25 resultados para Vellum manuscript

em Brock University, Canada


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The text reads as follows: nomen Domini invocabo. V. Date magnitudinem Deo nostro: Deus, vera opera eius, et omnes viae eius indicia. V. Deus fidelis, in quo….. Translated: I will invoke the name of the Lord. V. Give ye magnificence to our God: The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. V. Let my doctrine gather as the rain…..


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The text reads as follows: Narrator: Passio domini nostri iesu christi secundum matheum. In illo tempore dixit iusus discipulis suis. Christ: Scritis quia post biduum pascha fiet, et filius hominis tradetur ut crucifigatur. Narrator: Tumc congregati sunt principes sacerdotum et seniores populi, in atrium principis… Translated: Narrator: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew. “And it came to pass when Jesus had finished all of these words that he said to his disciples: Christ: You know that after two days the Passover will be here; and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified. Narrator: Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered together in the court of the high priest…


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Transcript (spelling and grammar retained): Chippawa [Chippewa] 28th August 1860 My Dear Sir I duly received your very kind letter of the 24th [June] asking me to communicate such facts of general interest connected with my career during the War with the United States. I have no objection to afford you such information as came under my own observation; nevertheless I do so, with the understanding, I have no desire to be my own trumpeter. With respect to your circular wherein you state you have been for several years collecting materials for a History of the late War between the United States & Great Britain, for which you are now gathering further materials to add to your collection, concerning the Second War for Independence. I am rather at a loss to know, what is meant by the second war; If you allude to the petty Rebellion, it could not be called a War, Those that caused the outbreak were very soon put down, by the Loyal people of the Province without the aid of Regular Troops being satisfied with the Independence they enjoyed. With respect to the several questions names in your circular: To the 1st I would say, this locality is made memorable by the battle of Chippawa [Chippewa] which took place about a mile above the village on the ground I pointed out to you, when I had the pleasure of seeing you a few days ago, with Mr Porter of the Niagara Falls, of which I believe you took sketches at the time. 2nd I have no historical documents of any value; so many years having gone past, the most of my old papers have either been lost or destroyed, I however came across two letters, one dated Queenston 9th July 1812 from Lt. Col. Nicholl Quarter Master General of Militia, the other from Lt. Col Myers Deputy Quarter Master General of the Regular Army date Fort George 23rd same month, directed to me in the hand writing of each of those officers as Deputy Quarter Master General of Militia, which letters I shall be obliged you would return at as early a day possible, as I wish to place them with tome others in the case, I have had made to hold the cocked hat & feather I wore during that eventful period, which I am sorry I did not exhibit when you was at my house; with reference to it I now enclose a letter from Lt. Col. Clark, residing at Port Dalhousie he was Captain & Adjutant of Militia in the War of 1812__ I send the letter in proof of the cock’d hat it is a lengthy one, but you may find time to turn over it, as I shall also place it in the hat case__ 3rd Where are [but] [for] traditionary [sic] witnesses residing in this vicinity – Col Clark above named Mr Merritt of St. Catharines, & Mr Kerby of Brantford are the only ones I now recollect, who could offord [sic] you any statistical information. 4th I have no pictorial sketches of any Military Movements or fortifications. As regards my own career, which you appear [ ? ] of knowing__ I was first a Lieutenant in a volunteer flank company stationed on the river side opposite [Navy] Island not far from the battle ground of Chippawa [Chippewa], I got promotion as Lieutenant of Cavalry before I got my Cavalry dress completed in three days more, I was called by General Brock to Fort George, was appointed Deputy Quarter Master General of Militia with the rank of Captain s the accompanying letters will show. I was at the battle of Stony Creek, several skirmishes at the Cross Roads, when the American army [ ? ] Fort George, at the taking of Col. Boerstler at the Beaver Dam, & had the honor of receiving Colonel Chapens sword at the surrender, who commanded a company of volunteer Horse Men was at the taking of 15 regulars & two officers at Fort Schlosser—was with Col. Bishop at the taking of Black Rock, near him when he fell, three men of the 8th Reg. more killed in the Boat I was in – I was at Chippawa battle, and the last, not the least in Lundy’s lane battle, which the Americans call the battle of Bridge [Waters]. I had forgot; there was another small affair at Corks Mill where I was. I could write a little history of events, but have not the time to do so. If what I have stated will be of any service for the purpose you require I shall feel happy. The history of the late War was published at Toronto in the Anglo American Magazine. Did you ever see it, I have the Books, there were however several errors which came under my notice, which I could have corrected. If my time would permit I could give you a more detailed statement of events. I trust however you may succeed with your publication , and I shall be most happy to hear from you at all times—I related many little occurances verbally to you when here, which I thought not necessary to repeat again as you would have a perfect recollection of them. Be pleased to return the letters for the purpose I require them. I am My Dear Sir Your respectful friend James Cummings


