20 resultados para Trophic index
em Brock University, Canada
The purpose of this study was to develop a classifi cation scheme for l ake trophic status based on the relative abundance of l ake sediment diatom trophic indicator species. A total of 600 diatom frustules were counted from the surface sediments of e a ch of 30 lakes selected to repr e seni~ a continuum from u.lt ra-oligotrophic t,o fairly eutrophic but not hype r-' eutrophic conditions. Published autecological information was used to determine the trophic indicator status of each of the s pecies. A quotieht was derived by dividing the s um of all the e utrophic indicator species by the sum of all oligotrophic indicai.-:.or species. Oligo'- mesotrophic. mesotrophic and meso-eutrophic species were added to both the numerator and denomina tor. Five categories of diatom i.nferred trophic status were recognized : ultra-oligotrophic - 0'-0.2:3, oligotrophic::: 0.24-0 . 70, mesotrophic :: 0.'71 -0.99, meso-elxtrophic :: 1. 00-1. '78 and eutrophic:: 1.. 79-2. 43. But only three of these (oligotrophic:: 0-0.69, mesotrophic ::: 0 . 70'-1.69 j and eutrophic:: 1.70-2.50) proved usef ul. The present study of the relationship between diatom inferred trophic status and the literature-derived trophic status of SO lake s (which were purposely chosen to represent a broad spectrum of lakes in Canada) indicated that: 1) Based on diatom species (assemblages ) it is possible to segregate the lakes from which. th",)se diatoms were taken into three basic categories : o ligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic lake types. ~~) It was not possible t,o separate meso-eutrophic and o l igo-mesotrophic lakes f rom mesotrophic l akes as the the degree of overlap betwee n the diat,om species in these lake types was extremely high. 3) Ha d mo r e ul tra-oligotroph,ic lakes been sampled it might have been possible to more a ccurately s eparate them f rom oligotrophic Jakes. 4 ) Had. more humic lakes been sampled in this s tudy I f eel it would have been possible to identify a unique diatom a ssemblage which would h a ve chara cterized t his lake type . Re gression analyses were performed using the aforementioned diatom inferred trophic index as a f unction of 1) log Sec chi transparency (r = - 0.70) 2) total phosphorus (r = 0. 77 ) and 3) chlorophyll-a (r = 0.74). Once e ach of these rel ationships had been established , it was possible to infer paleotrophic (downcore) changes in an oligotrophic lake (Barbara Lake) and in a eutrophic lake (Chemung Lake) . Barbara Llake was dominated by oligotrophic s pecies and remained oligotrophic throughout the 200-·year history r epresented by i t s 32 em long sediment core. Chemung Lake is currently dominated. by eutrophic species but went through a mesotrophic st,age which was associated with a rise in the water level of the lake followi n g dam construction in its watershed in the early 1.900 J ::;. This was followed by its reversion to it,s present day eutrophic stage (dominated by eutrophic species) possibly as a r esult of shallowing process which can be attributed to " silting' up" of the reservoir and the invasion of the l ake by Myriophyllum spjcatum (Eurasian milfoil) i n the 1970's . In addition, nutrient .:r':l.ch run"'offwhich resulted from increased human a.ctivities associated with cottage development along its shores has contribut ed to its eutrophication. There is some evidence that the rat,e o :f its prog ressive eutrophication has declined during the last decade. This was correlated with legislation enacted in the 60's and 70's in Ontario which was aimed at reducing nutrient loading from cottages.
