3 resultados para XrD

em Brock University, Canada


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A series of LaVi^xOs compounds (x=0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08) were prepeired using the standard solid reaction. The samples were chareicterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourprobe resistivity, smd magnetic susceptibility studies. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicated the formation of a single-phase sample with a orthorhombic structure which was first found in GdFeOs (space group Pnma) . The Unit Cell program was used for calculating lattice peirameters from XFID data. The XRD spectnim could be indexed on a cubic lattice with Og = 2ap ~ (7.8578 to 7.9414 A). The lattice parameter was observed to increase as the Vanadium vacancy increased. Four-probe resistivity measurements exhibited semiconductor behavior for all sajnples from room temperature down to 19K. The resistivity of samples increased with increasing Vanadium vacancy. The resistivity of samples demonstrated activated conduction with an activation energy of approximately 0.2 eV. The activation energy increased with increasing lattice parameter. Field cool magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed with field of 500 G from 300 K to 5 K. These measurements indicated the presence of an antiferromagnetic transition at about 140 K. The data was fitted above Neel temperature to Ciurie-Weiss law yielding a negative parameignetic Curie temperature. This implies that antiferromagnetic ordering is present.


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We report the results of crystal structure, magnetization and resistivity measurements of Bi doped LaVO3. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that if doping Bi in the La site is less than ten percent, the crystal structure of La1-xBixVO3 remains unchanged and its symmetry is orthorhombic. However, for higher Bi doping (>10%) composite compounds are found where the XRD patterns are characterized by two phases: LaVO3+V2O3. Energy-dispersive analysis of the x-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) results are used to find a proper atomic percentage of all samples. The temperature dependence of the mass magnetization of pure and single phase doped samples have transition temperatures from paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic region at TN=140 K. This measurement for bi-phasic samples indicates two transition temperatures, at TN=140 K (LaVO3) and TN=170 K (V2O3). The temperature dependence of resistivity reveals semiconducting behavior for all samples. Activation energy values for pure and doped samples are extracted by fitting resistivity versus temperature data in the framework of thermal activation process.


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Measurements of the optical reflectivity of the normal incident light along c-axis [0001] have been made on a Gadolinium single crystal, for temperatures between 50 K and room temperature just above the Curie temperature of Gd, which is 293 K. And covering the spectrum range between 100 -11000 cm-I . This work is the first study of Gd in the far infrared range. In fact it fills the gap below 0.2 eV which has never been measured before. Extreme attention was paid to the fact that Gadolinium is a very reactive metal with air. Thus, the sample was mechanically polished and carefully handled during the measurement. However, temperature dependent optical measurements have been made in the same frequency range for a sample of Gd2O3. For comparison, both samples of Gd and Gd2O3 were examined by X-Ray diffraction. XRD analysis showed that the sample was pure gadolinium and the oxide layer either does not exist, or is very thin. Furthermore, this fact was supported by the absence of any of Gd2O3 features in the Gd sample reflectivity. Kramers Kronig analysis was applied to extract the optical functions from the reflectance data. The optical conductivity shows a strong temperature dependence feature in the mid-infrared. This feature disappears completely at room temperature which supports a magnetic origin.