23 resultados para intimate partner homicide


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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Partner behavioral responses to pain can have a significant impact on patient pain and depression, but little is known about why partners respond in specific ways. Using a cognitive-behavioral model, the present study examined whether partner cognitions were associated with partner behavioral responses, which prior work has found to predict patient pain and depressive symptoms. Participants were 354 women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners. Partner pain-related cognitions were assessed using the partner versions of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Extended Attributional Style Questionnaire, whereas their behavioral responses to pain were assessed with the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. Patient pain was measured using a numeric rating scale, and depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory–II. Path analysis was used to examine the proposed model. Partner catastrophizing and negative attributions were associated with negative partner responses, which were associated with higher patient pain. It was also found that partner pain catastrophizing was associated with solicitous partner responses, which in turn were associated with higher patient pain and depressive symptoms. The effect of partner cognitions on patient outcomes was partially mediated by partner behavioral responses. Findings highlight the importance of assessing partner cognitions, both in research and as a target for intervention. Perspective The present study presents a cognitive-behavioral model to partially explain how significant others' thoughts about pain have an effect on patient pain and depressive symptoms. Findings may inform cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples coping with PVD.


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Female genital pain is a prevalent condition that can disrupt the psychosexual and relational well-being of affected women and their romantic partners. Despite the intimate context in which the pain can be elicited (i.e., during sexual intercourse), interpersonal correlates of genital pain and sexuality have not been widely studied in comparison to other psychosocial factors. This review describes several prevailing theoretical models explaining the role of the partner in female genital pain: the operant learning model, cognitive-behavioral and communal coping models, and intimacy models. The review includes a discussion of empirical research on the interpersonal and partner correlates of female genital pain and the impact of genital pain on partners’ psychosexual adjustment. Together, this research highlights a potential reciprocal interaction between both partners’ experiences of female genital pain. The direction of future theoretical, methodological, and clinical research is discussed with regard to the potential to enhance understanding of the highly interpersonal context of female genital pain


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Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a chronic, recurrent vulvo-vaginal pain condition affecting 12% of the general population, and is associated with sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. There is growing interest in the role of interpersonal variables in PVD, which have been widely neglected. In a sample of 175 couples, the present study examined the mediating roles of partner and participant catastrophizing and self-efficacy in the association between solicitous partner responses and pain intensity, and that of dyadic adjustment in the association between solicitous and negative partner responses and sexual satisfaction. Couples completed measures of partner responses, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, dyadic adjustment, and depression. Women also completed measures of pain, sexual satisfaction, and sexual function. Controlling for depression and solicitousness perceived by the other member of the couple, catastrophizing and self-efficacy partially mediated the association between higher solicitous responses and higher pain during intercourse, accounting for 26 and 25% of the variance in this association for participant and partner-perceived responses, respectively. For both participant and partners, only pain catastrophizing was a unique mediator. Controlling for depression, sexual function and partner-perceived responses, dyadic adjustment partially mediated the association between higher participant-perceived solicitous responses and higher sexual satisfaction, and between higher participant-perceived negative responses and lower sexual satisfaction, accounting for 26% of the variance in each association. The current findings suggest that catastrophizing and dyadic adjustment may constitute a route by which partner responses exacerbate pain and increase or decrease sexual satisfaction in PVD couples.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that negatively affects women's emotional, sexual, and relationship well-being. Recent studies have investigated the role of interpersonal variables, including partner responses. Aim.  We examined whether solicitous and facilitative partner responses were differentially associated with vulvovaginal pain and sexual satisfaction in women with PVD by examining each predictor while controlling for the other. Methods.  One hundred twenty-one women (M age = 30.60, SD = 10.53) with PVD or self-reported symptoms of PVD completed the solicitous subscale of the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, and the facilitative subscale of the Spouse Response Inventory. Participants also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, trait anxiety, and avoidance of pain and sexual behaviors (referred to as “avoidance”). Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were the (i) Pain Rating Index of the McGill Pain Questionnaire with reference to pain during vaginal intercourse and (ii) Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for trait anxiety and avoidance, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher vulvovaginal pain intensity (β = 0.20, P = 0.03), and higher facilitative partner responses were associated with lower pain intensity (β = −0.20, P = 0.04). Controlling for sexual function, trait anxiety, and avoidance, higher facilitative partner responses were associated with higher sexual satisfaction (β = 0.15, P = 0.05). Conclusions.  Findings suggest that facilitative partner responses may aid in alleviating vulvovaginal pain and improving sexual satisfaction, whereas solicitous partner responses may contribute to greater pain.


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Introduction.  Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent vulvovaginal pain condition that results in significant sexual dysfunction, psychological distress, and reduced quality of life. Although some intra-individual psychological factors have been associated with PVD, studies to date have neglected the interpersonal context of this condition. Aim.  We examined whether partner responses to women's pain experience—from the perspective of both the woman and her partner—are associated with pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction. Methods.  One hundred ninety-one couples (M age for women = 33.28, standard deviation [SD] = 12.07, M age for men = 35.79, SD = 12.44) in which the woman suffered from PVD completed the spouse response scale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory, assessing perceptions of partners' responses to the pain. Women with PVD also completed measures of pain, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, depression, and dyadic adjustment. Main Outcome Measures.  Dependent measures were women's responses to: (i) a horizontal analog scale assessing the intensity of their pain during intercourse; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction Scale. Results.  Controlling for depression, higher solicitous partner responses were associated with higher levels of women's vulvovaginal pain intensity. This association was significant for partner-perceived responses (β = 0.29, P < 0.001) and for woman-perceived partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.04). After controlling for sexual function and dyadic adjustment, woman-perceived greater solicitous partner responses (β = 0.16, P = 0.02) predicted greater sexual satisfaction. Partner-perceived responses did not predict women's sexual satisfaction. Partner responses were not associated with women's sexual function. Conclusions.  Findings support the integration of dyadic processes in the conceptualization and treatment of PVD by suggesting that partner responses to pain affect pain intensity and sexual satisfaction in affected women.


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Au Québec, la médiation familiale en contexte de violence conjugale est controversée, mais la pratique est très peu documentée et est donc mal connue. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment les médiateurs familiaux composent avec la présence de violence conjugale dans le cadre de leur pratique. Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : (1) connaître comment les médiateurs familiaux dépistent la violence conjugale ; (2) savoir comment ils interviennent en présence de violence conjugale une fois cette violence dépistée ; et (3) identifier les défis et les préoccupations rencontrées par les médiateurs dans ces dossiers. Cette étude qualitative fut menée auprès de 8 médiateurs issus des domaines juridique et psychosocial. Les participants furent rencontrés dans le cadre d’entrevues semi-dirigées. Les médiateurs rencontrés insistent sur l’importance d’offrir une formation avancée portant sur la problématique de la violence conjugale et sur les outils de dépistage à tous les médiateurs au Québec et de bonifier la formation actuelle en adressant la dangerosité, le risque de récidive et d'aggravation de la violence et l’appréciation du risque d’homicide conjugal. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent également l’importance de bien différencier le terrorisme conjugal de la violence situationnelle et de mettre en place des pratiques d’interventions spécifiques à chacun de ces types de violence. La médiation familiale en présence de violence conjugale devrait être un champ de pratique spécialisé et le travail de collaboration avec les ressources spécialisées en violence conjugale nécessiterait d’être renforcé.