19 resultados para Aspiration level
Axial brain slices containing similar anatomical structures are retrieved using features derived from the histogram of Local binary pattern (LBP). A rotation invariant description of texture in terms of texture patterns and their strength is obtained with the incorporation of local variance to the LBP, called Modified LBP (MOD-LBP). In this paper, we compare Histogram based Features of LBP (HF/LBP), against Histogram based Features of MOD-LBP (HF/MOD-LBP) in retrieving similar axial brain images. We show that replacing local histogram with a local distance transform based similarity metric further improves the performance of MOD-LBP based image retrieval
Detection of Objects in Video is a highly demanding area of research. The Background Subtraction Algorithms can yield better results in Foreground Object Detection. This work presents a Hybrid CodeBook based Background Subtraction to extract the foreground ROI from the background. Codebooks are used to store compressed information by demanding lesser memory usage and high speedy processing. This Hybrid method which uses Block-Based and Pixel-Based Codebooks provide efficient detection results; the high speed processing capability of block based background subtraction as well as high Precision Rate of pixel based background subtraction are exploited to yield an efficient Background Subtraction System. The Block stage produces a coarse foreground area, which is then refined by the Pixel stage. The system’s performance is evaluated with different block sizes and with different block descriptors like 2D-DCT, FFT etc. The Experimental analysis based on statistical measurements yields precision, recall, similarity and F measure of the hybrid system as 88.74%, 91.09%, 81.66% and 89.90% respectively, and thus proves the efficiency of the novel system.
Fingerprint based authentication systems are one of the cost-effective biometric authentication techniques employed for personal identification. As the data base population increases, fast identification/recognition algorithms are required with high accuracy. Accuracy can be increased using multimodal evidences collected by multiple biometric traits. In this work, consecutive fingerprint images are taken, global singularities are located using directional field strength and their local orientation vector is formulated with respect to the base line of the finger. Feature level fusion is carried out and a 32 element feature template is obtained. A matching score is formulated for the identification and 100% accuracy was obtained for a database of 300 persons. The polygonal feature vector helps to reduce the size of the feature database from the present 70-100 minutiae features to just 32 features and also a lower matching threshold can be fixed compared to single finger based identification
The present study described about the interaction of a two level atom and squeezed field with time varying frequency. By applying a sinusoidal variation in the frequency of the field, the randomness in population inversion is reduced and the collapses and periodic revivals are regained. Quantum optics is an emerging field in physics which mainly deals with the interaction of atoms with quantised electromagnetic fields. Jaynes-Cummings Model (JCM) is a key model among them, which describes the interaction between a two level atom and a single mode radiation field. Here the study begins with a brief history of light, atom and their interactions. Also discussed the interaction between atoms and electromagnetic fields. The study suggest a method to manipulate the population inversion due to interaction and control the randomness in it, by applying a time dependence on the frequency of the interacting squeezed field.The change in behaviour of the population inversion due to the presence of a phase factor in the applied frequency variation is explained here.This study also describes the interaction between two level atom and electromagnetic field in nonlinear Kerr medium. It deals with atomic and field state evolution in a coupled cavity system. Our results suggest a new method to control and manipulate the population of states in two level atom radiation interaction,which is very essential for quantum information processing.We have also studied the variation of atomic population inversion with time, when a two level atom interacts with light field, where the light field has a sinusoidal frequency variation with a constant phase. In both coherent field and squeezed field cases, the population inversion variation is completely different from the phase zero frequency modulation case. It is observed that in the presence of a non zero phase φ, the population inversion oscillates sinusoidally.Also the collapses and revivals gradually disappears when φ increases from 0 to π/2. When φ = π/2 the evolution of population inversion is identical to the case when a two level atom interacts with a Fock state. Thus, by applying a phase shifted frequency modulation one can induce sinusoidal oscillations of atomic inversion in linear medium, those normally observed in Kerr medium. We noticed that the entanglement between the atom and field can be controlled by varying the period of the field frequency fluctuations. The system has been solved numerically and the behaviour of it for different initial conditions and different susceptibility values are analysed. It is observed that, for weak cavity coupling the effect of susceptibility is minimal. In cases of strong cavity coupling, susceptibility factor modifies the nature in which the probability oscillates with time. Effect of susceptibility on probability of states is closely related to the initial state of the system.