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Indenture (vellum) regarding land sold by John Fink and Polly Fink of Clinton Township to Jacob Cross of Clifton Township. The land includes 100 acres in Lot no. 9 in the 4th Concession in the Township of Clinton - instrument no. 6543, May 27, 1818.


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Indenture (vellum) between George Upper of Niagara to Joseph Augustus Woodruff of Niagara for the sale of the east half of lot no. 28 in the 2nd Concession on Nissouri. This was registered March 17, 1853 in folio 128 - instrument no. 114, December 1, 1852.


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Indenture (vellum) of bargain and sale between James Henderson of the City of Toronto and James Zimmerman of the Town of Clifton to Thomas S. Helliwell of St. Catharines for the east half of Lot no. 18 in the Township of Warwick. This was recorded on June 13, 1857 in Liber B for Warwick, folio 283 memorial no. 714, June 4, 1857.


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Indenture of Bargain and Sale (vellum) between Captain George Salmon, formerly of Upper Canada and now of Middlesex, England and Charles Hampden Turner of Surrey, England for 1,200 acres lying in the Township of Windham in the County of Norfolk in the province of Upper Canada, May 5, 1819.


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Indenture of bargain and sale (vellum) between David William Smith of Alnwick, Great Britain and William Dickson of Niagara for 90 acres in the Township of Niagara –instrument no. 5926. Attached to this is a notice of Power of Attorney dated Apr. 6, 1810, which states that David William Smith of Alnwick, Great Britain allows James Crooks of Niagara to be his lawful attorney. The power of attorney is slightly torn. This does not affect the text, Sept. 21, 1810.


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Indenture (vellum) between William Dickson of Niagara and Robert Dickson for land in the Township of Niagara – indenture no. 6980 [?] This was registered on Oct. 9, 1826 in Book K, folio 203. This document is stained and quite faded. This does affect the text, April 1, 1821.


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Indenture (vellum) of bargain and sale between William Dickson, Thomas Dickson and Thomas Clark, executors of the late Robert Hamilton of Queenston to George Moffat for land in Burford, Beverly and Grimsby, Ontario, Feb. 27, 1827.


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Indenture of bargain and sale (vellum) between the Honourable William Dickson of Galt and Martin Hiler of Dumphries for 125 acres in Lots no. 24 and 25 in the 6th concession in Dumphries, June 2, 1830.


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Indenture (vellum) of bargain and sale between the Honourable William Dickson of Galt and Robert Dickson of Niagara for 31 acres in the Township of Niagara – instrument no. 966. This was recorded on Aug. 26, 1842 in Book B, folio 532-533 in the County of Lincoln Register, Nov. 8, 1830.


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Indenture (vellum) between the Honorable William Dickson of Galt to Robert Dickson of Niagara, William Dickson the Younger of Galt and Walter Dickson of Niagara for 3 roods and 38 perches in the Village of Galt in the Township of Dumphries. This is enclosed in a vellum folder, Oct. 18, 1836.


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Indenture (vellum) between the Honourable William Dickson of Niagara and Robert Dickson of Niagara for 970 acres in the 1st and 2nd Concessions of Dumphries. Some of the details on the outside of the document are faded and illegible. All text on the inside is legible, Jan. 9, 1841.


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Indenture (vellum) between the Honourable William Dickson of Niagara and Robert Dickson of Niagara for the mill tract and town plot in Dumfries, Ontario, Jan. 16, 1841.