176 resultados para Incontinence urinaire mixte


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Aims To investigate the predictive ability of four digital assessment parameters to detect levator ani (LA) muscle defects (avulsion injury) and compare these to transperineal tomographic ultrasound images. Methods This was an observational study imbedded in a larger quasi-experimental cohort study for women with urinary incontinence. Seventy-two women, ≥60 years who had attended or were going to attend physiotherapy for treatment of urinary incontinence, were included in the study. Inclusion criteria from the parent study were symptoms of stress, urge or both types of urinary incontinence. The predictive ability of the following digital parameters: direct palpation of a discontinuity of the LA muscle from insertion on the pubic ramus; palpation of the distance between the muscle insertion sites; palpation of LA strength; palpation of LA tone, were analyzed against findings from tomographic transperineal ultrasound images. Correlation between methods was measured using Cohen's kappa for each of the individual parameters. Results Seventeen women (24%) presented with a complete or partial avulsion of the puborectalis muscle as diagnosed with tomographic ultrasound imaging. Nine women (13%) had complete avulsions, one of which was bilateral. The predictive ability of the digital assessment parameters varied from poor (k = 0.187, 95% CI [0.02–0.36]) to moderate (k = 0.569, 95% CI [0.31–0.83]). The new parameter of ‘width between insertion sites’ performed best. Conclusions Adding the parameter of “width between insertion sites” appears to enhance our ability to detect avulsion of the levator ani (LA) muscle by digital examination however it does not distinguish between unilateral or bilateral avulsion.


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Les sulfilimines et les sulfoximines sont des motifs structuraux dont l’intérêt synthétique est grandissant, notamment du fait de leurs applications en chimie médicinale et en agrochimie. Les travaux rapportés dans cet ouvrage décrivent le développement de nouvelles méthodes de synthèse efficaces pour la production de ces unités atypiques. Ces méthodes sont basées sur la réactivité d’une source d’azote électrophile, vis-à-vis de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes. L’utilisation d’un complexe métallique introduit en quantité catalytique a permis de favoriser le processus réactionnel. En tirant bénéfice de l’expertise de notre groupe de recherche sur le développement de réactions d’amination stéréosélectives de liaisons C-H et d’aziridination de styrènes, nous avons d’abord étudié la réactivité des N-mésyloxycarbamates comme source d’azote électrophile. Après avoir optimisé sa synthèse sur grande échelle, ce réactif chiral a été utilisé dans des réactions d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes, catalysées par un dimère de rhodium (II) chiral. Un processus diastéréosélectif efficace a été mis au point, permettant de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines chirales avec d’excellents rendements et sélectivités. Au cours de l’optimisation de cette méthode de synthèse, nous avons pu constater l’effet déterminant de certains additifs sur la réactivité et la sélectivité de la réaction. Une étude mécanistique a été entreprise afin de comprendre leur mode d’action. Il a été observé qu’une base de Lewis telle que le 4-diméthylaminopyridine (DMAP) pouvait se coordiner au dimère de rhodium(II) et modifier ses propriétés structurales et redox. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus suggèrent que l’espèce catalytique active est un dimère de rhodium de valence mixte Rh(II)/Rh(III). Nous avons également découvert que l’incorporation de sels de bispyridinium avait une influence cruciale sur la diastéréosélectivité de la réaction. D’autres expériences sur la nature du groupe partant du réactif N-sulfonyloxycarbamate nous ont permis de postuler qu’une espèce nitrénoïde de rhodium était l’intermédiaire clé du processus d’amination. De plus, l’exploitation des techniques de chimie en débit continu nous a permis de développer une méthode d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes très performante, en utilisant les azotures comme source d’azote électrophile. Basée sur la décompositon photochimique d’azotures en présence d’un complexe de fer (III) simple et commercialement disponible, nous avons été en mesure de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines avec d’excellents rendements. Le temps de résidence du procédé d’amination a pu être sensiblement réduit par la conception d’un nouveau type de réacteur photochimique capillaire. Ces améliorations techniques ont permis de rendre la synthèse plus productive, ce qui constitue un élément important d’un point de vue industriel.


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Ce mémoire explore le vécu et la construction de l’expérience de jeunes racisés ayant reçu des constats d’infraction dans le cadre de leur occupation de l’espace public montréalais. Il s’agit spécifiquement d’appréhender, à partir de la sociologie de l’expérience de Dubet (1994), le profil et les conditions de vie, la présence dans l’espace public, les raisons et la nature des constats d’infraction, les stratégies mises en œuvre face au profilage racial ainsi que les conséquences du profilage racial sur les jeunes racisés. Se situant dans une perspective qualitative, la méthodologie de recherche a reposé sur le recueil de dix entrevues semi-dirigées, soit neuf jeunes hommes et une jeune fille entre 18 et 30 ans ayant eu des contacts avec la police dans le cadre du contrôle de l’espace public à Montréal. Basée essentiellement sur l’approche mixte de Miles et Huberman (2003), l’analyse du corpus a permis de rendre compte de l’hétérogénéité de l’expérience des jeunes racisés et profilés interrogés et de dégager deux types d’expérience de profilage racial : les contestataires et les résignés. Si les interactions avec les forces de l’ordre engendrent des traitements perçus comme discriminatoires, l’expérience se construit en fonction de la nature des interactions, du niveau de maturité et de la tranche d’âge des jeunes et elle se décline en une logique de soumission et une logique de lutte pour la contestation des constats d’infraction. Les résultats de la recherche démontrent par ailleurs la pertinence de l’accompagnement du jeune au niveau de la prise de conscience de ses droits et de la contestation des tickets reçus.


