12 resultados para The International Institute of Anticancer Research
em Université de Montréal, Canada
L’ouvrage constitue la thèse de Doctorat de Monsieur Lauri Railas soutenue le 16 Octobre 2004 à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Helsinki. Expert reconnu en droit du commerce international, son parcours professionnel explique les orientations prises dans son étude et son approche très large des transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises comparativement à d’autres travaux dans le même domaine. L’auteur a été conseiller juridique à l’Institut d’arbitrage de la chambre de commerce centrale finlandaise puis secrétaire général de la section finlandaise de la chambre internationale de commerce. Il a, ensuite, occupé le poste d’administrateur principal au secrétariat général du conseil de l’Union Européenne entre 1996 et 2002. Il est, actuellement, associé senior chez Krogerus & Co, un des plus importants cabinets d’avocats de Finlande. L’originalité de la thèse réside dans le fait qu’elle aborde les transactions relatives à la vente internationale de marchandises du point de vue du commerce électronique. L’étude traite de la création d’un cadre juridique uniforme et cohérent encadrant l’utilisation des instruments du commerce élecronique pour la vente internationale de marchandises en se concentrant, uniquement, sur le commerce électronique entre professionnels (B to B) et plus précisément sur les initiatives des organisations internationales pour en diffuser et en faciliter l’usage. S’inspirant des théories de l’analyse économique du droit, le postulat de départ de Monsieur Railas est que le commerce électronique peut changer les procédures du commerce international et apporter d’importante économie de coûts. Pour ce faire, un cadre juridique pour le commerce électronique et plus généralement les affaires électroniques, est en cours d’élaboration par les organisations internationales. L’étude aborde ces développements dans différents domaines comme la formation du contrat, le crédit documentaire ou encore la résolution des conflits.L’approche est holistique et basée sur les efforts déployés pour introduire des sources uniformes de régulation pour les transactions électroniques dans le commerce international. L’auteur recense un large répertoire de règles de droit qui sont en majorité d’origine internationales avec pour objectif la détermination du rôle que peuvent jouer les communications électroniques dans la passation de contrats de vente de marchandises, leur livraison mais aussi dans le recours au service de tiers dans des fonctions comme le transport, l’assurance-transport et la sécurisation des droits des différentes parties impliquées. L’idée de base étant que la vente internationale et le transport constituent une chaine de contrats et de services interreliés. En plus des règles de droits déjà établies, l’auteur analyse différentes initiatives de régulation novatrices pour le commerce électronique initiées par la CNUDCI notamment. L’ouvrage traite, également, des problématiques générales comme la formation des contrats et la signature électronique. Par ailleurs, l’auteur procède à l’analyse des contrats de vente dans lesquels le vendeur a l’obligation de livrer en plus des marchandises, les documents relatifs aux marchandises et ceux de transfert de propriété. Les marchandises étant soumises à différents droits de propriété, les documents de vente et de transport ont un rôle important à jouer dans l’exercice de ces droits. Enfin, l’auteur considère la procédure de résolution des conflits comme une part du cycle de vie de chaque transaction. L’arbitrage en ligne et les autres méthodes de résolution en ligne des conflits contribuant à la réalisation de transactions électroniques réussies. L’ouvrage peut être particulièrement utile pour les personnes qui s’intéressent à l’harmonisation internationale des droits applicables au commerce international. L’auteur fait une analyse, particulièrement intéressante, de plusieurs instruments et projets comme les E-terms 2004 de la chambre internationale de commerce, le système Boléro, le système TEDI (Trade Electronic Data Interchange) et le système de transactions financières SWIFNet. La finalité de la démarche est de trouver une plate-forme commune qui fasse en sorte que les transactions électroniques puissent être conclues de manière sécuritaire en s’inspirant des résultats tangibles d’harmonisation atteints par la convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale de marchandises et par les principes UNIDROIT mais aussi du consensus selon lequel le commerce électronique doit être gouverné dans une large part par les instruments de « droit mou » comme les codes de conduite, et que, les règlements extrajudiciaires des conflits doivent être utilisés pour les transactions électroniques.
Multi-country models have not been very successful in replicating important features of the international transmission of business cycles. Standard models predict cross-country correlations of output and consumption which are respectively too low and too high. In this paper, we build a multi-country model of the business cycle with multiple sectors in order to analyze the role of sectoral shocks in the international transmission of the business cycle. We find that a model with multiple sectors generates a higher cross-country correlation of output than standard one-sector models, and a lower cross-country correlation of consumption. In addition, it predicts cross-country correlations of employment and investment that are closer to the data than the standard model. We also analyze the relative effects of multiple sectors, trade in intermediate goods, imperfect substitution between domestic and foreign goods, home preference, capital adjustment costs, and capital depreciation on the international transmission of the business cycle.
HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) induces a cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase by a mechanism involving the activation of the DNA damage sensor ATR. We and others recently showed that Vpr performs this function by subverting the activity of the DDB1-CUL4A (VPRBP) E3 ubiquitin ligase. Vpr could thus act as a connector between the E3 ligase and an unknown cellular factor whose ubiquitination would induce G2 arrest. While attractive, this model is solely based on the indirect observation that some mutants of Vpr retain their interaction with the E3 ligase but fail to induce G2 arrest. Using a tandem affinity purification approach, we observed that Vpr interacts with ubiquitinated cellular proteins and that this association requires the recruitment of an active E3 ligase given that depletion of VPRBP by RNA interference or overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of CUL4A decreased this association. Importantly, G2-arrest-defective mutants of Vpr in the C-terminal putative substrate-interacting domain displayed decreased association with ubiquitinated proteins. We also found that inhibition of proteasomal activity increased this association and that the ubiquitin chains were at least in part constituted of classical K48 linkages. Interestingly, inhibition of K48 polyubiquitination specifically impaired Vpr-induced phosphorylation of H2AX, an early target of ATR, but did not affect UV-induced H2AX phosphorylation. Overall, our results provide direct evidence that association of Vpr with the DDB1-CUL4A (VPRBP) E3 ubiquitin ligase induces the K48-linked polyubiquitination of yet-unknown cellular proteins resulting in their proteasomal degradation and ultimately leading to activation of ATR and G2 arrest.
BACKGROUND: HIV-1 Vpu targets newly synthesized CD4 receptor for rapid degradation by a process reminiscent of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Vpu is thought to act as an adaptor protein, connecting CD4 to the ubiquitin (Ub)-proteasome degradative system through an interaction with beta-TrCP, a component of the SCFbeta-TrCP E3 Ub ligase complex. RESULTS: Here, we provide direct evidence indicating that Vpu promotes trans-ubiquitination of CD4 through recruitment of SCFbeta-TrCP in human cells. To examine whether Ub conjugation occurs on the cytosolic tail of CD4, we substituted all four Ub acceptor lysine residues for arginines. Replacement of cytosolic lysine residues reduced but did not prevent Vpu-mediated CD4 degradation and ubiquitination, suggesting that Vpu-mediated CD4 degradation is not entirely dependent on the ubiquitination of cytosolic lysines and as such might also involve ubiquitination of other sites. Cell fractionation studies revealed that Vpu enhanced the levels of ubiquitinated forms of CD4 detected in association with not only the ER membrane but also the cytosol. Interestingly, significant amounts of membrane-associated ubiquitinated CD4 appeared to be fully dislocated since they could be recovered following sodium carbonate salt treatment. Finally, expression of a transdominant negative mutant of the AAA ATPase Cdc48/p97 involved in the extraction of ERAD substrates from the ER membrane inhibited Vpu-mediated CD4 degradation. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results are consistent with a model whereby HIV-1 Vpu targets CD4 for degradation by an ERAD-like process involving most likely poly-ubiquitination of the CD4 cytosolic tail by SCFbeta-TrCP prior to dislocation of receptor molecules across the ER membrane by a process that depends on the AAA ATPase Cdc48/p97.
A subcategory of medical tourism, reproductive tourism has been the subject of much public and policy debate in recent years. Specific concerns include: the exploitation of individuals and communities, access to needed health care services, fair allocation of limited resources, and the quality and safety of services provided by private clinics. To date, the focus of attention has been on the thriving medical and reproductive tourism sectors in Asia and Eastern Europe; there has been much less consideration given to more recent ‘players’ in Latin America, notably fertility clinics in Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. In this paper, we examine the context-specific ethical and policy implications of private Argentinean fertility clinics that market reproductive services via the internet. Whether or not one agrees that reproductive services should be made available as consumer goods, the fact is that they are provided as such by private clinics around the world. We argue that basic national regulatory mechanisms are required in countries such as Argentina that are marketing fertility services to local and international publics. Specifically, regular oversight of all fertility clinics is essential to ensure that consumer information is accurate and that marketed services are safe and effective. It is in the best interests of consumers, health professionals and policy makers that the reproductive tourism industry adopts safe and responsible medical practices.
