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The oceans have proved to be an interminable source of new and effective drugs. Innumerable studies have proved that specific compounds isolated from marine organisms have great nutritional and pharmaceutical value. Polyunsaturated fattyacids (PUFA) in general are known for their dietary benefits in preventing and curing several critical ailments including Coronary heart disease (CHD) and cancers of various kinds. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are two PUFA which are entirely marine in origin – and small Clupeoid fishes like sardines are known to be excellent sources of these two compounds. In this study, we selected two widely available Sardine species in the west coast, Sardinella longiceps and Sardinella fimbriata, for a comparative analysis of their bioactive properties. Both these sardines are known to be rich in EPA and DHA, however considerable seasonal variation in its PUFA content was expected and these variations studied. An extraction procedure to isolate PUFA at high purity levels was identified and the extracts obtained thus were studied for anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic and anti-cancerous properties.Samples of both the sardines were collected from landing centre, measured and their gut content analysed in four different months of the year – viz. June, September, December and March. The fish samples were analyzed for fattyacid using FAME method using gas chromatography to identify the full range of fattyacids and their respective concentration in each of the samples. The fattyacids were expressed in mg/g meat and later converted to percentage values against total fatty acids and total PUFA content. Fattyacids during winter season (Dec-Mar) were found to be generally higher than spawning season (June-Sept). PUFA dominated the profiles of both species and average PUFA content was also higher during winter. However, it was found that S. longiceps had proportionately higher EPA as compared to S. fimbriata which was DHA rich. Percentage of EPA and DHA also varied across months for both species – the spawning season seemed to show higher EPA content in S. longiceps and higher DHA content in S. fimbriata. Gut content analysis indicate that adult S. fimbriata is partial to zooplanktons which are DHA rich while adult S. longiceps feed mainly on EPA rich phytoplankton. Juveniles of both species, found mainly in winter, had a gut content showing more mixed diet. This difference in the feeding pattern reflect clearly in their PUFA profile – adult S. longiceps, which dominate the catch during the spawn season, feeding mostly on phytoplankton is concentrated with EPA while the juveniles which are found mostly in the winter season has slightly less EPA proportion as compared to adults. The same is true for S. fimbriata adults that are caught mostly in the spawning season; being rich in DHA as they feed mainly on zooplankton while the juveniles caught during winter season has a relatively lower concentration of DHA in their total PUFA.Various extraction procedures are known to obtain PUFA from fish oil. However, most of them do not give high purity and do not use materials indicated as safe. PUFA extracts have to be edible and should not have harmful substances for applying on mice and human subjects. Some PUFA extraction procedures, though pure and non-toxic, might induce cis-trans conversions during the extraction process. This conversion destroys the benefits of PUFA and at times is harmful to human body. A method free from these limitations has been standardized for this study. Gas Chromatography was performed on the extracts thus made to ensure that it is substantially pure. EPA: DHA ratios for both samples were derived - for S. longiceps this ratio was 3:2, while it was 3:8 for S. fimbriata.Eight common strains of gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains were subjected to the PUFA extracts from both species dissolved in acetone solution using Agar Well Diffusion method. The activity was studied against an acetone control. At the end of incubation period, zones of inhibition were measured to estimate the activity. Minimum inhibitory concentration for each of the active combinations was calculated by keeping p < 0.01 as significant. Four of the bacteria including multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were shown to be inhibited by the fish extracts. It was also found that the extracts from S. fimbriata were better than the one from S. longiceps in annihilating harmful bacteria.Four groups of mice subjects were studied to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of the PUFA extracts. Three groups were induced diabetes by administration of alloxan tetra hydrate. One group without diabetes was kept as control and another with diabetes was kept as diabetic control. For two diabetic groups, a prescribed amount of fish extracts were fed from each of the extracts. The biochemical parameters like serum glucose, total cholesterol, LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, urea and creatinine were sampled from all four groups at regular intervals of 7 days for a period of 28 days. It was found that groups fed with fish extracts had marked improvement in the levels of total LDL & HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine. Groups fed with extracts from S. fimbriata seem to have fared better as compared to S. longiceps. However, both groups did not show any marked improvement in blood glucose levels or levels of urea.Cell lines of MCF-7 (Breast Cancer) and DU-145 (Prostate Cancer) were used to analyse the cytotoxicity of the PUFA extracts. Both cell lines were subjected to MTT Assay and later the plates were read using an ELISA reader at a wavelength of 570nm. It was found that both extracts had significant cytotoxic effects against both cell lines and a peak cytotoxicity of 85-90% was apparent. IC50 values were calculated from the graphs and it was found that S. longiceps extracts had a slightly lower IC50 value indicating that it is toxic even at a lower concentration as compared to extracts from S. fimbriata.This study summarizes the bioactivity profile of PUFA extracts and provides recommendation for dietary intake; fish based nutritional industry and indigenous pharmaceutical industry. Possible future directions of this study are also elaborated.
