7 resultados para upper semicontinuity of attractors
em Brock University, Canada
The Verulam Formation (Middle Ordovician) at the Lakefield Quarry and Gamebridge Quarry, southern Ontario, is comprised of five main lithofacies. These include shoal deposits consisting of Lithofacies 1, winnowed crinoidal grainstones and, shelf deposits consisting of: Lithofacies 2, wackestones, packstones, grainstones, and rudstones; Lithofacies 3, laminated calcisiltites; Lithofacies 4, nodular wackestones and mudstones; and, Lithofacies 5, laminated mudstones and shales. The distribution of the lithofacies was influenced by variations in storm frequency and intensity during a relative sea level fall. Predominant convex-up attitudes of concavo-convex shells within shell beds suggest syndepositional reworking during storm events. The bimodal orientations of shell axes on the upper surfaces of the shell beds indicates deposition under wave-generated currents. The sedimentary features and shell orientations indicate that the shell beds were deposited during storm events and not by the gradual accumulation of shelly material. Cluster and principal component analysis of relative abundance data of the taxa in the shell beds, interbedded nodular wackestones and mudstones, and laminated mudstones and shales, indicates one biofacies comprised of three main assemblages: a strophomenid (Sowerbyelladominated) assemblage, a transitional mixed strophomenid-atrypid assemblage and an atrypid (Zygospira-dominatQd) assemblage. The occurrence of the strophomenid, the strophomenid-atrypid and atrypid assemblages were controlled by storm-driven allogenic taphonomic feedback.
The study area is situated in NE Newfoundland between Gander Lake and the north coast and on the boundary between the Gander and Botwood tectonostratigraphic zones (Williams et al., 1974). The area is underlain by three NE trending units; the Gander Group, the Gander River Ultramafic Belt (the GRUB) and the Davidsville Group. The easternmost Gander Group consists of a thick, psammitic unit composed predominantly of psammitic schist and a thinner, mixed unit of semipelitic and pelitic schist with minor psammite. The mixed unit may stratigraphically overlie the psammitic unit or be a lateral facies equivalent of the latter. No fossils have been recovered from the Gander Group. The GRUB is a terrain of mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks with minor pillow lava and plagiogranite. It is interpreted to be a dismembered ophiolite in thrust contact with the Gander Group. The westernmost Davidsville Group consists of a basal conglomerate, believed deposited unconformably upon the GRUB from which it was derived, and an upper unit of greywacke and slate, mostly of turbidite origin, with minor limestone and calcareous sandstone. The limestone, which lies near the base of the unit, contains Upper Llanvirn to Lower Llandeilo fossils. The Gander and Davidsville Groups display distinctly different sedimentological , structural and metamorphic histories. The Gander Group consists of quartz-rich, relatively mature sediment. It has suffered three pre-Llanvirn deformations, of which the main deformation, Dp produced a major, NE-N-facing recumbent anticline in the southern part of the study area. Middle greenschist conditions existed from D^ to D- with growth of metamorphic minerals during each dynamic and static phase. In contrast, the mineralogically immature Davidsville Group sediment contains abundant mafic and ultramafic detritus which is absent from the Gander Group. The Davidsville Group displays the effects of a single penetrative deformation with localized D_ and D_ features, all of which can be shown to postdate D_ in the Gander Group. Rotation of the flat Gander S- into a subvertical orientation near the contact with the GRUB and the Davidsville Group is believed to be a Davidsville D^ feature. Regional metamorphism in the Davidsville Group is lower greenschist with a single growth phase, MS . These sedimentological, structural and metamorphic differences between the Gander and Davidsville Groups persist even where the GRUB is absent and the two units are in contact, indicating that the tectonic histories of the Gander and Davidsville Groups are distinctly different. Structural features in the GRUB, locally the result of multiple deformations, may be the result of Gander and/or Davidsville deformations. Metamorphism is in the greenschist facies. Geochemical analyses of the pillow lava suggest that these rocks were formed in a back-arc basin. Mafic intrusives in the Gander Group appear to be the result of magraatism separate from that producing the pillow lava. The Gander Group is interpreted to be a continental rise prism deposited on the eastern margin of the Late Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic lapetus Ocean. The GRUB, oceanic crust possibly formed in a marginal basin to the west, is believed to have been thrust eastward over the Gander Group, deforming the latter, during the pre-Llanvirnian, possibly Precambrian, Ganderian Orogeny. The Middle Ordovician and younger Davidsville Group was derived from, and deposited unconformably on, this deformed terrain. Deformation of the Davidsville Group occurred during the Middle Devonian Acadian Orogeny.
