9 resultados para Time-dependent variables
em Brock University, Canada
Acute alterations in cell volume can substantively modulate subsequent metabolism of substrates. However, how such alterations in skeletal muscle modulate protein metabolism is limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the time dependent influence of extracellular osmotic stress on protein turnover in skeletal muscle cells. L6 cells were incubated in hyperosmotic (HYPER; 425.3 ± 1.8mmol/kg), hypo-osmotic (HYPO; 235.4 ± 1.0mmol/kg) or control (CON; 333.5 ± 1.4mmol/kg) media for 4, 8, 12, or 24hrs. During the final 4hrs, incorporation of L-[ring-3,5-3H]-tyrosine was measured to estimate protein synthesis. Western blotting measured markers of protein synthesis and degradation. No differences were observed in any outcomes except p70S6K phosphorylation whereby HYPO was lower (p<0.05) than CON and HYPER; which remained similar except for a large increase at 8hrs for HYPER. These findings suggest that regardless of duration, extracellular osmotic stress does not significantly affect protein metabolism in L6 cells.
Obesity is a condition associated with a wide variety of health problems including hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, certain forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and gallstones (157). TTiere is growing evidence that obesity may also be related to compromised immune function due to altered metabolic, psychological, and physical attributes (93). The aim of this study was to compare: a) immunity-related variables such as frequency of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) levels between overweight/obese (OB) and normal weight (NW) early-pubertal and late-pubertal girls, and b) stress-related variables such as Cortisol, melatonin, the melatonin/cortisol ratio, testosterone and the testosterone/cortisol ratio. Physical activity levels, stress indicators, and fatigue were used to explain potential differences in the dependent variables. It was hypothesized that the OB females would have lower melatonin (M) and higher Cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) levels compared with NW girls, regardless of maturity status. The altered levels of melatonin, Cortisol, and testosterone, would result in decreased M/C and T/C ratios, despite the increase in testosterone in OB females. It was hypothesized that this altered hormonal status results in a compromised immunity marked by higher frequency of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and decreased levels of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA). It was also hypothesized that OB girls would participate in less hours of physical activity than their NW counterparts and that this would relate to their stress and immunity levels. Forty (16 early- and 24 late-pubertal) overweight and obese females were compared to fifty-three (27 eariy- and 26 late-pubertal) age-matched normal-weight control subjects. Participants were categorized as early-pubertal (EP) or late-pubertal (LP) using Tanner self-staging of secondary sex characteristics. Subjects were classified into the two adiposity groups according to relative body fat (%BF), where normal weight (NW) subjects had a %BF less than 25%, and overweight and obese (OB) subjects had a %BF greater than 27.5%. Participants completed a number of questionnaires and information was collected on menstrual history, smoking history, alcohol and caffeine consumption, and medical history. Following the determination of maturity status, a complete anthropometric assessment was made including height, body mass, and body composition. All questionnaires and measurements were completed during a one-hour visit between 1 500 and 1900 hours Relative body fat was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Resting saliva samples were obtained and assayed (ELISA) for testosterone, Cortisol, melatonin and secretory immunoglobulin A. Physical activity was self-reported using the Godin- Shephard Leisure time questionnaire, and quantified using Actigraph GTIM accelerometers, which participants wore for seven consecutive days from the time they woke up in the morning, until the time they went to bed. Late-pubertal girls also completed questionnaires on their perceived stress and fatigue. Finally, all participants also filled out a one-month health log to record frequency of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Significant age effects were found for testosterone, Cortisol, incidence of sickness, and sIgA when controlling for physical activity, however there were no significant effects of adiposity on any of the variables. There was a trend which neared-significance for an effect of adiposity on sIgA (p=0.01). There were no significant differences between the groups on the total selfreported leisure-time physical activity in METs per week, however EP girls recorded significantly greater levels of moderate, hard, and very hard physical activity from accelerometers. Results of the perceived stress and fatigue questionnaires in late-pubertal girls demonstrated that contrary to what was hypothesized, NW girls reported more stress and more fatigue than OB girls. Results of the present study suggest that excess adiposity in early- and latepubescent girls may not have a negative impact on immunity as hypothesized.
