10 resultados para rotor dynamics
em Brock University, Canada
The purpose of this study was to examine cell glucose kinetics in rat skeletal muscle during iso-osmotic recovery from hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress. Rat EDL muscles were incubated for sixty minutes in either HYPO (190 mmol/kg), ISO (290 mmol/kg), or HYPER (400 mmol/kg) media (Sigma medium-199, 8 mM glucose) according to an established in vitro whole muscle model. In addition to sixty minute baseline measures in aniso-osmotic conditions, (HYPO-0 n=8; ISO- 0, n=S; HYPER-0, n=8), muscles were subjected to either one minute (HYPO-1 n=8; ISO-1, n=8; HYPER-1, n=8) or five minutes (HYPO-5 n=8; ISO-5, n=8; HYPER-5, n=8) of iso-osmotic recovery media and analyzed for metabolite content and glycogen synthase percent activation. To determine glucose uptake during iso-osmotic recovery, muscles (n=6 per group) were incubated for sixty minutes in either hypo-, iso-, or hyper-osmotic media immediately followed by five minutes of iso-osmotic media containing 3H-glucose and 14 C-mannitol. Increased relative water content/decreased [glucose] (observed in HYPO-0) and decreased water content/increased [glucose] (observed in HYPER-0) returned to ISO levels within 5 minutes of recovery. Glycogen synthase percent activation increased significantly in HYPO-5 over iso-osmotic controls. Glucose uptake measurements revealed no significant differences between groups. It was determined that [glucose] and muscle water content rapidly recovered from osmotic stress demonstrating skeletal muscle's resilience to osmotic stress.
Therllloelynalllics of lllodel 11lel1ll)rane systeills containing 1110nollnsaturatecl I)lloSI)holil) ids is strongly infllienced l)y the I)osition of the C==C dOlll)le })ond in tIle acyl chain. The telllI)eratllres of both chain-nlelting (TM) and La -+ HI! (TH) I)hase traIlsitions are lowered by IIp to 20°C when C==C is Inoved froln positions 6 or 11 to I)osition 9 in an 18-carl)on chain. This work is an attellll)t to ellicidate the uIlderlying Illoleclilar Illechanisllls reSI)Onsi])le for tllese draillatic tllerillodynaillic changes. Mixtllres of di-18: 1 l)hoSI)hatidylethanolanline with C==C at l)ositioIlS 6, 9, 11 were llsed, witll a sI1lall aI1lOlint of I)erdellterated tetradecanol, known to })e a gooel rel)Orter of the cllain Illoleclilar order. SI)ectral second 11I0I1lents were llsed to Illonitor tIle La -+ HII I)hase transition, which was fOllnd to ])e ])road (2-6°C), with a slight llysteresis on heatiIlg/cooling. The orientational order I)rofiles were nleasllred 1lSiIlg 2H Illiclear Illagnetic resonance and changes in these order I)rofiles between La aIld HII I)hases silow l)oth a local increase in order in the vicinity of the C==C bonds and an o\Terall decrease ill the average orientational order of the chain as a whole. These Sll])tle changes recluire })oth high-fidelity SI)ectrosCol)y and a careflll data analysis that takes into aCCOllnt the effects due to l)artiall1lagnetically-indllced orientational ordering of the l)ilayers. In tIle COIltext of SOllle recently rel)Orted cross-relaxation 11leaSlirenlents in Silllilar l)llOSI)llolil)iels, 0111' reslilts sllggest that large-anll)litllde conforlllational changes in the interior of tIle I110del 111eI11])ranes I)lay a 1110re significant role than I)reviollsly thOllght.
