5 resultados para load estimator
em Université de Montréal, Canada
In this paper, we study the asymptotic distribution of a simple two-stage (Hannan-Rissanen-type) linear estimator for stationary invertible vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) models in the echelon form representation. General conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality are given. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimator is also provided, so that tests and confidence intervals can easily be constructed.
Many unit root and cointegration tests require an estimate of the spectral density function at frequency zero at some process. Kernel estimators based on weighted sums of autocovariances constructed using estimated residuals from an AR(1) regression are commonly used. However, it is known that with substantially correlated errors, the OLS estimate of the AR(1) parameter is severely biased. in this paper, we first show that this least squares bias induces a significant increase in the bias and mean-squared error of kernel-based estimators.
L’intégration du génome du virus papilloma humain (VPH) a été reconnu jusqu’`a récemment comme étant un événnement fréquent mais pourtant tardif dans la progression de la maladie du col de l’utérus. La perspective temporelle vient, pourtant, d’être mise au défi par la détection de formes intégrées de VPH dans les tissus normaux et dans les lésions prénéoplasiques. Notre objectif était de déterminer la charge virale de VPH-16 et son état physique dans une série de 220 échantillons provenant de cols uterins normaux et avec des lésions de bas-grade. La technique quantitative de PCR en temps réel, méthode Taqman, nous a permis de quantifier le nombre de copies des gènes E6, E2, et de la B-globine, permettant ainsi l’évaluation de la charge virale et le ratio de E6/E2 pour chaque spécimen. Le ratio E6/E2 de 1.2 ou plus était suggestif d’intégration. Par la suite, le site d’intégration du VPH dans le génome humain a été déterminé par la téchnique de RS-PCR. La charge virale moyenne était de 57.5±324.6 copies d'ADN par cellule et le ratio E6/E2 a évalué neuf échantillons avec des formes d’HPV intégrées. Ces intégrants ont été amplifiés par RS-PCR, suivi de séquençage, et l’homologie des amplicons a été déterminée par le programme BLAST de NCBI afin d’identifier les jonctions virales-humaines. On a réussi `a identifier les jonctions humaines-virales pour le contrôle positif, c'est-à-dire les cellules SiHa, pourtant nous n’avons pas detecté d’intégration par la technique de RS-PCR dans les échantillons de cellules cervicales exfoliées provenant de tissus normaux et de lésions de bas-grade. Le VPH-16 est rarement intégré dans les spécimens de jeunes patientes.
Feed characteristics may influence the bacterial community composition and metabolic activities in the pig gastrointestinal tract, known to be associated with positive effects on the gut. Use of mash feed is associated with reduced Salmonella excretion, but little is known of its effect on the Escherichia coli population or of the mechanism of action. Our objectives were to assess the effect of feed texture combined with feed particle size on VFA profiles and levels, total E. coli count, and the presence of genes encoding virulence factors of pathogenic E. coli strains in the digestive tract along with their impact on pig performance of fattening pigs. Pigs (n = 840) on a commercial farm received mash or pellet diets of different particle sizes during the fattening period. Caecal and colon contents from 164 pigs were sampled at the slaughterhouse for enumeration of E. coli by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and for VFA quantification by capillary gas chromatography. The yccT gene was used to enumerate total E. coli. Improved pig performances associated with pellet texture and a 500-μm size were observed. Caecal (P = 0.02) and colon (P < 0.01) propionic acid concentrations were lower for pigs receiving pellet rather than mash feed. Similarly, caecal (P = 0.01) and colon (P < 0.001) butyric acid concentrations were also lower for pigs receiving pellet rather than mash feed, as determined by capillary gas chromatography. Moreover, caecal (P = 0.03) and colon (P < 0.001) butyric acid concentrations were higher for pigs receiving a feed with a 1,250-μm particle size rather than a 500-μm particle size. On the other hand, total caecal and colon E. coli levels were higher for pigs receiving pellet feed than for those receiving mash feed. For total E. coli enumeration, caecal (P < 0.01) and colon (P < 0.01) yccT gene copies were higher for pigs receiving pellet rather than mash feed. No effect of particle size on fatty acid concentrations or on E. coli numbers was observed. Virulence gene quantification revealed no trend. Taken together, results showed that mash feed is associated with lower growth performance but with favorable intestinal changes linked to VFA levels and E. coli reduction in the intestine.
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