3 resultados para finger millet
em Brock University, Canada
A double-blinded, placebo controlled, cross-over design was used to investigate sodium citrate dihydrate (Na-CIT) supplementation improve 200m swimming performance. Ten well-trained, male swimmers (14.9 ± 0.4y; 63.5 ± 4kg) performed four 200m time trials: acute (ACU) supplementation (0.5g/kg), acute placebo (PLC-A), chronic (CHR) (0.1g/kg for 3 days and 0.3g/kg on the 4th day pre-trial), and chronic placebo (PLC-C). Na-CIT was administered 120min pre-trial in solution with 500mL of flavored water; placebo was flavored water. Blood lactate, base excess (BE), bicarbonate, pH, and PCO2 were analyzed at basal, 100min post-ingestion, and 3min post-trial via finger prick. Time, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion were not different between trials. BE and bicarbonate were significantly higher for the ACU and CHR trials compared to placebo. “Responders” improved by 1.03% (P=0.043) and attained significantly higher post-trial lactate concentrations in the ACU versus PLC-A trials and compared to non-responders in the ACU and CHR trials.
The Madagascar periwinkle [Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don] is a commercially important horticultural flower species and is the only source for several pharmaceutically valuable monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs), including the powerful antihypertensive ajmalicine and the antineoplastic agents vincristine and vinblastine. While biosynthesis of MIA precursors has been elucidated, conversion of the common MIA precursor strictosidine to MIAs of different families, for example ajmalicine, catharanthine or vindoline, remains uncharacterized. Deglycosylation of strictosidine by the key enzyme Strictosidine beta-glucosidase (SGD) leads to a pool of uncharacterized reaction products that are diverted into the different MIA families, but the downstream reactions are uncharacterized. Screening of 3600 EMS (ethyl methane sulfonate) mutagenized C. roseus plants to identify mutants with altered MIA profiles yielded one plant with high ajmalicine, and low catharanthine and vindoline content. RNA sequencing and comparative bioinformatics of mutant and wildtype plants showed up-regulation of SGD and the transcriptional repressor Zinc finger Catharanthus transcription factor (ZCT1) in the mutant line. The increased SGD activity in mutants seems to yield a larger pool of uncharacterized SGD reaction products that are channeled away from catharanthine and vindoline towards biosynthesis of ajmalicine when compared to the wildtype. Further bioinformatic analyses, and crossings between mutant and wildtype suggest a transcription factor upstream of SGD and ZCT1 to be mutated, leading to up-regulation of Sgd and Zct1. The crossing experiments further show that biosynthesis of the different MIA families is differentially regulated and highly complex. Three new transcription factors were identified by bioinformatics that seem to be involved in the regulation of Zct1 and Sgd expression, leading to the high ajmalicine phenotype. Increased cathenamine reductase activity in the mutant converts the pool of SGD reaction products into ajmalicine and its stereoisomer tetrahydroalstonine. The stereochemistry of ajmalicine and tetrahydroalstonine biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro was further characterized. In addition, a new clade of perakine reductase-like enzymes was identified that reduces the SGD reaction product vallesiachotamine in a stereo-specific manner, characterizing one of the many reactions immediately downstream of SGD that determine the different MIA families. This study establishes that RNA sequencing and comparative bioinformatics, in combination with molecular and biochemical characterization, are valuable tools to determine the genetic basis for mutations that trigger phenotypes, and this approach can also be used for identification of new enzymes and transcription factors.
This thesis investigated the impact of pubertal maturation and sex on cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and arterial properties of the common carotid artery (CCA), and the relationship between CCA arterial properties and BRS. This thesis also investigated the effect of orthostatic stress on arterial properties of the CCA and carotid sinus (CS), as well as their impact on BRS in response to orthostatic stress. Children and adolescents between the ages of 8-18 years were examined. To assess pubertal maturation participants were organized into five pubertal groups based on the criteria of Tanner. BRS was assessed by transfer function analysis in the low frequency range (0.05 – 0.15Hz). Pulse pressure (PP) was measured at the CCA (PPCCA) and CS (PPCS) using applanation tonometry, and at the finger (PPFinger) using photoplethysmography. Ultrasound sonography and applanation tonometry were used to determine the distensibility coefficient (DC) at the CCA (DCCCA) and CS (DCCS). A moderate posture stimulus was implemented by passively moving participants into a 50° seated-recumbent (SR) position. The results demonstrated a sex-by-maturation interaction on BRS (p= 0.019). BRS decreased from early- to post-puberty in males (p<0.01), and remained unchanged in females. Females demonstrated greater BRS compared to males post-puberty (p<0.05). CCA distensibility was not affected by sex or maturation and was not related to BRS. PPCS was greater than PPCCA (p<0.001), while PPFinger was greater than both PPCCA (p<0.001) and PPCS (p<0.001). In response to SR, the relative change in PPFinger was significantly different than the relative change in PPCCA (p<0.001) and PPCS (p<0.001), while the relative change between PPCCA and PPCS were not different. Finally, in response to SR there was a significant decrease in DCCS (p=0.001), but not DCCCA. The relative change in BRS in response to SR was significantly correlated to the relative change in DCCS (p=0.004), but not DCCCA. The findings demonstrated an important sex-dependent maturation effect on BRS in children and adolescents that was not explained by CCA distensibility. Also, the CS and CCA responded differently to orthostatic stress. The CS was more suitable to evaluate the effect of arterial distensibility on BRS in response to posture change.