Relationships between surface sediment diatom assemblages and lake trophic status were studied in 50 Canadian Precambrian Shield lakes in the Muskoka-Haliburton and southern Ontario regions. The purpose of this study was to develop mathematical regression models to infer lake trophic status from diatom assemblage data. To achieve this goal, however, additional investigations dealing with the evaluation of lake trophic status and the autecological features of key diatom species were carried out. Because a unifying index and classification for lake trophic status was not available, a new multiple index was developed in this study, by the computation of the physical, chemical and biological data from 85 south Ontario lakes. By using the new trophic parameter, the lake trophic level (TL) was determined: TL = 1.37 In[1 +(TP x Chl-a / SD)], where, TP=total phosphorus, Chl-a=chlorophyll-a and SD=Secchi depth. The boundaries between 7 lake trophic categories (Ultra-oligotrophic lakes: 0-0.24; Oligotrophic lakes: 0.241-1.8; Oligomesotrophic lakes: 1.813.0; Mesotrophic lakes: 3.01-4.20; Mesoeutrophic lakes: 4.21-5.4; Eutrophic lakes: 5.41-10 and Hyper-eutrophic lakes: above 10) were established. The new trophic parameter was more convenient for management of water quality, communication to the public and comparison with other lake trophic status indices than many of the previously published indices because the TL index attempts to Increase understanding of the characteristics of lakes and their comprehensive trophic states. It is more reasonable and clear for a unifying determination of true trophic states of lakes. Diatom specIes autecology analysis was central to this thesis. However, the autecological relationship of diatom species and lake trophic status had not previously been well documented. Based on the investigation of the diatom composition and variety of species abundance in 30 study lakes, the distribution optima of diatom species were determined. These determinations were based on a quantitative method called "weighted average" (Charles 1985). On this basis, the diatom species were classified into five trophic categories (oligotrophic, oligomesotrophic, mesotrophic, mesoeutrophic and eutrophic species groups). The resulting diatom trophic status autecological features were used in the regressIon analysis between diatom assemblages and lake trophic status. When the TL trophic level values of the 30 lakes were regressed against their fi ve corresponding diatom trophic groups, the two mathematical equations for expressing the assumed linear relationship between the diatom assemblages composition were determined by (1) uSIng a single regression technique: Trophic level of lake (TL) = 2.643 - 7.575 log (Index D) (r = 0.88 r2 = 0.77 P = 0.0001; n = 30) Where, Index D = (0% + OM% + M%)/(E% + ME% + M%); 4 (2) uSIng a' multiple regressIon technique: TL=4.285-0.076 0%- 0.055 OM% - 0.026 M% + 0.033 ME% + 0.065 E% (r=0.89, r2=0.792, P=O.OOOl, n=30) There was a significant correlation between measured and diatom inferred trophic levels both by single and multiple regressIon methods (P < 0.0001, n=20), when both models were applied to another 20 test lakes. Their correlation coefficients (r2 ) were also statistically significant (r2 >0.68, n=20). As such, the two transfer function models between diatoms and lake trophic status were validated. The two models obtained as noted above were developed using one group of lakes and then tested using an entirely different group of lakes. This study indicated that diatom assemblages are sensitive to lake trophic status. As indicators of lake trophic status, diatoms are especially useful in situations where no local trophic information is available and in studies of the paleotrophic history of lakes. Diatom autecological information was used to develop a theory assessing water quality and lake trophic status.
The aim of this study was to describe the nonlinear association between body mass index (BMI) and breast cancer outcomes and to determine whether BMI improves prediction of outcomes. A cohort of906 breast cancer patients diagnosed at Henry Ford Health System, Detroit (1985-1990) were studied. The median follow-up was 10 years. Multivariate logistic regression was used to model breast cancer recurrence/progression and breast cancer-specific death. Restricted cubic splines were used to model nonlinear effects. Receiver operator characteristic areas under the curves (ROC AUC) were used to evaluate prediction. BMI was nonlinearly associated with recurrence/progression and death (p= 0.0230 and 0.0101). Probability of outcomes increased with increase or decrease ofBMI away from 25. BMI splines were suggestive of improved prediction of death. The ROC AUCs for nested models with and without BMI were 0.8424 and 0.8331 (p= 0.08). I f causally associated, modifying patients BMI towards 25 may improve outcomes.
Index of names for the Survey of Lands for the Welland Canal Company. The index includes names for people whos lands were surveyed on the line of the canal. The index also includes a very basic geographic location of the lands in reference to the canal (for example, east, west, resevoir. No page numbers are listed.
Index of names for the Welland Canal Company's Survey of Land book, 1826. Includes persons name, land cultivated, uncultivated, total land and remarks. The remarks noted include; who surveyed the lands, the dates of the survey, former property names, additional property features etc.The page is titled: Statement of Lands Surveyed and appropriated to the use of the Welland Canal Company.
