21 resultados para wastewater pumping station
em Brock University, Canada
View from the west of the power station and land belonging to Brock beyond it.
A biochemical predictor of performance during mesophilic anaerobic fermentation of starch wastewater
The aim of this study was to determine the potential of biochemical parameters, such as enzyme activity and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, as monitors of process performance in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor utilizing a starch wastewater. The acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and the ATP content of the UASB sludge were measured in response to changes in flow rate and nutrient loading. Conventional parameters of process performance, such as gas production, acetic acid production, COD, phosphorus, nitrogen and suspended solids loadings and % COD removal were also monitored. The response of both biochemical and conventional parameters to changing process conditions was then compared. Alkaline phosphatase activity exhibited the highest activity over the entire study perioda A high suspended solids loading was observed to upset the system in terms of gas production, acetic acid production and % COD removala The initial rate of increase in alkaline phosphatase activity following an increase in loading was four times as great during process upset than under conditions of good performance. The change in enzyme actiVity was also more sensitive to process upset than changes in acetic acid production. The change in ATP content of the sludge with time suggested that enzyme actiVity was changing independently of the actual viable biomass present. The bacterial composition of the anaerobic sludge granules was similar to that of other sludge bed systems, at the light and scanning electron microscope level. Isolated serum bottle cultures produced several acids involved in anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism. The overall performance of the UASB system indicated that higher loadings of soluble nutrients could have been tolerated by the system.
A report compiled by Canadian Niagara Power Company describes the loss in capacity due to ice. The chart reveals the kilowatts lost and the duration of the outage and the "min. forebay elevation during ice loss period".
A report outlining the expenses of loss due to ice from the year 1938 through 1941 at the Rankine Station. Included in the report is the lost income due to power outages, operating labour, operating material and the sum of these costs per annum.
A photograph of Unit 11 Runner at Rankine Station (5901-2105).
Appears to be an engineer's drawing of the Hydro Station. It is a cross-section view of the interior.
A photograph of a train with a large crowd gathered. There appears to be a large number of military men departing on the train.
Approximate estimate of the cost of completing the Port Dalhousie Railway to the Grand Central Railway Station at Lock 12. This document is badly torn and burned but most of the text is legible, July 14, 1854.
Approximate estimate of the cost of extending the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway from Geneva Street to the Great Western Railway Station at Lock no. 12 (2 copies) [one appears to be a rough copy] (2 pages, handwritten), Feb. 2, 1855.
Chart of estimate of work done on Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway in the section between Geneva Street and Thorold Station of the Grantham Railway by John Brown for February, 1856. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, engineer, March 1856.
Chart of estimate of work done on Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway in the section between Geneva Street and Thorold Station of the Grantham Railway by John Brown for March, April and May 1856.
Chart of estimate of work done on Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway in the section between Geneva Street and Thorold Station of the Grantham Railway by John Brown for May, 1856. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, engineer, June 3, 1856.
Chart of estimate of work done on Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway in the section between Geneva Street and Thorold Station of the Great Western Railway by John Brown for November, 1856. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff. The document is stained and damaged. Text is slightly affected, Nov. 1856.
Prices of John Brown’s contracts for Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway from Geneva Street to Thorold Station (1 page, handwritten), n.d.
Chart of station 2, crop sections of the old back ditch on the south side of the feeder, station 45, station 118 and the total length from the culvert to lot no. 5. This is signed by Fred Holmes, April 13, 1857.