48 resultados para Menken, Alan: Arabian yöt


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The main objective of the present study is to model the gravity fields in terms of lithospheric structure below the western continental margin of India (WCMI) identify zones of crustal mass anomalies and attempt to infer the location of Ocean Continent transition in the Arabian Sea. In this study, the area starting from the western shield margin to the region covering the deep oceanic parts of the Arabian Sea which is bounded by Carlsberg and Cerg and Central Indian ridges in the south, eastern part of the Indus Cone in the west and falling between 630E and 800E longitudes, and 50N - 240N latitudes has been considered. The vast amount of seismic reflection and refraction data in the form of crustal velocities, basement configuration and crustal thicknesses available for the west coast as well as the eastern Arabian Sea has been utilized for this purpose


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In this study dynamics of infaunal benthic community of the continental shelf of north-eastern Arabian sea. The benthic (under water sea) organisms play an important role in the marine food chain. It can be concluded that seasonal differences in the benthic community was observed in lower depths and absent in deeper depths. Increased richness and diversity during pre-monsoon may be related to the increased primary production which inturn influenced by the increased nutrient input due to winter convection. No single ecological factor could be considered as a master factor. In general the area supports moderately high benthic production and diversified community.


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This study aims to reveal the ability of bacteria isolated from Cochin estuary and the Arabian Sea to produce phosphatases, important characters of the enzymes, its ability to utilize organophosphorus compounds as source of phosphate and also their role in degradation of organophosphorus pesticides. It deals with isolation, identification and screening of bacteria for phosphatase production, and it describes the effect of cultural conditions on growth and phosphatase production. The effect of various factors like pH, NaCl concentration, temperature of incubation, carbon source, period of incubation etc. on growth and phosphatase production by the two selected species were studied to establish suitable environment for phosphatase production by these bacteria. In this study regulation of phosphatase synthesis, characteristics of acid and alkaline phosphatases are discussed.


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The present study has been initiated to unravel the distribution of trace metals and its geochemical behavior in the Indian EEZ of the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Trace metal accumulation in aquatic consumers is of interest to ecologists and environmentalists so as to understand the fate and effect of contaminants in the food web dynamics and the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals. It is well established that oceanic distribution of macronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate and silicate provide critical to biological growth and related geochemical processes. In this study it can be inferred, that there is a need for a better understanding of background informations on trace metal concentrations with respect to space and time and their fluctuations in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal zooplankton. Without a sound knowledge on spatio-temporal fluctuations, it will be impossible to differentiate anthropogenic metal inputs from natural background concentrations with a routine biomonitoring programme. Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd & Pb showed a slight enrichment in zooplankton from the Arabian Sea during spring intermonsoon compared to intermonsoon fall. The relative enrichment of Fe, Cu & Zn in zooplankton from the Arabian Sea during intermonsoon spring than intermonsoon fall was due to favourable bioaccumulation factors of these elements during this season. Nevertheless this study can be looked upon as a starting point for further investigations on these biogeochemically important processes, which are vital in addressing the dynamics of productivity of waters.


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The present study provides an account of the occurrence and diversity of marine yeasts in the slope sediments of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It also gives a clear idea about the role of yeasts in the benthic realm of marine ecosystem. The lipolytic potential of the organisms indicate the presence of rich lipid moieties in the study area. The isolates, Candida sp. SD 302 and Pichia guilliermondii SD 337 were proved to have potential oil degrading property and can be employed as bioremediators of oil spill after further characterization. The black yeasts isolated during the study area were found to have high commercial value by virtue of the by-products obtained from them. The melanin and the melanin degrading enzyme extracted from these organisms are potential bioactive materials for application in cosmetology.


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Increase in sea surface temperature with global warming has an impact on coastal upwelling. Past two decades (1988 to 2007) of satellite observed sea surface temperatures and space borne scatterometer measured winds have provided an insight into the dynamics of coastal upwelling in the southeastern Arabian Sea, in the global warming scenario. These high resolution data products have shown inconsistent variability with a rapid rise in sea surface temperature between 1992 and 1998 and again from 2004 to 2007. The upwelling indices derived from both sea surface temperature and wind have shown that there is an increase in the intensity of upwelling during the period 1998 to 2004 than the previous decade. These indices have been modulated by the extreme climatic events like El–Nino and Indian Ocean Dipole that happened during 1991–92 and 1997–98. A considerable drop in the intensity of upwelling was observed concurrent with these events. Apart from the impact of global warming on the upwelling, the present study also provides an insight into spatial variability of upwelling along the coast. Noticeable fact is that the intensity of offshore Ekman transport off 8oN during the winter monsoon is as high as that during the usual upwelling season in summer monsoon. A drop in the meridional wind speed during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 has resulted in extreme decrease in upwelling though the zonal wind and the total wind magnitude are a notch higher than the previous years. This decrease in upwelling strength has resulted in reduced productivity too.