32 resultados para Brain Drain

em Université de Montréal, Canada


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Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) représente la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus agressive et la plus vascularisée chez l’adulte. La survie médiane après le diagnostic est de moins d’un an en l’absence de traitement. Malheureusement, 90% des patients traités avec de la radiothérapie après la résection chirurgicale d’un GBM développent une récidive tumorale. Récemment, le traitement des GBM avec radiothérapie et témozolomide, un agent reconnu pour ses propriétés antiangiogéniques, a permis de prolonger la survie médiane à 14,6 mois. Des efforts sont déployés pour identifier des substances naturelles capables d’inhiber, de retarder ou de renverser le processus de carcinogenèse. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), un polyphénol retrouvé dans le thé vert, est reconnu pour ses propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques. L’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser les cellules tumorales cérébrales et les cellules endothéliales dérivées des tumeurs aux traitements conventionnels. Le chapitre II décrit la première partie de ce projet de doctorat. Nous avons tenté de déterminer si l’EGCG pourrait sensibiliser la réponse des GBM à l’irradiation (IR) et si des marqueurs moléculaires spécifiques sont impliqués. Nous avons documenté que les cellules U-87 étaient relativement radiorésistantes et que Survivin, une protéine inhibitrice de l’apoptose, pourrait être impliquée dans la radiorésistance des GBM. Aussi, nous avons démontré que le pré-traitement des cellules U-87 avec de l’EGCG pourrait annuler l’effet cytoprotecteur d’une surexpression de Survivin et potentialiser l’effet cytoréducteur de l’IR. Au chapitre III, nous avons caractérisé l’impact de l’IR sur la survie de cellules endothéliales microvasculaires cérébrales humaines (HBMEC) et nous avons déterminé si l’EGCG pouvait optimiser cet effet. Bien que les traitements individuels avec l’EGCG et l’IR diminuaient la survie des HBMEC, le traitement combiné diminuait de façon synergique la survie cellulaire. Nous avons documenté que le traitement combiné augmentait la mort cellulaire, plus spécifiquement la nécrose. Au chapitre IV, nous avons investigué l’impact de l’IR sur les fonctions angiogéniques des HBMEC résistantes à l’IR, notamment la prolifération cellulaire, la migration cellulaire en présence de facteurs de croissance dérivés des tumeurs cérébrales, et la capacité de tubulogenèse. La voie de signalisation des Rho a aussi été étudiée en relation avec les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC radiorésistantes. Nos données suggèrent que l’IR altère significativement les propriétés angiogéniques des HBMEC. La réponse aux facteurs importants pour la croissance tumorale et l’angiogenèse ainsi que la tubulogenèse sont atténuées dans ces cellules. En conclusion, ce projet de doctorat confirme les propriétés cytoréductrices de l’IR sur les gliomes malins et propose un nouveau mécanisme pour expliquer la radiorésistance des GBM. Ce projet documente pour la première fois l’effet cytotoxique de l’IR sur les HBMEC. Aussi, ce projet reconnaît l’existence de HBMEC radiorésistantes et caractérise leurs fonctions angiogéniques altérées. La combinaison de molécules naturelles anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques telles que l’EGCG avec de la radiothérapie pourrait améliorer l’effet de l’IR sur les cellules tumorales et sur les cellules endothéliales associées, possiblement en augmentant la mort cellulaire. Cette thèse supporte l’intégration de nutriments avec propriétés anticancéreuses et antiangiogéniques dans le traitement des gliomes malins pour sensibiliser les cellules tumorales et endothéliales aux traitements conventionnels.


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La barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) protège le système nerveux central (SNC) en contrôlant le passage des substances sanguines et des cellules immunitaires. La BHE est formée de cellules endothéliales liées ensemble par des jonctions serrées et ses fonctions sont maintenues par des astrocytes, celles ci sécrétant un nombre de facteurs essentiels. Une analyse protéomique de radeaux lipidiques de cellules endothéliales de la BHE humaine a identifié la présence de la voie de signalisation Hedgehog (Hh), une voie souvent liées à des processus de développement embryologique ainsi qu’au niveau des tissus adultes. Suite à nos expériences, j’ai déterminé que les astrocytes produisent et secrètent le ligand Sonic Hh (Shh) et que les cellules endothéliales humaines en cultures primaires expriment le récepteur Patched (Ptch)-1, le co-récepteur Smoothened (Smo) et le facteur de transcription Gli-1. De plus, l’activation de la voie Hh augmente l’étanchéité des cellules endothéliales de la BHE in vitro. Le blocage de l’activation de la voie Hh en utilisant l’antagoniste cyclopamine ainsi qu’en utilisant des souris Shh déficientes (-/-) diminue l’expression des protéines de jonctions serrées, claudin-5, occcludin, et ZO-1. La voie de signalisation s’est aussi montrée comme étant immunomodulatoire, puisque l’activation de la voie dans les cellules endothéliales de la BHE diminue l’expression de surface des molécules d’adhésion ICAM-1 et VCAM-1, ainsi que la sécrétion des chimiokines pro-inflammatoires IL-8/CXCL8 et MCP-1/CCL2, créant une diminution de la migration des lymphocytes CD4+ à travers une monocouche de cellules endothéliales de la BHE. Des traitements avec des cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α and IFN-γ in vitro, augmente la production de Shh par les astrocytes ainsi que l’expression de surface de Ptch-1 et de Smo. Dans des lésions actives de la sclérose en plaques (SEP), où la BHE est plus perméable, les astrocytes hypertrophiques augmentent leur expression de Shh. Par contre, les cellules endothéliales de la BHE n’augmentent pas leur expression de Ptch-1 ou Smo, suggérant une dysfonction dans la voie de signalisation Hh. Ces résultats montrent que la voie de signalisation Hh promeut les propriétés de la BHE, et qu’un environnement d’inflammation pourrait potentiellement dérégler la BHE en affectant la voie de signalisation Hh des cellules endothéliales.


