em Université de Montréal, Canada
Asymmetry Risk, State Variables and Stochastic Discount Factor Specification in Asset Pricing Models
This paper studies vertical R&D spillovers between upstream and downstream firms. The model incorporates two vertically related industries, with horizontal spillovers within each industry and vertical spillovers between the two industries. Four types of R&D cooperation are studied : no cooperation, horizontal cooperation, vertical cooperation, and simultaneous horizontal and vertical cooperation. Vertical spillovers always increase R&D and welfare, while horizontal spillovers may increase or decrease them. The comparison of cooperative settings in terms of R&D shows that no setting uniformly dominates the others. Which type of cooperation yields more R&D depends on horizontal and vertical spillovers, and market structure. The ranking of cooperative structures hinges on the signs and magnitudes of three competitive externalities (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal) which capture the effect of the R&D of a firm on the profits of other firms. One of the basic results of the strategic investment literature is that cooperation between competitors increases (decreases) R&D when horizontal spillovers are high (low); the model shows that this result does not necessarily hold when vertical spillovers and vertical cooperation are taken into account. The paper proposes a theory of innovation and market structure, showing that the relation between innovation and competition depends on horizontal spillovers, vertical spillovers, and cooperative settings. The private incentives for R&D cooperation are addressed. It is found that buyers and sellers have divergent interests regarding the choice of cooperative settings and that spillovers increase the likelihood of the emergence of cooperation in a decentralized equilibrium.
In this paper, I present a non standard objection to moral impartialism. My idea is that moral impartialism is questionable when it is committed to a principle we have reasons to reject: the principle of self-other symmetry. According to the utilitarian version of the principle, the benefits and harms to the agent are exactly as relevant to the global evaluation of the goodness of his action as the benefits and harms to any other agent. But this view sits badly with the “Harm principle” which stresses the difference between harm to others and harm to the self. According to the deontological version, we have moral duties to ourselves which are exactly symmetrical to our duties to others. But there are reasons to believe that the idea of a duty to the self is not coherent.
Cette thèse constitue à la fois un apport de nature clinique et technologique dans l’approche diagnostique du glaucome. Plus précisément, nous nous proposons d’étudier une nouvelle façon de détecter le glaucome par la mesure de l’asymétrie du rapport de la surface de l’anneau neurorétinien et de la surface de la papille ou du disque optique ou rim to disc area asymmetry ratio (RADAAR). Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons recours à une base de données composée d’une population subdivisée en 4 différents groupes de diagnostic (normal, glaucome possible, glaucome probable et glaucome définitif). Les mesures du RADAAR sont calculées de différentes façons à partir des paramètres stéréométriques de la tête du nerf optique des sujets, produits par la microscopie confocale à balayage laser (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) (Heidelberg Engineering, Germany)). Nous procédons à une analyse de données grâce au logiciel SPSS où nous mettons en exergue la distribution du RADAAR dans les différentes populations, sa validité et son utilité dans le dépistage du glaucome. Nous enrôlons donc 523 sujets dans cette étude avec 82 sujets atteints de glaucome définitif. La moyenne d’âge est de 62 ans. Il y a plus de femmes que d’hommes et plus de Caucasiens que d’Africains Caribéens. Nous trouvons que la distribution de la mesure du RADAAR est différente des sujets d’un groupe de diagnostic à l’autre. En termes de performance, la sensibilité de la mesure du RADAAR est très basse c'est-à-dire que sa capacité de détecter la maladie est basse. En revanche la mesure du RADAAR est plus spécifique c'est-à-dire que sa capacité d’identifier les sujets exempts de la maladie est plus grande. Elle tendrait à être aussi plus performante chez les Africains Caribéens que chez les Caucasiens. De même, elle serait plus sensible chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La mesure du RADAAR est utile si on l’associe à une autre méthode de diagnostic comme l’analyse de Régression de Moorfields (MRA) incluse dans le logiciel du HRT3 spécialement lors de la détection du glaucome dans la population à haut risque. En définitive, nous déterminons que la mesure du RADAAR se veut un outil d’aide au diagnostic. Elle est particulièrement intéressante dans le contexte de dépistage de glaucome.
