17 resultados para AD-HOC NETWORKS
The main objective of the present investigation was to study the biochemical genetic variability within the species and genetic structure of its regional populations from west coast. Realising the recent report of occurrence of oil sardine fishery in east coast of India, population samples from Mandapam and Madras were also included in the present investigation. The original data gathered on the population genetics of the species have helped to interpret and evaluate the results objectively. The important conclusions drawn from a detailed discussions on the subject would throw some light on the probable process of problematic fluctuations in the abundance of oil sardine fishery of India. The academic and applied values of present discoveries need not be emphasised. The data used for the doctoral thesis were generated during the ICAR ad-hoc project on the "Population genetic studies on oil sardine, sardinella longiceps to identity distinct genetic stocks", carried out at CMFRI, Cochin during the years, 1988-1991
Data caching is an important technique in mobile computing environments for improving data availability and access latencies particularly because these computing environments are characterized by narrow bandwidth wireless links and frequent disconnections. Cache replacement policy plays a vital role to improve the performance in a cached mobile environment, since the amount of data stored in a client cache is small. In this paper we reviewed some of the well known cache replacement policies proposed for mobile data caches. We made a comparison between these policies after classifying them based on the criteria used for evicting documents. In addition, this paper suggests some alternative techniques for cache replacement