The water quality and fish populations of the Welland River were observed to decline with distance downstream. This coincided with increased agricultural , domestic and industrial waste loadings. The river upstream of the City of Welland received considerable loadings from agricultural sources. Centrarchids, sciaenids, ictalurids, cyprinids and esocids characterized this upper section of the river. Most of these species were tolerant of low dissolved oxygen concentrations and the high turbidity which prevailed there . The river near Port Robinson receives many industrial and domestic wastes as evidenced by the water quality data. The fish in this section were less abundant and the observed population was comprised almost solely of cyprinids. Further downstream, near Montrose, the Welland River received shock loads of chemical wastes that exceeded a specific conductance of ISiOOO ;umhos/cm. Few fish were captured at this site and those that were captured were considered to be transients. A review of the literature revealed that none of the common indices of water quality in use today could adequately predict the observed distributions. In addition to the above, the long-term trend (l3 yrs) of water quality of the lower Welland River revealed a gradual improvement. The major factor thought to be responsible for this improvement was the operation of the Welland Sewage Treatment Plant. The construction of the New Welland Ship Canal coincided with large fluctuations of the total solids and other parameters downstream. These conditions prevailed for a maximum of three years (1972- 1975)' Furthermore, spawning times and temperatures, geographic distributions, length-weight regressions and many other descriptive aspects of the ecology of some 26 species/ taxa of fish were obtained. Several of these species are rare or new to southern Ontario.
Regional structural analysis of the Timmins area indicates four major periods of tectonic deformation. The DI deformation is characterized by a series of isoclinal FI folds which are outlined in the study area by bedding, pillow tops and variolitic flows. The D2 deformation developed the Porcupine Syncline and refolded the Fl folds about a NE. axis. A pervasive S2 foliation developed during low grade (greenschist) regional metamorphism associated with the D2 deformation. The S2 foliation developed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. The third phase of tectonic D3 deformation is recognized by the development of a S3 sub-horizontal crenulation cleavage which developed on the plane of the S2 foliation. No meso scopic folds are associated with this deformation. The 8 3 crenulation cleavage is observed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. The D4 tectonic deformation is recorded as a subvertical S4 crenulation cleavage which developed on the plane of the S2 foliation and also offsets the S3 crenulation cleavage. Macroscopic F4 folds have refolded the F2 axial plane. No metamorphic recrystallization is associated with this deformation. The S4 crenulation cleavage is observed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. Petrographic evidence indicates that the Timmins area has been subjected to pervasive regional low grade (greenschist) metamorphism which has recrystallized the original mineralogy. South of the study are~ the Donut Lake ultramafic lavas have been subjected to contact medium grade (amphibolite facies) metamorphism associated with the intrusion of the Peterlong Lake Complex. The Archean volcanic rocks of the Timmins area have been subdivided into komatiitic, tholeiitic and calcalkaline suites based on Zr, Ti0 2 and Ni. The three elements were used because of their r e lative immobility during subsequent metamorphic events. Geochemical observations in the Timmins area indicates that the composition of the Goose Lake and Donut Lake Formations are a series of peridotitic, pyroxenitic and basaltic komatiites. The Lower Schumacher Formation is a sequence of basaltic komatiites while the upper part of the Lower Schumacher Formation is an intercalated sequence of basaltic komatiites and low Ti0 2 tholeiites. The variolitic flows are felsic tholeiites in composition and geochemical evidenc e sugg ests that they developed as a n immiscible splitting of a tholeiitic magma. The Upper Schumacher Formation is a sequence of tholeiitic rocks dis p laying a mild iron enrichment. The Krist and Boomerang Formations are the felsic calc-alkaline rocks of the study area which are characteristically pyroclastic. The Redstone Fo rmation is dominantly a calc-alkali ne sequence of volcani c rocks whose minor mafic end me mbers exposed in 1t.he study hav e basaltic komatiitic compositions. Geochemical evidence sugges ts that the Keewatin-type se dimentary rocks have a composition similar to a quartz diorite or a granodiorite. Fi e l d obs ervations and petrographic evidence suggests that they were derived fr om a distal source and now repr esent i n part a turbidite sequence. The Timiskaming-type sedimentary rocks approach the c omp osi t ion of the felsic calc-alkaline rocks of the study area . The basal conglomerate in the study are a sugge s ts that th e uni t was derived fr om a proximal source. Petrographic and ge ochemical evidence suggests that the peridotitic and pyroxenitic komatiites originated as a 35-55% partial melt within the mantle, in excess of 100 Km. depth. The melt ros e as a diapir with the subsequent effusion of the ultramafic lavas, The basaltic komatiites and tholeiitic rocks originated in the mantle from lesser degrees of partial melting and fractionated in low pressure chambers. Geochemical evidence suggests a "genetic link" between the basaltic komatiites and tholeiites, The calc-alkaline rocks developed as a result of the increa.se In PO in the magma chamber. The felsic calcalkaline rocks are a late stage effusion possibly the last major volcanic eruptions in the area.