This dissertation focuses on military cooperation between the United States and its special allies. It argues that alliance expectations determine the level of military cooperation, while two intervening variables - the level of government cohesion and military capabilities - determine its implementation. This study also shows how secondary states deploy strategies to overcome power asymmetries through bilateral concessions, international organizations and by appealing to principle. The focus of the research is on special allies, as they have the most to gain or lose by going along with American plans. My contention is that secondary allies can rarely influence the dominant ally decisively, but they can act autonomously and resist to pressures exerted by the stronger alliance partner. The argument builds on three central claims. First, power asymmetries between allies translate into different assessments of international threats. Second, when disagreements over threats arise, the outcome of intra-alliance bargaining is not necessarily dictated by the preferences of the stronger power. Third, secondary states, as opposed to the dominant partner, face unique constraints when facing major foreign policy decisions, i.e. they face a trade-off between establishing a credible reputation as an alliance partner in a politically feasible way while minimizing domestic audience costs. To examine the theoretical puzzle presented by asymmetric military cooperation, I introduce a causal explanation that builds on neoclassical realism, to zone in on the interaction between systemic and domestic variables. My research makes a contribution to alliance theory and foreign policy decision-making by studying how special allies respond to American decisions in times of threat and how systemic constraints are channeled through state-level variables. To investigate the causal link between threat perception, alliance expectations and domestic constraints, this study relies on the method of structured focused comparison with three detailed case studies. The focus is on the initial decision made by special allies regarding whether or not to participle in joint mobilization with the United States. The decision-making process is presented from the perspective of secondary allied states and measures the explanatory factors that motivated the decision on military cooperation. The case studies are the UK, Canada and Australia’s response to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq during the period of 2001 to 2003.
Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont d’étudier la rétinotopie et les asymétries fonctionnelles du cortex visuel chez l’humain avec la spectroscopie proche de l’infrarouge fonctionnelle (SPIRf), tout en confirmant la fiabilité de cette technique. Tel qu’attendu, les résultats montrent une activation plus forte dans l’hémisphère controlatéral et dans le cortex haut/bas inverse à l’hémichamp stimulé. Nous avons également mesuré une activation significativement plus forte dans le cortex visuel supérieur (lorsque le champ visuel inférieur était stimulé) que l’activation dans le cortex visuel inférieur (lorsque le champ visuel supérieur était stimulé), surtout lorsque ces stimuli étaient présentés dans le champ visuel droit. Il s’agit de la première étude en SPIRf à observer les asymétries horizontale et verticale du cortex visuel et à ainsi confirmer l’existence de ces asymétries. Cette étude témoigne également de la fiabilité de la SPIRf comme technique d’imagerie pour cartographier le cerveau humain.
The value of the lateral bending test is important in the assessment of spinal curve mobility and prediction of surgical outcome in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, radiographic bending tests are unable to assess the reducibility of trunk asymmetry. This study aims to exploit surface topography measurement in order to evaluate the changes in shape of the trunk (a) between bending and neutral standing positions, and (b) between standing pre- and post-operative visits, in a cohort of adolescents with AIS having undergone surgical correction; and to correlate the differences measured in cases (a) and (b). Our cohort includes 13 patients with right thoracic AIS. Each patient had their 3D trunk surface digitized with a multi-head InSpeck system in standing posture (at the pre-op and post-op visits) and in maximum voluntary right and left bending (at the pre-op visit). We developed a novel trunk shape analysis method which produces a set of inclined trunk cross-sections allowing comparison between different postures. Two asymmetry indices, trunk rotation (TR) and back surface rotation (BSR), were computed in all cases and a statistical analysis was performed. Our correlation study (Pearson test) showed fair correlations in most cases between the changes in side-bending and those post-surgery, with the strongest relationship (p-value < 0.01) when combining the TR measurements from both bendings. These results provide evidence that the bending test can be used to assess trunk asymmetry reducibility. The proposed approach could provide a non-invasive trunk asymmetry reducibility test for routine clinical use in AIS surgery planning.
Study Design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Objectives To characterize breast asymmetry (BA), as defined by breast volume difference, in girls with significant adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Summary and Background BA is a frequent concern among girls with AIS. It is commonly believed that this results from chest wall deformity. Although many women exhibit physiological BA, the prevalence is not known in adolescents and it remains unclear if it is more frequent in AIS. Breasts vary in shape and size and many ways of measuring them have been explored. MRI shows the highest precision at defining breast tissue. Methods Thirty patients were enrolled on the basis of their thoracic curvature, skeletal and breast maturity, without regard to their perception on their BA. MRI acquisitions were performed in prone with a 1.5-Tesla system using a 16-channel breast coil. Segmentation was achieved using the ITK-SNAP 2.4.0 software and subsequently manually refined. Results The mean left breast volume (528.32 ± 205.96 cc) was greater compared with the mean right breast volume (495.18 ± 170.16 cc) with a significant difference between them. The mean BA was found to be 8.32% ± 6.43% (p < .0001). A weak positive correlation was observed between BA and thoracic Cobb angle (0.177, p = .349) as well as thoracic gibbosity angle (0.289, p = .122). The left breast was consistently larger in 65.5% of the patients. Twenty patients (66.7%) displayed BA ≥5%. Conclusions We have described BA in patients with significant AIS using MRI. This method is feasible, objective, and very precise. The majority of patients had a larger left breast, which could compound the apparent BA secondary to trunk rotation. In many cases, BA is present independently of thoracic deformity. This knowledge will assist in counseling AIS patients in regards to their concerns with BA.