7 resultados para Signalling molecules

em Brock University, Canada


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Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of inadequate insulin action and consequent high blood glucose levels. Type 2 diabetes accounts for the majority of cases of the disease and is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency resulting in metabolic deregulation. It is a complex disorder to treat as its pathogenesis is not fully understood and involves a variety of defects including ~-cell failure, insulin resistance in the classic target tissues (adipose, muscle, liver), as well as defects in a-cells and kidney, brain, and gastrointestinal tissue. Present oral treatments, which aim at mimicking the effects of insulin, remain limited in their efficacy and therefore the study of the effects of novel compounds on insulin target tissues is an important area of research both for potentially finding more treatment options as well as for increasing our knowledge of metabolic regulation in health and disease. In recent years the extensively studied polyphenol, resveratrol, has been reported to have antidiabetic effects showing that it increases glucose uptake by skeletal muscle cells and prevents fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in vitro and in vivo. Naringenin, a citrus flavonoid with structural similarities to resveratrol, is reported to have antioxidan.t, antiproliferative, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Effects on glucose and lipid metabolism have also been reported including blood glucose and lipid lowering effects. However, whether naringenin has insulinlike effects is not clear. In the present study the effects of naringenin on glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells are examined and compared with those of insulin. Naringenin treatment of L6 myotubes increased glucose uptake in a dose- and time dependent manner and independent of insulin. The effects of naringenin on glucose uptake achieved similar levels as seen with maximum insulin stimulation and its effect was additive with sub-maximal insulin treatment. Like insulin naringenin treatment did not increase glucose uptake in myoblasts. To elucidate the mechanism involved in naringenin action we looked at its effect on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Akt, two signalling molecules that are involved in the insulin signalling cascade leading to glucose uptake. Naringenin did not stimulate basal or insulinstimulated Akt phosphorylation but inhibition of PI3K by wortmannin partially repressed the naringenin-induced glucose uptake. We also examined naringenin's effect on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a molecule that is involved in mediating glucose uptake by a variety of stimuli. Naringenin stimulated AMPK phosphorylation and this effect was not inhibited by wortmannin. To deduce the nature of the naringenin-stimulated AMPK phosphorylation and its impact on glucose uptake we examined the role of several molecules implicated in mod.ulating AMPK activity including SIRTl, LKB 1, and ca2+ Icalmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK). Our results indicate that inhibition of SIRTI did not prevent the naringeninstimulated glucose uptake Of. AMPK phosphorylation; naringenin did not stimulate LKB 1 phosphorylation; and inhibition of CaMKK did not prevent naringeninstimulated glucose uptake. Inhibition of AMPK by compound C also did not prevent naringenin-stimulated glucose uptake but effectively inhibited the phosphorylation of AMPK suggesting that AMPK may not be required for the naringenin-stimulated glucose uptake.


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The capacity for all living cells to sense and interact with their environment is a necessity for life. In highly evolved, eukaryotic species, like humans, signalling mechanisms are necessary to regulate the function and survival of all cells in the organism. Synchronizing systemic signalling systems at the cellular, organ and whole-organism level is a formidable task, and for most species requires a large number of signalling molecules and their receptors. One of the major types of signalling molecules used throughout the animal kingdom are modulatory substances (e.x. hormones and peptides). Modulators can act as chemical transmitters, facilitating communication at chemical synapses. There are hundreds of circulating modulators within the mammalian system, but the reason for so many remains a mystery. Recent work with the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster demonstrated the capacity for peptides to modulate synaptic transmission in a neuron-specific manner, suggesting that peptides are not simply redundant, but rather may have highly specific roles. Thus, the diversity of peptides may reflect cell-specific functions. The main objective of my doctoral thesis was to examine the extent to which neuromodulator substances and their receptors modulate synaptic transmission at a cell-specific level using D. melanogaster. Using three different modulatory substances, i) octopamine - a biogenic amine released from motor neuron terminals, ii) DPKQDFMRFa - a neuropeptide secreted into circulation, and iii) Proctolin - a pentapeptide released both from motor neuron terminals and into circulation, I was able to investigate not only the capacity of these various substances to work in a cell-selective manner, but also examine the different mechanisms of action and how modulatory substances work in concert to execute systemic functionality . The results support the idea that modulatory substances act in a circuit-selective manner in the central nervous system and in the periphery in order to coordinate and synchronize physiologically and behaviourally relevant outputs. The findings contribute as to why the nervous system encodes so many modulatory substances.