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Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.


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Background and Purpose. Electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor is used as an adjunct in the conservative treatment of urinary incontinence. No consensus exists, however, regarding electrode placements for optimal stimulation of the pelvic-floor musculature. The purpose of this study was to compare two different bipolar electrode placements, one suggested by Laycock and Green (L2) the other by Dumoulin (D2), during electrical stimulation with interferential currents of the pelvic-floor musculature in continent women, using a two-group crossover design. Subjects. Ten continent female volunteers, ranging in age from 20 to 39 years (X̅=27.3, SD=5.6), were randomly assigned to one of two study groups. Methods. Each study group received neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) of the pelvic-floor musculature using both electrode placements, the order of application being reversed for each group. Force of contraction was measured as pressure (in centimeters of water [cm H2O]) exerted on a vaginal pressure probe attached to a manometer. Data were analyzed using a two-way, mixed-model analysis of variance. Results. No difference in pressure was observed between the two electrode placements. Differences in current amplitude were observed, with the D2 electrode placement requiring less current amplitude to produce a maximum recorded pressure on the manometer. Subjective assessment by the subjects revealed a preference for the D2 electrode placement (7 of 10 subjects). Conclusion and Discussion. The lower current amplitudes required with the D2 placement to obtain recordings comparable to those obtained with the L2 technique suggest a more comfortable stimulation of the pelvic-floor muscles. The lower current amplitudes required also suggest that greater increases in pressure might be obtained with the D2 placement by increasing the current amplitude while remaining within the comfort threshold. These results will help to define treatment guidelines for a planned clinical study investigating the effects of NMES and exercise in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence in women postpartum.


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Aims To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic floor musculature (PFM), bladder neck and urethral sphincter morphology under three conditions (rest, PFM maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and straining) in older women with symptoms of stress (SUI) or mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) or without incontinence. Methods This 2008–2012 exploratory observational cohort study was conducted with community-dwelling women aged 60 and over. Sixty six women (22 per group), mean age of 67.7 ± 5.2 years, participated in the study. A 3 T MRI examination was conducted under three conditions: rest, PFM MVC, and straining. ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis tests (data not normally distributed) were conducted, with Bonferroni correction, to compare anatomical measurements between groups. Results Women with MUI symptoms had a lower PFM resting position (M-Line P = 0.010 and PC/H-line angle P = 0.026) and lower pelvic organ support (urethrovesical junction height P = 0.013) than both continent and SUI women. Women with SUI symptoms were more likely to exhibit bladder neck funneling and a larger posterior urethrovesical angle at rest than both continent and MUI women (P = 0.026 and P = 0.008, respectively). There were no significant differences between groups on PFM MVC or straining. Conclusions Women with SUI and MUI symptoms present different morphological defects at rest. These observations emphasize the need to tailor UI interventions to specific pelvic floor defects and UI type in older women.


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Aims This paper, the first of four emanating from the International Continence Society's 2011 State-of-the-Science Seminar on pelvic-floor-muscle training (PFMT) adherence, aimed to summarize the literature on theoretical models to promote PFMT adherence, as identified in the research, or suggested by the seminar's expert panel, and recommends future directions for clinical practice and research. Methods Existing literature on theories of health behavior were identified through a conventional subject search of electronic databases, reference-list checking, and input from the expert panel. A core eligibility criterion was that the study included a theoretical model to underpin adherence strategies used in an intervention to promote PFM training/exercise. Results A brief critique of 12 theoretical models/theories is provided and, were appropriate, their use in PFMT adherence strategies identified or examples of possible uses in future studies outlined. Conclusion A better theoretical-based understanding of interventions to promote PFMT adherence through changes in health behaviors is required. The results of this scoping review and expert opinions identified several promising models. Future research should explicitly map the theories behind interventions that are thought to improve adherence in various populations (e.g., perinatal women to prevent or lessen urinary incontinence). In addition, identified behavioral theories applied to PFMT require a process whereby their impact can be evaluated.