The following thesis presents an analysis of business-government relations within a neo-Marxist framework. Specifically, the discussion encompasses how the business interest group. the Business Council on National Issues, maintains consensus and unity amongst its monopoly capital members. Furthermore. the study elaborates on the process through which the group's interests are acknowledged and legitimized by the state under the "public interest" f8fue. Most of the literature pertaining to business-government relations within the context of interactions between business interest groups and the state, and such specific branches of the state as the government and/or the civil service. emphasize a liberal-pluralist perspective. Essentially, these writings serve to reflect and legitimate the current slatus quo. Marxist discourses on the subject, while attempting to transcend the liberal-pluralist framework. nevertheless suffer from either economic determinism .. ie., stressing the state's accumulation function but not its legitimation function or historical specificity. A cogent and comprehensive neo-Marxist analysis of business-government relations must discuss both the accumulation and legitimation functions of the state. The process by which the concerns of a particular business interest group become part of the state's policy agenda and subsequently are formulated and implemented into policies which legitimate its dominance is also studied. This inquiry is significant given the liberal-pluralist assumptions of a neutral state and that all interest groups compete "on a level playing field". The author's neo-Marxist paradigm rejects both of these assumptions. Building on concepts from nea-Marxist instrumentalism. structuralism. state monopoly capitalism, and forms and functions of the state perspectives. the author proposes that policies which legitimize the interests of the monopoly capital fraction cannot. be discerned only from the state's activities. per StJ. Clearly, if the liberal-pluralist 3 contention of multiple and conflicting interest groups, including those within the capitalist class, is taken at face value, M interest group such as the Business Council on National Issues (BCND, must somehow maintain. internal consensus Md unity amongst its members. Internal consensus amongst its members ensures that the state can better acknowledge and articulate its concerns into policies that maintain hegemonic dominance of the monopoly capital fraction under the "public interest" fllf.JJdq. The author contends that the BCNI focuses most of its interactions on the upper echelons of the civil service since it is this branch of the state which is most responsible for policy formulation and implementation. The author's paradigm is applied within the context of extensively analyzing newspaper coverage. BCN! publications, and other published sources, as well as a personal interview with an executive administrative member of the BeNI. The discussion focuses on how agreement and unity amongst the various interests of the monopoly capital fraction are maintained through the business organization, its policy scope, and finally its interactions with the state. The analysis suggests that while the civil service is an important player in expressing the interests of the BCNI's membership through policies which ostensibly also reflect the "public interest", it is not the only strategic target for the BCNI's interactions with the state. The author's research also highlights the importance of government officials at the Cabinet level and Cabinet Committees. Senior elected officials from the Federal government are also significant in avoiding intergovernmental or interprovincial conflict in implementing policies that legitimize hegemonic dominance of the monopoly capital fraction over other fractions and classes.
Marine palynology and benthic and planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry are combined to reveal long- and short-term (Milankovitch-scale) paleoceanographic changes across the upper half of the Olduvai Subchron (ca. 1.86--1.77 Ma, lower Pleistocene) in DSDP Hole 603C from the lower New Jersey continental rise. Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios reveal annual sea-surface temperatures between 14.5° and 25°C, whereas modern values vary between 16° and 20°e. Despite evidence of downslope transport in much of the studied interval, dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages appear to reflect fluctuating temperate to subtropical water masses. These assemblages comprise both neritic and oceanic species, and are marked by a transition upsection from warm conditions, dominated by Lingulodinium machaerophorum, Polysphaeridium zoharyi and Cymatiosphaera? invaginata, to cooler conditions dominated by Filisphaera filifera. Combining dinoflagellate cyst proxies with planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry allows downslope transport events to be recognized during glacial episodes, and events dominated by intensified bottom-water circulation during interglacial episodes. Sixtytwo in-situ dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa were recorded including several not previously described.
Joseph Pope was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1854. He was the private secretary to Sir John A. Macdonald from 1882-1891. He worked as the assistant clerk to the Privy Council and undersecretary of state for Canada from 1896-1909. He was appointed a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in 1901. He was later knighted as a Knight Commander of the same order. Joseph Pope was the first permanent head of the Department of External Affairs (now Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade) 1909-1925. He was an advisor to Prime Ministers from Macdonald to King. He died in Ottawa, in 1926. As well as Confederation, Pope also penned: Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald : A Chronicle of the First Prime Minister of the Dominion; The Day of Sir John Macdonald; Jacques Cartier, his life and voyages; Traditions and Sir John A. MacDonald vindicated : a review of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Cartwright's reminiscences as well as other books Pope’s son, Maurice Arthur Pope wrote a book about Joseph entitled Public Servant: the Memoirs of Sir Joseph Pope”.