8 resultados para older Italian women

em Université de Montréal, Canada


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Cette thèse documente, répertorie et analyse les relations entre les femmes auteures en France, en Italie, et entre Françaises et Italiennes, de 1770 à 1840, à partir de l’étude des correspondances et des ouvrages publiés de douze écrivaines (Anne-Marie de Beaufort d’Hautpoul, Sophie Gay, Félicité de Genlis, Marie-Émilie de Montanclos, Constance Pipelet Salm, Germaine de Staël, Teresa Bandettini, Elisabetta Caminer, Carolina Lattanzi, Diodata Saluzzo, Fortunata Sulgher Fantastici et Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi). Au cours d’une période caractérisée par le développement de l’imprimé, par l’importante participation féminine à la querelle des femmes, par le bouleversement politique international issu de la Révolution française et de l’époque napoléonienne, ainsi que par la présence affirmée des auteures, ces dernières font face à une réactivation des attaques contre l’autorat féminin. Dans ce contexte, les relations entre écrivaines illustrent le défi de « l’action commune » conçue dans une optique de défense d’une cause (celle des auteures) avant l’émergence du mouvement féministe. Les écrivaines étant souvent présentées soit comme « sœurs, » soit comme « rivales », notre étude démontre que la nature des relations féminines est infiniment plus complexe dans les faits. D’un côté, les relations entre femmes auteures témoignent d’une certaine cohésion au sein de la communauté : les contacts sont nombreux, celles-ci s’épaulent en temps de crise, construisent des généalogies littéraires féminines, et déconstruisent les discours portant sur la soi-disant « exceptionnalité » et la « rivalité » des femmes de lettres. De l’autre côté, d’importantes divisions traversent leurs réseaux, notamment liées à l’appartenance nationale, aux opinions politiques et au positionnement de chacune dans le milieu littéraire. Outre les divisions sociales et politiques, cette thèse illustre la difficulté éprouvée par les auteures à arrimer leurs intérêts individuels (promotion de leur propre carrière, identités multiples interférant avec l’appartenance de sexe/genre) aux intérêts collectifs (légitimer l’autorat féminin). Ainsi, les écrivaines reconnaissent l’importance de la communauté des femmes auteures, tout en étant confrontées au défi d’en maintenir la cohésion, à une époque où non seulement l’activité littéraire, mais également le contexte culturel et politique, sont en pleine transformation.


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Il est connu que le vieillissement de la population canadienne va augmenter la demande d’aide à domicile et qu’un soutien insuffisant du secteur public accroît l’implication des réseaux informels et privés. En s’appuyant sur les données de l’Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population (ENSP) et de l’Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes (ESCC), cette recherche analyse les tendances et déterminants de l’utilisation de l’aide à domicile subventionnée par le gouvernement au Canada et en Ontario entre 1996-1997 et 2009-2010. Il en ressort que la proportion de bénéficiaires âgés de 65 ans et plus est en diminution, passant de 9,9% à 9,2% au Canada (1996-1997 à 2005) et de 10,2% à 8,8% puis 9,6% en Ontario (1996-1997, 2005, 2009-2010). Les compressions sont particulièrement ressenties dans les services de maintien à domicile, dont l’aide pour les travaux ménagers (de 51% à 34% en Ontario). Les personnes âgées, les femmes, les gens vivant seuls ou qui ont besoin d’assistance pour accomplir certaines activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ) ou activités instrumentales de la vie quotidienne (AIVQ) reçoivent de moins en moins d’aide publique à domicile. En conclusion, le présent système de santé, qui semble se concentrer sur les soins de santé plutôt que sur les services de maintien, ne répond pas aux besoins des personnes âgées. Par ailleurs, le cas ontarien évoque l’impact que peuvent avoir les décisions politiques sur l’utilisation de l’aide à domicile. Les résultats suggèrent qu’entre 1996-1997 et 2005, ce sont surtout les personnes âgées de 18 à 64 ans et ceux nécessitant des soins qui bénéficièrent des programmes publics. Durant la période suivante (2005 à 2009-2010), il semble y avoir un intérêt plus marqué pour les 65 ans et plus dont la proportion d’utilisateurs s’accroît plus rapidement.


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Aims The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on incontinence symptoms, PFM function, and morphology in older women with SUI. Methods Women 60 years old and older with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention. The evaluations included 3-day bladder diaries, symptom, and quality of life questionnaires, PFM function testing with dynamometry (force) and electromyography (activation) during seven tasks: rest, PFM maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), straining, rapid-repeated PFM contractions, a 60 sec sustained PFM contraction, a single cough and three repeated coughs, and sagittal MRI recorded at rest, during PFM MVCs and during straining to assess PFM morphology. Results Seventeen women (68.9 ± 5.5 years) participated. Following the intervention the frequency of urine leakage decreased and disease-specific quality of life improved significantly. PFM function improved significantly: the participants were able to perform more rapid-repeated PFM contractions; they activated their PFMs sooner when coughing and they were better able to maintain a PFM contraction between repeated coughs. Pelvic organ support improved significantly: the anorectal angle was decreased and the urethrovescial junction was higher at rest, during contraction and while straining. Conclusions This study indicated that improvements in urine leakage were produced along with improvements in PFM co-ordination (demonstrated by the increased number of rapid PFM contractions and the earlier PFM activation when coughing), motor-control, pelvic organ support.


