Recovery of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in the bullfrog after noise exposure does not correlate with hair cell damage noted on the amphibian papilla.
The purpose of this Capstone Project is to help determine whether performing otoacoustic emissions with contralateral noise may be used in the diagnosis of Auditory Processing Disorder.
Interpretation of 1000 Hz tympanometry is not standardized. Several compensated and uncompensated measures were analyzed and compared to otologic findings. Results of auditory brainstem testing and otoacoustic emissions were considered to better obtain middle ear status. Findings were inconclusive due to small sample size.
This paper is a review of a study to compare latencies of early evoked responses in young children with those of adults.
This paper is a review of a study on distortion product emissions in normal hearing chinchillas.
This paper discusses a study that collected cortical evoked responses when stimuli of different modalities were presented.
Speech-evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) were acquired in quiet and in the presence of noise at two study sessions to investigate 1) test-retest variability and 2) subcortical representation of speech stimuli. Participants were adults with normal hearing in both ears who listened monaurally and adults with unilateral deafness. Results indicate consistency in responses across sessions and several differences between hearing groups for magnitudes of discrete components.
The primary objective of this research study is to determine if various body positions for ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) testing demonstrate differentiation of the saccule and utricle through threshold responses.
Little is known about the way speech in noise is processed along the auditory pathway. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation between listening in noise using the R-Space system and the neurophysiologic response of the speech-evoked auditory brainstem when recorded in quiet and noise in adult participants with mild to moderate hearing loss and normal hearing.