7 resultados para Voice Rehabilitation

em Brock University, Canada


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This study examined work engagement among brain injury rehabilitation professionals with specific attention to how they engage with their work (the extent to which they experience vigor, dedication, and absorption while working) and how they engage with people (the degree to which they are welcoming towards others and demonstrate integrity, responsibility, transparency). This study also tested a theoretical model of work engagement that predicted a relationship between engagement and personal, interpersonal, and organizational capacity. Eighty-one staff employed in a hospital-based brain injury program participated in the study. A quantitative self-report survey was used to measure participants' levels of capacity and engagement and a qualitative question was included to identify initiatives that could be introduced to enhance job performance. As predicted by the model, there were statistically significant positive correlations among all three capacity variables and engagement with work and statistically significant positive correlations between ethical engagement and personal and interpersonal capacity. The results of the qualitative data analysis revealed three broad categories of recommendations for improving job performance (more learning opportunities, more resources to support professional development, and the need to build greater team cohesion). These findings provide initial support for a theoretical model that emphasizes the link between capacity and engagement, which could be used to guide theory-driven interventions aimed at improving the work environment.


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The purpose of this phenomenological study was to uncover the meaning of lifelong learning to nurses in an Academic Health Care setting. Six female pediatric nurses were interviewed and audiotaped in response to 2 main questions of interpretation and engagement in lifelong learning with respect to their nursing practice. Four additional probing questions elicited responses of further qualities and characteristics of the meaning of lifelong learning. The emergent themes uncovered the characteristics and nature of the journey of lifelong learning. The themes evolved into parallel characteristics developing into the concepts of personal empowerment and occupational authorship. The personal empowerment concept involved processes whereby the participants overcame or removed barriers to engage in personal lifelong learning. Participants utilized personal power and internal motivators to sustain their engagement in lifelong learning. The occupational authorship concept involved participants controlling their exploration into lifelong learning through collaboration and recognition of occupational demands to be met as a professional. The remaining themes revealed a seasoning journey. This journey entailed a process of mastery through the themes of engagement discord, discovery pilgrimage, transforming, and maturation. The engagement in this journey resulted in their lifelong learning to becoming more intuitive and a part oftheir being. The overall theme uncovered from the journeys was one of a vocation described as a call to thinking critically of nursing practice. The participants responded to lifelong learning as a call to be a good nurse by using critical thinking through reflection, transformative and constructionist learning processes. This study gave voice to the meaning of lifelong learning in their nursing practice as interpreted by -ao the nurse participants.


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Action research is a methodology that supports practitioner research. This study is an exploration of one researcher's practice using the living-theory approach to action research. Initially, my focus was to improve my practice by asking how I can facilitate transformative learning experiences with the teachers with whom I work. As part of this search, I examined the contradictions between my espoused and implicit values. In keeping with the evolving nature of my inquiry, I unveiled the telos that constituted the impetus for my search, which began as a tension about the quality of my interactions and ended as a quest to find my voice among the others'. I used personal narratives, journal entries, a videotaping session, interactions with critical friends and interviews with colleagues and administrators to engage in a process of continuing self- and interactive reflection. Throughout my study, I explored how theoretical concepts intertwine with personal experiences. In the final chapter, I share the possible connections between my living educational theory and a more general theory of transformative learning. I conclude my study with a look at the transformation process I underwent as a result of the study and the new questions I formulated as I began the action research spiral again.


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Purpose: f i rst , an investigation of baseline differences in Health-Related Quality of l i fe (HRQOl) among adhere and non-adhere patients of Phase III cardiac rehabilitation (CR) was examined. Second, among patients who adhered to the program, effectiveness of t reatment based on HRQOl was evaluated. Methods: Data was collected by the Brock University Heart Institute. Participants completed a questionnaire battery at baseline and again at six months i f they were still a client. Results: The physical dimension of HRQOl differed at baseline between the adhere and non-adhere groups. for everyone point increase in physical HRQOl scores there was an associated 1.06 times greater likelihood that an individual would adhere to the program. Second, in those who adhered to the program for six months, physical HRQOl scores improved 3.18 points. Conclusions: Phase III CR significant improves HRQOl in patients suffering f rom cardiovascular disease.


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Background: CVD is the second leading cause of death in Canada. Mastery and self-esteem are psychosocial factors, suggested to be emerging risk factors for CVD. Purpose: The purpose of the study was two-fold; first to establish whether mastery and self-esteem predicted adherence to maintenance CR; and second, whether mastery and self-esteem improved after a 6-month maintenance CR program. Methods: Data were collected at the Brock University Heart Institute. The study involved a sample of 98 participants. At intake to the program and 6-month follow-up, participants completed a questionnaire battery which included the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Pearlin-Schooler Mastery Scale. Results: Mastery and self-esteem scores did not alter the likelihood of adherence to the CR program. Mastery and self-esteem did significantly improve after 6-months of CR amongst participants with the lowest exercise capacity. Conclusion: Maintenance CR does improve mastery and self-esteem amongst those with diminished exercise capacity.


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This research paper examines themes of power and privilege that occur within service-learning as described by 3 Ontario universities on their service-learning websites. Due to size and time restrictions, this paper was able to examine only 3 Ontario universities: Brock, Wilfrid Laurier, and Lakehead. The purpose of this study is geared towards service-learning practitioners in order for the universities and students to become more self-aware of their immense place of privilege within the service-learning context. Qualitative narrative analysis research methods were employed in this purposeful sample to examine how each university’s story of service-learning reflected themes of power and privilege. The research found that each university posed a unique narrative of service-learning representing various stakeholders’ voices and presence in different ways on their website. Brock largely focuses on faculty and student voices. Laurier intentionally attempts to include all three stakeholder voices, although still favours students and the university as an audience over the community. Lakehead’s unique program includes a plethora of voices and intends much of their information for the community members, students, and the university. The implications of this research demonstrate that universities have a large amount of power and privilege, which is carried through to the students within the service-learning partnership.


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This study contributes to current research on voice behaviour by investigating several under-explored drivers that motivate employees’ expression of constructive ideas about work-related issues. It draws from the concept of psychological climate to examine how voice behaviour is influenced by employees’ (1) personal resources (tenacity and passion for work), (2) perceptions of social interdependence (task and outcome interdependence), and (3) supervisor leadership style (transformational and transactional). Using a multi-source research design, surveys were administered to 226 employees and to 24 supervisors at a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization. The hypotheses are tested with hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that employees are more likely to engage in voice behaviour to the extent that they exhibit higher levels of passion for work. Further, their voice behaviour is lower to the extent that their supervisor adopts a transformational leadership style characterized by high performance expectations or a transactional leadership style based on contingent rewards and contingent punishment behaviours. The study reveals that there are no significant effects of tenacity, social interdependence, and behaviour-focused transformational leadership on voice. The findings have significant implications for organizations that seek to encourage employee behaviours that help improve current work practices or undo harmful situations.