5 resultados para ULTRAMAFIC SOILS

em Brock University, Canada


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The study area is situated in NE Newfoundland between Gander Lake and the north coast and on the boundary between the Gander and Botwood tectonostratigraphic zones (Williams et al., 1974). The area is underlain by three NE trending units; the Gander Group, the Gander River Ultramafic Belt (the GRUB) and the Davidsville Group. The easternmost Gander Group consists of a thick, psammitic unit composed predominantly of psammitic schist and a thinner, mixed unit of semipelitic and pelitic schist with minor psammite. The mixed unit may stratigraphically overlie the psammitic unit or be a lateral facies equivalent of the latter. No fossils have been recovered from the Gander Group. The GRUB is a terrain of mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks with minor pillow lava and plagiogranite. It is interpreted to be a dismembered ophiolite in thrust contact with the Gander Group. The westernmost Davidsville Group consists of a basal conglomerate, believed deposited unconformably upon the GRUB from which it was derived, and an upper unit of greywacke and slate, mostly of turbidite origin, with minor limestone and calcareous sandstone. The limestone, which lies near the base of the unit, contains Upper Llanvirn to Lower Llandeilo fossils. The Gander and Davidsville Groups display distinctly different sedimentological , structural and metamorphic histories. The Gander Group consists of quartz-rich, relatively mature sediment. It has suffered three pre-Llanvirn deformations, of which the main deformation, Dp produced a major, NE-N-facing recumbent anticline in the southern part of the study area. Middle greenschist conditions existed from D^ to D- with growth of metamorphic minerals during each dynamic and static phase. In contrast, the mineralogically immature Davidsville Group sediment contains abundant mafic and ultramafic detritus which is absent from the Gander Group. The Davidsville Group displays the effects of a single penetrative deformation with localized D_ and D_ features, all of which can be shown to postdate D_ in the Gander Group. Rotation of the flat Gander S- into a subvertical orientation near the contact with the GRUB and the Davidsville Group is believed to be a Davidsville D^ feature. Regional metamorphism in the Davidsville Group is lower greenschist with a single growth phase, MS . These sedimentological, structural and metamorphic differences between the Gander and Davidsville Groups persist even where the GRUB is absent and the two units are in contact, indicating that the tectonic histories of the Gander and Davidsville Groups are distinctly different. Structural features in the GRUB, locally the result of multiple deformations, may be the result of Gander and/or Davidsville deformations. Metamorphism is in the greenschist facies. Geochemical analyses of the pillow lava suggest that these rocks were formed in a back-arc basin. Mafic intrusives in the Gander Group appear to be the result of magraatism separate from that producing the pillow lava. The Gander Group is interpreted to be a continental rise prism deposited on the eastern margin of the Late Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic lapetus Ocean. The GRUB, oceanic crust possibly formed in a marginal basin to the west, is believed to have been thrust eastward over the Gander Group, deforming the latter, during the pre-Llanvirnian, possibly Precambrian, Ganderian Orogeny. The Middle Ordovician and younger Davidsville Group was derived from, and deposited unconformably on, this deformed terrain. Deformation of the Davidsville Group occurred during the Middle Devonian Acadian Orogeny.


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In light of the fact that literature on toxicity of heavy metals in non-acidified freshwater systems is sparse, this project was initiated to conduct an environmental assessment of Lake Gibson. Chemistry of soils from adjacent areas and vineyards in the region provide a comparative background database. Water quality determinations were used to identify and highlight areas of environmental concern within the Lake Gibson watershed. A Shelby Corer was used to obtain 66 sediment cores from Lake Gibson. These were sectioned according to lithology and color to yield 298 samples. A suite of 122 soil samples was collected in the region and vicinity of Lake Gibson. All were tested for metals and some for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). Evaluation of the results leads to the following conclusions: 1. Metal concentrations ofAI, Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Fe and Zn in soils from the Niagara Region are well below background limits set by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MOEE) for provincial soils. 2. There is a spatial and depth difference for some of the metals within the various soils. The Cr, Ni and Pb contents of soils vary throughout the region (p


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The effects. of moisture, cation concentration, dens ity , temper~ t ure and grai n si ze on the electrical resistivity of so il s are examined using laboratory prepared soils. An i nexpen si ve method for preparing soils of different compositions was developed by mixing various size fractions i n the laboratory. Moisture and cation c oncentration are related to soil resistivity by powe r functions, whereas soil resistiv ity and temperature, density, Yo gravel, sand , sil t, and clay are related by exponential functions . A total of 1066 cases (8528 data) from all the experiments were used in a step-wise multiple linear r egression to determine the effect of each variable on soil resistivity. Six variables out of the eight variables studied account for 92.57/. of the total variance in so il resistivity with a correlation coefficient of 0.96. The other two variables (silt and gravel) did not increase the · variance. Moisture content was found to be - the most important Yo clay. variable- affecting s oil res istivi ty followed by These two variables account for 90.81Yo of the total variance in soil resistivity with a correlation ~oefficient ·.of 0 . 95. Based on these results an equation to ' ~~ed{ ct soil r esist ivi ty using moisture and Yo clay is developed . To t est the predicted equation, resistivity measurements were made on natural soils both in s i tu a nd i n the laboratory. The data show that field and laboratory measurements are comparable. The predicted regression line c losely coinciqes with resistivity data from area A and area B soils ~clayey and silty~clayey sands). Resistivity data and the predicted regression line in the case of c layey soils (clays> 40%) do not coincide, especially a t l ess than 15% moisture. The regression equation overestimates the resistivity of so i l s from area C and underestimates for area D soils. Laboratory prepared high clay soils give similar trends. The deviations are probably caused by heterogeneous distribution of mo i sture and difference in the type o f cl ays present in these soils.


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The Niagara P e n i n s u l a Supports a f l o u r i s h i n g grape and wine i n d u s t r y , where much of the potassium f e r t i l i z e r a p p l i e d to the vineyard s o i l s may not show up in the f r u i t or vines but is fixed by the clay m i n e r a l s in the s o i l . Soil samples were c o l l e c t e d on a n o r t h - s o u t h l i ne through a high d e n s i t y of v i n e y a r d s and examined by x - r a y d i f f r a c t i o n to determine the r e l a t i o n s h i p of potassium with r e s p e c t to c l a y minerals p r e s e n t . The i n v e s t i g a t i o n shows the p h y l l o s i l i c a t e m i n e r a l s present t o be i l l i t e , c h l o r i t e and v e r m i c u l i t e . The v e r m i c u l i t e p r e s e n t is not t h e usual M g - v e r m i c u l i t e , but a K - v e r m i c u l i t e which can be c o n s i d e r e d as a degraded i l l i t e - - t h a t i s , an i l l i t e which has l o s t potassium i o n s . The r e s u l t i n g K - d e f i c i e n t mineral possesses a very l i m i t e d expansion l a t t i ce and is capable of c a p t u r i n g potassium ions and c o n v e r t i n g back t o the i l l i t e form. A g r i c u l t u r a l l y , t h i s causes potassium d e f i c i e n c y in p l a n t s.


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Combined gas chromatography and mass spectrometry has been used to identify unknown residues in soils (especially pesticides). The effect of U.V. light on DDT and linuron and quantitative estimation of elemental sulfur in different soils has also been carried out.