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TITLE: The normal co-ordinate analysis, vibrational spectra and theoretical infrared intensities of some thiocarbonyl halides. AUTHOR: J. L. Brema SUPERVISOR: Dr. D. C. Moule NUMBER OF PAGES: 89 ABSTRACT: The vibrational assignment of the five-in-plane fundamental modes of CSClBr has been made on the basis of infrared gas phase and liquid Raman spectral analyses to supplement our earlier vibrational studies. Even though the one out-of-plane fundamental was not observed spectroscopically an attempt has been made to predict its frequency. The vibrational spectra contained impurity bands and the CSClBr assignment was made only after a thorough analysis of the impurities themselves. A normal co-ordinate analysis calculation was performed assuming a Urey-Bradley force field. This calculation yielded the fundamental frequencies in good agreement with those observed after refinement of the originally transferred force constants. The theoretical frequencies are the eigenvalues of the secular equation and the calculation also gave the corresponding eigenvectors in the form of the very important LLj matrix. The [l] matrix is the transfoirmation between internal co-ordinates and normal co-ordinates and it is essential for Franck-Condon calculations on electronically excited molecules and for infrared Integrated band intensity studies. Using a self-consistent molecular orbital calculation termed "complete neglect of differential overlap" (CNDO/2) , theoretical values of equilibrium bond lengths and angleswere calcuted for a series of carbonyl and thlocarbonyl molecules. From these calculations valence force field force constants were also determined but with limited success. With the CNIX)/2 method theoretical dipole moment derivatives with respect to symmetrized internal co-ordinates were calculated and the results should be useful in a correlation with experimentally determined values.


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Calculations are performed on the \S <:Jd ground states of d ' + the H and HC) molecules using a basis set of non-integral ~ ~ I elliptical orbitals. Different variational wavefunctions constructed i- for H~ involved one parameter to three par~~eter variation. In order to l"'educe the ntunber of parameters in most commonly 0- used basis orbitals set, the importance of the term (,+~) Y\ over the term ;u 'Where n is a variational pararneter and the value of cr may be given by boundary condition or cusp condition is outlined in Chapters II and III. It is found that the two parameter -+


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Neuropeptides are the largest group of signalling chemicals that can convey the information from the brain to the cells of all tissues. DPKQDFMRFamide, a member of one of the largest families of neuropeptides, FMRFamide-like peptides, has modulatory effects on nerve-evoked contractions of Drosophila body wall muscles (Hewes et aI.,1998) which are at least in part mediated by the ability of the peptide to enhance neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic terminal (Hewes et aI., 1998, Dunn & Mercier., 2005). However, DPKQDFMRFamide is also able to act directly on Drosophila body wall muscles by inducing contractions which require the influx of extracellular Ca 2+ (Clark et aI., 2008). The present study was aimed at identifying which proteins, including the membrane-bound receptor and second messenger molecules, are involved in mechanisms mediating this myotropic effect of the peptide. DPKQDFMRFamide induced contractions were reduced by 70% and 90%, respectively, in larvae in which FMRFamide G-protein coupled receptor gene (CG2114) was silenced either ubiquitously or specifically in muscle tissue, when compared to the response of the control larvae in which the expression of the same gene was not manipulated. Using an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method, it was determined that at concentrations of 1 ~M- 0.01 ~M, the peptide failed to increase cAMP and cGMP levels in Drosophila body wall muscles. In addition, the physiological effect of DPKQDFMRFamide at a threshold dose was not potentiated by 3-lsobutyl-1-methylxanthine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, nor was the response to 1 ~M peptide blocked or reduced by inhibitors of cAMP-dependent or cGMP-dependent protein kinases. The response to DPKQDFMRFamide was not affected in the mutants of the phosholipase C-~ (PLC~) gene (norpA larvae) or IP3 receptor mutants, which suggested that the PLC-IP3 pathway is not involved in mediat ing the peptide's effects. Alatransgenic flies lacking activity of calcium/calmodul in-dependent protein kinase (CamKII showed an increase in muscle tonus following the application of 1 JlM DPKQDFMRFamide similar to the control larvae. Heat shock treatment potentiated the response to DPKQDFMRFamide in both ala1 and control flies by approximately 150 and 100 % from a non heat-shocked larvae, respectively. Furthermore, a CaMKII inhibitor, KN-93, did not affect the ability of peptide to increase muscle tonus. Thus, al though DPKQDFMRFamide acts through a G-protein coupled FMRFamide receptor, it does not appear to act via cAMP, cGMP, IP3, PLC or CaMKl1. The mechanism through which the FMRFamide receptor acts remains to be determined.