This is an index of all the names contained within the Survey of Lands. The names are listed in alphabetical order and are paired with page numbers where more information can be found on the individuals listed. This page lists names beginning with "A" through to an including "N".
This is an index of all the names contained within the Survey of Lands. The names are listed in alphabetical order and are paired with page numbers where more information can be found on the individuals listed. This page lists names beginning with "O" through to an including "Z".
Issues for the March 1813 Weekly Register newspaper (Baltimore, Maryland) are divided and includes the following War of 1812 related stories: March 6th, pages 1-16: Editor's proclamation on reporting on the war (p.1); Declaration of British Parliament - 9 January 1813 (pp.1-6); President's message to Senate and House of Representatives - February 24 (p.8); Events of the War including reports from Ogdensburgh,Battle of Frenchtown with Brigadier General James Winchester, Colonel Henry Proctor, and Round Head; (pp.9-13); naval events (pp.13-15); President Madison's speech - March 4 (pp.15-16). March 13th, pages 17-40 March 20th, pages 41-56 March 27th, pages 57-72 PLEASE CLICK ON THE WEEKLY PERIODICALS ON THE RIGHT OF THE SCREEN (PDF FILES)TO DOWNLOAD FILES. Look for other issues of the Weekly Register within this website. The Weekly Register, also known as Niles Weekly Register, was a weekly periodical edited by Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) and published in Baltimore Maryland. Volumes of interest were published between 1811 (Vol. 1, No. 1, September 7, 1811) to 1814 (Vol. 5, No. 26, February 26, 1814). These volumes focus primarily on 19th century politics and government in the United States of America. Niles edited and published the Weekly Register until 1836, making it one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States. The popularity also made Niles into one of the most influential journalists of his day. Devoted primarily to politics, Niles' Weekly Register is considered an important source for the history of the period. The Register also recorded current economics, technology, science, medicine, geography, archaeology, the weather, and stories of human interest. Call Number: SPCL PER JK 1 N52
Issues for the September 1811 Weekly Register newspaper (Baltimore, Maryland) are divided as follows: September 7th, pages 1-16 September 14th, pages 17-32 September 21st, pages 33-48 September 28th, pages 49-72 PLEASE CLICK ON THE WEEKLY PERIODICALS ON THE RIGHT OF THE SCREEN (PDF FILES)TO DOWNLOAD FILES. Look for other issues of the Weekly Register within this website. The Weekly Register, also known as Niles Weekly Register, was a weekly periodical edited by Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) and published in Baltimore Maryland. Volumes of interest were published between 1811 (Vol. 1, No. 1, September 7, 1811) to 1814 (Vol. 5, No. 26, February 26, 1814). These volumes focus primarily on 19th century politics and government in the United States of America. Niles edited and published the Weekly Register until 1836, making it one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States. The popularity also made Niles into one of the most influential journalists of his day. Devoted primarily to politics, Niles' Weekly Register is considered an important source for the history of the period. The Register also recorded current economics, technology, science, medicine, geography, archaeology, the weather, and stories of human interest. Call Number: SPCL PER JK 1 N52
Specific pages related to the War of 1812 include: Pages 655, 656, 657: Battles on the Niagara Frontier, with the death of Major General Sir Isaac Brock at the Battle of Queenston Heights on October 13, 1812. Page 670: Oct 13 - Obituary for Major General Sir Isaac Brock. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. The magazine contains accounts of important historical events, abstracts of foreign occurrences, letters from noted figures, articles on geography, biographical entries for prominent people, poems, statistics, obituaries, reviews of books and more.
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 673-700 January pages 1-96 February pages 97-192 March pages 193-296 April pages 297-400 Prefix to May pages 401-408 * May pages 401-504 June pages 505-600 Supplement pages 601-672 *Pages 401-408 are duplicated. Please check both the Prefix to May and May for these pages listed in the Index.
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-728 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 529-632 Supplement pages 633-704
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 January pages 1-104 February pages 105-208 March pages 209-312 April pages 313-424 May pages 425-528 June pages 529-632 Supplement pages 633-704
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were Printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. This bound volume has been divided by months. The page divisions are as listed. Index pages 705-732 July pages 1-96 August pages 97-200 September pages 201-304 October pages 305-408 November pages 409-512 December pages 513-632 Supplement pages 633-704