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Investigators, caregivers, administrators and service users in the field of rehabilitation are increasingly interested in the concept of resilience, but the literature has very little to offer on interventions aimed at supporting the resilience of persons and their loved ones. This article describes the Personnalized Accompagnement Community Integration (ICII), which is intended to support the resilience of persons with moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). An ICII implementation is currently underway and is expected to support social participation and stimulate the resilience of persons with TBIs. It is based on four frames of reference: community integration founded on the person’s perception of their community integration, the ecosystemic model, the handicap production process (HPP) model, and the goal-setting process. ICII adopts an intervention perspective centered on the life plan of the person with a TBI.


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The principal cause of mortality in patients with acute liver failure (ALF) is brain herniation resulting from intracranial hypertension caused by a progressive increase of brain water. In the present study, ex vivo high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the effects of ALF, with or without superimposed hypothermia, on brain organic osmolyte concentrations in relation to the severity of encephalopathy and brain edema in rats with ALF due to hepatic devascularization. In normothermic ALF rats, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased more than fourfold at precoma stages, i.e. prior to the onset of severe encephalopathy, but showed no further increase at coma stages. In parallel with glutamine accumulation, the brain organic osmolytes myo-inositol and taurine were significantly decreased in frontal cortex to 63\% and 67\% of control values, respectively, at precoma stages (p<0.01), and to 58\% and 67\%, respectively, at coma stages of encephalopathy (p<0.01). Hypothermia, which prevented brain edema and encephalopathy in ALF rats, significantly attenuated the depletion of myo-inositol and taurine. Brain glutamine concentrations, on the other hand, did not respond to hypothermia. These findings demonstrate that experimental ALF results in selective changes in brain organic osmolytes as a function of the degree of encephalopathy which are associated with brain edema, and provides a further rationale for the continued use of hypothermia in the management of this condition.


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Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia and consequently increased brain ammonia concentrations, resulting in hepatic encephalopathy. When the liver fails to regulate ammonia concentrations, the brain, devoid of a urea cycle, relies solely on the amidation of glutamate to glutamine through glutamine synthetase, to efficiently clear ammonia. Surprisingly, under hyperammonemic conditions, the brain is not capable of increasing its capacity to remove ammonia, which even decreases in some regions of the brain. This non-induction of glutamine synthetase in astrocytes could result from possible limiting substrates or cofactors for the enzyme, or an indirect effect of ammonia on glutamine synthetase expression. In addition, there is evidence that nitration of the enzyme resulting from exposure to nitric oxide could also be implicated. The present review summarizes these possible factors involved in limiting the increase in capacity of glutamine synthetase in brain, in chronic liver failure.


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Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome which develops as a result of liver failure or disease. Increased concentrations of brain lactate (microdialysate, cerebrospinal fluid, tissue) are commonly measured in patients with HE induced by either acute or chronic liver failure. Whether an increase in brain lactate is a cause or a consequence of HE remains undetermined. A rise in cerebral lactate may occur due to (1) blood-borne lactate (hyperlactataemia) crossing the blood-brain barrier, (2) increased glycolysis due to energy failure or impairment and (3) increased lactate production/release or decreased lactate utilization/uptake. This review explores the different reasons for lactate accumulation in the brain during liver failure and describes the possible roles of lactate in the pathogenesis of HE.


