3 resultados para frequency of periodic temperature

em Brock University, Canada


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The frequency and type of agonistic displays involved in male-male encounters should be significantly influenced by the presence of females. Discrete agonistic displays vary in energy expenditure and risk, and therefore should be dependent on available resources. The influence of live females and the scent of females, on the frequency of male agonistic displays was observed in a laboratory terrarium using the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The effect of energy constraints on display frequency was also determined. Half the males were fed a diet high in protein and fet; the other males were fed a lower quality diet, for a 7-11 day period. The frequency of five individual displays and mating frequency were recorded using an Event Recorder and notebook. Each group of males was presented with three experimental conditions, over three days, involving the presence or absence of live females and female scent. The presence of females elicited an increase in all displays except antennation; female scent increased the frequency of antennations, mandible flares and grapples, but to a lesser extent than did live females. The frequency of grapples significantly increased for males fed the high quality diet; however diet did not influence the other displays. The combined influence of diet and condition was significant for mandible flare only. Mating frequency was not influenced by diet. However, the frequency ofthe displays were positively correlated with mating frequency for high quality fed males. Escalated displays involving high costs, such as grapple and mandible flare, increased in frequency when the benefits of winning contests were high in G.bimaculatus. Escalation to grapple behaviour was less evident for males fed the lower quality diet as this imposed energy constraints on high cost displays.


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A strain of Drosophila melanogaster (mid america stock culture no. hl16) has been reported to be deficient in aldehyde oxidase activity (Hickey and Singh 1982). This strain was characterized during the course of this study and compared to other mutant strains known to be deficient in aldehyde oxidase activity. During the course of this investigation, the hl16 strain was found to be temperature sensitive in its viability. It was found that the two phenotypes, the enzyme deficiency, and the temperature sensitive lethality were the result of two different mutations, both mapping to the X-chromosome. These two mutations were found to be separable by recombination. The enzyme deficiency was found to map to the same locus as the cinnamon mutation, another mutation which affects aldehyde oxidase production. The developmental profile of aldehyde oxidase in the hl16 strain was compared to the developmental profile in the Canton S wild type strain. The aldehyde oxidase activity in adult hl16 individuals was also compared to that of various other strains. It was also found that the aldehyde oxidase activity was temperature sensitive in the adult flies. The temperature sensitive lethality mutation was mapped to position 1-0.1.


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Sediment samples were taken from seven locations in the WeIland River in December 1986 and April 1987. The DMSO extracts of these sediment samples showed a significant (pof sediment samples from the nearby station D-2 resulted in a significant (p <0 . 05) positive genotoxic response in December but not in April. Chironomids (midge larvae) taken from each of seven study locations were analyzed for the frequency of chironomid labial plate deformities (over 1000 individual specimens were observed) . The samples from station D-l showed the highest frequency of chironomid labial plate deformities (10 . 9% ± 3.2%), while samples from the upstream control (station A) displayed t,he lowest frequency of deformities (3.8% ± 1.3%). All samples were coded to avoid unconscious biases . The results of the genotoxicity study indicated that station D-l in the WeIland River was contaminated with genotoxic materials. The genotoxic materials may have induced the observed increased frequency in chironomid labial plate deformities . Samples from stations C and D-l, located in a downstream portion of the river bounded by an industrialized area were slightly toxic according to -the alkaline phosphatase inhib_ii~ion component of the 50S chromotest analyses. The toxicity of these samples was only evident once they had been activated by the 59 (liver extract) mixture.