10 resultados para allocation universelle, mutualité, empathie, sympathie, responsabilité, équité, solidarité
em Brock University, Canada
The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of stressors and offsetting satistiers, measured in this study with Stress Offset Score (SOS), on intentions to quit and examine the mediating and moderating effects of three facets of work satisfaction (job satisfaction, pay satisfaction, and satisfaction with supervisor) and two facets of organizational commitment (affective and nonnative commitment) on this relationship. The sample was composed of 2990 employees from 21 public and private organizations. The interaction of each type of work satisfaction and organizational commitment, with SOS, was tested using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) procedures. Intentions to quit was the dependent variable. The research questions were determine: (1) Does SOS predict intentions to quit? (2) Does work satisfaction mediate the predictive relationship of SOS on intentions to quit? (3) Does organizational commitment mediate the predictive relationship of SOS on intent to quit? (4) Does work satisfaction moderate the predictive relationship of SOS on intentions to quit? and (5) Does organizational commitment moderate the predictive relationship of SOS on intentions to quit? The results indicated that SOS was negatively correlated with intentions to quit. Each of the types of work satisfaction and organizational commitment variables showed a partial mediated relationship with SOS and each relationship was highly significant, while normative commitment explained more of the relationship then other mediators. The study also tested for interactions but no statistical significant relationships where established between any of the interaction terms (e.g., SOSxJob Satisfaction and SOSxAffcctive Commitment) and intentions to quit.
Hub location problem is an NP-hard problem that frequently arises in the design of transportation and distribution systems, postal delivery networks, and airline passenger flow. This work focuses on the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem (SAHLP). Genetic Algorithms (GAs) for the capacitated and uncapacitated variants of the SAHLP based on new chromosome representations and crossover operators are explored. The GAs is tested on two well-known sets of real-world problems with up to 200 nodes. The obtained results are very promising. For most of the test problems the GA obtains improved or best-known solutions and the computational time remains low. The proposed GAs can easily be extended to other variants of location problems arising in network design planning in transportation systems.
This study examined abstinence outcomes of a provincial, campus-based Quit and Win contest relative to contestants’ assessments of the prize, buddy support, social support network, and emails. Of the 288 participants providing baseline data, 201 self-reported their smoking and quitting behaviours, use of quit aides, and perceptions of contest components. On 5-point scales, perceived values of the contest prize, buddy support, social support network and email were 4.42, 3.95, 3.89, and 3.46 respectively. Intention to treat analysis showed 27.8% of participants achieved 6-week contest-period abstinence; 19.8% achieved 3-month sustained abstinence. Odds of achieving 3-month abstinence were influenced by age (OR = 1.10, CI =1.03, 1.18) and use of pharmacological quit aides (OR = 0.42, CI = 0.20, 0.88), but not smoking behaviours or contest components. Contest prizes and support were valued, but played an uncertain role in quitting success. Future research might examine their roles in contestant recruitment or retention.
Hub Location Problems play vital economic roles in transportation and telecommunication networks where goods or people must be efficiently transferred from an origin to a destination point whilst direct origin-destination links are impractical. This work investigates the single allocation hub location problem, and proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) approach for it. The effectiveness of using a single-objective criterion measure for the problem is first explored. Next, a multi-objective GA employing various fitness evaluation strategies such as Pareto ranking, sum of ranks, and weighted sum strategies is presented. The effectiveness of the multi-objective GA is shown by comparison with an Integer Programming strategy, the only other multi-objective approach found in the literature for this problem. Lastly, two new crossover operators are proposed and an empirical study is done using small to large problem instances of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Australian Post (AP) data sets.
Indenture of quit claim between Thomas Fuller of the Township of Niagara and George Upper of the Township of Niagara for 100 acres in the back half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Niagara, Oct. 26, 1852.
Indenture of quit claim between John and Nancy Ann Kerlin of the Township of Grantham to Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Niagara for 100 acres in the west half of Lot no. 29 in the 2nd Concession in the Township of Nissouri, Middlesex, April 29, 1853.
Indenture of quit claim between John and Deborah Ann McNeilly of the Town of Niagara and Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Niagara regarding 4 acres on the west side of King Street in Niagara, Dec. 4, 1853.
Indenture of Quit Claim Deed between Roswell G. Benedict, Charles Pierson and Ira Spaulding, all of the same of the Town of Clifton to Samuel Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton for Lots no. 10 and 11 in Block F in the Town of Clifton – instrument no. 7127, April 28, 1856.
Indenture of deed of quit claim (original copy and memorial of) between Walter H. and Charlotte Dickson of Guelph and Joseph A. Woodruff of Niagara for land in the Town of Clifton, Stamford and Welland, Aug. 10, 1863.