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Objectives: To assess whether stress or mixed urinary incontinence (UI) is associated with deficits in executive functioning among community-dwelling women. Design: An observational study comparing the performance, using multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) and Bonferroni post hoc test, of continent women and women with stress or mixed UI during executive control tasks. Setting: The research center of the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Participants: One hundred and fifty-five community-dwelling women aged 60 and older participated in the study. Measurements: Based on the Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI), participants were split into three groups: 35 continent women, 43 women with stress UI, and 78 women with mixed UI. Participants completed a battery of neuropsychological tests and a computerized dual-task test. Results: Women with mixed UI showed poorer performances than continent and stress UI women in executive control functions. Deficits were specific to tests involving switching and sharing/dividing attention between two tasks. Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that mixed UI can be associated with executive control deficits in community-dwelling older women. Future intervention studies in the treatment of UI should take the higher risk of an executive control deficit in women with UI under consideration.


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Background Motivated patients are more likely to adhere to treatment resulting in better outcomes. Virtual reality rehabilitation (VRR) is a treatment approach that includes video gaming to enhance motivation and functional training. Aims The study objectives were (1) to evaluate the feasibility of using a combination of pelvic floor muscles (PFM) exercises and VRR (PFM/VRR) to treat mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) in older women, (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the PFM/VRR program on MUI symptoms, quality of life (QoL), and (3) gather quantitative information regarding patient satisfaction with this new combined training program. Methods Women 65 years and older with at least 2 weekly episodes of MUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated two times before and one time after a 12-week PFM/VRR training program. Feasibility was defined as the participants' rate of participation in and completion of both the PFM/VRR training program and the home exercise. Effectiveness was evaluated through a bladder diary, pad test, symptom and QoL questionnaire, and participant's satisfaction through a questionnaire. Results Twenty-four women (70.5 ± 3.6 years) participated. The participants complied with the study demands in terms of attendance at the weekly treatment sessions (91%), adherence to home exercise (92%) and completion of the three evaluations (96%). Post-intervention, the frequency and quantity of urine leakage decreased and patientreported symptoms and QoL improved significantly. Most participants were very satisfied with treatment (91%). Conclusion A combined PFM/VRR program is an acceptable, efficient, and satisfying functional treatment for older women with MUI and should be explore through further RCTs.


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Introduction and hypothesis The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a pelvic floor muscle (PFM) rehabilitation program on the striated urethral sphincter in women over 60 years with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). We hypothesized that the PFM rehabilitation program would also exercise the striated urethral sphincter and that this would be demonstrated by hypertrophy of the sphincter on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods Women with at least weekly episodes of SUI were recruited. Participants were evaluated before and after a 12-week group PFM rehabilitation intervention with T2-weighted fast-spin-echo MRI sequences recorded in the axial plane at rest to assess urethral sphincter size. Data on SUI symptoms and their bother were also collected. No control group was included. Results Seventeen women participated in the study. The striated urethral sphincter increased significantly in thickness (21 %, p < 0.001), cross-sectional area (20 %, p = 0.003), and volume (12 %, p = 0.003) following the intervention. The reported number of incontinence episodes and their bother also decreased significantly. Conclusions This study appears to demonstrate that PFM training for SUI also trains the striated urethral sphincter and that improvement in incontinence signs and symptoms is associated with sphincter hypertrophy in older women with SUI. These findings support previous ultrasound (US) data showing an increase in urethral cross-sectional area following PFM training and extend the previous findings by more specifically assessing the area of hypertrophy and by demonstrating that older women present the same changes as younger women when assessed using MRI data.


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Affiliation: Pierre Dagenais : Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Aims To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic floor musculature (PFM), bladder neck and urethral sphincter morphology under three conditions (rest, PFM maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and straining) in older women with symptoms of stress (SUI) or mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) or without incontinence. Methods This 2008–2012 exploratory observational cohort study was conducted with community-dwelling women aged 60 and over. Sixty six women (22 per group), mean age of 67.7 ± 5.2 years, participated in the study. A 3 T MRI examination was conducted under three conditions: rest, PFM MVC, and straining. ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis tests (data not normally distributed) were conducted, with Bonferroni correction, to compare anatomical measurements between groups. Results Women with MUI symptoms had a lower PFM resting position (M-Line P = 0.010 and PC/H-line angle P = 0.026) and lower pelvic organ support (urethrovesical junction height P = 0.013) than both continent and SUI women. Women with SUI symptoms were more likely to exhibit bladder neck funneling and a larger posterior urethrovesical angle at rest than both continent and MUI women (P = 0.026 and P = 0.008, respectively). There were no significant differences between groups on PFM MVC or straining. Conclusions Women with SUI and MUI symptoms present different morphological defects at rest. These observations emphasize the need to tailor UI interventions to specific pelvic floor defects and UI type in older women.