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The newt, Notopthalmus viridescens is one of the few tet rapod vertebrates capable of extensive regeneration of the central nervous system, however, the factors involved in this process are still unknown. Chemokine signalling through the receptor CXCR4, has been found to be involved in the development of the central nervous system of mammals and more recently in epimorphic fin regeneration in zebrafish. We have hypothesized that the CXCR4 signalling pathway is involved in spinal cord and tail regeneration in the adul t newt , possibly as a downstream target of retinoic acid signalling. We found that CXCR4 mRNA expression was observed in the brain, spinal cord, heart, gut, liver and regenerating tail blastemas. CXCR4 expression increased over the f i rst 12 days of tail regeneration and returned to basal expression levels at day 21 of regeneration. Inhibition of CXCR4 wi th AMD3100, a specific receptor antagonist, led to a decrease in CXCR4 mRNA in the regenerating tail 14 days post amputation. Histological analysis suggests a delay in the early stages of tail and spinal cord regeneration. Spinal cord explants t reated wi th CXCL12, the ligand to CXCR4, displayed enhanced neurite outgrowth in vitro. Explants t reated wi th AMD3100 abolished any retinoic acid enhanced neurite outgrowth effects suggesting a link between these signalling pathways.


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The vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid (RA), is known to play a crucial role in several developmental processes including axial patterning and differentiation. More recently, RA has been implicated in the regenerative process acting through its classical signaling pathway, the nuclear receptors, retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR), to mediate gene transcription. Moreover, RA has been shown to act as a guidance molecule for growth cones of regenerating motorneurons of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Our lab has recently shown that RA can induce this morphological response independent of nuclear transcription, however, the role of the retinoid receptors in RA-induced chemoattraction is still unknown. Here, I show that the retinoid receptors, RXR and RAR, may mediate the growth cones response to the metabolically active retinoic acid isomers, all-trans and 9-cis RA, in Lymnaea stagnalis. Data presented here show that both an RXR and RAR antagonist can block growth cone turning in response to application of both isomers. Because no prior investigations have shown growth cone turning of individual vertebrate neurons, I aimed to show that both retinoic acid isomers were capable of inducing growth cone turning of embryonic spinal cord neurons in the frog, Xenopus laevis. For the first time in Xenopus, I showed that both all-trans and 9-cis RA were able to induce significantly more neurite outgrowth from cultured embryonic spinal cord neurons and induce positive growth cone turning of individual growth cones. In addition, I showed that the presence of the RXR antagonist, HX531, blocked 9-cis RA-induced growth cone turning and the RARβ antagonist, LE135, blocked all-trans RA-induced growth cone turning in this species. Evidence provided here shows for the first time, conservation of retinoic acid-induced growth cone turning in a vertebrate model system. In addition, these data show that the receptors involved in this morphological response may be the same in vertebrates and invertebrates.