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Glutamatergic dysfunction has been suggested to play an important role in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in acute liver failure (ALF). Increased extracellular brain glutamate concentrations have consistently been described in different experimental animal models of ALF and in patients with increased intracranial pressure due to ALF. High brain ammonia levels remain the leading candidate in the pathogenesis of HE in ALF and studies have demonstrated a correlation between ammonia and increased concentrations of extracellular brain glutamate both clinically and in experimental animal models of ALE Inhibition of glutamate uptake or increased glutamate release from neurons and/or astrocytes could cause an increase in extracellular glutamate. This review analyses the effect of ammonia on glutamate release from (and uptake into) both neurons and astrocytes and how these pathophysiological mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of HE in ALF.


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Abstract Objective. Cerebral edema is a serious complication of acute liver failure (ALF), which may lead to intracranial hypertension and death. An accepted tenet has been that the blood-brain barrier is intact and that brain edema is primarily caused by a cytotoxic etiology due to hyperammonemia. However, the neuropathological changes in ALF have been poorly studied. Using a well characterized porcine model we aimed to investigate ultrastructural changes in the brain from pigs suffering from ALF. Materials and methods. Sixteen female Norwegian Landrace pigs weighing 27-35 kg were randomised into two groups: ALF (n = 8) and sham operated controls (n = 8). ALF was induced with an end-to-side portacaval shunt followed by ligation of the hepatic arteries. Biopsies were harvested from three different areas of the brain (frontal lobe, cerebellum, and brain stem) following eight hours of ALF and analyzed using electron microscopy. Results. Profound perivascular and interstitial edema were found in all three areas. Disruption of pericytic and astrocytic processes were seen, reflecting breakdown/lesion of the blood-brain barrier in animals suffering from ALF. Furthermore, neurons and axons were edematous and surrounded by vesicles. Severe damage to Purkinje neuron (necrosis) and damaged myelin were seen in the cerebellum and brain stem, respectively. Biopsies from sham operated animals were normal. Conclusions. Our data support the concept that vasogenic brain edema plays an important role in the development of intracranial hypertension in pigs with ALF.


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Mild hypothermia (32 degrees C-35 degrees C) reduces intracranial pressure in patients with acute liver failure and may offer an effective adjunct therapy in the management of these patients. Studies in experimental animals suggest that this beneficial effect of hypothermia is the result of a decrease in blood-brain ammonia transfer resulting in improvement in brain energy metabolism and normalization of glutamatergic synaptic regulation. Improvement in brain energy metabolism by hypothermia may result from a reduction in ammonia-induced decrease of brain glucose (pyruvate) oxidation. Restoration of normal glutamatergic synaptic regulation by hypothermia may be the consequence of the removal of ammonia-induced decreases in expression of astrocytic glutamate transporters resulting in normal glutamate neurotransmitter inactivation in brain. Randomized controlled clinical trials of hypothermia are required to further evaluate its clinical impact.


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The effects of chronic liver insufficiency resulting from end-to-side portacaval anastomosis (PCA) on glutamine synthetase (GS) activities, protein and gene expression were studied in brain, liver and skeletal muscle of male adult rats. Four weeks following PCA, activities of GS in cerebral cortex and cerebellum were reduced by 32\% and 37\% (p<0.05) respectively whereas GS activities in muscle were increased by 52\% (p<0.05). GS activities in liver were decreased by up to 90\% (p<0.01), a finding which undoubtedly reflects the loss of GS-rich perivenous hepatocytes following portal-systemic shunting. Immunoblotting techniques revealed no change in GS protein content of brain regions or muscle but a significant loss in liver of PCA rats. GS mRNA determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR was also significantly decreased in the livers of PCA rats compared to sham-operated controls. These findings demonstrate that PCA results in a loss of GS gene expression in the liver and that brain does not show a compensatory induction of enzyme activity, rendering it particularly sensitive to increases in ammonia in chronic liver failure. The finding of a post-translational increase of GS in muscle following portacaval shunting suggests that, in chronic liver failure, muscle becomes the major organ responsible for the removal of excess blood-borne ammonia.


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Mild hypothermia has a protective effect on brain edema and encephalopathy in both experimental and human acute liver failure. The goals of the present study were to examine the effects of mild hypothermia (35°C) on brain metabolic pathways using combined 1H and 13C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a technique which allows the study not only of metabolite concentrations but also their de novo synthesis via cell-specific pathways in the brain. :1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy using [1-13C] glucose was performed on extracts of frontal cortex obtained from groups of rats with acute liver failure induced by hepatic devascularization whose body temperature was maintained either at 37°C (normothermic) or 35°C (hypothermic), and appropriate sham-operated controls. At coma stages of encephalopathy in the normothermic acute liver failure animals, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased 3.5-fold compared to sham-operated controls (P < 0.001). Comparable increases of brain glutamine were observed in hypothermic animals despite the absence of severe encephalopathy (coma). Brain glutamate and aspartate concentrations were respectively decreased to 60.9% ± 7.7% and 42.2% ± 5.9% (P < 0.01) in normothermic animals with acute liver failure compared to control and were restored to normal values by mild hypothermia. Concentrations of lactate and alanine in frontal cortex were increased to 169.2% ± 15.6% and 267.3% ± 34.0% (P < 0.01) respectively in normothermic rats compared to controls. Furthermore, de novo synthesis of lactate and alanine increased to 446.5% ± 48.7% and 707.9% ± 65.7% (P < 0.001), of control respectively, resulting in increased fractional 13C-enrichments in these cytosolic metabolites. Again, these changes of lactate and alanine concentrations were prevented by mild hypothermia. Mild hypothermia (35°C) prevents the encephalopathy and brain edema resulting from hepatic devascularization, selectively normalizes lactate and alanine synthesis from glucose, and prevents the impairment of oxidative metabolism associated with this model of ALF, but has no significant effect on brain glutamine. These findings suggest that a deficit in brain glucose metabolism rather than glutamine accumulation is the major cause of the cerebral complications of acute liver failure.