The following study was a secondary analysis of data drawn from adolescents in South Western Ontario. The purpose of the study was to: examine the relationships among substance use and school outcomes, explore the relationships between gender and school outcomes, examine the moderating potential of gender on the substance useschool outcomes relationship, and to provide researchers and educators further knowledge of adolescent substance use behaviours. Many previous studies have failed to include the three most common substances used by adolescents (i.e., alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana). Furthermore, many studies have included only one school outcome instead of comparing several outcome variables. Moderated hierarchical regression was used to determine if gender moderated the substance use-school outcomes relationships. The dependent variables consisted of alcohol use, binge drinking, tobacco use, and marijuana use. Five measure of school outcomes were used as independent variables, including Grade Point Average, Positive School-role Behaviour, Negative School Behaviour, School Withdrawal, and School Misbehaviour. The results for this study indicated that substance use and gender were both predictors of all school outcome variables. Furthermore, gender was found to moderate 5 of the 25 substance use-school outcome relationships.
Objective: The adventitia has been recognized to play important roles in vascular oxidative stress, remodelling and contraction. We recently demonstrated that adventitial fibroblasts are able to express endothelin-1 (ET-1) in response to angiotensin II (ANG II). However, the mechanisms by which ANG II induces ET-1 expression are unknown. It is also unclear whether the ET-1 receptors are expressed in the adventitia. We therefore examined the role of oxidative stress in the regulation of ET-1. We also investigated the expression of both the ETA and ETB receptors and the roles of these two types of receptors in collagen synthesis and ET-1 clearance in adventitial fibroblasts. Methods and Results: Adventitial fibroblasts were isolated and cultured from the thoracic mouse aorta. Cells were treated with ANG II (lOOnM), ET-1 (lOpM), NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin (lOOfiM), the superoxide anion scavenger tempol (lOOfiM), the ANG II receptor antagonists (100[aM), losartan (AT| receptor) and PD 1233 19 (AT2 receptor), the ET-1 receptor antagonists (lOOuM), BQ123 (ETA receptor) and BQ788 (ETB receptor), and the ETB receptor agonist (lOOnM) Sarafotoxin 6C. ET-1 peptide levels were determined by ELISA, while ETA ,ETB and collagen levels were determined by Western blot. ANG II increased ET-1 peptide levels in a time-dependent manner reaching significance when incubated for 24 hours. NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor, apocynin, as well as the superoxide scanverger, tempol, significantly reduced ANG Il-induced ET-1 peptide levels while over-expression of SOD1 (endogenous antioxidant enzyme) significantly decreased ANG Il-induced collagen I expression, therefore implicating reactive oxygen species in the mediation of ET-1. ANG II increased ETA receptor protein as well as collagen in a similar fashion, reaching significance after 4, 6, and 24 hours treatment. ANG II induced collagen was reduced while in the presence of the ETA receptor antagonist suggesting the role of the ETa receptor in the regulation of the extracellular matrix. ANG II treatment also increased ETB receptor protein levels in a time-dependent manner. ANG II treatment in the presence of the ETB receptor antagonist significantly increased ET-1 peptide levels. On another hand, the ETB receptor agonist, Sarafotoxin 6C, significantly decreased ET-1 peptide levels. These data implicate the role of the ETb receptor in the clearance of the ET-1 peptide. Conclusion: ANG II-induced increases of ET-1 peptide appears to be mediated by reactive oxygen species derived from NAD(P)H oxidase. Both the ETA and ETB receptors are expressed in adventitial fibroblasts. The ETA receptor subtype mediates collagen I expression, while the ETB receptor may play a protective role through increasing the clearance of the ET- 1 peptide.