A current advance within the agricultural industry is the use of genetic engineering to produce novel crops for food production. This technology raises questions about how societies should position themselves with respect to genetically modified (GM) crop development and implementation; namely, how should the potentials and risks of this technology be evaluated? We argue that current methods to evaluate the risks and benefits of GM crops are inadequate and not conducive to the strategic development of this technology, where a way to ameliorate technology assessments for GM crops is to include farmers in the research process of evaluating these crops prior to their commercialization. However, particularities concerning the ethical status of such research require special consideration and vigilance. For example, in such technology assessment initiatives, farmers would occupy both the roles of research participant and research investigator. Other particularities surface due to factors related to the nature of GM crops. These particularities are examined with reference to concepts drawn from the field of research ethics, namely informed consent, compensatory decisions, and issues of participant inclusion/exclusion.
The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu enhances virus particle release by counteracting a host factor that retains virions at the cell surface of infected cells. It was recently demonstrated that cellular protein BST2/CD317/Tetherin restricts HIV-1 release in a Vpu-dependent manner. CAML was also proposed to be involved in this process. We investigated whether CAML is involved in Tetherin cell-surface expression. Here, we show that CAML over-expression in permissive Cos-7 cells or CAML depletion in restrictive HeLa cells has no effect on HIV-1 release nor on Tetherin surface expression, indicating that CAML is not required for Tetherin-mediated restriction of HIV-1 release.
La surveillance de l’influenza s’appuie sur un large spectre de données, dont les données de surveillance syndromique provenant des salles d’urgences. De plus en plus de variables sont enregistrées dans les dossiers électroniques des urgences et mises à la disposition des équipes de surveillance. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l’utilité potentielle de l’âge, de la catégorie de triage et de l’orientation au départ de l’urgence pour améliorer la surveillance de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza. Les données d’un sous-ensemble des hôpitaux de Montréal ont été utilisées, d’avril 2006 à janvier 2011. Les hospitalisations avec diagnostic de pneumonie ou influenza ont été utilisées comme mesure de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza, et ont été modélisées par régression binomiale négative, en tenant compte des tendances séculaires et saisonnières. En comparaison avec les visites avec syndrome d’allure grippale (SAG) totales, les visites avec SAG stratifiées par âge, par catégorie de triage et par orientation de départ ont amélioré le modèle prédictif des hospitalisations avec pneumonie ou influenza. Avant d’intégrer ces variables dans le système de surveillance de Montréal, des étapes additionnelles sont suggérées, incluant l’optimisation de la définition du syndrome d’allure grippale à utiliser, la confirmation de la valeur de ces prédicteurs avec de nouvelles données et l’évaluation de leur utilité pratique.
Background. Sleep-wake disturbances are among the most persistent sequelae after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and probably arise during the hospital stay following TBI. These disturbances are characterized by difficulties sleeping at night and staying awake during the day. Objective. The aim of the present study was to document rest-activity cycle consolidation in acute moderate/severe TBI using actigraphy and to assess its association with injury severity and outcome. Methods. In all, 16 hospitalized patients (27.1 ± 11.3 years) with moderate/severe TBI wore actigraphs for 10 days, starting in the intensive care unit (ICU) when continuous sedation was discontinued and patients had reached medical stability. Activity counts were summed for daytime (7:00-21:59 hours) and nighttime periods (22:00-6:59 hours). The ratio of daytime period activity to total 24-hour activity was used to quantify rest-activity cycle consolidation. An analysis of variance was carried out to characterize the evolution of the daytime activity ratio over the recording period. Results. Rest-activity cycle was consolidated only 46.6% of all days; however, a significant linear trend of improvement was observed over time. Greater TBI severity and longer ICU and hospital lengths of stay were associated with poorer rest-activity cycle consolidation and evolution. Patients with more rapid return to consolidated rest-activity cycle were more likely to have cleared posttraumatic amnesia and have lower disability at hospital discharge. Conclusions. Patients with acute moderate/ severe TBI had an altered rest-activity cycle, probably reflecting severe fragmentation of sleep and wake episodes, which globally improved over time. A faster return to rest-activity cycle consolidation may predict enhanced brain recovery.
Transcription termination of messenger RNA (mRNA) is normally achieved by polyadenylation followed by Rat1p-dependent 5'-3' exoribonuleolytic degradation of the downstream transcript. Here we show that the yeast ortholog of the dsRNA-specific ribonuclease III (Rnt1p) may trigger Rat1p-dependent termination of RNA transcripts that fail to terminate near polyadenylation signals. Rnt1p cleavage sites were found downstream of several genes, and the deletion of RNT1 resulted in transcription readthrough. Inactivation of Rat1p impaired Rnt1p-dependent termination and resulted in the accumulation of 3' end cleavage products. These results support a model for transcription termination in which cotranscriptional cleavage by Rnt1p provides access for exoribonucleases in the absence of polyadenylation signals.
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