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Elevated concentrations of ammonia in the brain as a result of hyperammonemia leads to cerebral dysfunction involving a spectrum of neuropsychiatric and neurological symptoms (impaired memory, shortened attention span, sleep-wake inversions, brain edema, intracranial hypertension, seizures, ataxia and coma). Many studies have demonstrated ammonia as a major player involved in the neuropathophysiology associated with liver failure and inherited urea cycle enzyme disorders. Ammonia in solution is composed of a gas (NH(3)) and an ionic (NH(4) (+)) component which are both capable of crossing plasma membranes through diffusion, channels and transport mechanisms and as a result have a direct effect on pH. Furthermore, NH(4) (+) has similar properties as K(+) and, therefore, competes with K(+) on K(+) transporters and channels resulting in a direct effect on membrane potential. Ammonia is also a product as well as a substrate for many different biochemical reactions and consequently, an increase in brain ammonia accompanies disturbances in cerebral metabolism. These direct effects of elevated ammonia concentrations on the brain will lead to a cascade of secondary effects and encephalopathy.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Mild hypothermia has proven useful in the clinical management of patients with acute liver failure. Acute liver failure in experimental animals results in alterations in the expression of genes coding for astrocytic proteins including the "peripheral-type" (astrocytic) benzodiazepine receptor (PTBR), a mitochondrial complex associated with neurosteroid synthesis. To gain further insight into the mechanisms whereby hypothermia attenuates the neurological complications of acute liver failure, we investigated PTBR expression in the brains of hepatic devascularized rats under normothermic (37 degrees C) and hypothermic (35 degrees C) conditions. METHODS: PTBR mRNA was measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR in cerebral cortical extracts and densities of PTBR sites were measured by quantitative receptor autoradiagraphy. Brain pregnenolone content was measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: At coma stages of encephalopathy, animals with acute liver failure manifested a significant increase of PTBR mRNA levels. Brain pregnenolone content and [(3)H]PK 11195 binding site densities were concomitantly increased. Mild hypothermia prevented brain edema and significantly attenuated the increased receptor expression and pregnenolone content. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that an attenuation of PTBR up-regulation resulting in the prevention of increased brain neurosteroid content represents one of the mechanisms by which mild hypothermia exerts its protective effects in ALF.


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Chronic liver failure leads to hyperammonemia, a central component in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE); however, a correlation between blood ammonia levels and HE severity remains controversial. It is believed oxidative stress plays a role in modulating the effects of hyperammonemia. This study aimed to determine the relationship between chronic hyperammonemia, oxidative stress, and brain edema (BE) in two rat models of HE: portacaval anastomosis (PCA) and bile-duct ligation (BDL). Ammonia and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, BE, oxidant and antioxidant enzyme activities, as well as lipid peroxidation were assessed both systemically and centrally in these two different animal models. Then, the effects of allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor, 100mg/kg for 10days) on ROS and BE and the temporal resolution of ammonia, ROS, and BE were evaluated only in BDL rats. Similar arterial and cerebrospinal fluid ammonia levels were found in PCA and BDL rats, both significantly higher compared to their respective sham-operated controls (p<0.05). BE was detected in BDL rats (p<0.05) but not in PCA rats. Evidence of oxidative stress was found systemically but not centrally in BDL rats: increased levels of ROS, increased activity of xanthine oxidase (oxidant enzyme), enhanced oxidative modifications on lipids, as well as decreased antioxidant defense. In PCA rats, a preserved oxidant/antioxidant balance was demonstrated. Treatment with allopurinol in BDL rats attenuated both ROS and BE, suggesting systemic oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of BE. Analysis of ROS and ammonia temporal resolution in the plasma of BDL rats suggests systemic oxidative stress might be an important "first hit", which, followed by increases in ammonia, leads to BE in chronic liver failure. In conclusion, chronic hyperammonemia and oxidative stress in combination lead to the onset of BE in rats with chronic liver failure.