The thesis presents a detailed account of the alkaline protease produced by Vibrio sp.(V26) a mangrove isolate,and the application of this enzyme in different fields.The protease producer strain was identified on the basis of biochemical characteristice,putative virulence traits and 16S rRNA gene sequencing.The purification and characterization of the protease has been carried out. Along with this, an attempt has been made to identifiy the protease gene. The physical parameters as well as the media components influencing protease production were optimized using Response Surfce Methodology(RSM).The scale up of the application of the protease from Vibrio sp.(V26) in the dissociation of cells in animal cell culture,in the recovery of silver from used X-ray films as well as an ingredient in commercial detergents were investigated.
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the deadliest virus among crustaceans ever discovered having several unique and novel features. Recent developments in genomics and proteomics could elucidate the molecular process involved in the WSSV infection and the host pathogen interaction to some extent. Until now no fool proof treatment or prophylactic measure has been made available to control WSSV out breaks in culture system. Even though there are technologies like application of immunostimulants, vaccines, RNAi and several antiviral natural products none of them has been taken to the level of clinical trials. However, there are several management options such as application of bioremediation technologies to maintain the required environmental quality, maintenance of zero water exchange systems coupled with application of probiotics and vaccines which on adoption shall pave way for successful crops amidst the rapid spread of the virus. In this context the present work was undertaken to develop a drug from mangrove plants for protecting shrimp from WSSV.Mangroves belong to those ecosystems that are presently under the threat of destruction, diversion and blatant attack in the name of so called ‘developmental activities’. Mangrove plants have unique ecological features as it serves as an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem and hence possess diversity of metabolites with diverse activities. This prompted them being used as remedial measures for several ailments for ages. Among the mangrove plants Ceriops tagal, belonging to the family Rhizophororaceae was in attention for many years for isolating new metabolites such as triterpenes, phenolic compounds, etc. Even though there were attempts to study various plant extracts to develop anti-viral preparations their activity against WSSV was not investigated as yet.
Aquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades to become an important activity worldwide.The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the UN acknowledge that global fishery output must be increased by at least 50% to offset projected shortfalls in dietary protein by 2030.LAquaculture has developed rapidly over the last three decades and has become an importat industry as today’s demand for fish exceeds the natural supply.lmmunostimulants are chemical compounds that activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. lmmunostimulants have been obtained from diverse natural sources where, microbial cell wall acts as the main source.The salient findings of the study are summariseSeven marine yeasts were screened for growth promoting and immunostimulant property in F. indicus. Candida sake S165 was found to be best in terms of its support for growth and protection against white spot virus infection.The study revealed that marine yeast Candida sake can be effectively used as potential source of immunostimulants for application in penaeid prawns culture systems. The study emphasise the fact that the dose and frequency of application of immunostimulants are to be standardised and validated before commercialisation to achieve optimum stimulation of the immune system and to avoid immune fatigue die to verdose.Marine yeast (whole cell) was found to support better immunostimulation compared to its cell wall component B-1,3-glucan. This study shows that administration of marine yeast (whole cell) or B-1,3-glucan as immunostimulants in aquaculture would definitely help in protection of the stock to a few more days even though total protection is not being imparted. This partial protection itself would be highly helpful to the farming industry so that they can get sufficient time to plan for a safe harvest and save the crop from cent percent mortality.