Molec ul ar dynamics calculations of the mean sq ua re displacement have been carried out for the alkali metals Na, K and Cs and for an fcc nearest neighbour Lennard-Jones model applicable to rare gas solids. The computations for the alkalis were done for several temperatures for temperature vol ume a swell as for the the ze r 0 pressure ze ro zero pressure volume corresponding to each temperature. In the fcc case, results were obtained for a wide range of both the temperature and density. Lattice dynamics calculations of the harmonic and the lowe s t order anharmonic (cubic and quartic) contributions to the mean square displacement were performed for the same potential models as in the molecular dynamics calculations. The Brillouin zone sums arising in the harmonic and the quartic terms were computed for very large numbers of points in q-space, and were extrapolated to obtain results ful converged with respect to the number of points in the Brillouin zone.An excellent agreement between the lattice dynamics results was observed molecular dynamics and in the case of all the alkali metals, e~ept for the zero pressure case of CSt where the difference is about 15 % near the melting temperature. It was concluded that for the alkalis, the lowest order perturbation theory works well even at temperat ures close to the melting temperat ure. For the fcc nearest neighbour model it was found that the number of particles (256) used for the molecular dynamics calculations, produces a result which is somewhere between 10 and 20 % smaller than the value converged with respect to the number of particles. However, the general temperature dependence of the mean square displacement is the same in molecular dynamics and lattice dynamics for all temperatures at the highest densities examined, while at higher volumes and high temperatures the results diverge. This indicates the importance of the higher order (eg. ~* ) perturbation theory contributions in these cases.
Jet-cooled, laser-induced phosphorescence excitation spectra (LIP) of thioacetaldehyde CH3CHS, CH3CDS, CD3CHS and CD3CDS have been observed over the region 15800 - 17300 cm"^ in a continuous pyrolysis jet. The vibronic band structure of the singlet-triplet n -* n* transition were attributed to the strong coupling of the methyl torsion and aldehydic hydrogen wagging modes . The vibronic peaks have been assigned in terms of two upper electronic state (T^) vibrations; the methyl torsion mode v^g, and the aldehydic hydrogen wagging mode v^^. The electronic origin O^a^ is unequivocally assigned as follows: CH3CHS (16294.9 cm"'' ), CH3CDS (16360.9 cm"'' ), CD3CHS (16299.7 cm"^ ), and CD3CDS (16367.2 cm"'' ). To obtain structural and dynamical information about the two electronic states, potential surfaces V(e,a) for the 6 (methyl torsion) and a (hydrogen wagging) motions were generated by ab initio quantum mechanical calculations with a 6-3 IG* basis in which the structural parameters were fully relaxed. The kinetic energy coefficients BQ(a,e) , B^(a,G) , and the cross coupling term B^(a,e) , were accurately represented as functions of the two active coordinates, a and 9. The calculations reveal that the molecule adopts an eclipsed conformation for the lower Sq electronic state (a=0°,e=0"') with a barrier height to internal rotation of 541.5 cm"^ which is to be compared to 549.8 cm"^ obtained from the microwave experiment. The conformation of the upper T^ electronic state was found to be staggered (a=24 . 68° ,e=-45. 66° ) . The saddle point in the path traced out by the aldehyde wagging motion was calculated to be 175 cm"^ above the equilibrium configuration. The corresponding maxima in the path taken by methyl torsion was found to be 322 cm'\ The small amplitude normal vibrational modes were also calculated to aid in the assignment of the spectra. Torsional-wagging energy manifolds for the two states were derived from the Hamiltonian H(a,e) which was solved variationally using an extended two dimensional Fourier expansion as a basis set. A torsionalinversion band spectrum was derived from the calculated energy levels and Franck-Condon factors, and was compared with the experimental supersonic-jet spectra. Most of the anomalies which were associated with the interpretation of the observed spectrum could be accounted for by the band profiles derived from ab initio SCF calculations. A model describing the jet spectra was derived by scaling the ab initio potential functions. The global least squares fitting generates a triplet state potential which has a minimum at (a=22.38° ,e=-41.08°) . The flatter potential in the scaled model yielded excellent agreement between the observed and calculated frequency intervals.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999.5 B63 P54 2007
Sport for Development (SFD) uses the power of sport to support international development initiatives that affect social change and empower under-resourced communities (Levermore, 2008a). Currently, there are more than 1,000 SFD organizations globally (Doyle, Payne, & Wolff, 2011) working to enact change and development initiatives in the least developed regions of the world. Stakeholders are key components of the long-term sustainability, development, and success of these SFD organizations. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships between SFD organizations and their stakeholders through the lens of social responsibility (SR). Through the analysis of interviews conducted with SFD leaders and their stakeholders, this research offers a modified version of Carroll’s (1979) four categories of SR. This modified version addresses the differences that exist with SFD stakeholder relationships from the perspectives of the organizations and their stakeholders. Further, broader implications will be discussed in terms of compatibility and long-term sustainability.