The new Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy programmes, based in the Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) are unique. The teaching and learning philosophies utilized are based on learner-centred and selfdirected learning theories. The 1991 admissions process of these programmes attempted to select individuals who would make highly qualified professionals and who would have the necessary skills to complete such unique programmes. In order to: 1 . learn more about the concept of self-directed learning and its related characteristics in health care professionals; 2. examine the relationship between various student characteristics - personal, learner and those assessed during the admissions process - and final course grades, and 3. determine which, if any, smdent characteristics could be considered predictors for success in learner-centred programmes requiring self-directed learning skills, a correlational research design was developed and carried out. Thirty Occupational Therapy and thirty Physiotherapy smdents were asked to complete 2 instruments - a questionnaire developed by the author and the Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory (Oddi, 1986). Course grades and ratings of students during the admissions process were also obtained. Both questionnaires were examined for reliability, and factor analyses were conducted to determine construct validity. Data obtained from the questionnaires, course grades and student ratings (from the admissions process) were analyzed and compared using the Contingency Co-efficient, the Pearson's product-moment correlation co-efficient, and the multiple regression analysis model. The research findings demonstrated a positive relationship (as identified by Contingency Coefficient or Pearson r values) between various course grades and the following personal and learner characteristics: field of smdy of highest level of education achieved, level of education achieved, sex, marital stams, motivation for completing the programmes, reasons for eru-oling in the programmes, decision to enrol in the programmes, employment history, preferred learning style, strong selfconcept and the identification of various components of the concept of self-directed learning. In most cases, the relationships were significant to the 0.01 or 0.(X)1 levels. Results of the multiple regression analyses demonstrated that several learner and admissions characteristic variables had R^ values that accounted for the largest proportion of the variance in several dependent variables. Thus, these variables could be considered predictors for success. The learner characteristics included: level of education and strong self-concept. The admissions characteristics included: ability to evaluate strengths, ability to give feedback, curiosity and creativity, and communication skills. It is recommended that research continue to be conducted to substantiate the relationships found between course grades and characteristic variables in more diverse populations. "Success in self-directed programmes" from the learner's perspective should also be investigated. The Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory should continue to be researched. Further research may lead to refinement or further development of the instrument, and may provide further insight into self-directed learner attributes. The concept of self-directed learning continues to be incorporated into educational programmes, and thus should continue to be explored.
This study was a secondary analysis of data drawn from the Youth Leisure Study. The purpose of the study was to: a) explore the relationships among physical activity, leisure boredom, and various substance use variables; b) determine if leisure boredom moderated the relationship among physical activity and substance use variables; and c) create a foundation of knowledge with which to educate adolescents and educators of the importance of adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle early in life (i.e., free from unhealthy behaviours such as substance use and physical inactivity). Studies examining relationships among physical activity and substance are limited and, in the past, have yielded inconsistent results. The interaction of leisure boredom with physical activity intensity variables, including both team and individual pursuits were tested using moderated hierarchical regression procedures. Six measures of physical activity were used as independent variables, including, frequency of high, medium, and low intensity individual and team physical activities. Various types of substance use, including, tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol use, binge drinking, and drunkenness were used as dependent variables. The results for this study indicated that frequency of physical activity intensity was a consistent, positive predictor of alcohol use and binge drinking, but not tobacco use, marijuana use, or drunkenness. Leisure boredom was found to be a highly significant predictor of tobacco use, however, it was not a moderator of relationships among physical activity intensity and substance use variables. The implications for the study findings, are discussed further, and suggestions for future research are presented.
A series of permanent line transects established on fourteen reefs on the eastern seaboard of the Gulf of Thailand were monitored through a three-year period (1995- 1998) using a video transect method. Hierarchical cluster analysis shows three distinctive reef community types dominated by 1) Porites, 2) Acropora and 3) zoantharians. The reefs are developed under naturally turbid conditions and relatively low salinity due to the proximity of four major river outlets located in the uppermost area of the gulf. The number of Acroporid species on the reefs is positively correlated with distance from the major flver outlets. Eighty-seven species of scleractinian coral were found on the transects. Over the three-year period, the comparison of 1995-97-98 matched stations using Repeated Measures ANOV A reveals no significant time-dependent change in percent area cover of reef components except for an overall significant reduction in the faviid coral component. In the 1997-98 matched station comparison, statistical tests reveal significant increases in both Acropora and Porites components that translated into an overall increase in total living coral cover. These findings indicate that the overall environmental conditions have been favorable for coral growth. Outcompetition of massive corals by faster growing corals on several reefs also indicates conditions favorable for reef expansion. Growth of newlyformed Porites colonies over primary rock substrate and dead coral skeleton was presumably responsible for its rapid increase. Although these reefs are in an area of rapid industrialization and population growth, resultant anthropogenic effects have not yet stopped active coral accretion.