Pyocyanin is a versatile and multifunctional phenazine, widely used as a bio-control agent. Besides its toxicity in higher concentration, it has been applied as bio-control agents against many pathogens including the Vibrio spp. in aquaculture systems. The exact mechanism of the production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known, but the genetic modification of pyocyanin biosynthetic pathways in P. aeruginosa is not yet experimented to improve the yield of pyocyanin production. In this context, one of the aims of this work was to improve the yield of pyocyanin production in P. aeruginosa by way of increasing the copy number of pyocyanin pathway genes and their over expression. The specific aims of this work encompasses firstly, the identification of probiotic effect of P. aeruginosa isolated from various ecological niches, the overexpression of pyocyanin biosynthetic genes, development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin and its application in aquaculture industries. In addition, this work intends to examine the toxicity of pyocyanin on various developmental stages of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Artemia nauplii, microbial consortia of nitrifying bioreactors (Packed Bed Bioreactor, PBBR and Stringed Bed Suspended Bioreactor, SBSBR) and in vitro cell culture systems from invertebrates and vertebrates. The present study was undertaken with a vision to manage the pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture through eco-friendly and sustainable management strategies with the following objectives: Identification of Pseudomonas isolated from various ecological niches and its antagonism to pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture.,Saline dependent production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa originated from different ecological niches and their selective application in aquaculture,Cloning and overexpression of Phz genes encoding phenazine biosynthetic pathway for the enhanced production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCCB117,Development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin from PA-pUCP-Phz++; Structural elucidation and functional analysis of the purified compoundToxicity of pyocyanin on various biological systems.
The group cyanobacteria includes a large number of organisms characterised by a low state of cellular organization. Their cells lack a well defined nucleus. Cell division is by division of the protoplast by an ingrowth of the septum. These organisms are characterised generally by a blue green colouration of the cell, the chief pigments being chlorophyll-a, carotenes, xanthophylls, C phycocyanin and C phycoerythrin. The product of photosynthesis is glycogen. These organisms lack flagellate reproductive bodies and there is a total lack of sexual reproduction. They are also unique because of the presence of murein in the place of cellulose (cell wall) and the absence of chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Just like bacteria some of them possess Plasmids and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the present study growth kinetics, heavy metal tolerance, tolerance mechanisms, heavy metal intake, and antibacterial activity of §ynechocystics salina Wislouch - a nanoplanktonic, euryhaline, Cyanobacterium present in Cochin back waters has been carried out for the potential biotechnological application of this organism. _§; salina occur as small spherical cells of 3n diameter (sometimes in pairs) with bluish green colour. The species is characterised by jerky movement of the cells and is structrually similar to other cyanobacteria
About 80 years ago, the neurosecretory eyestalk structures and their role in endocrine regulation was recognized in crustaceans. After the recognition it took half a century to identify the first peptide hormone. Till date a large number of homologous peptides of crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone and moult-inhibiting hormone have been identified, consequently they are called the CHH family hormones. This family comprises of highly multifunctional peptides which according to sequences and precursor structures can be divided into two subfamilies, type-I (CHH/ITP) and II (MIH, MOIH, VIH/GIH) (Webster et al., 2012). The XO-SG complex has been the major site of the two subfamilies. The advent of molecular techniques resulted in the characterization of different precursors of CHH, MIH and GIH; these hormones consist of a signal peptide, but only the preprohormone of CHHs contain a precursor- related peptide (CPRP) located between the signal and the mature hormone (Weidemann et al., 1989; Klein et al., 1993b; De Kleijn and Van Herp, 1995). The essentialities of the gene structure comply with the functions of the CHH family hormones. The CHH family hormone functions are inhibitory as well as stimulatory in the process of reproduction and maturation
