12 resultados para edge areas

em Brock University, Canada


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It has been well documented, within the field of landscape ecology, that terrestrial fragmentation contributes to increased heterogeneity at the landscape level. It has also been observed that elevated areas of edge habitat occur within fragmented landscapes. Spatial and temporal edge effects were investigated in four areas designated as Nature Reserve Zones within Short Hills Provincial Park, near St. Catharines, Ontario. Random sampling along exposed edges was performed on trees and saplings, at 5 and 25 ill edge depths, using the point-centred quarter method. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and distance from point measurements were used to establish relative density, dominance, frequency and importance value. One-way analyses of variance were used on dbh measurements of tree species and Chi-Square contingency tables were used on size class distributions of saplings species to determine significant differences between 5 and 25 metres. Qualitative comparisons of importance values were also used to determine differences between 5 and 25 metres as well as between trees and saplings. These statistical and qualitative comparisons suggest that a significant overall spatial edge effect is currently exhibited by fragmented wooded islands within the park. The major species of the park, Acersaccharuln, may be exhibiting a temporal edge effect. The heterogeneous nature of the park may be of importance in understanding this area as a complex, ecological system. It is possible that the remaining forest tracts of the park have been affected, and continue to be affected by previous disturbances. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources concerning the management of Short Hills Provincial Park in accordance with their 1990 proposed Management Plan.


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This thesis aims to uncover the ways that previously homeless women in the Niagara region are able (or unable) to rely on friends, family and service providers in times of crisis (homelessness and poverty). Eleven women were interviewed and their experiences indicate that social networks cannot take the place of comprehensive and inclusive social policy. Time and time again, their stories showed that they were left negotiating the detritus of neo-liberal policies.


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Sediment relationships observed during geological mapping in southeastern Ontario indicate a relatively simple deglaciation history for the area during late Wisconsin time. The ice from the north (part of the Lake Simcoe lobe) and the Lake Ontario ice lobe, which were coalesced during most of late Wisconsin time, initially separated along the crest of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Available data indicate that the Oak Ridges Moraine is composed primarily of sediments pre-late Wisconsin in age capped by late Wisconsin till and interlobate deposits. Retreat of the northern ice was relatively steady and resulted in the deposition of the Dummer Moraines, a facies of the drumlinized till to the south. Retreat of the Lake Ontario ice lobe into the Lake Ontario basin was interrupted by a re-advance which covered the southeastern half of the map area. The northern ice had already retreated from the area by this time. The Lake Ontario lobe was fed through the St. Lawrence Valley, indicating that the Ottawa Valley was ice filled at this time. High level glacial lakes fronted the ice during deglaciation. These waters quickly fell to low levels as the ice retreated from the St. Lawrence Valley, opening lower outlets.


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In this narrative self-study I retell and connect the stories ofmy personal journey with literacy from childhood to the present. I use narrative as both methodology and method as I story my life experiences and my personal encounters with literacy. The heart ofmy reflections comes from the pages of personal journals written and storied over many years of trying to make meaning of powerful literacy experiences in my life. Now, in going back through the stories and reconstructing meaning, I make connections between the memories along the journey and the place from which I now tell my story. The interpretations I construct give voice to beliefs 1 have lived by and illuminations to moments in time that I have come to see with new eyes as I have engaged in this inquiry. The journey and self-reflection within the pages of this inquiry provide understanding of the driving force behind my personal passion for literacy. I am better able to understand my motivations and share the stories that validate my personal and professional path through time.


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According to the List Colouring Conjecture, if G is a multigraph then χ' (G)=χl' (G) . In this thesis, we discuss a relaxed version of this conjecture that every simple graph G is edge-(∆ + 1)-choosable as by Vizing’s Theorem ∆(G) ≤χ' (G)≤∆(G) + 1. We prove that if G is a planar graph without 7-cycles with ∆(G)≠5,6 , or without adjacent 4-cycles with ∆(G)≠5, or with no 3-cycles adjacent to 5-cycles, then G is edge-(∆ + 1)-choosable.


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Coarse grained sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. Clast shape range from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Lineations are present throughout the sample. Edge-to-edge grain crushing, grain stacking, and comet structures can also be seen. Some grains are crushed into one another. Areas of finer sediment can also be seen.


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Coarse grained sample with clasts that range from small to large in size. The clast shape ranges from angular to rounded, and many grains are fractured. Grain crushing is present in large amounts. This includes edge-to-edge crushing as well as grains that are crushed into one another. Rotation structures are also common among the clasts that are sub-rounded to rounded. Areas of finer sediment can also be seen.


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Light brown sediment with clasts that range from small to large in size. The clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Lineations and rotation structures are abundant in this sample. Edge-to-edge grain crushing is present as well. There are areas of light and dark sediment throughout the sample. A few comet structures can also be seen.


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Coarse grained sediment with grains ranging from small to large. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Edge-to-edge grain crushing is abundant throughout the sample, along with lineations. Some grains are also crushed into one another. There are some areas of clay also within this sample.


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Brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to large in size. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to sub-rounded. The clasts are generally well dispersed, with a few areas of closer aggregates. Lineations are common throughout the sample. A few rotation structures and a few areas of edge-to-edge grain crushing can also be seen. Comet structures can also be seen in very minor amounts.


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Dark brown sediment with a few clay rich areas. The clast size ranges from small to medium and clast shape ranges from angular to rounded. Lineations and comet structures are the most common micro-structures present in this sample. Edge-to-edge grain crushing, as well as crushed grains, can also be seen.


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Greyish brown sediment with clasts ranging from small to medium in size. Clast shape ranges from sub-angular to rounded. Lineations and rotation structures are common throughout the sample. Rotation structures were seen around all sized clasts. This sample also contained a few areas of edge-to-edge grain crushing as well as crushed grains. Minor amounts of comet structures can also be seen.