8 resultados para Venus probes.

em Brock University, Canada


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A polyclonal antiserum was prepared against a purified microsomal chitinase isolated from the fungus Choanephora cucurbitarum. Indirect immunofluorescence was used to localize chitinase at various developmental stages of five zygomycetous fungi and during abiotrophic mycoparasite interaction with a susceptible and resistant host. This was compared to localization of oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Dotimmunoblot and Western blot techniques revealed that the anti-serum reacted strongly with the antigen from which it was derived. Cross reactivity of the antiserum was found with WGA and another chitin binding lectin, Phyto/acca americana agglutinin (PAA). Immuno-fluorescence results showed the direct involvement of chitinase in spore swelling, germination, sporangium development and response during mechanical injury. There appeared to be no involvement of chitinase during apical hyphal growth or new branch initiation in any of the fungi tested despite mild proteolysis and permeabilization of the cell surface prior to labelling. Binding with WGA revealed similar patterns of fluorescence to that of chitinase localization but differed by showing fluorescence and therefore chitin localization at the apex and new branch initiation when tested at different developmental stages. There was no difference between chitinase localization and binding with WGA in a susceptible host and resistant host challenged with the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. Differences in binding ability of antichitinase and lectin WGA suggests that the latter is not a suitable indicator for indirect localization of the lytic enzyme, chitinase.


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The present study evaluated the use of stimulus equivalence in teaching monetary skills to school aged children with autism. An AB within-subject design with periodic probes was used. At pretest, three participants demonstrated relation DA, an auditory-visual relation (matching dictated coin values to printed coin prices). Using a three-choice match-to-sample procedure, with a multi-component intervention package, these participants were taught two trained relations, BA (matching coins to printed prices) and CA (matching coin combinations to printed prices). Two participants achieved positive tests of equivalence, and the third participant demonstrated emergent performances with a symmetric and transitive relation. In addition, two participants were able to show generalization of learned skills with a parent, in a second naturalistic setting. The present research replicates and extends the results of previous studies by demonstrating that stimulus equivalence can be used to teach an adaptive skill to children with autism.


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This study assessed the effectiveness of a reciprocal teaching program as a method of teaching reading comprehension, using narrative text material in a t.ypical grade seven classroom. In order to determine the effectiveness of the reciprocal teaching program, this method was compared to two other reading instruction approaches that, unlike rcciprocal teaching, did not include social interaction components. Two intact grade scven classes, and a grade seven teacher, participated in this study. Students were appropriately assigned to three treatment groups by reading achievement level as determined from a norm-referenced test. Training proceeded for a five week intervention period during regularly scheduled English periods. Throughout the program curriculum-based tests were administered. These tests were designed to assess comprehension in two distinct ways; namely, character analysis components as they relate to narrative text, and strategy use components as they contribute to student understanding of narrative and expository text. Pre, post, and maintenance tests were administered to measure overall training effects. Moreover, during intervention, training probes were administered in the last period of each week to evaluate treatment group performance. AU curriculum-based tests were coded and comparisons of pre, post, maintenance tests and training probes were presented in graph form. Results showed that the reciprocal group achieved some improvement in reading comprehension scores in the strategy use component of the tests. No improvements were observed for the character analysis components of the curriculum-based tests and the norm-referenced tests. At pre and post intervention, interviews requiring students to respond to questions that addressed metacomprehension awareness of study strategies were administered. The intelviews were coded and comparisons were made between the two intelVicws. No significant improvements were observed regarding student awareness of ten identified study strategies . This study indicated that reciprocal teaching is a viable approach that can be utilized to help students acquire more effective comprehension strategies. However, the maximum utility of the technique when administered to a population of grade seven students performing at average to above average levels of reading achievement has yet to be determined. In order to explore this issue, the refinement of training materials and curriculum-based measurements need to be explored. As well, this study revealed that reciprocal teaching placed heavier demands on the classroom teacher when compared to other reading instruction methods. This may suggest that innovative and intensive teacher training techniques are required before it is feasible to use this method in the classroom.


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The spatial limits of the active site in the benzylic hydroxylase enzyme of the fungus Mortierella isabellina were investigated. Several molecular probes were used in incubation experiments to determine the acceptability of each compound by this enzyme. The yields of benzylic alcohols provided information on the acceptability of the particular compound into the active site, and the enantiomeric excess values provided information on the "fit" of acceptable substrates. Measurements of the molecular models were made using Cambridge Scientific Computing Inc. CSC Chem 3D Plus modeling program. i The dimensional limits of the aromatic binding pocket of the benzylic hydroxylase were tested using suitably substituted ethyl benzenes. Both the depth (para substituted substrates) and width (ortho and meta substituted substrates) of this region were investigated, with results demonstrating absolute spatial limits in both directions in the plane of the aromatic ring of 7.3 Angstroms for the depth and 7.1 Angstroms for the width. A minimum requirement for the height of this region has also been established at 6.2 Angstroms. The region containing the active oxygen species was also investigated, using a series of alkylphenylmethanes and fused ring systems in indan, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and benzocycloheptene substrates. A maximum distance of 6.9 Angstroms (including the 1.5 Angstroms from the phenyl substituent to the active center of the heme prosthetic group of the enzyme) has been established extending directly in ii front of the aromatic binding pocket. The other dimensions in this region of the benzylic hydroxylase active site will require further investigation to establish maximum allowable values. An explanation of the stereochemical distributions in the obtained products has also been put forth that correlates well with the experimental observations.