The main objective of the present work is to acquire information regarding the growth responses of P. monodon larvae (from PZ1 upto PL1) to various mono specific and mixed diets. Evaluate the nutritional quality of selected species of micro algae viz. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Dunaliella salina, Isochrysis galbana and Nannochloropsis salina, larvae at three cell concentrations 10x104 cells/ml, 25x104 cells/ml and 50x104 cells/ml. The P. monodon larvae were transported, at the Nauplius stage, to the laboratory. The larvae were stocked at density of 150 larvae per litre in 5 litre FRP tanks with 3 litres of sea water. The algal cell density given to the larvae varied. The larval stages were fed with increasing densities of algae to evaluate the relationship between the food densities, ingestion rates, development and growth of the larvae. The water quality parameters, the percentage of survival rate, the growth estimation and the algal cell count were done. Each experiment was carried out in triplicate with a control group of larvae fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans. For the estimation standard procedures were used.to P. monodon
This work envisages the fermentation of prawn shell waste into a more nutritious product with simpler components for application as a feed ingredient in aquaculture. This product would be a rich source of protein along with chitin, minerals, vitamins and N-acetyl glucosamine. A brief description of the various processing (chemical and bioprocess) methods employed for chitin, chitosan and single sell protein preparations from shell waste. It deals with the isolation of micro flora associated with prawn shell degradation. It describes the methods adopted for fermentation of prawn shell degradation and fermentation of prawn shell waste with the selected highly chitinoclastic strains. The comparison of SSF and SmF for each selected strain in terms of enrichment of protein, lipid and carbohydrate in the fermented product was done. Detailed analysis of product quality is discussed. The feed for mulation and feeding experiment explained in detail. Statistical analysis of various biogrowth parameters was done with Duncan’s multiple range test. Very briefly explains 28 days of feeding experiment. A method for the complete utilization of shell waste explains with the help of experiments.
The main objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative distribution of natural cyanobacterial population and their ecobiological properties along the Cochin estuary and their application in aquaculture systems as a nutritional supplement due to their nutrient-rich biochemical composition and antioxidant potential. This thesis presents a detailed account of the distribution of cyanobacteria in Cochin estuary, an assessment of physico-chemical parameters and the nutrients of the study site, an evaluation of the effect of physico-chemical parameters on cyanobacterial distribution and abundance, isolation, identification and culturing of cyanobacteria, the biochemical composition an productivity of cyanobacteria, and an evaluation of the potential of the selected cyanobacteria as antioxidants against ethanol induced lipid peroxidation. The pH, salinity and nutritional requirements were optimized for low-cost production of the selected cyanobacterial strains. The present study provides an insight into the distribution, abundance, diversity and ecology of cyanobacteria of Cochin estuary. From the results, it is evident that the ecological conditions of Cochin estuary support a rich cyanobacterial growth.
The present study provides an account of the occurrence and diversity of marine yeasts in the slope sediments of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It also gives a clear idea about the role of yeasts in the benthic realm of marine ecosystem. The lipolytic potential of the organisms indicate the presence of rich lipid moieties in the study area. The isolates, Candida sp. SD 302 and Pichia guilliermondii SD 337 were proved to have potential oil degrading property and can be employed as bioremediators of oil spill after further characterization. The black yeasts isolated during the study area were found to have high commercial value by virtue of the by-products obtained from them. The melanin and the melanin degrading enzyme extracted from these organisms are potential bioactive materials for application in cosmetology.
Haematological responses of green mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus) to heavy metals copper and mercury
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Division of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The present investigation is to find the hypoxic adaptations and role of carotenoids in the anaerobic catabolism of two intertidal bivalves-Sunetta scripta and Perna viridis. Physiological and cytological responses during hypoxic stress have been studied and compared to that of sublethal heavy metal (copper) exposure using two indices : total carotenoid concentration and accumulation of lipofuscin granules. A close similarity has been observed between hypoxic exposed and copper (sublethal) exposed animals regarding the total carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation. In the case of S.scripta, the total caroteniod increase at 48h of both hypoxic and heavy metal exposure was found to be nearly 40% greater than that of the control (0h). Whereas in P.viridis, the increment in the total carotenoid concentration at 48h of hypoxic exposure and 48h of heavy metal exposure were found to be nearly 87% and 95% higher than that of the control (0h) respectively.Regarding the lipofuscin accumulation, in both S.scripta and P.viridis , the characteristic features of the granule at 48h of hypoxia is very much similar to that observed at 48h of heavy metal exposure. Thus, the present study suggests that the increase in carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation expressed by bivalves under heavy metal stress can be due to the indirect effect of hypoxia.