3 resultados para ALANYL-L-GLUTAMINE
em Université de Montréal, Canada
Le but de cette étude consiste à démontrer l’impact positif d’une supplémentation en glutamine chez des nageurs élites, afin d’améliorer le statut immunitaire et d’évaluer si les changements plasmatiques de la glutamine peuvent expliquer l’incidence d’infections des voies respiratoires (IVRS). En parallèle, ce projet évalue si les apports alimentaires influencent la glutamine plasmatique et l’incidence d’IVRS. L’étude s’est effectuée auprès de 14 athlètes élites (8 hommes, 6 femmes). Chaque athlète a participé aux deux conditions expérimentales : un supplément de glutamine et une solution placebo isocalorique. Les périodes de supplémentation se déroulaient sur sept jours, incluant trois journées consécutives de compétition. Le profil hématologique, après les compétitions, montre qu’un supplément de glutamine n’améliore pas significativement la concentration plasmatique en glutamine ni les niveaux de cytokines comparativement à une solution placebo. Bien que les résultats soient semblables sous les deux conditions, les niveaux post-compétition ont tendance à être supérieurs aux valeurs pré-supplémentation, lorsqu’un apport exogène en glutamine est fourni à l’organisme alors que les concentrations plasmatiques de glutamine tendent à diminuer lorsqu’une solution placebo est administrée (p=0.067). L'incidence d’IVRS ne peut être expliquée par une faible concentration plasmatique de glutamine ni par un apport exogène de glutamine. On observe cependant une augmentation d’IVRS suite aux compétitions, soient de 8 athlètes pour le groupe placebo contre 3 au groupe glutamine. Les athlètes atteints d'IVRS semblent consommer moins d'énergie totale (kcal) et de protéines que les athlètes sains (p=0.060). Les résultats obtenus ne démontrent pas qu’une supplémentation en glutamine améliore le profil immunitaire et ne prévienne l’incidence d’IVRS, mais ils soulèvent l’hypothèse qu’un apport exogène en glutamine stabilise les niveaux plasmatiques de glutamine, permettant aux athlètes de poursuivre leurs entraînements et de récupérer efficacement.
Strategies aimed at the lowering of blood ammonia remain the treatment of choice in portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE). L-ornithine-L-aspartate (OA) has recently been shown to be effective in the prevention of ammonia-precipitated coma in humans with PSE. These findings prompted the study of mechanisms of the protective effect of OA in portacaval-shunted rats in which reversible coma was precipitated by ammonium acetate administration (3.85 mmol/kg i.p.). OA infusions (300 mg/kg/h, i.v) offered complete protection in 12/12 animals compared to 0/12 saline-infused controls. This protective effect was accompanied by significant reductions of blood ammonia, concomitant increases of urea production and significant increases in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glutamate and glutamine. Increased CSF concentrations of leucine and alanine also accompanied the protective effect of OA. These findings demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of OA in the prevention of ammonia-precipitated coma in portacaval-shunted rats and suggest that this protective effect is both peripherally-mediated (increased urea and glutamine synthesis) and centrally-mediated (increased glutamine synthesis).
Hyperammonemia is a feature of acute liver failure (ALF), which is associated with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and brain herniation. We hypothesized that a combination of L-ornithine and phenylacetate (OP) would synergistically reduce toxic levels of ammonia by (1) L-ornithine increasing glutamine production (ammonia removal) through muscle glutamine synthetase and (2) phenylacetate conjugating with the ornithine-derived glutamine to form phenylacetylglutamine, which is excreted into the urine. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of OP on arterial and extracellular brain ammonia concentrations as well as ICP in pigs with ALF (induced by liver devascularization). ALF pigs were treated with OP (L-ornithine 0.07 g/kg/hour intravenously; phenylbutyrate, prodrug for phenylacetate; 0.05 g/kg/hour intraduodenally) for 8 hours following ALF induction. ICP was monitored throughout, and arterial and extracellular brain ammonia were measured along with phenylacetylglutamine in the urine. Compared with ALF + saline pigs, treatment with OP significantly attenuated concentrations of arterial ammonia (589.6 +/- 56.7 versus 365.2 +/- 60.4 mumol/L [mean +/- SEM], P= 0.002) and extracellular brain ammonia (P= 0.01). The ALF-induced increase in ICP was prevented in ALF + OP-treated pigs (18.3 +/- 1.3 mmHg in ALF + saline versus 10.3 +/- 1.1 mmHg in ALF + OP-treated pigs;P= 0.001). The value of ICP significantly correlated with the concentration of extracellular brain ammonia (r(2) = 0.36,P< 0.001). Urine phenylacetylglutamine levels increased to 4.9 +/- 0.6 micromol/L in ALF + OP-treated pigs versus 0.5 +/- 0.04 micromol/L in ALF + saline-treated pigs (P< 0.001).Conclusion:L-Ornithine and phenylacetate act synergistically to successfully attenuate increases in arterial ammonia, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in extracellular brain ammonia and prevention of intracranial hypertension in pigs with ALF.