11 resultados para Ambrosio

em Université de Montréal, Canada


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Social exclusion manifests itself in the lack of an individual’s access to functionings as compared to other members of society. Thus, the concept is closely related to deprivation. We view deprivation as having two basic determinants: the lack of identification with other members of society and the aggregate alienation experienced by an agent with respect to those with fewer functioning failures. We use an axiomatic approach to characterize classes of deprivation and exclusion measures and apply some of them to EU data for the period from 1994 to 2000.


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We provide an axiomatization of Yitzhaki’s index of individual deprivation. Our result differs from an earlier characterization due to Ebert and Moyes in the way the reference group of an individual is represented in the model. Ebert and Moyes require the index to be defined for all logically possible reference groups, whereas we employ the standard definition of the reference group as the set of all agents in a society. As a consequence of this modification, some of the axioms used by Ebert and Moyes can no longer be applied and we provide alternative formulations.


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We introduce and axiomatize a one-parameter class of individual deprivation measures. Motivated by a suggestion of Runciman, we modify Yitzhaki’s index by multiplying it by a function that is interpreted as measuring the part of deprivation generated by an agent’s observation that others in its reference group move on to a higher level of income than itself. The parameter reflects the relative weight given to these dynamic considerations, and the standard Yitzhaki index is obtained as a special case. In addition, we characterize more general classes of measures that pay attention to this important dynamic aspect of deprivation.


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The goal of this paper is to contribute to the economic literature on ethnic and cultural diversity by proposing a new index that is informationally richer and more flexible than the commonly used ‘ethno-linguistic fractionalization’ (ELF) index. We characterize a measure of diversity among individuals that takes as a primitive the individuals, as opposed to ethnic groups, and uses information on the extent of similarity among them. Compared to existing indices, our measure does not require that individuals are pre-assigned to exogenously determined categories or groups. We show that our generalized index is a natural extension of ELF and is also simple to compute. We also provide an empirical illustration of how our index can be operationalized and what difference it makes as compared to the standard ELF index. This application pertains to the pattern of fractionalization in the United States.


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We examine the measurement of individual poverty in an intertemporal context. In contrast to earlier contributions, we assign importance to the persistence in a state of poverty and we characterize a class of individual intertemporal poverty measures reflecting this feature. In addition, we axiomatize an aggregation procedure to obtain intertemporal poverty measures for entire societies and we illustrate our new indices with an application to EU countries.


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We provide a systematic treatment of the notion of economic insecurity, assuming that an individual’s sentiment of insecurity depends on the current wealth level and its variations experienced in the past. We think of wealth as a comprehensive variable encompassing anything that may help in coping with adverse occurrences. The current wealth level could also be interpreted as incorporating the individual’s evaluation of future prospects. Variations in wealth experienced in the recent past are given higher weight than experiences that occurred in the more distant past. Two classes of measures are characterized with sets of plausible and intuitive axioms.


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We examine the measurement of multidimensional poverty and material deprivation following the counting approach. In contrast to earlier contributions, dimensions of well-being are not forced to be equally important but different weights can be assigned to different dimensions. We characterize a class of individual measures reflecting this feature. In addition, we axiomatize an aggregation procedure to obtain a class of indices for entire societies allowing for different degrees of inequality aversion in poverty. We apply the proposed measures to European Union member states where the concept of material deprivation was initiated.


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Individual well-being is multidimensional and various aspects of the quality of life need to be jointly considered in its measurement. The axiomatic literature on the subject has proposed many indices of multidimensional poverty and deprivation and explored the properties that are at the basis of these measures. The purpose of this chapter is to add intertemporal considerations to the analysis of material deprivation. We employ the EU-SILC panel data set, which includes information on different aspects of well-being over time. EU countries are compared based on measures that take this additional intertemporal information into consideration. Journal of Economic Literature Classi cation No.: D63.


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We propose and characterize a generalization of the classical linear index of individual deprivation based on income shortfalls. Unlike the original measure, our class allows for increases in the income of a higher-income individual to have a stronger impact on a person’s deprivation the closer they occur to the income of the individual whose deprivation is being assessed. The subclass of our measures with this property is axiomatized in our second result.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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‘‘Transgression in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk and the Fragmentation of the Self’’ est une examination des différentes étapes à travers lesquelles la conscience humaine évolue et les comportements que chaque étape génère. Cette étude porte une attention particulière aux mécanismes de conversion du bien en mal et les motifs qui nourrissent cette conversion. La thèse se concentre dans un premier temps sur la souillure spirituelle comme l’étape qui précède la manifestation concrète du mal. Elle explore dans un deuxième temps le parallèle entre la conscience de la vertu et la conscience de la méchanceté. Dans un troisième temps, elle examine le caractère indéfini et confus de l’identité des personnages de ce roman. Principalement, cette étude démontre que le système patriarcal oppressif ainsi que la joie du pouvoir de ces personnages sont les causes qui expliquent leurs caractères fragmentés. Pour ce fait, cette thèse explore les mécanismes du pouvoir en relation avec le discours, la connaissance et le corps. Le premier chapitre porte sur le cheminement de la sainteté vers la malédiction. Il examine de près la croissance du mal dans la conscience d'Ambrosio en commençant par la souillure jusqu’à l'acte final du péché menant ainsi à sa destruction. Dans ce chapitre, j’analyse le pouvoir irrésistible que détient Matilda sur la conscience d’Ambrosio. J’expose aussi les façons dont ces deux personnes interagissent. En examinant la fragmentation et la duplicité d'Ambrosio avec Matilda, mon chapitre propose une réflexion sur la façon dont la nature fragmentée du discours monastique se négocie avec le désir inné de l'humain pour les plaisirs mondains. Le deuxième chapitre examine l’échec qu’éprouve le personnage religieux à maintenir son autorité et son statut à cause de son manque d’expérience. Cette perte d’autorité et de statut est expliquée par l’incapacité du personnage à discipliner son corps subjugué. J'examine le renversement du pouvoir pastoral qui avait Ambrosio pour le compte du personnage transgressif féminin. Enfin, je présente le corps comme étant un lieu d’inconfort menant à déstabiliser « les relations de pouvoir ». Le troisième chapitre étudie la perte de sécurité dans la société patriarcale et ses répercussions sur les relations humaines. Il examine alors les impacts de l’effondrement du système hiérarchique sur le genre et ses performances. Ce chapitre met en lumière les corruptions spirituelles, sexuelles et sociales. En effet, le jumelage de différents personnages a permis d’identifier clairement ces corruptions. J’explore également le rétablissement de la justice sociale lorsque les personnages corrompus se sont offert une chance de se découvrir soi-même sans pour autant échapper à la peine à la fin de leurs vies.