This qualitative case study explored how the structural power imbalance in high performance sport influenced the bargaining process and resulting commercial rights and obligations of a single Canadian national sport organization’s (NSO1) Athlete Agreement. Principles comprising the doctrine of unconscionability, specifically the identification of a power imbalance between contracting parties, and the exploration of how that power imbalance influenced the terms of the contract, provided a framework to analyze factors influencing the commercial contents of NSO1’s Athlete Agreement. The results of this analysis revealed that despite the overarching influence of the inherent structural power imbalance on all aspects of NSO1 and its membership, an athletes’ level of commercial appeal can reach such heights as to balance the bargaining positions of both parties and subsequently influence the commercial contents of the Athlete Agreement.
Transverse, subglacial bedforms (ribbed moraines) occur frequently in southern Keewatin, Nunavut, Canada, where they record a complex glacial history, including shifting centers of ice dispersal and fluctuating basal thermal regimes. Comprehensive mapping and quantitative morphometric analysis of the subglacial bedform archive in this sector reveals that ribbed moraines are spatially clustered by size and assume a broad range of visually distinct forms. Results suggest that end-member morphologies are consistent with a dichotomous polygenetic origin, and that a continuum of forms emerged through subsequent reshaping processes of variable intensity and duration. Translocation of mobile, immobile and quasi-mobile beds throughout the last glacial cycle conditioned the development of a subglacial deforming bed mosaic, and is likely responsible for the patchy zonation of palimpsest and inherited landscape signatures within this former core region of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Comparison against field evidence collected from central Norway suggests that bedforming processes can be locally mediated by pre-existing topography.
The goal of most clustering algorithms is to find the optimal number of clusters (i.e. fewest number of clusters). However, analysis of molecular conformations of biological macromolecules obtained from computer simulations may benefit from a larger array of clusters. The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) clustering method has the advantage of generating large numbers of clusters, but often gives ambiguous results. In this work, SOMs have been shown to be reproducible when the same conformational dataset is independently clustered multiple times (~100), with the help of the Cramérs V-index (C_v). The ability of C_v to determine which SOMs are reproduced is generalizable across different SOM source codes. The conformational ensembles produced from MD (molecular dynamics) and REMD (replica exchange molecular dynamics) simulations of the penta peptide Met-enkephalin (MET) and the 34 amino acid protein human Parathyroid Hormone (hPTH) were used to evaluate SOM reproducibility. The training length for the SOM has a huge impact on the reproducibility. Analysis of MET conformational data definitively determined that toroidal SOMs cluster data better than bordered maps due to the fact that toroidal maps do not have an edge effect. For the source code from MATLAB, it was determined that the learning rate function should be LINEAR with an initial learning rate factor of 0.05 and the SOM should be trained by a sequential algorithm. The trained SOMs can be used as a supervised classification for another dataset. The toroidal 10×10 hexagonal SOMs produced from the MATLAB program for hPTH conformational data produced three sets of reproducible clusters (27%, 15%, and 13% of 100 independent runs) which find similar partitionings to those of smaller 6×6 SOMs. The χ^2 values produced as part of the C_v calculation were used to locate clusters with identical conformational memberships on independently trained SOMs, even those with different dimensions. The χ^2 values could relate the different SOM partitionings to each other.
In this thesis we study the properties of two large dynamic networks, the competition network of advertisers on the Google and Bing search engines and the dynamic network of friend relationships among avatars in the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) Planetside 2. We are particularly interested in removal patterns in these networks. Our main finding is that in both of these networks the nodes which are most commonly removed are minor near isolated nodes. We also investigate the process of merging of two large networks using data captured during the merger of servers of Planetside 2. We found that the original network structures do not really merge but rather they get gradually replaced by newcomers not associated with the original structures. In the final part of the thesis we investigate the concept of motifs in the Barabási-Albert random graph. We establish some bounds on the number of motifs in this graph.