A class of twenty-two grade one children was tested to determine their reading levels using the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Achievement Test. Based on these results and teacher input the students were paired according to reading ability. The students ages ranged from six years four months to seven years four months at the commencement of the study. Eleven children were assigned to the language experience group and their partners became the text group. Each member of the language experience group generated a list of eight to be learned words. The treatment consisted of exposing the student to a given word three times per session for ten sessions, over a period of five days. The dependent variables consisted of word identification speed, word identification accuracy, and word recognition accuracy. Each member of the text group followed the same procedure using his/her partner's list of words. Upon completion of this training, the entire process was repeated with members of the text group from the first part becoming members of the language experience group and vice versa. The results suggest that generally speaking language experience words are identified faster than text words but that there is no difference in the rate at which these words are learned. Language experience words may be identified faster because the auditory-semantic information is more readily available in them than in text words. The rate of learning in both types of words, however, may be dictated by the orthography of the to be learned word.
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of inadequate insulin action and consequent high blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetes accounts for the majority of cases of the disease and is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency resulting in metabolic deregulation. It is a complex disorder to treat as its pathogenesis is not fully understood and involves a variety of defects including ~-cell failure, insulin resistance in the classic target tissues (adipose, muscle, liver), as well as defects in a-cells and kidney, brain, and gastrointestinal tissue. Present oral treatments, which aim at mimicking the effects of insulin, remain limited in their efficacy and therefore the study of the effects of novel compounds on insulin target tissues is an important area of research both for potentially finding more treatment options as well as for increasing our knowledge of metabolic regulation in health and disease. In recent years the extensively studied polyphenol, resveratrol, has been reported to have antidiabetic effects showing that it increases glucose uptake by skeletal muscle cells and prevents fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in vitro and in vivo. Naringenin, a citrus flavonoid with structural similarities to resveratrol, is reported to have antioxidan.t, antiproliferative, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Effects on glucose and lipid metabolism have also been reported including blood glucose and lipid lowering effects. However, whether naringenin has insulinlike effects is not clear. In the present study the effects of naringenin on glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells are examined and compared with those of insulin. Naringenin treatment of L6 myotubes increased glucose uptake in a dose- and time dependent manner and independent of insulin. The effects of naringenin on glucose uptake achieved similar levels as seen with maximum insulin stimulation and its effect was additive with sub-maximal insulin treatment. Like insulin naringenin treatment did not increase glucose uptake in myoblasts. To elucidate the mechanism involved in naringenin action we looked at its effect on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt, two signalling molecules that are involved in the insulin signalling cascade leading to glucose uptake. Naringenin did not stimulate basal or insulinstimulated Akt phosphorylation but inhibition of PI3K by wortmannin partially repressed the naringenin-induced glucose uptake. We also examined naringenin's effect on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a molecule that is involved in mediating glucose uptake by a variety of stimuli. Naringenin stimulated AMPK phosphorylation and this effect was not inhibited by wortmannin. To deduce the nature of the naringenin-stimulated AMPK phosphorylation and its impact on glucose uptake we examined the role of several molecules implicated in mod.ulating AMPK activity including SIRTl, LKB 1, and ca2+ Icalmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK). Our results indicate that inhibition of SIRTI did not prevent the naringeninstimulated glucose uptake Of. AMPK phosphorylation; naringenin did not stimulate LKB 1 phosphorylation; and inhibition of CaMKK did not prevent naringeninstimulated glucose uptake. Inhibition of AMPK by compound C also did not prevent naringenin-stimulated glucose uptake but effectively inhibited the phosphorylation of AMPK suggesting that AMPK may not be required for the naringenin-stimulated glucose uptake.