32 resultados para Balanced graphs


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Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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A graphs G is clique irreducible if every clique in G of size at least two,has an edge which does not lie in any other clique of G and is clique reducible if it is not clique irreducible. A graph G is clique vertex irreducible if every clique in G has a vertex which does not lie in any other clique of G and clique vertex reducible if it is not clique vertex irreducible. The clique vertex irreducibility and clique irreducibility of graphs which are non-complete extended p-sums (NEPS) of two graphs are studied. We prove that if G(c) has at least two non-trivial components then G is clique vertex reducible and if it has at least three non-trivial components then G is clique reducible. The cographs and the distance hereditary graphs which are clique vertex irreducible and clique irreducible are also recursively characterized.


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Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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This thesis Entitled On Infinite graphs and related matrices.ln the last two decades (iraph theory has captured wide attraction as a Mathematical model for any system involving a binary relation. The theory is intimately related to many other branches of Mathematics including Matrix Theory Group theory. Probability. Topology and Combinatorics . and has applications in many other disciplines..Any sort of study on infinite graphs naturally involves an attempt to extend the well known results on the much familiar finite graphs. A graph is completely determined by either its adjacencies or its incidences. A matrix can convey this information completely. This makes a proper labelling of the vertices. edges and any other elements considered, an inevitable process. Many types of labelling of finite graphs as Cordial labelling, Egyptian labelling, Arithmetic labeling and Magical labelling are available in the literature. The number of matrices associated with a finite graph are too many For a study ofthis type to be exhaustive. A large number of theorems have been established by various authors for finite matrices. The extension of these results to infinite matrices associated with infinite graphs is neither obvious nor always possible due to convergence problems. In this thesis our attempt is to obtain theorems of a similar nature on infinite graphs and infinite matrices. We consider the three most commonly used matrices or operators, namely, the adjacency matrix


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For routing problems in interconnection networks it is important to find the shortest containers between any two vertices, since the w-wide diameter gives the maximum communication delay when there are up to w−1 faulty nodes in a network modeled by a graph. The concept of ‘wide diameter’ was introduced by Hsu [41] to unify the concepts of diameter and The concept of ‘domination’ has attracted interest due to its wide applications in many real world situations [38]. A connected dominating set serves as a virtual backbone of a network and it is a set of vertices that helps in routing. In this thesis, we make an earnest attempt to study some of these notions in graph products. This include, the diameter variability, the diameter vulnerability, the component factors and the domination criticality.connectivity


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The median (antimedian) set of a profile π = (u1, . . . , uk) of vertices of a graphG is the set of vertices x that minimize (maximize) the remoteness i d(x,ui ). Two algorithms for median graphs G of complexity O(nidim(G)) are designed, where n is the order and idim(G) the isometric dimension of G. The first algorithm computes median sets of profiles and will be in practice often faster than the other algorithm which in addition computes antimedian sets and remoteness functions and works in all partial cubes


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A profile on a graph G is any nonempty multiset whose elements are vertices from G. The corresponding remoteness function associates to each vertex x 2 V.G/ the sum of distances from x to the vertices in the profile. Starting from some nice and useful properties of the remoteness function in hypercubes, the remoteness function is studied in arbitrary median graphs with respect to their isometric embeddings in hypercubes. In particular, a relation between the vertices in a median graph G whose remoteness function is maximum (antimedian set of G) with the antimedian set of the host hypercube is found. While for odd profiles the antimedian set is an independent set that lies in the strict boundary of a median graph, there exist median graphs in which special even profiles yield a constant remoteness function. We characterize such median graphs in two ways: as the graphs whose periphery transversal number is 2, and as the graphs with the geodetic number equal to 2. Finally, we present an algorithm that, given a graph G on n vertices and m edges, decides in O.mlog n/ time whether G is a median graph with geodetic number 2


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The distance DG(v) of a vertex v in an undirected graph G is the sum of the distances between v and all other vertices of G. The set of vertices in G with maximum (minimum) distance is the antimedian (median) set of a graph G. It is proved that for arbitrary graphs G and J and a positive integer r 2, there exists a connected graph H such that G is the antimedian and J the median subgraphs of H, respectively, and that dH(G, J) = r. When both G and J are connected, G and J can in addition be made convex subgraphs of H.