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The successful development of stable biosensors incorporating entrapped proteins suffers from poor understanding of the properties of the entrapped biomolecules. This thesis reports on the use of fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate the properties of proteins entrapped in sol-gel processed silicate materials. Two different single tryptophan (Trp) proteins were investigated in this thesis, the Ca2 + binding protein cod III parvalbumin (C3P) and the salicylate binding protein human serum albumin (HSA). Furthermore, the reactive single cysteine (Cys) residue within C3P and HSA were labelled with the probes iodoacetoxynitrobenzoxadiazole (C3P) and acrylodan (C3P and HSA) to further examine the structure, stability and function of the free and entrapped proteins. The results show that both C3P and HSA can be successfully entrapped into sol-gelderived matrices with retention of function and conformational flexibility.


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Polyclonal antibodies prepared against the two glycoproteins (Mr 100 and 85 kDa) involved in recognition and attachment of the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana, to its hosts, Mortierella pusilla and Phascolomyces articulosus, susceptible and resistant, respectively, were employed to localize the antigens at their cell surfaces. Indirect immunocytochemical technique using secondary antibodies labelled with either FITC or gold particles as probes, were used. FITC-Iabelled antibodies revealed a discontinous pattern of fluorescence on the hyphae of MortlerelLa pusilla and no fluorescence on the hyphae of Phascolomyces articulosus. Intensity of fluorescence was high in the germinating spores of both the fungi. Fluoresence could be observed on P. articulosus hyphae pretreated with a commercial proteinase. Fluorescence was not observed on either hyphae or germinating spores of the nonhost M0 r tie re11 a ca ndelabrum and the mycoparasite P. virginiana. Antibodies labelled with gold conjugate showed a different pattern of antigen localization on the hyphal walls of the susceptible and resistant hosts. Patches of gold particles were observed allover the whole cell wall of the susceptible host but only on the inner cell wall layer of the resistant host. Cell wall fragments of the susceptible host but not those of the resistant host, previously incubated with the antibodies inhibited attachment of the mycoparasite. Implications of preferential localization of the antigen in the resistant host and its absence in the nonhost are described.


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Age-related differences in information processing have often been explained through deficits in older adults' ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli and suppress inappropriate responses through inhibitory control processes. Functional imaging work on young adults by Nelson and colleagues (2003) has indicated that inferior frontal and anterior cingulate cortex playa key role in resolving interference effects during a delay-to-match memory task. Specifically, inferior frontal cortex appeared to be recruited under conditions of context interference while the anterior cingulate was associated with interference resolution at the stage of response selection. Related work has shown that specific neural activities related to interference resolution are not preserved in older adults, supporting the notion of age-related declines in inhibitory control (Jonides et aI., 2000, West et aI., 2004b). In this study the time course and nature of these inhibition-related processes were investigated in young and old adults using high-density ERPs collected during a modified Sternberg task. Participants were presented with four target letters followed by a probe that either did or did not match one of the target letters held in working memory. Inhibitory processes were evoked by manipulating the nature of cognitive conflict in a particular trial. Conflict in working memory was elicited through the presentation of a probe letter in immediately previous target sets. Response-based conflict was produced by presenting a negative probe that had just been viewed as a positive probe on the previous trial. Younger adults displayed a larger orienting response (P3a and P3b) to positive probes relative to a non-target baseline. Older adults produced the orienting P3a and 3 P3b waveforms but their responses did not differentiate between target and non-target stimuli. This age-related change in response to targetness is discussed in terms of "early selection/late correction" models of cognitive ageing. Younger adults also showed a sensitivity in their N450 response to different levels of interference. Source analysis of the N450 responses to the conflict trials of younger adults indicated an initial dipole in inferior frontal cortex and a subsequent dipole in anterior cingulate cortex, suggesting that inferior prefrontal regions may recruit the anterior cingulate to exert cognitive control functions. Individual older adults did show some evidence of an N450 response to conflict; however, this response was attenuated by a co-occurring positive deflection in the N450 time window. It is suggested that this positivity may reflect a form of compensatory activity in older adults to adapt to their decline in inhibitory control.


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It has been proposed that phages can be used commercially as a biopesticide for the control of fire blight caused by the phytopathogen Erwinia amylovora. The aim of these studies was to investigate two common bacterial resistance mechanisms, lysogeny and exopolysaccharide production and their influence on phage pathogenesis. A multiplex real-time PCR protocol was designed to monitor and quantify Podoviridae and Myoviridae phages. This protocol is compatible with known E. amylovora and Pantoea agglomerans rtPCR primers/probes which allowed simultaneous study of both phage and bacterial targets. Using in vitro positive phage selection, bacteriophage insensitive derivatives were isolated within sensitive populations of E. amylovora. Prophage screening with real-time PCR and mitomycin C induction determined that the insensitive derivatives harboured the temperate Podoviridae phage ΦEaTlOO. Lysogenic conversion resulted in resistance to secondary homologous phage infections. Prophage screening of environmental samples of E. amylovora and P. agglomerans collected from various locations in Canada, United States and Europe did not demonstrate lysogeny. Therefore, lysogeny is rare or absent while these bacterial species reside on the plant. Recombineering was used to construct exopolysaccharide deficient E. amylovora mutants. The EPS amylovoran mutants became resistant to Podoviridae and certain Siphoviridae phages. Increasing amylovoran production increased phage population growth, presumably by increasing the total number of bacterial cell surface receptors which promoted increased phage infections. In contrast, amylovoran did not playa role in Myoviridae infections, nor did production of the EPS levan for any phage pathogenesis.