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Aims This review aims to locate and summarize the findings of qualitative studies exploring the experience of and adherence to pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) to recommend future directions for practice and research. Methods Primary qualitative studies were identified through a conventional subject search of electronic databases, reference-list checking, and expert contact. A core eligibility criterion was the inclusion of verbatim quotes from participants about PFMT experiences. Details of study aims, methods, and participants were extracted and tabulated. Data were inductively grouped into categories describing “modifiers” of adherence (verified by a second author) and systematically displayed with supporting illustrative quotes. Results Thirteen studies (14 study reports) were included; eight recruited only or predominantly women with urinary incontinence, three recruited postnatal women, and two included women with pelvic organ prolapse. The quality of methodological reporting varied. Six “modifiers” of adherence were described: knowledge; physical skill; feelings about PFMT; cognitive analysis, planning, and attention; prioritization; and service provision. Conclusions Individuals' experience substantial difficulties with capability (particularly knowledge and skills), motivation (especially associated with the considerable cognitive demands of PFMT), and opportunity (as external factors generate competing priorities) when adopting and maintaining a PFMT program. Expert consensus was that judicious selection and deliberate application of appropriate behavior change strategies directed to the “modifiers” of adherence identified in the review may improve PFMT outcomes. Future research is needed to explore whether the review findings are congruent with the PFMT experiences of antenatal women, men, and adults with fecal incontinence.


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Aims There is scant information on pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) adherence barriers and facilitators. A web-based survey was conducted (1) to investigate whether responses from health professionals and the public broadly reflected findings in the literature, (2) if responses differed between the two groups, and (3) to identify new research directions. Methods Health professional and public surveys were posted on the ICS website. PFMT adherence barriers and facilitators were divided into four categories: physical/condition, patient, therapy, and social-economic. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics from quantitative data and thematic data analysis for qualitative data. Results Five hundred and fifteen health professionals and 51 public respondents participated. Both cohorts felt “patient-related factors” constituted the most important adherence barrier, but differed in their rankings of short- and long-term barriers. Health professionals rated “patient-related” and the public “therapy-related” factors as the most important adherence facilitator. Both ranked “perception of PFMT benefit” as the most important long-term facilitator. Contrary to published findings, symptom severity was not ranked highly. Neither cohort felt the barriers nor facilitators differed according to PFM condition (urinary/faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain); however, a large number of health professionals felt differences existed across age, gender, and ethnicity. Half of respondents in both cohorts felt research barriers and facilitators differed from those in clinical practice. Conclusions An emphasis on “patient-related” factors, ahead of “condition-specific” and “therapy-related,” affecting PFMT adherence barriers was evident. Health professionals need to be aware of the importance of long-term patient perception of PFMT benefits and consider enabling strategies.


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Purpose Radiation therapy (RT) is often recommended in the treatment of pelvic cancers. Following RT, a high prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, dyspareunia, and fecal incontinence) is reported. However, changes in pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) after RT remain unclear. The purpose of this review was to systematically document the effects of RT on the PFM structure and function in patients with cancer in the pelvic area. Methods An electronic literature search using Pubmed Central, CINAHL, Embase, and SCOPUS was performed from date of inception up to June 2014. The following keywords were used: radiotherapy, muscle tissue, and pelvic floor. Two reviewers selected the studies in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement (PRISMA). Out of the 369 articles screened, 13 met all eligibility criteria. The methodological quality was assessed using the QualSyst scoring system, and standardized mean differences were calculated. Results Thirteen studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria, from which four were of good methodological quality. One presented strong evidence that RT affects PFM structure in men treated for prostate cancer. Four presented high-level evidence that RT affects PFM function in patients treated for rectal cancer. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity and lack of descriptive statistics. Conclusion There is some evidence that RT has detrimental impacts on both PFMs’ structure and function. Implications for cancer survivors A better understanding of muscle damage and dysfunction following RT treatment will improve pelvic floor rehabilitation and, potentially, prevention of its detrimental impacts.


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Objective: Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), caused by decreased levels of estrogen, is a common problem in aging women. Main symptoms of VVA are vaginal dryness and dyspareunia. First-line treatment consists of the application of local estrogen therapy (ET) or vaginal moisturizer. In some cases however, symptoms and signs persist despite those interventions. This case study describes a 77-year-old woman with severe VVA symptoms despite use of local ET and the addition of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training to her treatment. Methods: A patient with stress urinary incontinence and VVA was referred to a randomized clinical trial on PFM training. On pretreatment evaluation while on local ET, she showed VVA symptoms on the ICIQ Vaginal Symptoms questionnaire and the ICIQ-Female Sexual Matters associated with lower urinary tract Symptoms questionnaire, and also showed VVA signs during the physical and dynamometric evaluation of the PFM. She was treated with a 12-week PFM training program. Results: The patient reported a reduction in vaginal dryness and dyspareunia symptoms, as well as a better quality of sexual life after 12 weeks of PFM training. On posttreatment physical evaluation, the PFMs' tone and elasticity were improved, although some other VVA signs remained unchanged. Conclusions: Pelvic floor muscle training may improve some VVA symptoms and signs in women taking local ET. Further study is needed to investigate and confirm the present case findings and to explore mechanisms of action of this intervention for VVA.