1 resultado para Olivera
em Université de Montréal, Canada
This work describes a methodology for converting a specialized dictionary into a learner’s dictionary. The dictionary to which we apply our conversion method is the DiCoInfo, Dictionnaire fondamental de l’informatique et de l’Internet. We focus on changes affecting the presentation of data categories. What is meant by specialized dictionary for learners, in our case, is a dictionary covering the field of computer science and Internet meeting our users’ needs in communicative and cognitive situations. Our dictionary is aimed at learners’ of the computing language. We start by presenting a detailed description of four dictionaries for learners. We explain how the observations made on these resources have helped us in developing our methodology.In order to develop our methodology, first, based on Bergenholtz and Tarp’s works (Bergenholtz 2003; Tarp 2008; Fuertes Olivera and Tarp 2011), we defined the type of users who may use our dictionary. Translators are our first intended users. Other users working in the fields related to translation are also targeted: proofreaders, technical writers, interpreters. We also determined the use situations of our dictionary. It aims to assist the learners in solving text reception and text production problems (communicative situations) and in studying the terminology of computing (cognitive situations). Thus, we could establish its lexicographical functions: communicative and cognitive functions. Then, we extracted 50 articles from the DiCoInfo to which we applied a number of changes in different aspects: the layout, the presentation of data, the navigation and the use of multimedia. The changes were made according to two fundamental parameters: 1) simplification of the presentation; 2) lexicographic functions (which include the intended users and user’s situations). In this way, we exploited the widgets offered by the technology to update the interface and layout. Strategies have been developed to organize a large number of lexical links in a simpler way. We associated these links with examples showing their use in specific contexts. Multimedia as audio pronunciation and illustrations has been used.