109 resultados para Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist, 1850-1885.
em Brock University, Canada
Reprinted from the Buffalo Historical Society Publications.
The Niagara Parks Commission administrative headquarters are located in Oak Hall which is on the cliff above Dufferin Islands. In 1798 this land was granted by the crown to United Empire Loyalist James Skinner until 1898. A century later it was the home of the Clarks, Streets and Macklems. These families controlled the mills of Bridgewater which was a pioneer industrial village located at Dufferin Islands. Then, it was known as Clark Hill. Colonel Thomas Clark, commander of the Second Lincoln Militia in the War of 1812 is the earliest known occupant of the house. When Clark died in 1837, the house went to Thomas Clark Street who was the son of the Colonel’s partner. Mr. Street was a bachelor and his sister, widow of Dr. T.C. Macklem, managed his household. Mrs. Macklem had 2 sons. The eldest son drowned in the Niagara River at the age of 8 and the younger son, Sutherland became heir to the estate. Mr. Macklem opened Cynthia Islands and Cedar Island to the public and had roads built to reach them. Two suspension bridges connected them to the mainland and tolls were charged on the bridges. The improvements to the land cost Macklem $18,962. He called the bridges “Bridge Castor” and “Bridge Pollux”. There was also an office built at the end of Bridge Castor. Macklem also spent $454 fixing up the Burning Spring Building (the burning spring is enclosed in a barrel which collects gas and lets it out through a tube at the top). Macklem received a yearly income of $56,378.79 from tourists and visitors. In 1887 Cynthia Islands and Cedar Island were deeded to the crown and became part of Queen Victoria Park. The name Cynthia was changed to Dufferin in honour of Lord Dufferin. Sources: www.niagarafrontier.com/parks.html www.niagarafrontier.com/burningsprings.html
Indenture of mortgage between Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the town of Niagara and Thomas Sheppard Smyth of Stamford Township regarding Lot no.4 in the 3rd Concession of Dereham - instrument no. 2803, September 2, 1850.
Letter in which Thomas Bell informs S.D. Woodruff that he has the patent for Lot 30, Concession 2 in Enniskillen and he will hand it over himself, Aug. 10, 1850.
Professor of Computer Science and founding Chair of the Department of Computer Science.
The thermal decomposition of 2,3-di~ethy l - J-hydr operox y- 1 - butene , p r epared f rol") singl e t oxygen, has been studied i n three solvents over the tempe r a ture r ange from 1500e to l o00e and t!1e i 111 t ial ~oncentrfttl nn r Ange from O. 01 M to 0.2 M. Analys i s of the kine tic data ind ica te s i nduced homolysis as the n ost probRble mode of d e composition, g iving rise to a 3/2 f S order dependence upon hy d.roperoxide concent :r8.tl on . Experimental activation e nergies for the decomposition were f ound to be between 29.5 kcsl./raole and 30.0 k cal./mole .• \,iith log A factors between 11 . 3 and 12.3. Product studies were conducted in R variety of solvents a s well as in the pr esence of a variety of free r adical initiators . Investigation of the kinetic ch a in length indicated a chain length of about fifty. A degenerat i ve chain branching mechanism 1s proposed which predicts the multi t ude of products which Rre observed e xperimentally as well as giving activation energies and log A factors si~il a r to those found experimentally .
The one-electron reduced local energy function, t ~ , is introduced and has the property < tL)=(~>. It is suggested that the accuracy of SL reflects the local accuracy of an approximate wavefunction. We establish that <~~>~ <~2,> and present a bound formula, E~ , which is such that where Ew is Weinstein's lower bound formula to the ground state. The nature of the bound is not guaranteed but for sufficiently accurate wavefunctions it will yield a lower bound. ,-+ 1'S I I Applications to X LW Hz. and ne are presented.
Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
Report year irregular.
Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
Cover title.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Survey map and description of Thomas Ker's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Jacob I. Ball and Thomas Ker's land, line between Widow Ball and Thomas Ker's land, part of the land taken for hydraulic purposes is marked. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The survey for the land was signed and submitted August 23, 1826. An additional piece of land was surveyed on November 28, 1834 for 2 1/4 acres. The land was used by the Welland Canal Company for both canal and hydraulic purposes in lot no.10 in the 10th concession of Grantham.