sector in Kerala


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The present study is intended to provide a new scientific approach to the solution of the worlds cost engineering problems encountered in the chemical industries in our nation. The problem is that of cost estimation of equipments especially of pressure vessels when setting up chemical industries .The present study attempts to develop a model for such cost estimation. This in turn is hoped would go a long way to solve this and related problems in forecasting the cost of setting up chemical plants.


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The present Study is designed to gather, record and analyse data on history of pepper, pepper production, procurement and marketing with particular reference to Kerala. The main emphasis is given to study the'role of cooperative sector with regard to procurement and export efforts and also the services rendered by cooperative sector agencies under MARKETFED and NAFED to pepper trade. The scope of the Study covers the botany, methods of cultivation, fertilizer application, pest control management and other related aspects of pepper. Taking into consideration Kerala's supremacy in pepper cultivation and production, detailed study of its production, procurement, internal and export marketing with reference to Kerala has been given importance. As Kerala accounts for 96 per cent1 of the pepper cultivation and 94 per cent of the pepper production, the present study is entirely confined to Kerala


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The study is designed to gather, record, analyse and critically evaluate data on natural rubber production, consumption and marketing in Kerala. The scope of the study also covers the processing of natural rubber by rubber growers, especially small growers. Taking into consideration Kerala’s supremacy in natural rubber cultivation, a detailed study of marketing channels of natural rubber in Kerala, by giving special reference to co-operative rubber marketing has been given importance. Attempt has also been made to collect secondary data of the last 15 years


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The report of the Steering Committee of the Kerala State Planning Board for the preparation of the VIII five Year Plan on Industry and Hiningzslisted several factors inhibiting and promoting growth of small industrial units. Kerala's educated manpower, the native intelligence of the Keralites best suited for taking up logic—based professions and availability of a Hell—developed and broad~based physical infrastructure particularly in the transport and communications sectors, are a few of the positive factors identified. On the negative side, may be mentioned high wage rates, preference on the part of the educated for white collar Jobs, lack of entrepreneurship, paucity of essential resources for industrial use, high density of population and the distance factor which places Kerala away from the major domestic markets. In this context, it would appear that the industrial co-operative movement could possibly play a vital role in accelerating-the momentum of small industrial development of Kerala which has a Health of highly educated and skilled manpower. However, in spite of the encouragement extended by the Government, the movement does not seem to have.been picking up in the modern small scale sector. The present study is an attempt to analyse the factors that have affected the performance of the industrial co—operatives in the small scale industrial sector of Kerala.


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The co-operative credit structure in a state set up consists of 3 tiers — Primary Societies at the base, District Co-operative Banks at the middle and State Cooperative Bank at the top. But, some societies at the primary level are governed by, in addition to Co-operative Societies Act, the Banking Regulation Act. Thus they are under dual control. In addition, they are working under the direct purview of Reserve Bank of India. The scope of this study is restricted to such Primary Societies, District Co-operative Banks and State Co-operative Bank. For the evaluation of the working of Co-operative Banks, the board of directors and staff were interviewed with the help of pre-constructed and pre-tested interview schedules. However, the share holders and customers were not interviewed mainly because almost all respondents were reluctant to provide copies of an exhaustive list of share holders and non-share holder customers, for the purpose of maintaining secrecy. This being an individual work, it was found physically and financially very difficult to extend the study so as to cover the share holders and non-share holder customers. Limitations of time were also responsible for restricting this study. The period of study was restricted to 1980-'81 to 1983-'84 as the data relating to earlier periods were firstly not available from all banks and secondly the prior data was considered out of date for the purpose of the study.


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The study is confined to non-mechanised private and cooperative granite quarries in Thrissur district. There are 90 non -mechanised quarries in Thrissur district. Data were collected for the period from 1994-'95 to 1999-2000. 315* March of every year was considered as the closing date of the year. It envisages an analysis of various problems connected with quarrying operations, financial analysis, cost analysis, demand and supply position of quarry products and socio-economic background of workers. It also suggest some measures to improve the working conditions of granite quarrying.