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The Majority Strategy for finding medians of a set of clients on a graph can be relaxed in the following way: if we are at v, then we move to a neighbor w if there are at least as many clients closer to w than to v (thus ignoring the clients at equal distance from v and w). The graphs on which this Plurality Strategy always finds the set of all medians are precisely those for which the set of medians induces always a connected subgraph


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Almost self-centered graphs were recently introduced as the graphs with exactly two non-central vertices. In this paper we characterize almost selfcentered graphs among median graphs and among chordal graphs. In the first case P4 and the graphs obtained from hypercubes by attaching to them a single leaf are the only such graphs. Among chordal graph the variety of almost self-centered graph is much richer, despite the fact that their diameter is at most 3. We also discuss almost self-centered graphs among partial cubes and among k-chordal graphs, classes of graphs that generalize median and chordal graphs, respectively. Characterizations of almost self-centered graphs among these two classes seem elusive


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The median of a profile = (u1, . . . , uk ) of vertices of a graph G is the set of vertices x that minimize the sum of distances from x to the vertices of . It is shown that for profiles with diameter the median set can be computed within an isometric subgraph of G that contains a vertex x of and the r -ball around x, where r > 2 − 1 − 2 /| |. The median index of a graph and r -joins of graphs are introduced and it is shown that r -joins preserve the property of having a large median index. Consensus strategies are also briefly discussed on a graph with bounded profiles.


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Following the Majority Strategy in graphs, other consensus strategies, namely Plurality Strategy, Hill Climbing and Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing strategies on graphs are discussed as methods for the computation of median sets of pro¯les. A review of algorithms for median computation on median graphs is discussed and their time complexities are compared. Implementation of the consensus strategies on median computation in arbitrary graphs is discussed


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There are several centrality measures that have been introduced and studied for real world networks. They account for the different vertex characteristics that permit them to be ranked in order of importance in the network. Betweenness centrality is a measure of the influence of a vertex over the flow of information between every pair of vertices under the assumption that information primarily flows over the shortest path between them. In this paper we present betweenness centrality of some important classes of graphs.


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Given a non empty set S of vertices of a graph, the partiality of a vertex with respect to S is the di erence between maximum and minimum of the distances of the vertex to the vertices of S. The vertices with minimum partiality constitute the fair center of the set. Any vertex set which is the fair center of some set of vertices is called a fair set. In this paper we prove that the induced subgraph of any fair set is connected in the case of trees and characterise block graphs as the class of chordal graphs for which the induced subgraph of all fair sets are connected. The fair sets of Kn, Km;n, Kn e, wheel graphs, odd cycles and symmetric even graphs are identi ed. The fair sets of the Cartesian product graphs are also discussed


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The median problem is a classical problem in Location Theory: one searches for a location that minimizes the average distance to the sites of the clients. This is for desired facilities as a distribution center for a set of warehouses. More recently, for obnoxious facilities, the antimedian was studied. Here one maximizes the average distance to the clients. In this paper the mixed case is studied. Clients are represented by a profile, which is a sequence of vertices with repetitions allowed. In a signed profile each element is provided with a sign from f+; g. Thus one can take into account whether the client prefers the facility (with a + sign) or rejects it (with a sign). The graphs for which all median sets, or all antimedian sets, are connected are characterized. Various consensus strategies for signed profiles are studied, amongst which Majority, Plurality and Scarcity. Hypercubes are the only graphs on which Majority produces the median set for all signed profiles. Finally, the antimedian sets are found by the Scarcity Strategy on e.g. Hamming graphs, Johnson graphs and halfcubes